scholarly journals Learning and assessment credibility: The design of examination strategies in a changing learning environment

Learning environments for higher education have changed considerably in the last 20 years, especially since the advent of the internet. In addition to the change in learning technologies has come an increasing politicisation of higher education and in the UK a change from being virtually free in the 1980s to one where annual costs (Sheffield Press Release, 2012) can now be in excess of £9000 p.a. Since there are various routes to attaining higher education and commercialisation and competition are being introduced, the output of the systems, i.e. a student’s learning, is a factor which needs very careful attention and a moderating system is required, external to the educational providers, to ensure even quality. This should test a candidate’s learning, not the educational process. Academic skills are one measure of a candidate, but other qualities are often sought by employers, such as flexibility and breadth of learning to ensure that a company is able to respond to new market challenges and opportunities. Traditional examinations do not always test such skills. It is suggested in this paper, that in order to accommodate the wide variety of routes to education, some candidates might register only for examinations at a university and not the course itself. In addition some ways of obtaining more information about a candidate’s abilities are suggested.

Tetiana Rybchenko Keser

The article focuses on the theoretical and methodological aspects of the use of interactive learning and its advantages over traditional learning. The use of interactive learning in both secondary and higher education is analyzed. The research goal is to theoretically substantiate and highlight the introduction of methods of the model of training future Ukrainian language and literature teachers by means of interactive learning technologies, as well as to determine the factors of their choice. The main research methods used were analysis, generalization and modeling, observation, synthesis, systematization. The results of the conducted research allowed the author to reveal the qualities that a future teacher of Ukrainian language and literature should possess; to describe some pedagogical problems of training the future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature by means of interactive learning technologies.The benefit of this study is the defined content of interactive learning, which is believed to be a specially organized comfortable mutual learning of participants of the educational process as equal its subjects, which provides for their continuous active interaction, during which each of the students realizes and reflects all its knowledge and actions, feels successful and intellectually capable. The author identified such interactive learning methods of the model of training future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature in higher education institutions as: trainings, educational discussions; game technologies; interactive lectures: problem lectures, lecture-visualization, binary lecture, lecture-press conference, round table, cases, brainstorming. Moreover, the most used interactive learning methods of training future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature in universities are given and theoretically grounded; they are training, discussion, role playimg, method of «Spoiled phone», method of «remote project work Minecraft», «Сourt hearing», «Augmented reality», use of presentations. The author highlights their introduction into the work of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, states the positive aspects of interactive learning compared to classical one, determines seven factors for the choice of methods. As a result the author makes a conclusion that the use of interactive technologies not only contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual understanding in the educational institution, but also implements the basic principles of personality-oriented learning.

Jonathan D. Owens ◽  
Usman Talat

This is an empirical investigation considering how the Knowledge Transfer Openness Matrix (KTOM) could facilitate accessibility and Knowledge Transfer (KT) for the UK Higher Education (HE) Management Education Teaching when utilising learning technologies. Its focus is where learning technologies applications currently assist the KT process and support accessibility for the HE teacher and learner. It considers the philosophy of openness, focusing on its usefulness to support accessibility within UK HE Management Education Teaching. It discusses how the openness philosophy may assist the KT process for the HE teacher and learners using learning technologies. In particular, the potential to support accessibility within HE Management Education Teaching environments is appraised. There appear several implications for both teachers and learners. These are characterized in the proposed KTOM. The matrix organises KT events based on the principles of the openness philosophy. The role of learning technologies in events is illustrated with regard to teaching and learning accessibility.

V. Oliyarnik ◽  
V. Svitlyk ◽  
A. Bulatov ◽  
Yu. Borovik

The article substantiates the organization of the educational process of physical education of students of higher education institutions in the conditions of quarantine restrictions. The need for urgent adaptation of the process of physical education to the new challenges that accompany the "quarantine" training, requires solving the problems of pedagogical, methodological and organizational content of the educational process of higher education. The purpose of the study is to identify the main aspects of the organization of the educational process of physical education of students by means of remote technologies. The research is based on the use of a set of general scientific theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization. The views of researchers on this issue, set out in the latest scientific literature. The didactic potential of distance learning technologies in the formation of information educational environment of physical education of students is determined. It is established that the transition from traditionally used to multidimensional distance learning expands the use of vector information technology, opens new prospects for the development of physical education of students in higher education. The factors of organization of the educational process in the conditions of distance learning are singled out and ranked. The influence of the latter is multi-vector, which necessitates timely detection and prompt response to them to avoid them if possible. Among the advantages of organizing the educational process of physical education of students by means of distance technologies: the possibility of using leading educational technologies; increasing the efficiency of the educational process by intensifying the process of cognition and interpersonal interactive communication; development of a conscious and motivated approach to classes; the possibility of diversifying the educational process; increasing the efficiency of students' independent work; realization of the educational function of physical culture; development of the need for self-education through the mobility of knowledge and ideas; expanding and updating the role of the teacher, who must coordinate the process of physical development and improvement of students. It is proved that the introduction of new pedagogical technologies of distance learning will change the paradigm of physical education and creates the conditions for the most effective implementation of the opportunities inherent in such forms of physical education.

