scholarly journals The Construction of Turkey’s Circassians as a Docile Minority

Poligrafi ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 235-260
Ulaş Sunata

The 2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Games revived memories related to the Circassians’ forced migration from their Caucasus homeland into the Ottoman Empire after 150 years. In that year, I conducted a considerable oral history project to understand the collective memories of Circassians in Turkey. The main focus of this study is, however, the social construction of the Circassian minority in Turkey. I examine their oral historical narratives related to their immigration, reception and resettlement, and instrumentalization. It is as important to place emphasis on the protected, multiplied and renewed sociocultural values of Circassians as it is to confront the history. I will examine the relationship between their diasporic identity and minority identity as well as their preferences in identity reproduction.

Ruha Benjamin

In this response to Terence Keel and John Hartigan’s debate over the social construction of race, I aim to push the discussion beyond the terrain of epistemology and ideology to examine the contested value of racial science in a broader political economy. I build upon Keel’s concern that even science motivated by progressive aims may reproduce racist thinking and Hartigan’s proposition that a critique of racial science cannot rest on the beliefs and intentions of scientists. In examining the value of racial-ethnic classifications in pharmacogenomics and precision medicine, I propose that analysts should attend to the relationship between prophets of racial science (those who produce forecasts about inherent group differences) and profits of racial science (the material-semiotic benefits of such forecasts). Throughout, I draw upon the idiom of speculation—as a narrative, predictive, and financial practice—to explain how the fiction of race is made factual, again and again. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 175-177
Didem Havlioğlu

Since the 1950s, historiographical trends in scholarship have re-considered the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and the subsequent nation-state building of the Republic of Turkey. The social and political evolution of the imperial system into a nation-state has been alternatively explained through geopolitical pressures, domestic resistance, the expanding economy and modernism in Europe, and the inability of the Ottoman establishment to cope with the rapid changes of the nineteenth century. Constructing one holistic narrative of a vast time period of upheaval is a difficult endeavor for any scholar. In the case of the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the rise of the Republic of Turkey, ethno-religious networks, two world wars, geopolitical competition between the great powers, regional and pan-regional insurgencies, demographic displacement, nationalist fervor sweeping through the Balkan and Arab provinces and into Anatolia, and finally the Kurdish armed resistance renders succinct historical narratives all but impossible to achieve. Thus, while there are many stories of the end of the Ottoman Empire, an overview of the issues for students and general audiences is a much needed, but audacious, undertaking. Yet for understanding the Middle East and Southeastern Europe today, a critical narrative must be told in all its complexity.

Moshe Hirsch

AbstractCollective memories are significant for both individuals and societies, as they play an important role in the construction of collective identities. This article focuses on the role of non-criminal international tribunals in the development of collective memories, asking whether it is desirable for such international tribunals to be involved in the construction of historical narratives. International tribunals have not adopted a consistent approach concerning the presentation of a case’s historical background in their judgments. The question of whether it is desirable for non-criminal tribunals to assume an active role in this sphere is analysed using three major sociological perspectives: the structural-functional approach, the symbolic-interactionist perspective, and the social conflict approach. The discussion regarding each theoretical approach is accompanied by illustrative examples from the case law of international tribunals. The conclusions drawn from this analysis integrate certain elements from each theoretical approach; but primarily draw on recommendations associated with the symbolic-interactionist perspective, and to a lesser extent on some recommendations associated with the social-conflict approach.

2008 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-112 ◽  
Alison Hope Alkon ◽  
Michael Traugot

This article investigates the relationship between environmental policy and the social construction of place in two neighboring California counties. We examine two counties with dramatic geographic and sociodemographic differences that drew on similar place narratives in order to justify collaborative solutions to agricultural–environmental conflicts. Each narrative trumpets the importance of agriculture to each county's place character and praises the ability of well–intentioned county residents to work together. Our cases illuminate two processes through which place is socially constructed with regard to extralocal factors: place comparison allows residents to highlight potential risks by contrasting their own places with others while place meta–narratives allow actors to draw on culturally available notions of types of places. We conclude by discussing the relationship between place narratives and other factors that can affect policy choice, and therefore, shape the landscape itself.

