scholarly journals Analisis Pendapatan Petani Lada Di Desa Sanglepongan Kecamatan Curio Kabupaten Enrekang

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-228
Nur Haini ◽  
Irmayani Irmayani ◽  
Yusriadi Yusriadi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan tingkat pendapatan dan menguji kelayakan usaha tani Lada Didesa Sanglepongan Kecamatan Curio Kabupaten EnrekangMetode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang mewakili suatu daerah dengan benar, dan untuk menjangkau fakta yang terjadi di lapangan melalui kunjungan dan wawancara langsung, sehingga diperoleh gambaran secara keseluruhan mengenai pendapatan ekonomi petani lada desa sanglepongan kecamatan curiokabupaten enrekang berdasarkan berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari rumahtangga petani..hasil penelitian menunjukkan Total pendapatan lada di daerah sanglepongan adalah Rp149.444.700/produksi. pendapatan petani cukup besar untuk digunakan menutupi kegutuhan hidup dan menunjang keuangan rumah tangga petani dikala tepuruknya harga komoditi pertanian di desa sanglepongan kecamatan Curio Kabupaten Enrekang.Nilai benefit cost ratio (B/C-ratio) adalah sebesar 2,72 menunjukkan bahwa B/C >1 berarti usaha layak untuk dijalankan. Atau denga kata lain pendapatan lebih besar dari total biaya yang dikeluarkan maka usaha ladadi desa sanglepongan di Kecamatan Curio Kabupaten Enekang layak untuk di jalankan This study aims to determine the level of income and test the feasibility of farming in the Village of Sanglepongan, Curio District, Enrekang Regency.The research method used is a survey method that aims to get a picture that represents an area correctly, and to reach the facts that occur in the field through visits and interviews. Directly, in order to obtain an overall picture of the economic income of pepper farmers in sanglepongan village, curio district, enrekang district based on data obtained from farmer households. The results showed that the total income of pepper in the sanglepongan area was Rp.149,444,700 / production. Farmer's income is large enough to be used to cover the necessities of life and support farmer household finances when agricultural commodity prices fall in the Sanglepongan village, Curio district, Enrekang Regency. The value of the benefit cost ratio (B / C-ratio) is 2.72 indicating that B / C> 1 means the business is feasible to run. Or in other words, the income is greater than the total costs incurred for ladadi business in the village of Sanglepongan in Curio Subdistrict, Enekang Regency, which is feasible to run

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 446
Ryan Rahutama

Penyangkringan villages became one village into the Center for Environmental Activities (PKL) to the service center functions as a center of trade and services in accordance with the Spatial Kendal Year 2011-2031. The village where Penyangkringan have potential cash asset village that has not been optimally and can not accommodate these activities so that the village government plans to build a village market. But with a limited budget, cooperation with the private sector to be the solution to overcome it. Authorities village rural market development cooperation with built-operate-transfer (BGS) with a contract term of 10 years. Therefore we need a study evaluating the implementation of the cooperation that focus on the financial feasibility and economic aspects. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of village government and private partnership in the development of rural markets in financial aspects and economic aspects. Financial and economic aspects views of four criteria: Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), and Pay Back Period (PBP). The results showed that the financial results obtained Rp. 193.610.176 (NPV), 13,5 % (IRR), 1,035 (BCR), and 4 Years, 3 Months (PBP), while economically the results obtained Rp. 143.437.317 (NPV), 11,6 % (IRR), 1,01 (BCR) and 4 Years, 4 Months (PBP)

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
M Bayu ◽  
S Umar ◽  
Hasnudi ◽  
N Ginting ◽  
Y L Henuk

The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of rabbitproduction factors on rabbit farmers income in the District of Berastagi Regency ofKaro which include Litter Size, Sum of Wean, Sum of Deaths, Feed Cost and Sum ofLabor; and knowing rabbit business in District of Berastagi Regency of Karo isdeserves to be forwarded. The research method used census method done twice for twomonths to take as many as 48 respondent farmers. Factor analysis was obtained byregression analysis while business feasibility obtained by Revenue Cost Ratio (RatioR/C), Benefit Cost Ratio (Rasio B/C) and Break Event Point (BEP) analysis. Theresults showed that the factor affect rabbit farmers income were Sum of Deaths andSum of Labor. Financial analysis of rabbit farmers were R/C=5,61, B/C=4,24, PriceBEP=Rp 9.875 dan Production BEP=22 pieces. It conclude that the factor affect rabbitfarmers income were Sum of Death and Sum of Labor. Rabbit business is profitableand feasible to conduct.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
Shanti Emawati

