2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 354-360
Nafi'ah Nafi'ah ◽  
Mu’jizatillah Mu’jizatillah ◽  
Jhudi Bonosari Soediono

In last decade there has been an increase prevalence of overweight adolescents. Various strategies and products have been evaluated in effort to prevent and treat overweight using Green Tea Extract (GTE) and Senobi Breathing Exercise (SBE). However, the effect of GTE and SBE on decreasing adolescent body fat percentage in acute conditions when combined are unknown. The method used quasi experimental with control group design. The research conducted in Gymnasium laboratory of the Politeknik Unggulan Kalimantan in March 2020. The samples used were aged 18-21 years with BMI 25-29.9. Determination of samples using Federer's formula: (t-1) (n-1) ?15 obtained 4 treatment groups with a sample size of each group are 10 people that divided into: (a) overweight GTE; (b) overweight SBE; (c) overweight GTE and SBE; (d) overweight control . Measurement percentage of body fat in acute conditions shortly after treatment utilize Body Fat Monitor Scale GEA Medical EF 981. Statistical Test using Krusskall Wallis , the results obtained were P> 0.05, which indicates that there was no significant effect of GTE and SBE to reduce prevalence of adolescent body fat in acute conditions. Further research is needed to find out the correct protocol.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 568-575
Nora Veri

