2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 01
Sebastian Fernando Ramón Amores ◽  
Valeriano Eyraldo Bustamante García ◽  
Oscar Vinicio Obando Sevilla ◽  
Nelson Luis Saltos Chevez ◽  
Eduardo Fabricio Cabrera Toscano ◽  

Las perspectivas de la educación universitaria para el emprendimiento en el Ecuador son alentadoras, pues existen planteles de educación superior, desarrollando competencias empresariales en sus estudiantes, para lo cual aplican diversas herramientas, tales como rondas de negociación, concursos para emprendimiento. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo explicar algunos posicionamientos teóricos sobre el emprendimiento en los estudiantes universitarios. Se concluye que el emprendimiento lleva consigo una serie de riesgos a nivel económico, los estudiantes lo perciben como una opción segura para alcanzar un ingreso estable que puede ayudar no sólo a la reactivación económica sino a la creación de fuentes de trabajo. PALABRAS CLAVE: emprendimiento; estudiantes; desarrollo universitario. ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A CHALLENGE IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN CONTEMPORANEITY ABSTRACT The perspectives of university education for entrepreneurship in Ecuador are encouraging, since there are higher education establishments, developing business skills in their students, for which they apply various tools, such as negotiation rounds, contests for entrepreneurship. This paper aims to explain some theoretical positions on entrepreneurship in university students. It is concluded that entrepreneurship carries with it a series of risks at the economic level; students perceive it as a safe option to reach a stable income that can help not only the economic reactivation but also the creation of jobs. KEYWORDS: entrepreneurship; students; university development.

Resumen El acceso, permanencia y egreso de la educación superior en México representan uno de los principales retos en la actualidad en materia educativa. Desde hace décadas se han desarrollado y consolidado líneas de investigación sobre las trayectorias y los estudiantes universitarios. A través de la revisión de diversas investigaciones sobre las trayectorias escolares universitarias en México se busca poner de manifiesto los factores que interactúan y marcan las secuencias y pasajes de los estudiantes por la educación superior, al mismo tiempo que mostrar cómo la heterogeneidad de trayectos educativos revela la interacción y acumulación de diferencias sociales, reforzando con ello la ambivalencia de la educación: como reproductora de desigualdades y considerada como canal de movilidad social. Palabras clave: Trayectorias escolares, estudiantes universitarios, desigualdad social. Abstract The access, permanence and progress of higher education in Mexico represent one of the principal’s challenges in the field of education. For decades, researches on school careers and university students have been developed and consolidated. Through the review of researches on school careers in Mexico, the papers aim is to reveal the factors that interact and mark the sequences and passages of students through higher education, and the same time it shows how the heterogeneity of educational trajectories reveals the interaction and accumulation of social differences, reinforcing with it the ambivalence of education: as a reproducer of inequalities and considered as a channel of social mobility. Keyworks: School careers, university students, social inequalities

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-23
Agustin Lagunes Dominguez

Este artículo presenta la problemática para desarrollar la competencia investigadora en estudiantes universitarios en Iberoamérica, los antecedentes desde los trabajos de la UNESCO, el proceso de Bolonia y el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, hasta nuestros días. Se realiza un análisis sobre los esfuerzos que se han hecho para desarrollar la competencia investigadora y porque no han funcionado, se presenta a la red RIMCI como una iniciativa para desarrollar esta competencia. Dentro de los resultados de la red son, la creación de un canal en YouTube, semilleros de investigación y medir las competencias informacionales de los estudiantes universitarios en América Latina. Palabras clave Competencia, estudiantes, investigación, red, RIMCI. Abstract This article presents the problematic to develop the research competence in university students in Ibero-America, the antecedents from the work of the UNESCO, the process of Bologna and the European area of higher education, until our Days. An analysis is made on the efforts that have been made to develop the research competition and because they have not worked, it is presented to the RIMCI network as an initiative to develop this competition. Within the results of the network are, the creation of a YouTube channel, research seedlings and measure the information skills of university students in Latin America. Keywords Competition, students, research, network, RIMCI.