Maryam Alavi ◽  
Donna Dufner ◽  
Caroline Howard

Three basic categories of technologies are effective for extending collaborative learning beyond traditional face-to-face interactions to online learning and distance education: 1. Group support systems (GSS) 2. Collaboratories 3. Integrated learning environments. Although some of the collaborative learning technologies can be used without the Web, the Internet and World Wide Web provide the scalable global connectivity to support these technologies, with the browser serving as a ubiquitous user interface for collaborative learning applications.

2012 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 20-27
Victoria Brown ◽  
Catherine Worrall

Love it or loathe it, digital is here to stay. This article explores the enormous effect that digital visual media and the ubiquity of the internet have had on the supply and delivery of images at higher education institutions, on both sides of the Atlantic. It observes the levels at which regulated digital visual resources have been adopted and looks at the problems inherent in rapidly evolving technology and the demands of the ‘millennials’ and ‘digital natives’. It also examines the barriers preventing a more fluid adoption of legal, good quality resources and the role that image specialists bring to the mix.

Yaqun Zhang ◽  
Fayruza Rebrina ◽  
Fairuza Sabirova ◽  
Julia Afanaseva

The modern education system in most countries is built on providing equitable education opportunities to all people, regardless of the limitations they have. There are no significant problems in primary and secondary inclusive education, while most traditional higher education models are not sufficiently adapted to the needs of people with learning disabilities. Thus, it has been replaced by a blended learning model built on new digital learning environments in recent years. The aim of the article is to study the blended learning environment of inclusive educa-tion systems in China and Russia. The article presents the findings of a “The Global Learner Survey”, conducted on behalf of Pearson in May 2019 by The Harris Poll. The survey involved over 11,000 learners aged 16-70 across nine-teen countries. Additionally, statistics on the higher education development in Russia and China were used. The analysis of the current state of higher education in Russia and China, as well as the development of a blended learning environ-ment, shows the positive effect as that it allows students with limited educational opportunities to integrate into the educational and public life of the university and implement all types of rehabilitation along with the educational process.

2005 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-114 ◽  
Paul D. Hannon

This conceptual paper presents critical thoughts and observations on the recent phenomenon of entrepreneurship education in higher education in the UK. The key challenge the paper emphasizes is the need for greater insight into the conceptual and theoretical development of that phenomenon and a more robust locating of the philosophical foundations of entrepreneurship education within a higher education institution (HEI) adult-learning context. Although concepts and models of entrepreneurship abound, it is difficult to find related concepts and models of entrepreneurship education and, in particular, their underpinning philosophical foundations. Philosophies of adult education have emerged, but there appears to have been no attempt to locate entrepreneurship education within these contextual theoretical paradigms. This is somewhat surprising, as the underpinning philosophy of an educational programme will partially determine the outcomes of the educational process and influence the educational experience. However, this insight may help to explain why, conceptually, entrepreneurship education has mixed meanings and a conflicting discourse. The paper introduces a framework of adult-learning philosophies as a foundation for reflecting and analysing current approaches against philosophical beliefs. The application of the framework leads to a discussion about the potential contrasts and conflicts between underpinning foundations and purpose-in-action. The paper concludes with various perspectives on the building of an emerging robust concept of entrepreneurship education within an HEI adult-learning context.

2010 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-39
Stephen Mallinder ◽  
Debbie Flint

Wider social, cultural and technological changes are precipitating transformations in higher education. There is increasing need for universities and specialist colleges to operate effectively in a global online environment. The development of accessible and re-usable online teaching and learning materials has provided challenges to staff and institutions. This article explores aspects of the UK Open Educational Resources Programme and, in particular, the Art Design and Media Open Educational Resources (ADM-OER) Project which has sought to examine the processes, challenges and opportunities open educational resources (OERs) present to these ‘creative’ disciplines. Part of the project has explored art, design and media tutors’ perceptions of the shift to ‘teaching in public’ and we share some preliminary findings.

2020 ◽  
pp. 135-141
Miziuk V.M.