Background: The type of injectable contraceptive that is currently widely used is Depo Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA) which contains the hormone progestin, which is a synthetic material from progesterone. The use of progestin contraceptives can reduce endometrial proliferation and increase apoptosis in endometrial tissue. Cell apoptosis is triggered by an imbalance between positive signals (cell growth factors) and negative signals (DNA damage and increased levels of oxidants) under conditions of oxidative stress. Apoptosis of oocytes in large numbers will cause tissue damage which is characterized by atrophy of the ovaries and causes decreased reproductive function. Oxidative stress can be overcome with endogenous and exogenous antioxidants to reduce free radicals in the body. Green tea is one of the herbal plants that act as antioxidants and phytoestrogens, through the polyphenol compounds contained therein.Purpose: To know the role of green tea in providing protective effects on the ovaries, endometrium and aorta in rats.Methods : The research design used in this study was a true experiment with a post test only control group design approach. In this study, the researchers treated green tea extract at a dose of 10.8 mg/rat/day, 21.6 mg/rat/day, and 43.2 mg/rat/day and exposure to DMPA at a dose of 2.7 mg/rat/day. Green tea extract was administered orally for 28 days. The research hypothesis is that green tea can increase the number of follicles, the number of endometrial glands and reduce the arteriosclerosis score of blood vessels. The preparations were stained by the Hemotoxin-Eosin (HE) method and using the OlyVIA software.Result: There was a significant decrease in the number of corpus luteum, endometrial glands and arteriosclerosis scores due to DMPA exposure but not on the number of follicles. Green tea extract was able to increase the number of endometrial glands at a dose of 10.8 mg/day, but there was no significant difference between doses. Green tea extract was able to reduce arteriosclerosis scores, but the most effective dose was 43.2 mg/day.Conclusion: DMPA exposure was able to significantly reduce the number of corpus luteum, the number of endometrial glands and arteriosclerosis score, but there was no significant difference in the number of primary, secondary, tertiary and de Graff follicles, there was a difference in the number of corpus luteum in the group exposed to DMPA, green tea extract was able to increase the number of endometrial glands and decrease the arteriosclerosis score.Suugestion It is necessary to determine the phase of the reproductive cycle before calculating the number of follicles and examining the level of the hormone estrogen to determine whether the experimental animal has become a hypoestrogen model or not. Keywords : Progesterone, Contraception, Green Tea, Antioxidant ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Jenis kontrasepsi suntik yang saat ini banyak digunakan adalah Depo Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA) yang mengandung hormon progestin yaitu bahan sintestis dari progesteron. Penggunaan kontrasepsi progestin dapat menurunkan proliferasi endometrium dan meningkatkan apoptosis pada jaringan endometrium. Apoptosis sel dipicu karena adanya ketidakseimbangan antara sinyal positif (faktor pertumbuhan sel) dan sinyal negatif (kerusakan DNA dan peningkatan kadar oksidan) pada kondisi stress oksidatif. Apoptosis pada oosit dalam jumlah yang besar akan mengakibatkan kerusakan jaringan yang ditandai dengan terjadinya atrofi pada ovarium dan menyebabkan fungsi reproduksi menurun. Stress oksidatif dapat diatasi dengan antioksidan endogen dan eksogen untuk menurunkan radikal bebas dalam tubuh. Teh hijau merupakan salah satu tanaman herbal yang berperan sebagai antioksidan dan fitoestrogen, melalui senyawa polifenol yang terkandung didalamnya.Tujuan : Mengetahui peran teh hijau dalam meberikan efek protektif terhadap ovarium, endometrium dan aorta pada tikus.Metode : Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah true experiment dengan pendekatan post test only control group design. Dalam penelitian ini perlakuan peneliti adalah pemberian ekstrak teh hijau dengan dosis 10,8 mg/tikus/hari, 21,6 mg/tikus/hari, dan 43,2 mg/tikus/hari dan paparan DMPA dosis 2,7 mg/tikus/hari pada tikus. Ekstrak teh Hijau diberikan secara oral selama 28 hari. Hipotesis penelitian adalah teh hijau mampu meningkatkan jumlah folikel, jumlah kelenjar endometrium dan menurunkan skor arteriosklerosis pembuluh darah. Preparat diwarnai dengan metode Hemotoxin-Eosin (HE) dan menggunakan software OlyVIA.Hasil : Terjadi penurunan jumlah korpus luteum, kelenjar endometrium dan skor arteriosklerosis akibat paparan DMPA secara bermakna namun tidak pada jumlah folikel. Ekstrak teh hijau mampu meningkatkan jumlah kelenjar endometrium pada dosis 10.8 mg/hari, namun tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antar dosis. Ekstrak teh hijau mampu menurunkan skor arteriosklerosis, namun yang paling efektif adalah dosis 43.2 mg/hari.Kesimpulan : Paparan DMPA mampu menurunkan jumlah korpus luteum, jumlah kelenjar endometrium dan skor arteriosklerosis secara bermakna, namun tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna pada jumlah folikle primer, sekunder, tersier dan de Graff, ada perbedaan jumlah korpus luteum pada kelompok yang dipapar DMPA, ekstrak teh hijau mampu meningkatkan jumlah kelenjar endometrium  dan menurunkan skor arteriosklerosis.Saran Perlu menentukan fase siklus reproduksi sebelum dilakukan perhitungan jumlah folikel dan pemeriksaan kadar hormon estrogen untuk menentukan apakah hewan coba sudah menjadi model hypoestrogen atau belum. Kata Kunci :  DMPA, Kontrasepsi, Teh Hijau, Antioksidan 

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Putri Puspitasari ◽  
AAG Wiraguna ◽  
Wimpie Pangkahila