No teaching method has evolved as much as distance education, in the state of Amazonas this would not be different, especially in higher education. Distance Education is a modality where the student is separated from the teacher and uses several communication technologies around all his learning. The methods used were bibliographic, documentary and quantitative. The researched environment was the capital city of Manaus and the municipality of Maués, with the application of the closed questionnaire aimed at higher education students. Our objective was to question certain nuances as their benefits and challenges for those who study Distance Education in the different locations of the State of Amazonas. The result was the realization that among its many advantages in the execution of education, time is considered the main one, and the loss of deadlines its greatest disadvantage, besides the concept of distance education is already well known by university students. Thus, it is well known that with the passing of time and with the progress of the state's modernization, distance education is gradually becoming the most practical means of teaching.

Yadira Xiomara Corrales Lima ◽  
Yelena del Carmen Puerto Viera ◽  
Yenisleydys Domínguez Sánchez

THE FORMATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL AT PRESENT-DAY ENTREPRENEURIAL TENDENCIES. ECOLOGICAL AND SOCIOAMBIENTAL MARKETINGRESUMENLas exigencias de los nuevos mercados al cumplimiento de los requerimientos sociales y medioambientales, ha impulsado el desarrollo y concreción de ciencias asociadas al campo del marketing no lucrativo. En tal sentido se puede mencionar el marketing ecológico, cuyo enfoque es la comercialización de productos de forma respetuosa con el medio ambiente. En una incursión más reciente aparece el marketing socioambiental que incide en “la modificación de los comportamientos que afectan de forma negativa a los recursos naturales del planeta”. (MIER-TERÁN, 2006). Ambas tendencias no solo son importantes para la conservación de nuestros recursos futuros sino para que la actividad comercial del presente sea sostenible. Se impone entonces crear en los profesionales del futuro una mentalidad consecuente con esta necesidad desde su formación de pregrado como parte de la educación ambiental. Es por ello que se pretende en la investigación apoyar, con la propuesta de la incorporación del marketing ecológico y socioambiental, a la formación integral de los estudiantes universitarios. Como resultado, los elementos teóricos que se ofrecen pueden ser utilizados como material de apoyo para la realización de investigaciones similares. Del mismo modo pueden servir para enriquecer el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la universidad cubana actual. Los métodos y técnicas utilizados, nacen desde el marketing ecológico y el socioambiental como instrumento tanto para la creación e implementación de campañas orientadas a modificar y promover comportamientos pro-ambientales como a contribuir desde la planificación y gestión empresarial a una economía sostenible.PALABRAS CLAVE: marketing ecológico; marketing socioambiental; formación integral; estudiantes universitariosABSTRACTThe new requirements of markets to the fulfilment of social requests and environmental, it has impulsed the development and concretion of sciences correlated to non-profit marketing's. The ecological marketing can be mentioned in such sense, whose focus is the commercialization of products of respectful form with the ambient. In a most recent incursion appears marketing socio environmental that has an effect on the modification of the behaviours that affect of negative form the natural resources of the planet. (Mier Terán, 2006). Both tendencies not only are important for the conservation of our future resources but for that the commercial activity of the present be sustainable. He imposes himself then to create for oneself in the professionals of the future a consequent intention with this need from his formation of pre-grade like educational environmental part. The fact that it is attempted in this investigation is his integral formation, with the proposal of the incorporation of ecological marketing and socio environmental, at university students. As a result, the elements that are offered can be used as backup material for the realization of similar investigations. In the same way they can be useful for enriching the Cuban university’s learning process. Methods and utilized techniques, they are born from ecological marketing and the socio environmental like instrument for the creation and implementation of orientated campaigns to modify and to promote pro-environmental behaviours for a sustainable economy.KEYWORDS: Ecological marketing; marketing socio environmental; integral formation; university students.

