scholarly journals The Human Digitalisation Journey: Technology First at the Expense of Humans?

Information ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 267
Hossein Hassani ◽  
Xu Huang ◽  
Emmanuel Silva

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has enhanced the impact of digitalisation as a driver of transformation and advancements across almost every aspect of human life. With the majority actively embracing smart technologies and their benefits, the journey of human digitalisation has begun. Will human beings continue to remain solitary unaffected beings in the middle of the whirlpool—a gateway to the completely digitalised future? This journey of human digitalisation probably started much earlier, before we even realised. This paper, in the format of an objective review and discussion, aims to investigate the journey of human digitalisation, explore the reality of domination between technology and humans, provide a better understanding of the human value and human vulnerability in this fast transforming digital era, so as to achieve valuable and insightful suggestion on the future direction of the human digitalisation journey.

This survey of research on psychology in five volumes is a part of a series undertaken by the ICSSR since 1969, which covers various disciplines under social science. Volume One of this survey, Cognitive and Affective Processes, discusses the developments in the study of cognitive and affective processes within the Indian context. It offers an up-to-date assessment of theoretical developments and empirical studies in the rapidly evolving fields of cognitive science, applied cognition, and positive psychology. It also analyses how pedagogy responds to a shift in the practices of knowing and learning. Additionally, drawing upon insights from related fields it proposes epithymetics–desire studies – as an upcoming field of research and the volume investigates the impact of evolving cognitive and affective processes in Indian research and real life contexts. The development of cognitive capability distinguishes human beings from other species and allows creation and use of complex verbal symbols, facilitates imagination and empowers to function at an abstract level. However, much of the vitality characterizing human life is owed to the diverse emotions and desires. This has made the study of cognition and affect as frontier areas of psychology. With this in view, this volume focuses on delineating cognitive scientific contributions, cognition in educational context, context, diverse applications of cognition, psychology of desire, and positive psychology. The five chapters comprising this volume have approached the scholarly developments in the fields of cognition and affect in innovative ways, and have addressed basic as well applied issues.

Problemos ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 76 ◽  
pp. 52-65
Vytautas Rubavičius

