scholarly journals Third Epidemiological Analysis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in the Central Region of Japan from 2006 to 2015

Cancers ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 1180
Masafumi Kanno ◽  
Norihiko Narita ◽  
Yasushi Fujimoto ◽  
Naohiro Wakisaka ◽  
Tomokazu Yoshizaki ◽  

The present study aimed to clarify the incidence and clinical outcomes of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) in the Chubu region of Japan from 2006 to 2015, compared with previous reports. A retrospective analysis was conducted based on medical records from 40 hospitals located in the Chubu region in the central Japanese main island, with a population of around 22.66 million individuals. This study was designed in line with to two previous clinical studies into NPC conducted in the same area of Japan. We recruited NPC patients diagnosed in hospitals across this area over a 10-year period (2006–2015) using a questionnaire about sex, age, primary site, clinical symptoms, pathology, Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) staging, serological exam, treatment, and survival. A total of 620 NPC patients were identified. The age-standardized incidence of NPC from 2006 to 2015 was 0.27 per 100,000 individuals per year. There were no significant differences between this study and the previous two studies conducted in the same area of Japan. The five-year overall survival rate for all patients was 75.9%, while those for patients with stages I, II, III, and IVA were 97%, 91%, 79%, and 68%, respectively. The age-standardized annual incidence of NPC in the present study was 0.27 per 100,000 individuals per year, which was relatively low and stable. The five-year overall survival rate for all NPC patients was significantly improved in this decade compared with previous studies. The smoking rates in male and female NPC patients were 64.5% and 18.8%, respectively, thereby suggesting the involvement of smoking in the incidence of NPC.

2018 ◽  
Vol 36 (14) ◽  
pp. 1412-1418 ◽  
Brigette B.Y. Ma ◽  
Wan-Teck Lim ◽  
Boon-Cher Goh ◽  
Edwin P. Hui ◽  
Kwok-Wai Lo ◽  

Purpose This multinational study evaluated the antitumor activity of nivolumab in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Tumor and plasma-based biomarkers were investigated in an exploratory analysis. Patients and Methods Patients with multiply pretreated recurrent or metastatic NPC were treated with nivolumab until disease progression. The primary end point was objective response rate (ORR) and secondary end points included survival and toxicity. The expression of programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) and human leukocyte antigens A and B in archived tumors and plasma clearance of Epstein-Barr virus DNA were correlated with ORR and survival. Results A total of 44 patients were evaluated and the overall ORR was 20.5% (complete response, n = 1; partial response, n = 8). Nine patients received nivolumab for > 12 months (20%). The 1-year overall survival rate was 59% (95% CI, 44.3% to 78.5%) and 1-year progression-free survival (PFS) rate was 19.3% (95% CI, 10.1% to 37.2%). There was no statistical correlation between ORR and the biomarkers; however, a descriptive analysis showed that the proportion of patients who responded was higher among those with PD-L1 positive tumors (> 1% expression) than those with PD-L1-negative tumors. The loss of expression of one or both human leukocyte antigen class 1 proteins was associated with better PFS than when both proteins were expressed (1-year PFS, 30.9% v 5.6%; log-rank P = .01). There was no association between survival and PD-L1 expression or plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA clearance. There was no unexpected toxicity to nivolumab. Conclusion Nivolumab has promising activity in NPC and the 1-year overall survival rate compares favorably with historic data in similar populations. Additional evaluation in a randomized setting is warranted. The biomarker results were hypothesis generating and validation in larger cohorts is needed.

1999 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 1212-1212 ◽  
M. C. Baranzelli ◽  
A. Kramar ◽  
E. Bouffet ◽  
E. Quintana ◽  
H. Rubie ◽  