1987 ◽  
Vol 35 (1_suppl) ◽  
pp. 65-98
Gordon Fyfe

This paper is a critique of the contribution of William Ivins's Prints and Visual Communication (1953) to an understanding of the meaning of fine art reproductions. Ivins showed that photographic reproduction was constructed in relation to, and displaced, older ways of reproducing art which were carried out by handicraft engravers. His analysis alerts us to the fact that ambiguity characterized art reproduction before photographs. Art reproductions, then, were interpretations in line based on conventional modes of representation – what Ivins calls a visual syntax. In this respect he enhances our understanding of the social construction of the artist. For Ivins the social history of reproduction seems to end with the camera. This completed an individuation of creativity ushered in with the Renaissance, but which was always qualified by the interfering visual syntax of craftsmen-interpreters. It is argued that the value of Ivins's account resides in its reconstruction of the relationship between handicraft engraving, fine art reproduction and aesthetic objects that have long since slipped from our consciousness.

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 123
Muhammad Tasrif

In the era of globalization—characterized by a rapid flow of information, people, and goods with no limits—the issue of multiculturalism has been to be a challenge to Muslims. Intercul­tural meeting is something unavoidable. In this respect, the issue of the relation of Islam and Judaism is to be a crucial one. Among Muslims, the relationship has been colored by negative perception especially if it is justified by the verses of the Koran and the hadith of the Prophet. Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) is among the Mus­lim groups that have a negative perception of the relationship. This study examines the traditions of the Prophet pertaining the relation­ship of Muslims and Jews thematically and contextually, especially the social construction of HTI Ponorogo on these traditions. The­matic and contextual study of the traditions of the relationship of Muslims and Jews shows that the Prophet’s attitude toward Jews, or vice versa, varies from negative to positive, appreciative. This evidence suggests that such attitude, especially negative one, is not a permanent attitude. Instead, these attitudes had been temporar­ily and conditionally formed. Thus, based on the traditions of the Prophet, a negative permanent attitude toward Jews is not theologi­cally justified. Meanwhile, the examination of the social construc­tion of Ponorogo branch of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia shows various theological types: rigid-textualist and soft-textualist. The first group see the hadiths of the relation of Islam and Judaism as a source of Sharia which should be implemented in a fixed manner. The second group have the attitude that is consistent with the first group, by giv­ing a space for a potential change of the teaching due to the changes of circumstances.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Endang Kumala Ratih ◽  
Anik Juwariyah