<p>The research was conducted to determine the profitability of investment on dairy<br />cattle farm in Sleman District. Research was done from Juni to July 2009, located in Sleman District. Survey method was done to collect primary data at the farm level and secondary data from related institution and interview with questioner. Purposive sampling was applied to select farmers’ respondent. Criteria used to analyze profitability of investment were consisted of Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback Period (PPC). The result of analysis based on 5 years investment and 12% annual discount factor showed that the value of NPV = Rp. 15,710,080.00; BCR = 2.10; IRR = 41.79% and PPC = 2.6 years. Dairy cattle farm in Sleman District was financially feasible.</p><p>Key words: dairy cattle, farm, investment, profitability</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
Shanti Emawati

<p>The research was conducted to determine the profitability of investment on dairy<br />cattle farm in Sleman District. Research was done from Juni to July 2009, located in Sleman District. Survey method was done to collect primary data at the farm level and secondary data from related institution and interview with questioner. Purposive sampling was applied to select farmers’ respondent. Criteria used to analyze profitability of investment were consisted of Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback Period (PPC). The result of analysis based on 5 years investment and 12% annual discount factor showed that the value of NPV = Rp. 15,710,080.00; BCR = 2.10; IRR = 41.79% and PPC = 2.6 years. Dairy cattle farm in Sleman District was financially feasible.</p><p>Key words: dairy cattle, farm, investment, profitability</p>

Omega V. Sambuaga ◽  
Lexy K. Rarung ◽  
Swenekhe S. Durand

Abstract This study aims to review knowing the state of the District Sales Manager village Sinuian Remboken And find out if the fish farming in net cages step feasible OR feasible for the review run. The basic method basis Of Research Singer Namely Studies CASE, data retrieval is done Operates census where respondents Its taken is 100% of a population of Fishermen fish of tilapia in the village Sinuian, data collected is data primary data the collected with how to observe and secondary data in the form evidence, notes OR statements of historical Yang has arranged hearts archives for review analyzing fish farming with analysis methods operating profit data such as net income, the rate of profit, benefit cost ratio, profitability, break-even point, the payback period, net present value, internal rate and returns. Based on the analysis in the financial, fish farming in net cages step in the Village Sinuian eligible to run because the value of a positive operating profit, profit rate of fish farming reached 57.23%, 92.22% profitability, the value of the benefit cost ratio> 1 namely 1.57; BEP or break-even point is BEP sales of Rp. 24,562,016 and BEP 982.48kg unit further investment return rate of tilapia fish farming are 1 year 1 month, with a 92.09% IRR, NPV 329,059,572.14. Keywords: cage nets step, financial analysis, tilapia Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui keadaan umum Desa Sinuian Kecamatan Remboken dan mengetahui apakah usaha budidaya ikan di karamba jaring tancap layak atau tidak layak untuk dijalankan. Metode dasar dari penelitian ini yaitu studi kasus, pengambilan data dilakukan secara sensus dimana responden yang diambil adalah 100% dari populasi nelayan pembudidaya ikan nila di Desa Sinuian, data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer yaitu data yang terkumpul dengan cara observasi dan data sekunder berupa bukti, catatan atau laporan historis yang telah tersusun dalam arsip untuk menganalisis usaha budidaya ikan dengan metode analisis data seperti operating profit, net profit, profit rate, benefit cost ratio, rentabilitas, break event point, payback period, net present value, dan internal rate of return. Berdasarkan hasil analisis secara finansial, usaha budidaya ikan di karamba jaring tancap di Desa Sinuian layak untuk dijalankan karena nilai operating profit positif, profit rate dari usaha budidaya ikan ini mencapai 57,23%, rentabilitas 92,22%, nilai benefit cost ratio  >1 yaitu 1,57; BEP atau titik impas yaitu BEP penjualan Rp. 24,562,016dan BEP satuan 982.48kg selanjutnya tingkat pengembalian investasi dari usaha budidaya ikan nila ini adalah 1 tahun 1 bulan, dengan IRR 92,09%, NPV 329,059,572.14. Kata Kunci : Karamba jaring tancap, analisis finansial, ikan nila

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 134
Ulul Hidayah ◽  
Sri Mulatsih ◽  
Yeti Lis Purnamadewi