PURPOSE: Prognostic factors were studied in children older than 1 year who were treated with chemotherapy for extracranial localized malignant non seminomatous germ cell tumors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Data from two consecutive protocols were pooled. The TGM 85 (1985-1989) protocol consisted of alternating courses of cyclophosphamide, dactinomycin and vinblastine, bleomycin, and cisplatin at a dose of 100 mg/m2 per course. The TGM 90 (1990-1994) protocol was initiated with carboplatin 400 mg/m2 substituted for cisplatin as the only modification to the previous protocol. RESULTS: We examined alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels, disease stage, and primary site and identified three prognostic groups. Patients with a poor prognosis had either an AFP level ≥ 10,000 ng/mL or stage III disease and a sacrococcygeal or mediastinal primary site; such patients represented 46% of the patient population and experienced a 43% 3-year failure-free survival rate and a 77% overall survival rate. Patients with a good prognosis had an AFP level less than 10,000 ng/mL, stage I or II disease, and a testicular, ovarian, perineal, or retroperitoneal primary site; such patients represented 22% of the patient population and experienced no treatment failures. The other patients were classified in the intermediate prognosis group and represented 37% of the patient population, with an 81% 3-year failure-free survival rate and a 92% overall survival rate. CONCLUSION: Initial AFP level, disease stage, and primary site are the most important prognostic factors in this analysis. Prognostic models for pediatric germ cell tumors should allow the stratification of patients for a risk-adapted approach to treatment.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
Naoyoshi Yamamoto ◽  
Mio Nakajima ◽  
Hirohiko Tsujii ◽  
Tadashi Kamada

The clinical results after carbon ion radiotherapy for the metastatic lung tumors believed to be in the state of oligo-recurrence were evaluated. One hundred and sixteen lesions in 91 patients with lung cancer metastasis were treated with carbon ion radiotherapy at our institute from April 1997 to February 2011. Regarding the prescribed dose, total dose ranged between 40 gray equivalents (GyE) and 80 GyE, and fraction size ranged from 1 to 16 fractions. After a median followup period of 2.3 years (range, 0.3–13.1 years), the statistical overall survival rate and local control rate were 71.2% and 91.9% at 2 years after treatment, respectively. Treatment-related side effects were not a clinical problem. When classified by the primary organ, there were 49 cases of lung cancer, 20 cases of colorectal cancer, and 22 cases of others. The overall survival rate and local control rate for lung metastasis cases from lung cancer at 2 years after treatment were 81.5% and 92.4%, respectively, and 65.0% and 92.0% regarding lung metastasis from colorectal cancer. Carbon ion beam therapy for the metastatic lung tumors is a safe therapy, and the therapeutic effect is comparable to the outcome obtained from reported surgical resections.

M.V. Markovtseva ◽  
E.N. Zgural'skaya

The generally accepted staging for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) suggested by K. Rai and J. Binet allows calculating the median survival depending on the size of the tumor mass. However, in real clinical practice, the overall survival rate may differ significantly from the calculated median. Thus, the search for parameters affecting the overall survival rate of CLL patients is really relevant. The aim of the study was to assess general clinical parameters as predictors of survival in CLL patients. Materials and Methods. The authors examined 60 CLL men (stages A–C according to Binet) with known overall survival rate. Data mining was used to identify significant factors affecting the overall survival in such patients. Patients were divided into two non-overlapping classes: K1 (actual survival was less than the predicted median survival) and K2 (actual survival was more or equal to the predicted median survival). Results. The most significant differences between the classes were obtained for glomerular filtration rate. If the parameter value is more than 76.5 ml/min/1.73 m2, we can say that the patient will overcome the median survival for the corresponding CLL stage according to Binet. Otherwise, the overall survival of a CLL patient will be less than the estimated one. Conclusion. If during diagnosing glomerular filtration rate of a CLL patient is more than 76.5 ml/min/1.73 m2, it can be considered as a predictor of overcoming the median survival according to Binet. The results of the studies obtained are patented. Patent RU 2725877 C1, July 7, 2020. Keywords: overall survival in CLL patients, men, glomerular filtration rate, data mining. Общепризнанные системы стадирования хронического лимфолейкоза (ХЛЛ) К. Rai и J. Binet позволяют рассчитать медиану выживаемости пациента в зависимости от величины опухолевой массы. Однако в реальной клинической практике параметр общей выживаемости пациента может значимо отличаться от расчетной медианы. Ввиду этого поиск параметров, влияющих на показатель общей выживаемости пациентов с ХЛЛ, представляет особую актуальность. Цель исследования – оценить возможность использования общеклинических параметров в качестве предикторов выживаемости больных ХЛЛ. Материалы и методы. Ретроспективно проанализированы данные 60 мужчин с ХЛЛ стадии A–C по Binet c известной общей выживаемостью. Для выявления значимых факторов, влияющих на общую выживаемость пациентов, использовали метод интеллектуального анализа данных. Пациенты были разделены на два непересекающихся класса: K1 (фактическая выживаемость меньше прогнозируемой медианы выживаемости) и K2 (фактическая выживаемость больше или равна прогнозируемой медиане выживаемости). Результаты. Наиболее значимые различия между классами были получены по показателю скорости клубочковой фильтрации. При значении параметра более 76,5 мл/мин/1,73 м2 можно говорить о том, что пациент преодолеет расчетные данные медианы выживаемости для соответствующей стадии ХЛЛ по Binet. В противном случае общая выживаемость пациента ХЛЛ будет меньше расчетной. Выводы. Наличие у пациента с ХЛЛ на момент постановки диагноза скорости клубочковой фильтрации более 76,5 мл/мин/1,73 м2 можно рассматривать в качестве предиктора преодоления расчетного параметра медианы выживаемости по Binet. Результаты полученных исследований запатентованы. Патент RU 2725877 C1 от 7.07.2020. Ключевые слова: общая выживаемость при ХЛЛ, мужчины, скорость клубочковой фильтрации, интеллектуальный анализ данных.