Abstract: This study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of 20% green tea extract in preventing the increase of melanin in guinea pig skin exposed to UV-B and to compare the effectiveness of this treatment to 4% hydroquinone cream. This was an experimental study with the post-test only control group design. Subjects were four groups; each consisted of 7 male guinea pigs. Group 1, the control group, was exposed to UV-B only. Group 2 was exposed to UV-B and applied with cream based substance. Group 3 was exposed to UV-B and applied with 4% hydroquinone cream. Group 4 was exposed to UV-B and applied with 20% green tea extract. The total UV-B intensity was 390 mJ/cm2 consistently exposed for two weeks. Histopathological slides of the skin tissue were stained with Masson Fontana technique. The total amount of melanin was calculated in percentage of pixel compared to pixel of melanin in total epidermis. The results showed that the highest amount of melanin was in group 1 (24.44%) and the lowest amount of melanin was in group 3 (1.04%) meanwhile the amount of melanin in group 4 (1.34%) was nearly the same with group 3. There were significant differences between group 1 to group 3 and 4 (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between group 3 and group 4 (P > 0.05). Conclusion: The 20% green tea extract was as effective as 4% hydroquinone cream in inhibiting the increase of melanin in guinea pigs’skin exposed to UV-B.Keywords: green tea extract, melanin, ultraviolet BAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek pemberian krim ekstrak teh hijau 20% terhadap peningkatan jumlah melanin pada kulit marmut yang dipajan sinar UVB serta membandingkan efektivitasnya dengan krim hidrokuinon 4%. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimental murni dengan post test only control group design. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari empat kelompok dengan 7 ekor marmut jantan setiap kelompok. Kelompok 1 (kelompok kontrol) diberi pajanan sinar UV-B saja. Kelompok 2 diberi pajanan sinar UV-B dan diolesi krim dasar. Kelompok 3 diberi pajanan sinar UV-B dan krim hidrokuinon 4% sedangkan kelompok 4 diberi pajanan sinar UV-B dan krim ekstrak teh hijau 20%. Dosis total UVB yaitu 390 mJ/cm2 diberikan selama 2 minggu. Sediaan histopatologik jaringan kulit dipulas dengan pewarnaan Masson Fontana. Jumlah melanin dihitung dengan persentase pixel luas area melanin dibandingkan dengan pixel seluruh jaringan epidermis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah melanin tertinggi pada kelompok 1 (24,44%) dan terendah pada kelompok 3 (1,04%). Jumlah melanin pada kelompok 4 (1,34%) hampir sama dengan kelompok 3. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok 1 dengan kelompok 3 dan 4 (P < 0,05). Perbandingan antara kelompok 3 dan 4 tidak berbeda bermakna dalam mencegah peningkatan jumlah melanin (P > 0,05). Simpulan: Pemberian krim ekstrak teh hijau 20% sama efektif dengan krim hidrokuinon 4% dalam mencegah peningkatan jumlah melanin kulit marmut yang dipajan sinar UV-B.Kata kunci: krim ekstrak teh hijau, melanin, ultraviolet B

2014 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 209
Ernawati Hardani ◽  
Wiryatun Lestariana ◽  
Susetyowati Susetyowati

Background: Overweight and obesity can cause high body fat total and lipid profile in the blood that brings risk for diseases to the bearer. Some studies on green tea extract supplementation have been undertaken to find out its effect on the fat reduction in children, men, and mice and the result showed a reduction in body fat, weight, appetite, and triglyceride level. This study uses green tea extract supplemented to overweight and obese women. Objective: To find out the reduction of body fat total and lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, HDL) in the blood of overweight and obese women personnel of Yogyakarta Municipal Health Office supplemented with green tea extract.Method: The study was randomized double-blinded control trial. The subject of the study was overweight and obese women of 35-55 years old personnel of Yogyakarta Municipal Health Office. Samples were 86 women randomly taken, comprising experiment group and control group, each of which consisting of 43 women. Each group had diet according to individual appetite. Both groups were given capsules of similar form and color but different ingredients: placebo and green tea extract. The experiment took three months. Blood was taken before and after the experiment to identify lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, HDL). Body fat total was examined using body fat analyzer. Data analysis used paired t-test.Results: Green tea extract supplementation could significantly reduce body fat total and insignificantly reduce cholesterol level, triglyceride, and LDL, significantly increase HDL in overweight and obese women.Conclusion: Green tea extract supplementation could reduce body fat total and increase HDL (p<0.005).

