І. А. Хижняк ◽  
О. Є. Ішутіна

Глобалізаційні процеси в суспільстві, а також швидкі темпи цифровізації актуалізують ролі освіти в умовах сьогодення. Сучасний освітній процес нерозривно пов’язаний із інформаційно-комунікаційними технологіями та засобами масової комунікації, що підкреслює актуальність досліджень у галузі медіаосвіти. Наявні розбіжності у трактуванні феномену медіаосвіти зумовили мету дослідження. Зауважено, що в нормативних документах медіаосвіта в Україні тлумачиться як складова освітнього процесу, спрямована на формування медіакультури, підготовку особистості до безпечної та ефективної взаємодії із сучасною системою традиційних (друковані видання, радіо, кіно, телебачення) і новітніх (комп’ютерно-опосередковане спілкування, Інтернет, мобільна телефонія) засобів масової комунікації. Автори проаналізували різні визначення медіаосвіти українських і зарубіжних науковців у контексті професійно-педагогічного дискурсу і дійшли висновку, що в науковому полі України паралельно функціонують розуміня медіаосвіти як вивчення медіа і навчання за допомогою медіа. Автори пояснюють цей факт взаємонакладанням двох запозичених із зарубіжної наукової термінології понять – медіаосвіта (media education) і вивчення медіа (media studies), які обидва спрямовані на формування і розвиток медіаграмотності (media literacy) особистості. Зважаючи на багатогранність феномену медіаосвіти, автори зауважують розбіжності у трактуванні цього поняття зарубіжними і вітчизняними науковцями: у зарубіжних дослідження наголошено на формуванні особистості автономної від медіа, здатної критично мислити і аналізувати медіатексти. У вітчизняних дослідженнях медіаосвіта більше спрямована на підготовку особистості до життя і ефективної взаємодії в інформаційному суспільстві, а також на формування готовності працювати з медіаобладнанням та використовувати можливості медіа в освітньому процесі.

2021 ◽  
Taunya Tremblay

Media Studies now makes up one quarter of the mandatory English program curriculum for students, grades one through twelve, in the province of Ontario. Prompted by the recent changes in prescribed media requirements, this study explores the history and theory behind current Media Studies curriculum in Ontario to gain insight on how theses ideals function in practice. More specifically, this study involved a qualitative analysis in three major parts: a genealogy of visual media and media education that explores the motivations behind the study of popular meda; a discourse analysis of curricular texts that addresses current expectations for Grade Twelve media literacy; and finally, a critical ethnography of a Grade Twelve classroom in Toronto that provides examples of how the curriculum can be implemented when informed by critical pedagogy.

2021 ◽  
Taunya Tremblay

Media Studies now makes up one quarter of the mandatory English program curriculum for students, grades one through twelve, in the province of Ontario. Prompted by the recent changes in prescribed media requirements, this study explores the history and theory behind current Media Studies curriculum in Ontario to gain insight on how theses ideals function in practice. More specifically, this study involved a qualitative analysis in three major parts: a genealogy of visual media and media education that explores the motivations behind the study of popular meda; a discourse analysis of curricular texts that addresses current expectations for Grade Twelve media literacy; and finally, a critical ethnography of a Grade Twelve classroom in Toronto that provides examples of how the curriculum can be implemented when informed by critical pedagogy.

2001 ◽  
Vol 101 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-100 ◽  
Carmen Luke

Have media education and media literacy reached an impasse? Media literacy scholars and educators are beginning to raise issues concerning the relevance of ‘old-style ‘ media studies in the context of new times and new media. Media literacy is formalised as part of the Australian National Literacy Framework, yet it remains largely marginalised as an elective in the senior school syllabus. In contrast, computer education — or computer literacy — has been embraced by governments, educators and parents with blind and cheery optimism. I argue here that media studies, cultural studies, computer and technology studies can no longer be taught independently of each other. The fervour with which computer education has been embraced, and the relatively modest incursions media and cultural studies have made into mainstream curriculum, suggest that blending media-cultural studies with information and communication technology (ICT) studies can inject new life into both fields of study. Largely bereft of a critical orientation, computer literacy education can benefit from the theoretical and critically analytic orientation of media-cultural studies, which in turn can be ‘mainstreamed’ through broader exposure typical of computer education in schools today. Media studies must contend with new information technologies, and computer education needs the critical analytic tools and cultural framing approach typical of media studies. ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Theo Hug