1998 ◽  
Vol 107 (8) ◽  
pp. 680-688 ◽  
Petra Ambrosch ◽  
Martina Kron ◽  
Wolfgang Steiner

Forty-eight untreated patients with early supraglottic carcinoma (12 patients stage I and 36 patients stage II) had primary carbon dioxide laser microsurgery between 1979 and 1994 with the intent of complete tumor removal with preservation of functionally important structures of the larynx. Ninety-six percent of the patients were treated exclusively by surgery; 4% had laser microsurgery and postoperative radiotherapy. With a median follow-up of 55 months, the 5-year local control rate with the first treatment was 100% for pT1 cases and 89% for pT2 cases. The ultimate local control rate with voice preservation, including patients successfully salvaged after a local recurrence, was 97% for pT2 carcinomas. Five (10%) patients died of tumor (TNM)–related deaths. The 3-year recurrence-free rate and 3-year overall survival rate (Kaplan-Meier) were 87% and 85%; the 5-year recurrence-free rate and 5-year overall survival rate were 83% and 76%, respectively. The results achieved with transoral laser microsurgery in early supraglottic carcinoma are comparable to those of open supraglottic laryngectomy with respect to local control and survival. The functional results are superior, since clinically relevant aspiration did not occur.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (04) ◽  
pp. 219-223
Niharika Darasani

BACKGROUND Single modality treatment for stage I and stage II squamous cell carcinomas of glottis region gave excellent results. Since a long time these are treated either with definitive radiation therapy or surgical excision with endoscopes. There was not much difference with regard to voice preservation, local recurrence and disease-free survival period. Our aim was to study the clinical presentation and management protocol of glottis carcinoma in a tertiary hospital and observe the final outcome of stage II (T2N0M0) glottis carcinoma and specific factor for survival in patients treated with surgery, radiotherapy and concurrent chemoradiation. METHODS 43 patients of glottis carcinoma stage II (T2N0M0) attending a tertiary teaching hospital between May 2015 and April 2017 were included in the study. Demography and smoking status of subjects were recorded. Staging of the disease was according to American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Staging System 7th edition. Paraglottic space infiltration was taken as a criteria to upgrade the staging. The overall survival rate, recurrence free survival, disease specific survival rate and laryngeal function preservation rate were calculated. RESULTS Out of 43 patients, males were 90.69 % and 09.30 % were females. Male to female ratio was 10.57 : 1. Mean age was 58.62 ± 2.35 years. 67.44 % were current smokers, 27.90 % were former smokers and 02.32 % were non-smokers. The overall survival scores and disease specific survival was 100 % with 11.62 % locoregional recurrences. The voice preservation was 86.04 %. Radiotherapy was used in 72.09 %, chemoradiation in 18.60 % patients and 11.62 % patients underwent surgery. 11.62 % patients presented with locoregional recurrence during 24 months of follow up. 02.32 % patients had to undergo tracheostomy. CONCLUSIONS The overall survival scores and disease specific survival were 100 % with 11.62 % loco-regional recurrence. Voice preservation was 86.04 %. Proactive prevention rather than escalation of treatment protocol gives better prognosis. KEYWORDS Glottis, Larynx, Supra Glottis, Sub Glottis, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Chemo Radiation and Trans Oral Laryngeal Surgeries

Liver Cancer ◽  
2021 ◽  
Jinli Zheng ◽  
Wei Xie ◽  
Yunfeng Zhu ◽  
Li Jiang

Hepatectomy is still as the first-line treatment for the early stage HCC, but the complication rate is higher than p-RFA and the overall survival rate is comparable in these two treatments. Therefore, the patients with small single nodular HCCs could get more benefit from p-RFA, and we need to do further research about p-RFA.

