scholarly journals اعمال السيادة في ظل التطور التشريعي والقضائي في النظم المقارنة

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-189
وسام صبار العاني

Acts of sovereignty means a group of acts performed by the executive authority, and shall not be subjected to the Judicial review by cancelation or compensation.     Therefore, the acts of sovereignty - in such situation - considered to be out of legitimacy, and have been subjected to a great criticism by the French jurisprudence and then the Egyptian jurisprudence on the bias that the executive authority may employ the idea of acts of sovereignty in its favor, by performing whatever acts in the form of sovereignty, that shall be sufficient to make such acts out of legitimacy and law rules, in such case the judiciary shall not have the right of cassation, or contestations against such acts nor the seeks of compensation because of the damages resulted by such acts. Hence the seriousness of this theory appears which was created by the French judiciary.      The idea of acts of sovereignty has played an important role in the conflict of the state authorities, and highlighted the importance of the legitimacy principle, and the legality of the state through theJurisprudential disagreements and discussions.      Although that such theory was created in the French administrative judiciary, it could be found in other judicial systems of other countries such as Egypt and Iraq. And although the weakness of such theory, it could be alive until now, furthermore, it could have a power in many common legal systems. Because of the absence of the administrative judiciary in Iraq, the researchers could not practice such theory with its activities. As the second amendment law was issued of the law of council of state No.(106) in 1989, announcing the administrative judiciary by establishing a court (for the first time) in which the cassation in the trueness of the orders and decisions issued by the employees and administrative bodies shall be performed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 259-270
Median Jamal Al Mahasneh ◽  
Mohamad Baraa Basel Abuanzeh

The authority based on martial law or the state of emergency is accustomed to issuing legislation that works to prevent the judiciary from considering its actions that are in implementation of the customary law, and that is either during the establishment of exceptional circumstances or after its expiry meaning that it prevents individuals from resorting to the judiciary to challenge their exceptional authority Authorized to it according to the texts governing the exceptional circumstances (). The most dangerous thing that the legislative or executive authority usually does regarding a state of emergency is what it issues from laws or instructions called the laws of inclusive (laws of lifting responsibility) even though the correctness of its name in estimating some of them should be the laws of exemptions from implications (). This is because this immunization according to these laws will inevitably lead to the inability of any victim to resort to the judiciary, in the event that those who implement martial law or the state of emergency exceed their competences entrusted to them under exceptional circumstances. The Raising the Liability Law or the Implications Law is defined as legislation whose purpose is to legitimize actions that were at the time of their unlawful act, and to exempt the persons who are subject to them from the responsibility of assaulting the law, and this is what Jordan and other countries followed like France and Egypt, and that was in times of declaring martial law and a state Emergency. The methods of immunization vary and its extent varies, it may be partially preventing the appeal of cancellation or requesting the suspension of the implementation of the administrative decision only, so individuals are permitted to even seek compensation for the damage caused by the immune decision, and it may be totally, thus giving the administrative decision total immunity, whether in terms of cancellation or suspension of execution or Compensation, and it may be an absolute immunization, as it stipulates that the decision may not be appealed in any way of appeal before any judicial or administrative authority, and the immunization may be proportional, that is, with regard to preventing the appeal of the decision before the judiciary with the assignment of jurisdiction in relation to it to an administrative authority or committee, In terms of the immunization tool, it may be either by a law issued by the legislative authority, and this is the overwhelming majority, and it may be inferior to the law, such as regular systems such as customary management instructions in Jordan .   In this paper, I will discuss the position of the judiciary in Jordan and the comparative judiciary regarding these legislations. To determine the impact of these laws on the right of individuals to seek legal redress when they are harmed through two topics:

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 366-385
Ali Salman Jamil

The research showed that the French Council of State relied in resolving the conflict between the authority and the citizen on the principles of the Declaration of Human and Citizen Rights as a basis for the principle of legality. He only had them. They are abstract general rules that clarify the basis of the relationship between the citizen and the state, including his rights and duties. The council applied its rules regarding the rulings it issued, whether for the authority or against it. The authority has caved in to that. He also showed that it is impermissible to differentiate between protecting rights in normal and exceptional circumstances. The state is responsible for securing these rights in all circumstances. This is why the board invented the actual employee theory. The basic principles on which the actual employee theory was based have also been studied. The theory is not an exception to the principle of legality, but rather a real application of it. In a state that has taken upon itself to ensure that people enjoy the rights and freedoms stipulated in the constitution. It also clarified that the employee’s organizational relationship with the state requires it to respect his rights stipulated in the law in return for his commitment to his duties that oblige him to apply the law as abstract general rules without bias and deviation. Therefore, it has the right to punish him according to the law. In exchange for his right to appeal the decision to impose the punishment. The judiciary’s decision to cancel the dismissal or dismissal decision obliges the administration to return it to the same legal position. Unless that results in corruption, then you must return him to a center parallel to the first. Without causing him physical or moral harm. The research also showed that what happened in Iraq was a barbaric invasion that was not based on any justification. It expressly contradicts international legality. It has resulted in the abolition of all legitimate institutions of the state and the handing over of power to organizations that have proven practical reality that they are gangs of thieves whose aim is to destroy the state and to violate all prohibited acts. It issued laws that grant themselves privileges and rights that are inconsistent with the principle of legality. And decisions were issued that contradict the public interest. Therefore, citizens and employees should be granted the right to appeal all laws and decisions issued when real authority is established in Iraq. Return all stolen money and stolen rights.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
Chuks Okpaluba