Straipsnyje grindžiama nuomonė, jog postmodernybė yra iš modernybės kylantis kapitalizmo sistemos būvis, kuriam būdinga gyvybės suprekinimas ir suišteklinimas. Postmodernybę charakterizuoja populiariosios ir medijų kultūros išplitimas. Tos kultūros apima ne tik kultūros prekes, bet ir vartojimo būdus, įgūdžius ir jų lavinimą. Pastaruoju metu jos kuria nemirtingumo vaizdiniams bei nuojautoms palankią kultūrinę, intelektinę ir pasaulėvaizdinę terpę, kurioje struktūriškai įsitvirtina genetinis diskursas ir jo nustatomos žmogaus ir jo gyvenamo pasaulio aiškinimo gairės. Svarbus šio diskurso bruožas yra technologinis inžinerinis jo pobūdis, išryškėjęs susiejant nano ir biotechnologijas, kuriomis tikimasi įveikti gyvąją ir negyvąją gamtą skiriančią prarają, iš reikalingų atomų bei molekulių kuriant reikalingų ląstelių dalis ir klonuojant gyvas būtybes. Gyvybė suprekinama ir suišteklinama patentuojant gyvybės elementus – genus ir su jais susijusius procesus. Daroma išvada, jog visi genetikos, informatikos ir kitų mokslų laimėjimai, teikiantys žmogaus gyvenimo ilginimo galimybių, kurios palaiko gundančią nemirtingumo idėją, jau yra persmelkti prekinių santykių, tad ir pats nemirtingumas įmanomas tik kaip prekė. Aptariami kai kurie evoliuciniai ir religiniai techno sapiens sampratos aspektai. Detaliau gvildenamos dvi „nemirtingumo“ versijos: Z. Baumano, kuris nemirtingumo pažadą sieja su kompiuterinės technikos plėtra prasidėjus „Antrajai medijų erai“, ir J. Baudrillard’o, tegiančio, jog klonavimo technologijos „apgręžia“ evoliuciją ir žmogų gundo virusiniu ar vėžiniu belyčiu nemirtingumu.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: genetinis diskursas, klonavimas, medijų kultūra, nanobiotechnologijos, nemirtingumas, suprekinimas.Genetic Discourse in Media Culture: Temptation by Commodified ImmoralityVytautas Rubavičius   SummaryPostmodernity is maintained as a stage of the development of capitalism. The difference between modernity and postmodernity is explained in relation to the new sphere of commodification and resourcification, namely, that of life and of all natural living processes. Postmodern media culture, or popular culture, is peopled by signs of immortality and various kinds of immortals – cyborgs, clones, zombies, immortal human beings and others. Thus, culture accustoms a consumer to immortals and immortality which is concidered as the main goal of a human being and evolution. By nano-bio-technologies and genetic discourse this goal is made scientifically valid, thus reachable. Genetic discourse is becoming the fundamental world-view providing focal landmarks for the emerging future. Media culture supports the spreading of genetic discourse and facilitates its understanding. The temptation by immortality can be considered as a version of modernist ideology of human liberation from various natural, social and heavenly bonds. This liberation, and also secularization, is supported by a scientific genetic technological discourse which is becoming a stimulating factor of postmodern media production. The genetic explanation of the world is particularly handy for technological reflexivity: the entire world is as if encapsulated into human genes, which become the principle explaining the mystery of life, evolution and the future of humanity, thus rendering power to produce the human proper form and the future of people. All the possibilities stemming from the new genetic and biotech discoveries fell under the regulation of property relations by patenting, thus making “immortality” – as a temptation and brand – not only an exeptional commodity, but also a political tool and a commodifying force. As the relationships of private property have penetrated natural biogenetic diversity and, having turned it into a resource, the cognitive subject has reached the goal to secularise the Universe, which he has set for himself: only he as the owner and producer of genes lures people with the eternal shapes of the clones and their genetic information, which will be sustained in any location of the Universe. The temptation by “immortality” will become even stronger when the genetic code is mastered. The future of humanity is related to the mixed forms of life, trans-genic or otherwise genetically modified organisms and techno-human forms that will help to postpone, and later to conquer, death. Even thinkers with religious tendencies perceive the technological improvement of human beings as their evolution towards the techno sapiens and consider such a development as an advancement towards the Kingdom of God. The technologization of human beings is imagined in terms of their divination. Yet in this case the character of contemporary science secularising God and obliterating the perception of divinity is overlooked. Two versions of immortality are analyzed more closely – that of Z. Bauman, who links it with the development of computer technologies, and that of J. Baudrillard, who gives a warning that by cloning technologies humanity is trying to inverse the evolution and to return to the undifferentiated state of cells. The conclusion is drawn that regardless of how we understand ‘immortality,’ argue over its reality or unreality, all possibilities to prolong human life granted by genetics, informatics and other advances in science and technologies, which support the tempting idea of immortality, have already been penetrated by commodity relationships; therefore, “immortality” itself will be available only as a commodity.Keywords: cloning, commodification, genetic discourse, immortality, media culture, nano-bio-technologies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Nurul Hilmiyah ◽  
Bayu Taufiq Possumah ◽  
Muhammad Hakimi Mohd Shafiai