Debates on media competence and media literacy have been going on now for a few decades. Many concepts have been developed in various disciplines. Along with that, discourses on visual literacy have been intensified, too, although visuals have been used in educational contexts throughout history. But only recently, after almost three thousand years of historiography, turns like the iconic turn, pictorial turn or mediatic turn have been claimed. "Competencies of Visuals" (Ratsch et al. 2009) and their epistemological relevance are intensively discussed in arts, architecture and philosophy as well as in educational, communication and media studies. In this situation, we are facing new conceptual challenges for media education and media literacy discourses.   The paper starts (1) with an outline of some points of departures, followed (2) by a discussion of selected concepts of 'visual competence,' 'media competence' and 'media literacy.' In part (3), "new literacies" are questioned. Finally (4), the contribution aims at conceptual clarifications and the relativization of literacy concepts. In this context, medial forms sensu Leschke (2010) are being considered as a fruitful framework not only for future developments in media theory but also in media education and educational theory.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-185
Marcus S. Kleiner

The article discusses the relationship between popular cultures, pop cultures and popular media cultures as transformative educational cultures. For this purpose, these three cultural formations are related to the themes of culture, everyday life, society, education, narration, experience and present. Apart from a few exceptions, such as in youth sociological works on cinema and education, in the context of media literacy discussions or in dealing with media education, educational dimensions of popular cultures and pop cultures have generally not been the focus of attention in media and cultural studies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
Zlatina Dimitrova ◽  

The theoretical research focuses on the educational experience for the formation of media literacy among school-age children in different countries around the world. The article presents various options for the formation of media literacy, based on three educational models. According to the first model, media education is represented in the form of a compulsory subject in schools, which is studied by students in different grades. According to the second educational model, media habits are acquired within the interdisciplinary (integrated) approach – the use of the media in traditional school subjects, including native and foreign languages, literature, social sciences. The third model offers practical and informal integration of media education as a supplement and replacement of specific subjects or the intersection between them. The article examines in detail the media training opportunities offered in Canada, the United Kingdom, Finland and Spain, as their experience in media education is applied in a number of other countries around the world. Special attention is paid to the first steps in the introduction of media literacy training among students in Bulgaria, which is carried out only in the last 5-6 years.

World Science ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4(56)) ◽  
pp. 4-9
O. Vysotska ◽  
S. Vysotska

The article highlights the civic/ role of media education that should be taught at schools and universities as a tool for educating responsible and active citizens. It emphasizes that media literacy education should be addressed in primary-secondary-tertiary education level curricula and presents examples of successful teaching and learning practices in the West which are based on competence development approach and active critical engagement of students with media. The article offers for consideration some ways to address disinformation in the classroom, analyzes conditions that make successful implementation of effective media education as well as the challenges media education experiences in Ukraine.

Olena Byndas ◽  

The article summarizes information on the concepts «media education», «media literacy» and «media competence». The author emphasizes that foreign language teachers ought to be media literate, media competent, be able to use the means of media education, and teach students to create their own media space. Based on the analysis of scientific achievements of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of media education, the essential features of media literacy and media competence as important characteristics of the result of media education of pupils and students are revealed. It has been proven that foreign language teachers’ media competence is related to the development of skills of media immunity, reflection and critical thinking as psychological mechanisms of media literacy, which provide conscious consumption of media products based on effective media orientation, adequate evaluation of information in foreign languages. The relevance of the use of educational media products in the foreign language teachers’ professional activity is determined. The conditions for the formation of foreign language teachers’ media competence are revealed – the desire for self-improvement, clear internal motivation, the availability of relevant knowledge in the field of media education, involvement in practical activities to evaluate media texts and create one’s own media products.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. a6en
Sandra de Souza Machado ◽  
Begoña Sánchez Torrejón ◽  
Víctor Amar Rodríguez

Data, discursive and methodological analysis, from the perspective of Communication and Education gender studies, are applied aiming media literacy for a responsive citizenship in the fight against trafficking in women and girls. Questioning gender violence in misinformation, fake news, post-truths, and malicious intentions. Media literacy, co-education and collective awareness function as strategies of action to combat the trafficking of (young) women, which reaches alarming degrees in the 21st century, including during the global pandemic of COVID-19.

Infolib ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-23
Stanislav Germansev ◽  

The article provides a rationale for the need to introduce media literacy skills into the library industry. The author, taking into account his own experience, gives recommendations for finding reliable information which are available even to an ordinary librarian- there would only be a desire and aspiration to increase your efficiency. In turn, the banal aspects of hanging questions and problems in this direction were noted -it is disinterest and lack of understanding of the need for media education both by the librarians themselves and by officials-curators…

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