The village owned enterprises (BUMDes) has an important role in stimulating rural development and therefore it is necessary to examine its feasibility as a profitable business venture and has a sustainable impact on village development.  The purpose of this research is to conduct a feasibility analysis of the BUMDes and its role in developing rural economic activity.  This research method used a financial feasibility analysis to BUMDes of Harapan Jaya in Bogor Regency, Indonesia. Data were obtained through focus group discussion with informants who work in BUMDes as operational manager, supervisors, commissioners, as well as village officials and MSME entrepreneurs. The results showed that business feasibility analysis in the footwear marketing business by BUMDes is feasible as indicated by the net present value of 318 million rupiah; benefit-cost ratio 1.026; internal rate of return 35%; and a 2.56 year of payback period. Furthermore, BUMDes contributes significant profits for village. BUMDes involvement in the marketing of footwear products lead entrepreneurs and footwear workers earns a more income  than the regional minimum wage. The collaboration between BUMDes and MSME resulted in a business profit of 80 million rupiah. BUMdes governance requires an increase in the quality of human resources and organization mechanism to be more competence and productive supporting performance targets, incentive mechanisms, and job satisfaction.JEL Classification:  L32, L60, R20

Injilly V. Wowor ◽  
Jeannette F. Pangemanan ◽  
Vonne Lumenta

Abstract This study aims to determine the feasibility of cultivation of Tilapia system net cages step in the Village Paslaten District of Remboken Minahasa based business feasibility analysis net cages step for determining operating profit (OP), net profit (π), the profit rate (PR), benefit cost ratio (BCR), profitability, break-even point (BEP) and payback period (PP). The results of the business analysis system aquaculture net cages Paslaten step in the Village District of Remboken eligible to run for Value operating profit (OP) is Rp. 73.564 million. Value of net profit or Rp absolute advantage. 65,994,296. Profit rate (PR) of 98.45%. The value of the benefit cost ratio (BCR) more than 1 is 1.98. Business profitability into the category of nice because more than 100%, ie 166%. Break even point sales of Rp. 13,517,328 and BEP unit 540 kg with a payback period of 7.2 months or seven months and six days. Based on these calculations, the business system Tilapia aquaculture net cages Paslaten step in the Village District of Remboken feasible. Keywords : cultivation, net cages, feasibility, financial   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha budi daya ikan Nila sistem karamba jaring tancap di Desa Paslaten Kecamatan Remboken Kabupaten Minahasa berdasarkan analisis kelayakan usaha karamba jaring tancap untuk menentukan operating profit (OP), net profit (π), profit rate (PR), benefit cost ratio (BCR), rentabilitas, break even point (BEP) dan payback period (PP). Hasil analisis usaha budi daya ikan sistem karamba jaring tancap di Desa Paslaten Kecamatan Remboken layak untuk dijalankan karena Nilai operating profit (OP) yaitu Rp. 73.564.000. Nilai net profit atau keuntungan absolut Rp. 65.994.296. Profit rate (PR) sebesar 98,45%. Nilai benefit cost ratio (BCR) lebih dari 1 yaitu 1,98. Rentabilitas usaha masuk dalam kategori baik sekali karena lebih dari 100% yaitu 166%. Break even point penjualan sebesar Rp. 13.517.328 dan BEP satuan 540 kg dengan jangka waktu pengembalian 7,2 bulan atau tujuh bulan enam hari. Berdasarkan perhitungan tersebut maka usaha budi daya ikan Nila sistem karamba jaring tancap di Desa Paslaten Kecamatan Remboken layak untuk dijalankan. Kata Kunci : budidaya, jaring tancap, kelayakan, finansial

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 304-316
Israwati Israwati ◽  
Yusriadi Yusriadi ◽  
Nurhaedah Nurhaedah

Penelitian ini bertujuan 1 ) untuk mengetahui berapa besar pendapatan produksi penyulingan minyak daun cengkeh dalam di Desa Buntu Barana Kecamatan Curio Kabupaten Enrekang. 2) untuk mengetahui bagaimana tingkat kelayakan usaha penyulingan minyak daun cengkeh di Desa Buntu Brana Kecamatan Curio Kabupaten EnrekangMetode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang mewakili suatu daerah dengan benar, dan untuk menjangkau fakta yang terjadi di lapangan melalui kunjungan dan wawancara langsung, sehingga diperoleh gambaran secara keseluruhan pendapatan produksi penyulingan minyak daun cengkeh dalam di Desa Buntu Barana Kecamatan Curio Kabupaten Enrekangberdasarkan berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari penyulingan minyak daun cengkeh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Total Pendapatan usaha penyulingan minyak daun cengkeh di Desa Buntu Barana adalah Rp.22.586.000 selama enam bulan produksi. Hasil pendapatan responden cukup besar untuk digunakan menutupi kebutuhan hidup dan menunjang keuangan rumah tangga petani dikala tepuruknya harga komoditi pertanian utama pengusaha penyulingan minyak  daun cengkeh sebagai sampel di daerah penelitian.Kelayakan usaha penyulingan minyak daun cengkeh yang diperoleh sebesar 1,42 bahwa usaha termasuk kategori layak dengan hasil R/C Ratio > 1,42 maka usaha tersebut layak untuk dikembangkan. This study aims 1) To determine how much income from the production of clove leaf oil distillation in Buntu Barana Village, Curio District, Enrekang Regency. 2) To find out the feasibility level of the business of clove leaf oil refining in Buntu Brana Village, Curio District, Enrekang Regency. The research method used is a survey method that aims to get a picture that represents an area correctly, and to reach the facts that occur in the field through visits and Direct interviews, in order to obtain an overall picture of the production income of clove leaf oil distillation in Buntu Barana Village, Curio District, Enrekang Regency based on data obtained from clove leaf oil refining. The results showed that the total income of clove leaf oil refining business in Buntu Barana Village was Rp. 22,586,000 for six months of production. The respondents 'income was large enough to be used to cover their living needs and to support farmers' household finances when the prices of the main agricultural commodities of clove leaf oil refiners were sampled in the study area. The feasibility of the business of clove leaf oil refining obtained is 1.42, that the business is in the feasible category with an R / C Ratio> 1.42, so the business is feasible to be developed.