2021 ◽  
kangming zhu ◽  
yvndi zhang ◽  
hui yvan ◽  
jing li

Abstract BackgroundLiver hepatocellular carcinoma (LIHC) is an important pathological type of liver cancer. The immune infiltration of the tumor microenvironment is negatively correlated with the overall survival rate of LIHC. At present , the role and molecular mechanism of KPNA2 in LIHC have not been elucidated, and the prognostic correlation between the two and the immune infiltration of LIHC are still unclear. Our study evaluated the role of KPNA2 in LIHC through TCGA data.MethodGene expression profiling interactive analysis (GEPIA) is used to analyze the expression of KPNA2 in LIHC. We evaluated the impact of KPNA2 on the survival of LIHC patients through the survival module. Then, We downloaded the LIHC data set from TCGA. Logistic regression was used to analyze the correlation between clinical information and KPNA2 expression. Cox regression analysis was used to analyze the clinicopathological characteristics related to the overall survival rate of TCGA patients. In addition, we used the "correlation" modules of CIBERSORT and GEPIA to explore the correlation between KPNA2 and cancer immune infiltrate. Western blotting was used to detect the expression of KPNA2.ResultUsing logistic regression for univariate analysis, increased KPNA2 expression was significantly correlated with pathological stage, tumor status, and lymph node status. In addition, multivariate analysis showed that down-regulation of KPNA2 expression, negative pathological stage and distant metastasis are independent prognostic factors for good prognosis. Specifically, CIBERSORT analysis was used to establish a negative correlation between the up-regulated expression of KPNA2 and the level of immune infiltration of B cells, NK cells, mast cells, and T cells. In addition, we confirmed this in the "Association" module of GEPIA. The expression of KPNA2 in LIHC tissues was significantly lower than that in adjacent normal tissues by western blotting.ConclusionThe down-regulation of KPNA2 expression is associated with a good prognosis and an increase in the proportion of immune cells in LIHC. These conclusions indicate that KPNA2 is related to the level of immune infiltration of LIHC and can be used as a potential prognostic biomarker of LIHC and a potential target for clinical tumor treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
Qi Zhang ◽  
Yinxin Wu ◽  
Jinlan Chen ◽  
Yuxuan Cai ◽  
Bei Wang ◽  

Background: MBNL1, a protein encoded by q25 gene on chromosome 3, belongs to the tissue-specific RNA metabolic regulation family, which controls RNA splicing.[1]MBNL1 formed in the process of development drive large transcriptomic changes in cell differentiation,[2] it serves as a kind of tumor differentiation inhibitory factor.MBNL1 has a close relationship with cancer, comprehensive analysis, [3]found that breast cancer, leukemia, stomach cancer, esophageal adenocarcinoma, glial cell carcinoma and another common tumor in the cut, and cut in Huntington's disease. But MBNL1 plays a promoting role in cervical cancer, is contradictory in colorectal cancer, It promotes colorectal cancer cell proliferation, On the other hand, it inhibits its metastasis, so it is an important physiological marker in many cancers. When we integrated the role of MBNL1 protein in various tumors, we found that its antisense RNA, MBNL1-AS1, had a good inhibitory effect in several colorectal cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, and gastric cancer. Objective: To elucidate the expression of MBNL1 and MBNL1-AS1 in various tumors, and to search for their physiological markers. Methods: It was searched by the PUMUB system and summarized its expression in various cancers. Results: MBNL1 was down-regulated, leukemia, breast cancer, glioblastoma, gastric cancer, overall survival rate, recurrence, metastasis increased. While the metastasis of colon cancer decreased, proliferation was promoted, and the effect of both was promoted for cervical cancer.MBNL1-AS1 was down-regulated, and the overall survival rate, recurrence, and metastasis of lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and bladder cancer increased. Conclusion: MBNL1 may be an important regulator of cancer, and MBNL1-AS1 is a better tumor suppressor.

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