scholarly journals Sustaining a Culture of Excellence: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Land Management

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 3280 ◽  
Cheonjae Lee ◽  
Walter Timo de Vries

Increasing globalization and the emergence of disruptive learning technologies have derived a pedagogical paradigm shift from the conventional on-campus higher education to the digital and online higher education. Massive open online courses (MOOCs), especially, are the most notable manifestation of educational transformation. We developed a MOOC entitled Introduction to Land Management (ILMx MOOC) for potential entrants to the land management domain, or for those who simply want to become aware of land-related challenges and brought together with thousands of participants worldwide with freely accessible course content and rooms for open discussion. Our experience with ILMx MOOC has accumulated new knowledge and insight across a broad range of questioning on how to design and develop alternative courseware and teach using digital learning technologies in land management. This paper examines an account of emerging patterns of demographics, geography, and course engagement throughout the ILMx MOOC. We found that the subject of land management in digital higher education affects gender gaps in enrolments. We also assume that the topic of land management has been globally recognized as an important nexus to guide professionals in international development studies and practices as well as sustainability research. However, new behavioral patterns of learners were also observed. They participated in the learning process very enthusiastically only during the first month of the course and this seems to be due to lack of motivation and interest to induce learners efficiently into the learning content. We believe that the culture of excellence in land management needs to be accompanied by engaged excellence and new forms of educational culture and work processes. This means that the high-quality and rigorous knowledge we produce and accumulate is coupled closely with new styles of educational development and delivery, new types of resources and hardware, and extensive engagement with countries, localities, people, and practices of those who handle land matters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-61
D. Jantassova ◽  

Internationalization serves the purpose of increasing the world rating of an educational institution, contributes to improving the quality of education in general and is one of the main factors in the competitiveness of a technical university in the modern world. The article describes the main directions of the development of this process in the frame of Nazarbayev University experience, the Canadian and Russian experience of research to establish a framework of capacity building for internationalization. This study is carried out during the implementation of the project "Capacity building for the internationalization of a technical university by means of digital learning technologies" (IRN project АP08052214), approved by the priority "Scientific foundations" Mangilik el "(education of the XXI century, fundamental and applied research in the humanities)" grant funding for young scientists for 2020-2022 by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author considers different approaches in understanding the process of internationalization, investigates the methodology of benchmarking, the process of internationalization of the university, presents the goal, scientific methods and potential of the project. The primary analysis of the studied works on the internationalization of higher education showed that there were problems in the results of international activities of national and foreign practices and the lack of work on capacity building for the internationalization of technical universities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 99 (3) ◽  
pp. 6-11
D Jantassova ◽  
C Deveraux ◽  

The internationalization of education creates new opportunities for higher education institutions, increases the availability and implementation of innovative methods in higher education systems. The article covers the development of the internationalization potential of higher technical education.Current study was carried out as part of the project «Development of the potential of internationalization of a technical university through digital learning technologies», approved by priority «Scientific Foundations of Mingilik El (21st Century Education, Fundamental and Applied Studies in the Humanities)» on grant funding for young scientists in the years 2020 to 2022.The author defined the concept of «internationalization», presented the purpose, scientific methods and potential of the project, examined the main directions of development of this process in the framework of the experience in Nazarbayev University, Canadian and Russian experience in constructing the framework for conceptualizing the development of internationalization.The initial analysis of the studied works on the internationalization of higher education showed problems in the results of the international activity of national and foreign practice and the lack of work to build the capacity of internationalization of technical universities.Much interest had been generated from the research on globalization and the internationalization of higher education through the prism of computer technology, which have proved to be a limited number.

Sue Greener

This chapter discusses major changes in the traditional roles of teachers in Higher Education triggered by digital transformation in learning and teaching by Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. The purpose of university teaching is explored, together with the key characteristics of digital learning technologies associated with Web 2.0 and current and prospective changes linked to the notion of Web 3.0. Role labels found in the literature are reviewed against these changes and four dimensions of role change are identified, together with suggestions for preparing teachers for these changes.

Abdeleh Bassam Al Amoush ◽  
Kamaljeet Sandhu

Digital learning technologies have changed the face of the higher education sector and will continue to do so. The universities are using the digital LMS innovation (DLMS) tools that are unique to their environment. Different universities have different DLMS tools that are software driven and allow the users (management, instructors, and students) to use them for regular tasks. This study aims to investigate the acceptance and use of a DLMS at Jordanian universities. It also aims to examine the relationships among users (students and instructors), IT infrastructure, Jordanian culture, perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), and acceptance of a DLMS. The study focuses on conviction of the users to use the digital system in a way to simplify their regular tasks. Findings are reported from data that were collected from 326 DLMS users.