‘Accountability’ is one of the democratic values entrenched in the Constitution of South Africa, 1996. It is a value recognised throughout the Constitution and imposed upon the law-making organs of state, the Executive, the Judiciary and all public functionaries. This constitutional imperative is given pride of place among the other founding values: equality before the law, the rule of law and the supremacy of the Constitution. This study therefore sets out to investigate how the courts have grappled with the interpretation and application of the principle of accountability, the starting point being the relationship between accountability and judicial review. Therefore, in the exercise of its judicial review power, a court may enquire whether the failure of a public functionary to comply with a constitutional duty of accountability renders the decision made illegal, irrational or unreasonable. One of the many facets of the principle of accountability upon which this article dwells is to ascertain how the courts have deployed that expression in making the state and its agencies liable for the delictual wrongs committed against an individual in vindication of a breach of the individual’s constitutional right in the course of performing a public duty. Here, accountability and breach of public duty; the liability of the state for detaining illegal immigrants contrary to the prescripts of the law; the vicarious liability of the state for the criminal acts of the police and other law-enforcement officers (as in police rape cases and misuse of official firearms by police officers), and the liability of the state for delictual conduct in the context of public procurement are discussed. Having carefully analysed the available case law, this article concludes that no public functionary can brush aside the duty of accountability wherever it is imposed without being in breach of a vital constitutional mandate. Further, it is the constitutional duty of the courts, when called upon, to declare such act or conduct an infringement of the Constitution.

Saim Aksnudin

In the national development the role of land for the fulfillment of various purposes will increase, either as a place to live or for business activities. In relation to that will also increase the need for support in the form of guarantee of legal certainty in the field of land. The result of the research is the conception of the state of Indonesia is a state law, which contains the meaning in the administration of government and the state based on the law, the protection of the law is a universal concept of the rule of law. The legal certainty on land rights as intended by the UUPA encompasses three things, namely the certainty of the object of land rights, certainty on the subject of land rights and certainty about the status of landrights. Legal conception of land title certificate is a proof that issued by authorized legal institution, containing juridical data and physical data which isused as evidence of ownership of land rights in order to provide assurance of legal certainty and certainty of rights to a plot of land owned or possessed by a person or legal entity. With the certificate of rights, it is expected that the juridical can guarantee the legal certainty and the right by the state for the holder of the right to the land. This country's guarantee is granted to the owner or the holder of the certificate may be granted because the land is already registered in the state land administration system.

Ninik Hartariningsih ◽  
Esti Ningrum ◽  
Wahyu Hariadi

ABSTRACT The number of cases or disputes in the field of land, one of which is due to the existence of multiple certificates, in which this problem can be caused by good ethics and good ethics. This is because land has a close relationship with humans, both for housing and for business. Therefore, the law requires the owner of land rights to register their land, so that they have legal guarantees and guarantees of their rights. Double certificates occur in the case of land being abandoned by a certified owner, for a period of more than 20 years so that the land grows with a thicket, which is then controlled by someone else in good faith for more than 20 years, then the person increases his right of ownership. This is justified by law because the person has controlled the land for more than 20 years, in addition, because the land has been neglected for more than 20 years, the right to annul the land is controlled by the State. Keywords: BPN/ATR, Solution, Double Certificate Abstrak. Banyaknya kasus/sengketa dibidang pertanahan, yang salah satunya adalah karena adanya sertifikat ganda, yang mana masalah ini dapat dikarenakan etikat tidak baik maupun etikat baik. Hal ini dikarenakan bahwa tanah mempunyai hubungan yang erat dengan manusia, baik untuk tempat tinggal maupun untuk berusaha. Oleh karenanya Undang- Undang mewajibkan sipemilik hak atas tanah untuk mendaftarkan tanahnya, agar mempunyai jaminan hukum dan jaminan haknya. Sertifikat ganda terjadi dalam hal tanah ditelantarkan oleh pemiliknya yang sudah bersertifikat, dalam jangka waktu lebih dari 20 tahun sehingga tanah tersebut tumbuh semak belukat, yang kemudian dikuasai oleh orang lain dengan itikat baik selama lebih dari 20 tahun, kemudian orang tersebut meningkatkan haknya menjadi hak milik.Hal ini dibenarkan oleh undang-undang karena org tersebut telah menguasai tanah tersebut selama lebih dari 20 tahun, selain itu karena tanah tersebut ditelntarkan selama lebih Dri 20 tahun, maka haknya hapus tanah dikuasai oleh Negara. Kata Kunci : BPN/ATR, Penyelesaian, Sertifikat Ganda