2015 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-69 ◽  
Suzanne Plater ◽  
Julie Mooney-Somers ◽  
Jo Lander

The aim of this article is to critically review and analyse the public representations of mature-age university students in developed and some developing nations and how they compare to the public representations of mature-age Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander university students in Australia (‘students’ also refers to graduates unless the context requires specificity). Relevant texts were identified by reviewing education-related academic and policy literature, media opinion and reportage pieces, conference proceedings, and private sector and higher education reviews, reports and submissions. What this review reveals is striking: very few commentators are publicly and unambiguously encouraging, supporting and celebrating mature-age Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander university students. This strongly contrasts with the discussions around mature-age university students in general, where continuous or lifelong learning is acclaimed and endorsed, particularly as our populations grow older and remain healthier and there are relatively lower numbers of working-age people. While scholars, social commentators, bureaucrats and politicians enthusiastically highlight the intrinsic and extrinsic value of the mature-age student's social and economic contributions, the overarching narrative of the mature-age Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student is one of ‘the horse has bolted’, meaning that it is too late for this cohort and therefore society to benefit from their university education. In this article we examine these conflicting positions, investigate why this dichotomy exists, present an alternative view for consideration, and make recommendations for further research into this area.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 71
Eneida María Quindemil Torrijo ◽  
Stefania Monserrate Intriago Cedeño ◽  
Felipe Rumbaut León

La educación superior a nivel mundial ha sufrido transformaciones engendradas por el propio desarrollo social y el caso de Ecuador no ha estado exento de ello. El estudio que se presenta es de tipo descriptivo; tiene como objetivo caracterizar la Educación Superior Ecuatoriana en el período 2008-2016, haciendo énfasis en las oportunidades que ha tenido la Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Como metodología se utilizó el método de análisis documental a la literatura publicada sobre el tema, lo que permitió ubicar los presupuestos teóricos y constatar información relacionada con las becas otorgadas a estudiantes, a modo de alternativas para cerrar la brecha social en el acceso a las universidades. Asimismo, se aplicó la entrevista abierta en profundidad a un grupo de estudiantes beneficiarios de estas becas en la Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Como conclusiones se visualiza que la coyuntura para acceder a la educación universitaria en el Ecuador está presente después del año 2008, donde es muy positiva la acción del gobierno de otorgar becas de estudio en post de asegurar la igualdad de oportunidades y la gestión de la educación superior, repercutiendo positivamente no solo en el desarrollo social de la nación, sino de los estudiantes y sus familias. PALABRAS CLAVE: Educación superior; Educación Superior Ecuatoriana; educación universitaria; Universidad Técnica de Manabí THE HIGHER EDUCATION IN ECUADOR IN THE PERIOD 2008-2016. OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MANABÍ ABSTRACT Higher education worldwide has undergone transformations engendered by social development itself and the case of Ecuador has not been exempt from it. The study presented is descriptive; Aims to characterize Ecuadorian Higher Education in the period 2008-2016, emphasizing the opportunities that the Technical University of Manabí has had. As a methodology, the method of documentary analysis was used to the published literature on the subject, which allowed to locate the theoretical presuppositions and to verify information related to the scholarships granted to students, as alternatives to close the social gap in the access to the universities . Likewise, the in-depth open interview was applied to a group of students who received these scholarships at the Technical University of Manabí. As conclusions, it is visualized that the conjuncture for access to university education in Ecuador is present after the year 2008, where the government's action is very positive to grant study scholarships in post to ensure equal opportunities and management of education Positive impact not only on the social development of the nation, but also on students and their families. KEYWORDS: Higher education; Ecuadorian Higher Education; University education; Technical University of Manabí.