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 348
Endah Wijayanti ◽  
Tatit Nurseta ◽  
Eviana Norahmawati

Abstract Monosodium glutamate is one of the additives used a food flavoring and is widely known by society. The consumption of MSG in large quantities leads to the lesions of the hypothalamus nucleus, leading to some changes in the reproductive system. The aim of this study is to find out the influence of green tea extract against Apoptosis cells Granulose ovarian follicle Rattus norvegicus Dipajan MSG. The research method of using a true experimental research approach post test only control group Design. The sample used was a female white rat (Rattus norvegicus) the number of 25 tails divided into 5 groups. Exposure of monosodium glutamate administered at a dose of 0.7 mg/grBB per oral and green tea extract a variety of doses administered 2 hours thereafter during 30 days after the rats were obtained in the Proestrus phase. Apoptosis examination uses In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, POD catalog number 11684817910 of Roche brand with Tunnel method. Data were analyzed using the One Way ANOVA test. Results showed that the lowest average apoptosis rate was seen in the MSG Administration treatment group and green tea extract dose 1.4 mg/tail/day (18,686 ± 2,247) but increased again on the group's MSG administration treatment and green tea extract dose 2.8 mg/tail/day (23,752 ± 3,206). So the administration of green tea extract of varying doses can decrease apoptosis in the Rattus norvegicus that is Dipajan MSG.   Keywords: green tea extract, monosodium glutamat, Apoptosis     Abstrak Monosodium glutamat, merupakan salah satu zat aditif yang digunakan sebagai penyedap makanan dan dikenal secara luas oleh masyarakat. Konsumsi MSG dalam jumlah besar menyebabkan lesi bagian nucleus arkuata hipotalamus sehingga menimbulkan beberapa perubahan pada sistem reproduksi. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak teh hijau terhadap Apoptosis Sel Granulosa Folikel Ovarium Rattus norvegicus yang dipajan MSG. Metode Penelitian menggunakan penelitian true eksperimental pendekatan post test only control group design. Sampel yang digunakan adalah tikus putih betina (Rattus norvegicus) sejumlah 25 ekor yang terbagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Paparan monosodium glutamat diberikan dengan dosis 0,7 mg/grBB per oral dan ekstrak teh hijau berbagai dosis diberikan 2 jam setelahnya selama 30 hari setelah didapatkan tikus berada pada fase proestrus. Pemeriksaan Apoptosis menggunakan In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, POD nomor katalog 11684817910 merk Roche dengan metode Tunel. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji One Way Anova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Nilai rerata apoptosis terendah tampak pada kelompok perlakuan pemberian MSG dan ekstrak teh hijau dosis 1,4 mg/ekor/hari (18.686± 2.247) namun meningkat lagi pada kelompok perlakuan pemberian MSG dan ekstrak teh hijau dosis 2,8 mg/ekor/hari (23.752± 3.206). Sehingga pemberian ekstrak teh hijau berbagai dosis dapat menurunkan apoptosis pada Rattus norvegicus yang dipajan MSG   Kata Kunci : ekstrak teh hijau, monosodium glutamat,  dan Apoptosis

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 348
Endah Wijayanti ◽  
Tatit Nurseta ◽  
Eviana Norahmawati