AI Magazine ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-98
Nicola Capuano ◽  
Santi Caballé

Adaptive learning refers to technologies that dynamically adjust to the level or type of course content based on an individual’s abilities or skill attainment, in ways that accelerate a learner’s performance with both automated and instructor interventions. This column explores adaptive learning, its close relationship to artificial intelligence, and points to several results from artificial intelligence that have been used to build effective adaptive learning systems. The pairing of massive open online courses and adaptive learning has revealed new technical and pedagogical challenges that are currently being explored in various research projects.

Open Praxis ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 287
Ulf Olsson

Academics in higher education are used to having their research publications reviewed and openly scrutinized. Teaching in higher education has traditionally been an individual academic’s activity that has taken place in a closed classroom. However, the introduction of open education, particularly massive open online courses (MOOCs) has challenged this. In MOOCs, lectures are recorded and made public for thousands of course participants to view. This study investigates, via semi-structured interviews, how 20 lecturers of 10 MOOCs at six Swedish Universities have experienced this. All have joined the projects voluntarily, but a few have done so with some ambivalence. For them, standing in front of the camera, publishing material and, to some extent, losing control of the course content was scary at the beginning of the projects. Overall, the lecturers overcame this and thought that it was a good opportunity to reach many students, as well as a way to keep up with the changing requirements for teaching in higher education.

2021 ◽  
pp. 76-81
Gorobets T.V. ◽  
Shkoba V.A.

The aim of the study was to highlight innovative approaches to the organization of pedagogical practice with students majoring in “025 Musical Arts” in quarantine caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The article covers the concept of “practice” from a psychological, sociological and pedagogical point of view; the meaning of the concept “pedagogical practice” is revealed and its meaning is considered; methods of pedagogical practice at the faculty of preschool education and music art in preschool education institutions during quarantine restrictions are outlined; the methodical system of the organization of practice in music of students of pedagogical college is given and its main tasks are specified; the components of conducting-choral and instrumental training of students of the faculty are determined; the concepts of “quarantine” and “innovation” are considered; digital learning management systems are analyzed; the content of the concept of “distance learning” and “distance technology” is indicated.The methodology of the study involved the application of a systematic approach to the analysis of the educational process of higher education institution, in particular in the organization of practical training of Bachelors of Music. The study was conducted in accordance with the following methodological principles: objectivity, substantive analysis, genetic, the unity of logical and historical, the conceptual unity of the study. Theoretical and empirical research methods include: analysis, synthesis, modelling, comparison, generalization of certain provisions of scientific approaches to substantiate the leading idea of the study, observation of the educational process, analysis of pedagogical documentation.Distance learning in quarantine was introduced into the educational process through distance technologies. School teachers and college teachers used Google Classroom, Telegram channels, Viber and the DistEdu distance learning platforms. Zoom is used for classes and lectures are given via Instagram. During the quarantine, the use of distance learning technologies in the higher education system during the preparation and conduct of pedagogical practice proved to be quite effective. Thanks to online platforms and tools, students-interns of the pedagogical college conducted music lessons and festive events in different age groups of preschool children.Key words: higher pedagogical education, music art, practical training of future music teachers, distance learning, innovative pedagogical technologies. Метою дослідження стало висвітлення інноваційних підходів до організації педагогічної практики зі студентами спеціальності 025 «Музичне мистецтво» в умовах карантину, спричиненого пандемією Covid-19. У статті висвітлено поняття «практика» з психологічної, соціологічної та педагогічної точ-ки зору; розкрито зміст поняття «педагогічна практика» та розглянуто її значення; окреслено методи проведення педагогічної практики на факультеті дошкільної освіти та музичного мистецтва у закла-дах дошкільної освіти під час карантинних обмежень; подано методичну систему організації практики з музики студентів педагогічного коледжу та вказано її основні завдання; визначено складники дири-гентсько-хорової та інструментальної підготовки студентів факультету; розглянуто поняття «карантин» та «інновація»; проаналізовано цифрові системи управління навчанням; зазначено зміст поняття «дис-танційне навчання» та «дистанційні технології»; сформульовано поняття «педагогічна практика сту-дентів педагогічного коледжу факультету дошкільної освіти та музичного мистецтва.Методологія проведеного дослідження передбачала застосування системного підходу до аналізу освітнього процесу закладу вищої освіти, зокрема в частині організації практичної підготовки бакалав-рів музичного мистецтва. Дослідження проводилось із дотриманням таких методологічних принципів: об’єктивності, сутнісного аналізу, генетичного, єдності логічного й історичного, концептуальної єдно-сті дослідження. До теоретичних та емпіричних методів дослідження включено: аналіз, синтез, моде-лювання, порівняння, узагальнення окремих положень наукових підходів для обґрунтування провідної ідеї дослідження, спостереження за освітнім процесом, аналіз педагогічної документації.Дистанційне навчання в умовах карантину впроваджувалося в освітній процес завдяки дистан-ційним технологіям. Керівники педагогічної практики та викладачі коледжу застосовували Google Classroom, Telegram-канали, Viber та платформу для дистанційного навчання DistEdu. Для проведення занять використовують Zoom та читають лекції через Instagram. Під час карантину використання дис-танційних технологій навчання у системі вищої освіти у період підготовки та проведення педагогічної практики виявилося досить дієвим. Завдяки онлайн-платформам та інструментам студентами-практи-кантами педагогічного коледжу проведено музичні заняття та святкові дійства у різних вікових групах закладів дошкільної освіти.Ключові слова: вища педагогічна освіта, музичне мистецтво, практична підготовка майбутніх учителів музики, дистанційне навчання, інноваційні педагогічні технології.