2012 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Zulfanita (Zulfanita) ◽  
Made Arya Wiguna ◽  
Sudi Nurtini

<p>The aim of the study was to find out the feasibility of beef cattle fattening by sharing system in Grantung, Bayan, Purworejo. The location of the research was in the village of Grantung, the subdistrict of Bayan, Purworejo Regency. The study was conducted from June until December 2006. The resopondents were the receivers of sharing system beef cattle from Agricultural and Husbandary Agency of Purworejo as many as 30 people which were taken by purposive sampling. Measurement of Benefit Cost ratio (BCR), Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) values were done to analyse the feasibility. The result showed that values being obtained for BCR was 1.05; NVP was Rp. 1,798,664.07; and IRR was 31%. Therefore, it could be concluded that the beef cattle fattening by sharing system carried out in Grantung, Bayan, Purworejo was feasible to be implemented.</p><p>(Key words: Beef cattle fattening, Sharing system, Project feasibility)<br /><br /></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-337
Irmayani Irmayani ◽  
Irna Sari ◽  
Andi Erna Sriwahyuningsih

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapatan usaha gula aren di Desa Buntu Pema Kecamatan Curio Kabupaten Enrekang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang mewakili suatu daerah dengan benar, dan untuk menjangkau fakta yang terjadi di lapangan melalui kunjungan dan wawancara langsung, sehingga diperoleh gambaran secara keseluruhan mengenai pendapatan ekonomi rumahtanggga pengrajin Aren di Desa Buntu Pema Kecamatan Curio Kabupaten Enrekang berdasarkan berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari rumahtangga petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Total pendapatan gula aren di daerah Buntu Pema adalah Rp.149.444.700/produksi. Pendapatan gula aren di Daerah Buntu Pema adalah Rp. 2.532.560 selama selama satu kali produksi.Hasil rata-rata pendapatan petani responden cukup besar untuk digunakan menutupi kegutuhan hidup dan menunjang keuangan rumah tangga petani dikala tepuruknya harga komoditi pertanian utama petani sampel di daerah penelitian.Nilai revenue cost ratio (R/C49-ratio) adalah sebesar 1,98 menunjukkan bahwa R/C>1 berarti usaha layak untuk dijalankan. Atau denga kata lain pendapatan lebih besar dari total biaya yang dikeluarkan maka usaha gula aren di Desa Buntu Pema di Kecamatan Curio Kabupaten Enrekang layak untuk di jalankan. This study aims to determine the income of palm sugar business in Buntu Pema Village, Curio District, Enrekang Regency. The research method used is a quantitative method that aims to get a picture that represents an area correctly, and to reach the facts that occur in the field through visits and direct interviews, so that an overall picture of the household income of Aren craftsmen in the dead-end village Pema Curiokabupati is obtained enrekang based on data obtained from farmer households. The results showed that the total income of palm sugar in the Buntu Pema area was IDR 149,444,700 / production. Palm sugar income in the Buntu Pema area is Rp. 2,532,560 during one production. The average yield of the respondent's farmers' income is large enough to be used to cover the necessities of life and to support farmer household finances when the prices of the main agricultural commodities of the sample farmers in the study area have fallen. The value of revenue cost ratio (R / C49-ratio) is 1.98 indicating that R / C> 1 means the business is feasible to run. Or in other words, the income is greater than the total costs incurred, the palm sugar business in Buntu Pema Village in Curio District, Enrekang Regency is feasible to run.

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