<p><em>Nowadays social relations in a society are less aware of, be it with nature, society, and society with God, especially in today's young people who are mostly influenced by digital technology that is growing very rapidly and is inherent in life which makes them very focused with cellphones and indirectly make them individualistic creatures. Through this article, the writer hopes to provide insight, especially to young people, that awareness of social relations is needed that can be realized through culture. The relationship between humans and God, humans and nature, and humans with each other has indirectly formed a social relationship, such as the Karo traditional ceremony, which is worship of the spirits of the ancestors in which there are several rituals as an expression of gratitude for a good harvest. . The Karo Day traditional ceremony involves village communities, one of which is in Tosari Village. The relationship between society and God, society and nature, society and each other, which is formed from the implementation of the Karo Day traditional ceremony, indirectly has a social relationship. This relationship was investigated using the social construction approach of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. Data collection includes: 1) observation, by looking at the phenomena that are directly or indirectly related to the subject and object of research; 2) interview with the perpetrator; and 3) literature study and documents in the form of photos. The results of this study indicate that traditional ceremonies have an important role in maintaining and forming a social relationship. The Karo traditional ceremony is carried out every year by the Tengger tribe who believe in their ancestors, making a community that is full of tolerance, and adheres to values.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><strong><em>Karo Traditional Ceremony, Tengger Tribe Community, Social Construction</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p><h2> </h2><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Pada jaman sekarang hubungan sosial dalam suatu masyarakat kurang disadari, baik itu dengan alam, masyarakat sesamanya, dan masyarakat dengan Tuhan, khususnya dilingkungan anak muda jaman sekarang yang kebanyakan sudah terpengaruh oleh tekonologi digital yang berkembang sangat pesat dan melekat dalam kehidupan yang menjadikan mereka sangat terfokus dengan handphone dan secara tidak langsung menjadikan mereka makhluk individualis. Melalui artikel ini penulis berharap dapat memberikan wawasan khususnya kepada anak muda bahwa diperlukan kesadaran tentang hubungan sosial yang dapat direalisasikan melalui kebudayaan. Hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, manusia dengan alam, dan manusia dengan sesamanya secara tidak langsung telah membentuk sebuah hubungan sosial, seperti pada upacara adat Hari Raya Karo yang merupakan pemujaan terhadap roh para leluhur yang didalamnya terdapat beberapa ritual sebagai pengungkapan rasa syukur atas hasil panen yang bagus. Upacara adat Hari Raya Karo melibatkan masyarakat desa, salah satunya didesa Tosari. Hubungan antara masyarakat dengan Tuhan, masyarakat dengan alam, masyarakat dengan sesamanya yang terbentuk dari pelaksanaan upacara adat Hari Raya Karo secara tidak langsung telah terjadi suatu hubungan sosial. Hubungan tersebut diteliti dengan menggunakan pendekatan konstruksi soial Peter L. Berger dan Thomas Luckmann. Pengumpulan data meliputi : 1) observasi, dengan melihat fenomena yang berhubungan langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan subjek dan objek penelitian; 2) wawancara dengan pelaku; dan 3) studi kepustakaan dan dokumen berupa foto. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa upacara adat memiliki peranan penting dalam menjaga dan membentuk sebuah hubungan sosial. Upacara adat Karo yang dilakukan setiap tahunnya oleh masyarakat suku Tengger yang percaya dengan leluhur, menjadikan masyarakat yang penuh toleransi, dan mentaati nilai-nilai.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci : </strong><strong><em>Upacara Adat Karo, Masyarakat Suku Tengger, Konstruksi Sosial</em></strong></p>

2003 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-76 ◽  
Paula Reed ◽  
Pam Smith ◽  
Margaret Fletcher ◽  
Angela Bradding

This article aims to deconstruct the concept of dignity in a way that is meaningful, in particular to nurses and other health workers who seek to promote the dignity of children in their care. Despite the emphasis in a variety of codes and policies to promote dignity, there is a lack of a clear definition of dignity in the literature. In particular there is little reference to dignity, theoretically or empirically, as it relates to children. Without clarity it is not possible to act in an ethical way on behalf of children whose dignity could otherwise be compromised. The theoretical position taken has evolved from the medico-nursing and philosophical discourse concerning the nature of human dignity and more recent sociological texts that discuss the social construction of the child and childhood. The article is further influenced by additional insights derived from an ethnographic pilot study at a large district general hospital. This study was undertaken in an attempt to appreciate the subjective experience of dignity by children, and to begin to address the empirical gap in the literature and promote discussion. The concept of a macro and a micro dignity is discussed, together with the role of the nurse in articulating the relationship between the two. The importance of control and witnesses in the experience of dignity is discussed and, finally, also the ethical implications when seeking to promote the dignity of children.

Jeehyun Lim

The epilogue reflects on the future of bilingual brokering in the twenty-first century through David Henry Hwang’s bilingual play, Chinglish. While Chinglish seemingly overturns the social construction of bilingual personhood along the terms of possessive individualism by championing interlingual lapses, irregularities, and mistakes, this attempt to free the linguistic subject from the constraints of language as capital is delivered through a careful rendition of English-Mandarin bilingualism, enabled through such institutional actors’ interest in the play as the Chinese state. These conditions of possibility for Hwang’s bilingual play serve as a reminder that while bilingual personhood may recede from cultural significance as a site of examining the relationship between racial subjectivity and capital, bilingualism in cultural politics is still enmeshed in the flows of capital.

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