scholarly journals Suspended Sediment Variability at the Solimões and Negro Confluence between May 2013 and February 2014

Geosciences ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (7) ◽  
pp. 265 ◽  
Thiago Marinho ◽  
Naziano Filizola ◽  
Jean-Michel Martinez ◽  
Elisa Armijos ◽  
André Nascimento

This study focuses on the confluence of two major rivers of the world, the Solimões River (white waters) and Negro River (black waters). Surface suspended sediment samples (SSC) and spectroradiometer taken along transverse profiles at 500 m intervals over a distance of 10 km, as well as satellite images (MODIS) during the hydrological year, were used to follow suspended sediment variability. In January and February, the confluence is dominated by white waters from the Solimões River in the two banks, and in June and July in the right bank by black waters from the Negro River and in the left bank by clear waters from the Solimões River. We found that indirect tools, such as reflectance obtained by spectrometer or MODIS images, can be used to determine surface suspended sediments in a contrasting zone.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1073 ◽  
Rogério Ribeiro Marinho ◽  
Naziano Pantoja Filizola Junior ◽  
Édipo Henrique Cremon

This article analyzes the flows of water and total suspended sediment in different reaches in the lower course of the Negro River, the largest fluvial blackwater system in the world. The area under study is the Anavilhanas Archipelago, which is a complex multichannel reach on the Negro River. Between the years 2016 and 2019, data about water discharge, velocity, and concentration of total suspended solids (TSS) were acquired in sample sections of the Negro River channels located upstream, inside, and downstream of the Anavilhanas Archipelago. In the study area, the Negro River drains an area greater than 700,000 km2, and the mean water discharge observed before the Anavilhanas was about 28.655 m3·s−1, of which 97% flows through two channels of the Archipelago close to the right and left banks. The mean TSS concentration of the Negro River upstream and downstream the Archipelago was 3.28 mg·L−1 and 1.63 mg·L−1, respectively. Within the Archipelago, we observed more TSS in the channel on the left bank of the Negro River (mean of 4.50 mg·L−1). The total suspended sediment discharge of the Negro River before (3.14 Mt·year−1) and after (1.43 Mt·year−1) the Anavilhanas Archipelago indicates a 55% retention of the suspended load due to the low water slope and reduced flow velocity caused by the backwater effect of Solimões River on the Negro River. The hydro-sedimentary scenario of the low course of the Negro River characterized in this study indicates a slow and continuous sedimentation process in the Anavilhanas Archipelago. The results presented will serve as a baseline to assess the impacts of the dams on the Branco River, the main tributary for both water and sediment in the Negro River basin.

2009 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-51 ◽  
Tatiana Vieira ◽  
Marcela Oliveira ◽  
Helder Queiroz ◽  
João Valsecchi

Populations of two forms of uacaries, red and white, are found at the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve (MSDR). Ayres (1986) notes that two skins of red uacaries were brought to Tefé (Amazonas state) from Auati-Paraná area, northern bank of Solimões river, inside the known geographical distribution of white uacaries, suggesting that a zone of contact between these two forms. The objective of this study was to gather information on the distribution of C. calvus at MSDR, both with interviews and direct observation. Parallel transects for active search were made at sites indicated by the inhabitants of the local communities. Nine communities confirmed the presence of white uacaries, while red uacaries were confirmed at seven communities. A small area of complete absence of the species was reported between Auati-paraná channel and Japurá river. A zone of contact between the two forms was indicated at Paraná do Aiupiá. For direct observation of the animals, 82.5 km were covered along Aiupiá channel, where white uacaries were observed in seven occasions, all at the right bank. Red uacaries were also spoted seven times, at the left bank. Further investigations at this area are being conducted in order to define the peripatry of both taxa, with big consequences to the conservation of the species.

Liquidity ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Andilo Tohom

Indonesia is one of many countries in the world so called resource-rich country. Natural resources abundance needs to be managed in the right way in order to avoid dutch diseases and resources curses. These two phenomena generally happened in the country, which has abundant natural resources. Learned from Norwegian experiences, Indonesian Government need to focus its policy to prevent rent seeking activities. The literature study presented in this paper is aimed to provide important insight for government entities in focusing their policies and programs to avoid resources curse. From the internal audit perspective, this study is expected to improve internal audit’s role in assurance and consulting.