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (05) ◽  
pp. 145-148
Ниджат Рафаэль оглу Джафаров ◽  

It can be accepted that the classification of human rights, its division, types, and groups, is of particular importance. The syllogism for human rights can be taken as follows: law belongs to man; human beings are the highest beings on earth like living beings. Therefore, the regulation prevails. The right to freedom is conditional. Man is free. Consequently, human rights are dependent. Morality is the limit of the law. Morality is the limit and content of human actions. Therefore, the law is the limit of human activities. Morality is related to law. Law is the norm of human behavior. Thereby, human behavior and direction are related to morality. The people create the state. The state has the right. Therefore, the right of the state is the right of the people. The state is an institution made up of citizens. Citizens have the privilege. Such blessings as Dignity, honor, conscience, zeal, honor, etc., and values are a part of morality and spiritual life. Morality is united with law. Therefore, moral values are part of the law. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and conscience. Space is about the law. Therefore, everyone has the right to opinion and conscience. Key words: human rights, freedom of conscience, conceptuality, citizenship

Richard Clements

The Q&A series offers the best preparation for tackling exam questions. Each chapter includes typical questions; diagram problem and essay answer plans, suggested answers, notes of caution, tips on obtaining extra marks, the key debates on each topic and suggestions on further reading. This chapter is about judicial review. This is the means by which the citizen can use the courts to ensure that a public body obeys the law. The questions in the chapter deal with issues such as the erratic development of administrative law; the procedure to apply for judicial review; the right to apply (locus standi), procedural ultra vires; natural justice; and substantive ultra vires.

2019 ◽  
pp. 127-155
Kevin Vallier

Previous chapters argue that maintaining a system of social trust in the right way requires that our shared moral rules be publicly justified. This chapter argues that coercive laws are required in order to strengthen a system of social trust by properly incentivizing trustworthy behavior in cases where moral sentiments and moral ostracism alone cannot provide strong enough reason to be trustworthy. Legal coercion can often stabilize moral rules that might otherwise collapse and create new moral rules that would not have otherwise existed. So law can be an efficient means of maintaining a system of trust by providing persons with additional incentives to engage in trustworthy behavior. This is how law is publicly justified, and so how the law acquires its moral authority.

1976 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 516-562 ◽  
Barry Feinstein

Dean Acheson frankly reconfirmed the right of self-preservation, when he asserted, “…law simply does not deal with … questions of ultimate power—power that comes close to the sources of sovereignty…. No law can destroy the state creating the law. The survival of states is not a matter of law”. It is beyond the law.Given the existence of man's elementary loyalty to autonomous states, the necessity for using force springs from the need of states to depend fundamentally on self-help in order to guarantee their survival and welfare. This search for security in a system of politics without government, forces the state to be dependent upon military self-help.

Grotiana ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 396-415 ◽  
Gustaaf van Nifterik

AbstractAn important aspect of any constitutional theory is the state's power to punish transgressions of the law, or the ius gladii. Although Grotius never formulated a complete, comprehensive constitutional theory, traces of such a theory can be found in many of his writings not explicitly devoted to constitutional law. Punishment even plays an important role in his books on war (and peace), since to punish transgressions of the law is ranked among the just causes of war.Given the fact that a state may punish transgressions of the law – transgressions by individuals within and even outside the state, but also transgressions of the law by other states – the question may arise concerning the origin of such a right to punish. It will be shown that Grotius did not give the same answer to this question in his various works. As the right to punish is concerned, we find a theory that seems to be akin to the one of John Locke in the De iure praedae (around 1605), one akin to the theories of the Spanish late-scholastics in De satisfactione and De imperio (around 1615), and a theory coming close to what Thomas Hobbes had said on the ruler's right to punish in the De iure belli ac pacis (around 1625).Of course, Grotius can only have been familiar with the theory of the Spanish late-scholastics, since those of Locke and Hobbes were still to be written by the time Grotius had passed away.

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