Mtro. Aldo Colorado Carvajal

El presente trabajo, elaborado desde una perspectiva sociológica, tiene dos objetivos principales: debatir la supuesta gratuidad de la educación superior, mediante una revisión histórica de las cuotas escolares en la Universidad Veracruzana, así como criticar la supuesta igualdad de los estudiantes universitarios que está implícita en la política universitaria de cuotas escolares. En el primer punto, elaboramos una periodización de la historia de las cuotas a partir de la legislación que sobre ellas se encontró en los archivos de la Universidad. En lo que respecta a la política de cuotas, ésta supone una igualdad de los estudiantes que debatimos a partir de las diferencias socio-culturales de los estudiantes de primer ingreso en la UV en 2003. A partir de estos dos elementos revisados, presentamos al final del artículo una propuesta de cuotas diferenciadas que reconoce dichas diferencias de los estudiantes en la UV.AbstractThe present work, elaborated from a sociological perspective, has two primary targets: to debate the supposed gratuity of the higher  education, by means of an historical revision of the scholastic quotas in the Universidad Veracruzana, as well as to criticize the supposed equality of the university students that is implicit in the university policy of scholastic quotas. In the first point, we elaborated a periodization of the history of the quotas from the legislation that on them was found in the archives of the University. With regard to the policy of quotas, this one supposes an equality of the students that we debated from the sociocultural differences of the students of first entrance in the UV in 2003. From these two reviewed elements, we present at the end of the article a proposal of differentiated quotas that recognizes these differences of the students in the UV.

2020 ◽  
Vol LXXXI (2) ◽  
pp. 108-119
Joanna Waszczuk ◽  
Helena Konowaluk-Nikitin ◽  
Ewa Pawłowicz-Sosnowska

Interest in the problem of the participation of people with disabilities in public, social, professional and, in particular, educational life has increased over the past few years both worldwide and in Poland. The literature on the subject includes numerous publications concerning the education of children and youth with disabilities. This is not surprising since education at the primary as well as secondary school level is obligatory in Poland. It is also a condition for taking up higher education. The functioning of students with disabilities in higher education institutions is not so widely commented on in the literature. According to the data by the Central Statistical Office (GUS), the number of university students with disabilities amounted to 22,988 in 2007, and it increased to 31,613 by 2012. However, there has been a decline in the number of university students with disabilities since 2013. There were 28,940 university students with disabilities in 2013, while only 25,121 strived to receive third-level education in 2016, which constituted 1.86% of the total number of students in Poland. The fact that only 4.6% of people with disabilities had third-level education in 2002 is also worth noting. Since 2006, the number of students with disabilities at Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska has maintained a relatively permanent level of 50 people, representing 1.7% of the total number of students at the school. The objective of the study was to define the specificity of the functioning of the students with disabilities at Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska in the context of educational conditions offered to them by the school. The findings show that students with disabilities point to their difficult individual situation rather than to the conditions provided by the university as the source of their difficulties in studying.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3A) ◽  
pp. 324-333
Olha Yablonska ◽  
Vitalii Honcharuk ◽  
Maksym Yablonskyy ◽  
Sergiy Karikov ◽  
Oleksandra Brukhovetska ◽  

The article reveals the scientific and theoretical foundations, structures, classification and types of Internet technologies in higher education; the features of orientations and attitudes of subjects of university education on the use of Internet technologies in modern conditions are highlighted; studied the audience of Internet users in the universities of Ukraine; revealed the substantive and procedural aspects of the joint pedagogical activity of the teacher and students in the creation and implementation of Internet projects; methodological recommendations were developed for the implementation of Internet resources in the teacher's practical activities.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Fernando Emilio Valladares Fuente ◽  
Luis Enrique Hernández Amaro

El método proyectos en la formación de los estudiantes universitarios, tiende a lograr un papel más activo y comprometedor en la adquisición de sus conocimientos y actitudes en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del Inglés, aspecto que en este artículo se debate para lograr la educación ambiental de forma investigativa, colaborativa y transformadora. Palabras Clave: método proyecto; educación ambiental ABSTRACT The project based method in the formation of university students tends to have a more active and compromising role in the acquisition of their knowledge and attitudes in the teaching-learning process of English, a topic that is debated in this article to achieve an environmental education focused on research, cooperation and transformation. Keywords: method based on projects; environmental education Recibido: septiembre de 2016Aprobado: noviembre de 2016

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