У статті розкрито авторський підхід до підготовки й проведення лекційних занять у закладах вищої освіти в умовах змішаного навчання. Визначено, що розвиток цифрових технологій, впровадження інфор-маційно-комунікаційних технологій в освітній процес, поширення електронних освітніх ресурсів відкри-того доступу, а також необхідність дотримання парадигми компетентнісного підходу в процесі підготовки фахівців зумовлюють пошук нових форм взаємодії викладачів і студентів. На основі аналізу наукових досліджень виявлено, що лекція як форма заняття посідає важливе місце в системі підготовки фахівців протягом багатьох століть. Беручи до уваги, що у сучасному цифровому суспільстві лекція перестає бути єдиним джерелом отримання знань, акцентована цінність її з боку ознайомлення студентів з основними науковими й теоретичними положеннями предметної галузі. Зауважено, що зменшення кількості годин на лекційні заняття і збільшення їх на самостійну роботу не вирішує проблему пасивності студентів під час слухання лекцій, адже самостійну роботу важко контролювати, а за відсутності у студентів мотивації до навчання і навичок самостійно вчитися якість їх підготовки значно страждає. Обґрунтовано, що застосу-вання інтерактивних лекцій ефективне за умов попереднього ознайомлення студентів з матеріалом теми, за наявності у них навичок критичного мислення й вироблення комунікаційних умінь. Автором наголошено, що змішане навчання сприяє підвищенню ефективності самостійної роботи, організації різних форм і методів активного пізнання й творчої роботи студентів, у тому числі й під час лекційних занять. Наведено результати експериментальної роботи з провадження технологій змішано-го навчання у підготовці й проведенні лекцій з курсу «Методика навчання інформатики». Запропоно-вано авторську структуру підготовки до проведення лекцій за допомогою електронного середовища LMS Moodle, приклади різнорівневих завдань, які варто пропонувати перед лекцією, під час її читання і після неї. Результати дослідження дали змогу автору зробити висновки, що змішане навчання компен-сує невеликі часові обсяги лекційних занять за допомогою інформаційної підтримки у вигляді елек-тронного освітнього ресурсу, забезпечить налаштування інтерактивної взаємодії студентів і викладача у процесі навчання, а використання системи Moodle допоможе педагогу наповнити курс різноманітни-ми завданнями та налаштувати комунікацію зі студентами з метою збільшення продуктивної взаємодії лектора з аудиторією та перевірки рівня засвоєння матеріалу. The article reveals the author’s approach to the preparation and conduct of lectures in institutions of higher education in a mixed learning environment. It is determined that the development of digital technologies, the introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process, the spread of electronic educational resources of open access, as well as the need to comply with the paradigm of competence-based approach in the process of training specialists determine the search for new forms of interaction between teachers and students. Based on the analysis of scientific research, it is revealed that the lecture as a form of occupation holds an important place in the system of training specialists for many centuries. Taking into account that in the modern digital society, a lecture is no longer the only source of knowledge, its value from the side of familiarizing students with the main scientific and theoretical provisions of the subject area is emphasized. It is noted that reducing the number of hours for lectures and increasing them for independent work does not solve the problem of students’ passivity while listening to lectures, because independent work is difficult to control, and in the absence of students’ motivation to learn and skills to learn independently, the quality of their training significantly suffers. It is proved that the use of interactive lectures is effective if students are first acquainted with the material of the topic, if they have critical thinking skills and develop communication skills. The author notes that mixed learning contributes to the effectiveness of independent work, the organization of various forms and methods of active learning and creative work of students, including during lectures. The results of experimental work on the implementation of mixed learning technologies in the preparation and conduct of lectures on the course “Methods of teaching computer science” are presented. It is offered to implement author’s structure of preparation for lectures using the electronic environment LMS Moodle, examples of multi-level tasks that should be offered before the lecture, during the reading and after it. The results of the study allowed the author to conclude that mixed learning will make up a small temporary amounts of lectures through information support in the form of e-learning resources, ensure the setup of interactive communication between students and the lecturer in the learning process, and the use of Moodle helps educator to fill a variety of course tasks and to configure the communication with students to increase productive interaction of the lecturer with the audience and test the level of mastering the material.

Svitlana Martynenko

In modern conditions of reforming the system of higher education, the introduction of time-based blended and distance learning, the mission of higher education is to ensure the efficiency and quality of university education. Therefore, the problem of using blended and distance learning technologies becomes relevant, which, taking into account the peculiarities of the conduct, should ensure the quality of educational services for students. Blended learning is defined as a hybrid of traditional face-to-face and online learning so that instruction occurs both in the classroom and online, and where the online component becomes a natural extension of traditional classroom learning. The article highlights the peculiarities of the introduction of mixed and distance learning at the university, analyzes and clarifies the essence and content of the concepts of « blended learning», «distance learning», identifies the main approaches, methodical principles underlying the organization of the educational process, the priority tasks and advantages of the introduced forms of education are singled out, the tendencies of their development are outlined, in particular in modern conditions. The methods, organizational forms and means used during blended and distance learning are described, specific examples of their introduction at Kyiv International University are given, as well as the schematic structure of the methodical system of the proposed forms of education that ensure the quality of university education. It is proved that blended and distance learning solves the problems of individualization, intensification and optimization of education, is the most effective evolution of the traditional model of learning7

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