Purposes: In the social sciences, economics is one of the most influential and prestigious disciplines. Mainstream economics typically view economic agent as amoral, entirely self-interested, unrealistic and has damaging effects. In the last few decades, while remaining a powerful discipline, economics has narrowed in scope. Consequently, to reinvigorate economics, especially in times of crisis or major institutional change, mainstream economics has almost lost a key reserve of alternative thinking. This study intends to investigate the contemporary mainstream economic system, does Islamic Economics taking advantage of the shortfall of the system outlined above based on Tawhidical approach?Design/Methodology/Approach: This paper using the descriptive qualitative method Findings: Modern economics is normative bias; does not explain actual economies but describes a "utopia" in which Pareto optimality applies. The excessive unrealistic assumption is the impact of the inconsistency of modern economic theory. The important aspects of human behavior ignored by this assumption as the theory of economic man. In addition, the general equilibrium theory of neoclassical is not compatible with an economy that develops over time. It relies too much on complex mathematical models without sufficient attention to whether this really illustrates the real economy and ignores the complexity of nature and human creativity. At the contrary, Islam cause to be present the Tawhidic based economics approaches can be focused towards seeing wholes of economics, rather than parts; seeing economics activities as worship, rather than competition; cultivating the solidarity (charity), rather than individualism and creating the justice, rather than injustice. Thus this paper designed to provide the concept of Islamic economic system with Tawhid as the basis, to fit the philosophy of economic science and reality of human life. The paper shows the position of Tawhid in the system and theory of economy.  It becomes a must to do to create prosperity and benefit for all mankind, with the aim to realign and comparing to the mainstream economic system and their theory.Originality/Value: This paper proposes the position of Tawhidic based economics approach in setting the economic system. The position of this foundation offers basic guidelines for the justice and fairly system, which is benefited to all human beings regardless of religions, races, and castes, and furthermore to the sustainable economic development and welfare for the ummah.

2002 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-201
Mir Annice Mahmood

The author of this book has enriched international political economy by introducing a new aspect, namely, the impact of the steadily advancing global communications industry on economies and societies and, more specifically, on human security. The latter is a broad-based concept developed by the UNDP to reflect, through certain key indicators, human well-being. This consists of a very strong element of social justice in which human beings can satisfy their needs by organising the appropriate political, economic, and cultural institutions within a framework that provides the maximum level of participation and autonomy. For the latter to be achieved, it is essential that people have the means to decide what they wish to do in life and then can translate these wishes into actuality. As the author quotes Streeten, human security is “a broad approach to improving human well-being that would cover all aspects of human life, for all people, in both high-income and developing countries, both now and in the future” (p. 5).

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
Shaoqin Han

<p>This paper analyzes the environmental and ecological problems of modern urban high-rise building development of urban space caused by the impact of natural space designed for high-rise building in-depth discussion, and in the courtyard where the natural space as an example for further analysis, pointed out green space with good natural eco-building is becoming the future direction of development of high-rise buildings.</p>

ICR Journal ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 465-481
Sobhi Rayan

This article deals with different value systems from the perspective of their source, nature, and implementation, and with the link between education and values. The achievement of values is considered to be of the highest importance in human life. Ethical doctrines vary about the source of values - whether they are derived from human beings or received from external authority. This dispute about the nature of values creates different views concerning the education of values, about the role of the educational system in the acquisition of values, and about the impact of values on pupils, both theoretical and practical.

Bharath Prasad Cholanayakanahalli Thyagaraju ◽  
Srikantha Gowda ◽  
Sharanagouda Patil ◽  
Chandrashekar Srikantiah ◽  
Kuralayanapalya Puttahonnappa Suresh

COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 19) is the deadliest pandemic, and by August 2, >18.2 million population worldwide were infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus causing burden on human life and economic loss. Disease outbreak analysis has become a priority for the Indian government to initiate necessary healthcare measures in lowering the impact of this deadly pandemic viral disease. In this study, time series data for COVID-19 disease was extracted from the website, analysed by using periodic regression model, the expected number of cases till 02 October 2020 was predicted and to develop a stochastic models using periodic regression in the top 15 highly infected states in India. The analysis reported increasing pattern at initial days of prediction and showed a decreasing trend for the number of reporting cases, which may reduce in future days for states like West Bengal, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Telangana, Assam and Odisha. However, for the states of Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh, showed a rapid phase of increase in disease outbreak that is likely to infect more population and indicates the pandemic nature of this disease over a period. Presently, Delhi shows a drastic reduction in the number of cases, that may increase in the future, which can be controlled if appropriate preventive measures are followed strictly and effectively. Our model highlights that continuous and constant efforts are needed for the prevention of new infections of the disease in all states that helps to effectively mitigate the disease and to allocate scarce resources effectively in the future that could improve the economic wealth in India.