Abstract Monosodium glutamate is one of the additives used a food flavoring and is widely known by society. The consumption of MSG in large quantities leads to the lesions of the hypothalamus nucleus, leading to some changes in the reproductive system. The aim of this study is to find out the influence of green tea extract against Apoptosis cells Granulose ovarian follicle Rattus norvegicus Dipajan MSG. The research method of using a true experimental research approach post test only control group Design. The sample used was a female white rat (Rattus norvegicus) the number of 25 tails divided into 5 groups. Exposure of monosodium glutamate administered at a dose of 0.7 mg/grBB per oral and green tea extract a variety of doses administered 2 hours thereafter during 30 days after the rats were obtained in the Proestrus phase. Apoptosis examination uses In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, POD catalog number 11684817910 of Roche brand with Tunnel method. Data were analyzed using the One Way ANOVA test. Results showed that the lowest average apoptosis rate was seen in the MSG Administration treatment group and green tea extract dose 1.4 mg/tail/day (18,686 ± 2,247) but increased again on the group's MSG administration treatment and green tea extract dose 2.8 mg/tail/day (23,752 ± 3,206). So the administration of green tea extract of varying doses can decrease apoptosis in the Rattus norvegicus that is Dipajan MSG.   Keywords: green tea extract, monosodium glutamat, Apoptosis     Abstrak Monosodium glutamat, merupakan salah satu zat aditif yang digunakan sebagai penyedap makanan dan dikenal secara luas oleh masyarakat. Konsumsi MSG dalam jumlah besar menyebabkan lesi bagian nucleus arkuata hipotalamus sehingga menimbulkan beberapa perubahan pada sistem reproduksi. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak teh hijau terhadap Apoptosis Sel Granulosa Folikel Ovarium Rattus norvegicus yang dipajan MSG. Metode Penelitian menggunakan penelitian true eksperimental pendekatan post test only control group design. Sampel yang digunakan adalah tikus putih betina (Rattus norvegicus) sejumlah 25 ekor yang terbagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Paparan monosodium glutamat diberikan dengan dosis 0,7 mg/grBB per oral dan ekstrak teh hijau berbagai dosis diberikan 2 jam setelahnya selama 30 hari setelah didapatkan tikus berada pada fase proestrus. Pemeriksaan Apoptosis menggunakan In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, POD nomor katalog 11684817910 merk Roche dengan metode Tunel. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji One Way Anova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Nilai rerata apoptosis terendah tampak pada kelompok perlakuan pemberian MSG dan ekstrak teh hijau dosis 1,4 mg/ekor/hari (18.686± 2.247) namun meningkat lagi pada kelompok perlakuan pemberian MSG dan ekstrak teh hijau dosis 2,8 mg/ekor/hari (23.752± 3.206). Sehingga pemberian ekstrak teh hijau berbagai dosis dapat menurunkan apoptosis pada Rattus norvegicus yang dipajan MSG   Kata Kunci : ekstrak teh hijau, monosodium glutamat,  dan Apoptosis

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-35
Basma El-Desoky ◽  
Shaimaa El-Sayed ◽  
El-Said El-Said

Objective: Investigating the effect of green tea extract (GTE) on the testicular damage induced by cadmium chloride CdCl2 in male rats. Design: Randomized controlled study. Animals: 40 male Wistar rats. Procedures: Rats were randomly divided into four groups: A) control group (each rat daily received pellet diet); B) GTE group each rat daily received pellet diet as well as 3 ml of 1.5 % w/v GTE, C) CdCl2 group each rat was I/P injected a single dose of 1 mg/kg CdCl2, then daily received pellet diet, and D) CdCl2+GTE group each rat was I/P injected a single dose of 1 mg/kg CdCl2 then daily received pellet diet as well as 3 ml of 1.5 % w/v GTE. After 30 days, blood samples were collected for hormonal assays (testosterone, FSH, and LH). In addition, both testes were collected; one of them was used for quantification of 17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase III (17β-HSDIII) gene expression using a real-time PCR. The other testis was used for determination of catalase and reduced glutathione; GSH, Nitric oxide (NO) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. Results: CdCl2 decreased serum testosterone levels and its synthesis pathway (17β-HSDIII testicular gene expression). While antioxidants catalase and GSH were reduced, oxidants MDA were enriched in the testes of CdCl2-poisoned rats. This CdCl2-promoted testicular dysfunction was corrected via the administration of GTE to male rats. Conclusion and clinical relevance: GTE could be used as a remedy for protecting against CdCl2-induced testicular damage in male rats.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 198-204 ◽  
Suherni Susilowati ◽  
Trilas Sardjito ◽  
Imam Mustofa ◽  
Oky Setio Widodo ◽  
Rochmah Kurnijasanti