Prince Henri d'Orleans, precluded by French law from serving his country in the profession of arms, had his attention turned early towards exploration. In 1889, accompanied by the experienced traveller Gabriel Bonvalet, he set out from Paris to reach Indo-China overland by way of Central Asia, Tibet and western and south western China. The journey made contributions in the problems of the whereabouts of Lap Nor and the configuration of the then unexplored northern plateau of Tibet; and in botany it produced some species new to science. The party reached Indo-China in 1890. In 1895, having organised an expedition better equipped for topographical survey and for investigations in the fields of natural history and ethnography, Prince Henri set out from Hanoi with the intention of exploring the Mekong through the Chinese province of Yunnan. After proceeding up the left bank of the Salween for a brief part of its course and then alternating between the right and left banks of the Mekong as far up as Tzeku, the party found it advisable to enter Tibet in a north westerly direction through the province of Chamdo and instead crossed the south eastern extremity of the country, the Zayul, by a difficult track which led them to the country of the Hkamti Shans in present day Upper Burma, and thence to India completing a journey of 2000 miles, "1500 of which had been previously untrodden" (Prince Henri). West of the Mekong, the journey established that the Salween, which some geographers had claimed took its rise in or near north western Yunnan, in fact rose well north in Tibet, and that, contrary to previous opinions, the principal headwater of the Irrawaddy rose no further north than latitude 28°30'. Botanical collections were confined to Yunnan, where the tracks permitted mule transport, and they produced a number of species new to science and extended the range of distribution of species already known.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-71
Devi Yusvitasari

A country needs to make contact with each other based on the national interests of each country related to each other, including among others economic, social, cultural, legal, political, and so on. With constant and continuous association between the nations of the world, it is one of the conditions for the existence of the international community. One form of cooperation between countries in the world is in the form of international relations by placing diplomatic representation in various countries. These representatives have diplomatic immunity and diplomatic immunity privileges that are in accordance with the jurisdiction of the recipient country and civil and criminal immunity for witnesses. The writing of the article entitled "The Application of the Principle of Non-Grata Persona to the Ambassador Judging from the Perspective of International Law" describes how the law on the abuse of diplomatic immunity, how a country's actions against abuse of diplomatic immunity and how to analyze a case of abuse of diplomatic immunity. To answer the problem used normative juridical methods through the use of secondary data, such as books, laws, and research results related to this research topic. Based on the results of the study explained that cases of violations of diplomatic relations related to the personal immunity of diplomatic officials such as cases such as cases of persecution by the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Indonesian Workers in Germany are of serious concern. The existence of diplomatic immunity is considered as protection so that perpetrators are not punished. Actions against the abuse of recipient countries of diplomatic immunity may expel or non-grata persona to diplomatic officials, which is stipulated in the Vienna Convention in 1961, because of the right of immunity attached to each diplomatic representative.

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 463-466

A river flows serenely accepting all the miseries and happiness that it comes across its journey. A tree releases oxygen for human beings despite its inner plights. The sun is never tired of its duty and gives sunlight without any interruption. Why are all these elements of nature so tuned to? Education is knowledge. Knowledge comes from learning. Learning happens through experience. Familiarity is the master of life that shapes the individual. Every individual learns from nature. Nature teaches how to sustain, withdraw and advocate the prevailing situations. Some dwell into the deep realities of nature and nurture as ideal human beings. Life is a puzzle. How to solve it is a million dollar question that can never be answered so easily. The perception of life changes from individual to individual making them either physically powerful or feeble. Society is not made of only individuals. Along with individuals it has nature, emotions, spiritual powers and superstitious beliefs which bind them. Among them the most crucial and alarming is the emotions which are interrelated to others. Alone the emotional intelligence is going to guide the life of an individual. For everyone there is an inner self which makes them conscious of their deeds. The guiding force should always force the individual to choose the right path.  Writers are the powerful people who have rightly guided the society through their ingenious pen outs.  The present article is going to focus on how the major elements bound together are dominating the individual’s self through Rabindranath Tagore’s Home and the World (1916)

2018 ◽  
Fabian Beeckman ◽  
Hans Motte ◽  
Tom Beeckman

In current forensic medicine practice, the need for the development of new, scientifically based approaches and methods of forensic medical identification is still very important. The number of left-handed people in the world varies from 5 to 30 %, and it can be useful in forensic practice. The possibility of establishing a dominating hand based on the intensity of dental caries (CFE - CARIES-FILLIN-EXTRACTION index) was studied. Taking into consideration the intensity of caries damage to the teeth on the right and left sides of right-handed, left-handed and ambidextras people, we offered and calculated the CFE difference index: «CFE on the right – CFE on the left». Significant differences in the CFE indexes can help to determine what hand has been predominant and it might be useful for forensic specialists.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 9538-9542

In vision of searching for the right Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) for a specific mission, there are multiple factors to be considered by the operator such as mission, endurance, type of payload and range of the telemetry and control. This research is focusing on extending control range of the UAS by using 4G-LTE network to enable beyond-line-of-sight flying for the commercial UAS. Major UAS such Global Hawk, Predator MQ-1 are able to fly thousands of kilometers by the use of satellite communication. However, the satellite communication annual license subscription can be very expensive. With this situation in mind, a new type of flight controller with 4G-LTE communication has been developed and tested. Throughout the research, blended-wing-body (BWB) Baseline B2S is used as the platform for technology demonstrator. Result from this analysis has proven that the proposed system is capable to control a UAS from as far as United Kingdom, with a latency less than 881 ms in average. The new added capability can potentially give the commercial UAS community a new horizon to be able to control their UAS from anywhere around the world with the availability of 4G-LTE connection

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