Richard Susskind ◽  
Daniel Susskind

In the long run, increasingly capable machines will transform the work of professionals, giving rise to new ways of sharing practical expertise in society. This is the central thesis of our book. We cannot commit to timeframes, in large part because the speed of change is not in our hands. But we are confident that the change will constitute an incremental transformation rather than an overnight revolution. In the language of the book, the shift itself can be characterized in many ways: as the industrialization and digitization of the professions; as the routinization and commoditization of professional work; as the disintermediation and demystification of professionals. Whatever terminology is preferred, we foresee that, in the end, the traditional professions will be dismantled, leaving most (but not all) professionals to be replaced by less expert people and high-performing systems. We expect new roles will arise, but we are unsure how long they will last, because these too, in due course, may be taken on by machines. In the post-professional society, we predict that practical expertise will be available online. Our strong inclination is to encourage the removal of current and future gatekeepers, and to provide people with as much access as is feasible to this collective knowledge and experience. The final step in our argument is to explain why we think that it is desirable to liberate practical expertise in this way. When we speak above and throughout about technology and its impact on the professions, we are conscious that it might sound as though we believe the future is already mapped out in detail and is somehow inevitable— that we are hardline ‘determinists’. Our analysis in Chapter 4, for example, makes it clear that we expect machines to become increasingly capable, that devices will be increasingly pervasive, and that human beings will be increasingly connected. And we certainly do anticipate an exponential growth in information technology. While we do not foresee these developments unfolding as a matter of necessity, we do regard them as extremely probable (barring asteroids, nuclear wars, pandemics, or the like). However—and this is where we part company with determinists—this does not mean that human beings have no control over future direction.

Matthew R. Sayers

This chapter offers a concrete alternative to the language of vocation, examining how narratives shape a person’s self-perception. Human beings chart the future direction of their lives based on their construction of stories about themselves; moreover, these stories are woven together and interconnect in complex ways. Such self-constructed and self-referential narratives are best described using the word myth: we are always engaged in a process of myth-making as we explore the contours of our lives. This language, suggests the author, may help us to reshape the concept of vocation in a way that recognizes the dynamic nature of the self, clarifies matters of agency, and attends to the retrospective nature of the construction of the self. To illustrate these points, the author offers a number of his own “myths of self,” as well as references to self-constructed narratives in the Bhagavadgita and in other literary and cultural accounts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 394
Chiara Borelli ◽  
Alessandra Gigli ◽  
Giannino Melotti

In these times of global crisis caused by COVID-19, there is an urgent need to address the topic of nature-based experiences in education: the pandemic has strongly highlighted both the interdependence between human beings and nature, and the need for mending the dichotomic vision that keeps them separate. Experiential education in natural contexts within an ecological framework might have a strategic role in this crucial period to develop anthropologic, civic, and dialogic conscience (Morin, 2001). Through this study, CEFEO Research Center had the objective of investigating the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on Italian nature-based programs in the educational, therapeutic, training, and leisure areas. From 28 May to 19 June 2020, an online questionnaire was distributed with the purpose of understanding the socio-economic impact of the pandemic on nature-based programs during the lockdown period and during the period of first reopening, and the related needs and new opportunities for the future. The results highlight a paradox: the COVID-19 crisis has caused more problems for a sector which was already suffering from a lack of funding and of social and institutional acknowledgment. Many agencies working in the field lost months of income and numerous working days, and they are uncertain about the future: they are having difficulties surviving in a moment when we need them more.

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