Objective: The aim of this study was to ascertain the effects of adding green tea extract (GTE) to skim milk-egg yolk (SM-EY) extender on both the quality of post-thawed bull semen and the pregnancy rates of the recipient cows.Methods: Twelve ejaculates from four Simmental bulls, aged 3 to 5 years and weighing 900 to 950 kg, were diluted SM-EY extender, added with 0, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.15 mg GTE/100 mL extender and then frozen. After four weeks storage in liquid nitrogen, the sperm were thawed and evaluated for viability, motility, intact plasma membrane (IPM), and DNA fragmentation. Meanwhile, the estrus cycles of 48 recipient cows were synchronized by intramuscular administration of a single injection of 5 mg prostaglandin F2α. Estrus cows were divided into four equal groups and inseminated artificially 18 to 20 h after the onset of estrus by using semen from each extender group. Pregnancy was diagnosed by measuring serum progesterone levels at 21 days, followed by transrectal palpation 90 days after insemination.Results: The findings revealed that adding 0.1 mg of GTE/100 mL extender produced the highest percentages of sperm viability (70.67%±1.75%), motility (69.17%±1.47%), and IPM (69.23%±1.21%) and the lowest percentage of DNA fragmentation (3.00%±0.50%). The pregnancy diagnosis revealed that all cows (36/36) inseminated using frozen semen in GTE addition extender were pregnant (pregnancy rate 100%), whereas the pregnancy rate of the control group was 83.33% (10/12).Conclusion: It may be concluded that 0.1 mg GTE/100 mL extender yields the best quality of spermatozoa and that all variants doses of GTE in extender produce a higher pregnancy rate among recipient cows.

2007 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Isti Endah Kurniwati ◽  
Juni Handajani ◽  
Regina TC. Tandelilin

Green tea (Camellia sinensis) has been widely known as a healthy drink since long time ago. One of the substances in green tea which can give health benefit is catechin, an antibacterial substance. The purpose of this research is to know the efficacy of rinsing with green tea extract to Streptococcus alpha growth on gingivitis patient’s dental plaque. The research subjects include 30 mild gingivitis patients, and these subjects are divided into two groups: treatment group (20 patients) and control group (10 patients). Ten patients of treatment group rinse their mouth with 0.25% green tea extract and 10 other patients with 0.5% green tea extract. Meanwhile, control group use Bactidol (0.1% Hexetidine). Rinsing the mouth is performed every morning and night for five days. Sampling is conducted on the first and sixth day. Before rinsing data is analyzed using ANOVA and the result shows a significant difference. ANAVA testing then is done using proportion value. ANAVA Testing result shows that there is no significant difference among the patients in the treatment group. This result indicates that the effect of rinsing with 0.25% and 0.5% green tea extract is equivalent to the control (0.1% Hexetidine) to inhibit S. alpha growth on mild gingivitis patient’s dental plaque. From these two concentrations, it has not been known which one is the most effective concentration to inhibit S. alpha growth on mild gingivitis patient.

Obesity ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 1473-1483 ◽  
Tomonori Nagao ◽  
Tadashi Hase ◽  
Ichiro Tokimitsu

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Ali Akbar Abolfathi ◽  
Daryoush Mohajeri ◽  
Ali Rezaie ◽  
Mehrdad Nazeri

Although diabetic hepatopathy is potentially less common, it may be appropriate for addition to the list of target organ conditions related to diabetes. This study was designed to evaluate the hepatoprotective properties of green tea extract (GTE) in STZ-induced diabetes in rats. Wistar rats were made diabetic through single injection of STZ (75 mg/kg i.p.). The rats were randomly divided into four groups of 10 animals each: Group 1, healthy control; Group 2, nondiabetics treated with GTE administered orally (1.5%, w/v); Group 3, diabetics; Group 4, diabetics treated with GTE (1.5%, w/v) for 8 weeks. Serum biomarkers were assessed to determine hepatic injury. Malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduced glutathione (GSH) contents were measured to assess free radical activity in the liver tissue. Hepatic antioxidant activities of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) were also determined. The biochemical findings were matched with histopathological verifications. Liver MDA content and serum levels of ALT, AST, ALP, and bilirubin in Group 3 significantly increased compared to Group 1 (P<0.05) and significantly decreased in Group 4 compared to Group 3 (P<0.05). Serum albumin level and GSH, SOD, CAT, and GSH-Px contents of the liver in Group 3 were significantly decreased compared to Group 1 (P<0.05) and were significantly increased in Group 4 compared to Group 3 (P<0.05). Histopathologically, the changes were in the same direction with biochemical findings. This study proved the hepatoprotective activity of GTE in experimentally induced diabetic rats.

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