María Elena Ayala Bailador ◽  
María Cristina Ayala Bailador

ABSTRACTTechnology has revolutionized many aspects of our life and our daily life. It has changed the way we communicate, express and even learn. The MOOCs are helping in this revolution. This new methodology is changing the education and specifically, higher education. MOOC is the acronym formed from the words Massive Open Online Courses.RESUMENLa tecnología ha revolucionado muchos aspectos de nuestra vida y de nuestro día a día. Ha modificado la forma de comunicarnos, de expresarnos e incluso de aprender. Uno de los fenómenos que está en auge en el mundo de la educación y más en concreto en la educación superior es el de los MOOC. Es un acrónimo formado por las palabras Massive, Open, Online y Courses cuya traducción al español es la de Cursos Online Masivos y Abiertos. Contacto principal: [email protected]

Yuliya Laamarti

The article deals with the problem of introducing distance education in Russia in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The author reveals the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning in comparison with the usual, traditional, in the higher education system. The article concludes that in a pandemic, distance learning has become a salvation for the higher education system, although in general it has a number of disadvantages. In a pandemic, the transition from the traditional system to distance learning was a salvation for education in general. However, its emergency introduction showed that for the usual traditional Russian education system using only insignificant digital learning technologies, this became a great stress both for the students and for the teachers themselves.

Irina Kraeva ◽  

The article considers theoretical and methodological foundations of language policies implemented in humanities universities, discusses measures that serve to maintain language and cultural security in different countries, and outlines the key objectives of Russian humanities universities with regard to digital learning and overall internationalization of education and science. Success in reaching these objectives depends on the polyfunctional nature of the proposed methodology since it is aimed at addressing both educational and research-related challenges. The polyparadigmatic character of the methodology lays the basis for further interdisciplinary studies and for initiating convergent educational programs adjustable to online and offline learning. Theoretical assumptions are based on the experience of implementing training programmes in the field of interlinguistic and intercultural communication with support of distance learning technologies. The article clarifies the terms distance learning technologies and online learning, which apply to the main concepts of the study, provides concrete examples to reveal the differences between these terms and specifies their usage, which is contributing for humanitarian knowledge in general and the learning space in particular. The article considers promotion of Russian as the language of ethnic and institutional interaction to be the main objective of language policies; views heritage languages as an integral part of cultural and historical legacy and discusses measures of their preservation; brings to the fore the importance of creating a barrier-free communicative zone. The article stresses the urgency of developing net cooperation with higher educational institutions both in and outside Russia, the importance of launching interdisciplinary programmes and creating conditions for inclusive education on a regular basis. Finally, it is emphasized that further scientific research in the field of language policy in higher education will contribute to language and cultural security. Language policy in higher education comprises four major directions responsible for science, learning and education in accordance with the concept of sustainable development and security of languages and cultures.

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