scholarly journals Escola x tecnologia: reflexões sobre a formação de professores de educação física

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-22
Géssyca Tolomeu Oliveira ◽  
Beatriz Leite Mazzi ◽  
Bruno Ocelli Ungheri ◽  
Priscila Augusta Ferreira Campos ◽  
Renato Melo Ferreira

INTRODUÇÃO: Na educação, os meios de comunicação de massa trouxeram mudanças e possibilidades significativas, como as mudanças cognitivas, resultando num confronto entre a forma que se aprende na escola tradicional e a forma como se aprende mediado pelas novas tecnologias de comunicação. OBJETIVO: Analisar se os alunos da graduação do curso de Educação Física Licenciatura da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto sentem-se preparados para trabalhar com a tecnologia em suas aulas. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados randomicamente alunos do primeiro, quinto e oitavo períodos, o critério de seleção foi alunos que estivessem cursando as disciplinas disponibilizadas para seus respectivos períodos. Foi analisado, através de entrevista, a opinião de nove alunos. A entrevista teve um total de três perguntas principais e abrangeu assuntos da atualidade e aqueles já estudados na matriz curricular do curso. A análise dos dados foi conduzida de acordo com a seguinte sequência: transcrição, organização e interpretação (classificação e organização). As gravações foram transcritas por meio de digitação em um computador. A classificação e organização das informações foi feita através do método Meaning Unit (MU). RESULTADOS: Os achados da pesquisa apontam que, sob a perspectiva discente, existe um volume reduzido de encargos didáticos que se valem dos recursos tecnológicos como ferramentas pedagógicas. Isso pode demonstrar limites no grau de sistematização da referida temática nos conteúdos trabalhados durante o curso e, consequentemente, na percepção dos alunos e alunas acerca de seu preparo para atuação na Educação Física Escolar. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que os alunos do curso de Educação Física da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto não se sentem preparados para trabalhar com a tecnologia na escola. ABSTRACT. School x technology: reflections about formation of physical education teachers. BACKGROUND: In education, the mass media brought changes and significant possibilities, such as cognitive changes, resulting in a confrontation between the way that you learn in traditional school and the way that you learn mediated by new communication technologies. OBJECTIVE: To analyze if the undergraduate students of Physical Education Degree from Federal University of Ouro Preto feel prepared to work with the technology in their classes. METHODS: Students from the first, fifth and eighth periods were randomly selected; the selection criteria were students who were studying the subjects available for their respective periods. It was analyzed, through an interview, the opinion of nine students. The interview had a total of three main questions and covered topics of the present time and those already studied in the curricular matrix of the course. Data analysis was conducted according to the following sequence: transcription, organization and interpretation (classification and organization). The recordings were transcribed by typing on a computer. The classification and organization of the information was done through the Meaning Unit (MU) method. RESULTS: Analyzes of these transcriptions initially totaled 117 MUs and, after a concordance analysis between the three evaluators with experience in qualitative research, with the objective of categorizing each MU in a pre-defined category, resulted in 77 MUs, being some used in the present study. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that the students of the Physical Education course from Federal University of Ouro Preto do not feel prepared to work with the technology in their classes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-22
Yasmim Gonçalves ◽  
Liana Rocha ◽  
Luciana Venâncio ◽  
Luiz Neto

The formative processes of Brazilian physical education teachers address the bodily practices of adventure in some initial and continuing teacher education courses. In this article, we investigated the theme in the context of the physical education degree course at the Federal University of Ceará, in northeastern Brazil, with students who participated in the pedagogical residency program. The objective is to identify how adventure bodily practices are associated with sports, as a cultural element, and the environmental themes from the lesson plans prepared by scholarship students from the pedagogical residency program in physical education. The methodology is guided by the qualitative research approach, with descriptive characteristics, and theoretically subsidized by a thematic convergence proposal, based on the survey of 17 lesson plans that addressed the systematization of adventure bodily practices. We identified five adventure sports for elementary and high school, with predominance, respectively, of skateboarding, parkour, slackline, surfing and paintball in the theme of the classes. As a result, we found that the proposal can guide teachers when planning their classes regarding adventure practices, adding different perspectives in the theoretical and methodological field of physical education. The findings allowed us to understand, foremost, the convergence between adventure practices and the environmental demands.

2007 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 53-62
Vicente Molina Neto

Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma investigação de natureza qualitativa realizada em aulas de educação física em escolas públicas da cidade de Porto Alegre—RS. O propósito do estudo foi examinar a relação entre a produção de conhecimento e 3 prática profissional de futuros professores de educação física. A pesquisa enfocou o ensino de um elemento específico da cultura física brasileira (futebol) a estudantes de 5a a 8a série, durante o período de um semestre acadêmico, por 11 estudantes em fase de conclusão de curso, da Escola de Educação Física da Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul.  This work presents the results of a qualitative investigation carried out in physical education classes in the public schools of the city of Porto Alegre -RS. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between the production of knowledge in physical education and the professional practice of future physical education teachers. The research focused on the teaching of a specific element of the Brazilian physical culture (soccer) to students of 5th to 8th grades during a period of an academic term by 11 final year undergraduate students of the Faculty of Physical Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.

1995 ◽  
Vol 76 (3_suppl) ◽  
pp. 1251-1259 ◽  
Michael P. Savage

A sample ( N = 200) of undergraduate students in physical education from 12 universities in a midwestern state was sent the 1990 Price questionnaire; 178 responded (89%). 96% of the respondents indicated that normal weight is very important in children, 88% agreed that physical education teachers should play major roles in treating childhood obesity. 92% believed their college courses prepared them to administer exercise programs to help children reduce weight, and 70% supported school-based weight-reduction strategies. Over-all, the students seemed to want to help eliminate childhood obesity and indicated they should become significantly involved in school programs designed to achieve this goal.

2012 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-140
Jarmila Novotná ◽  
Miroslava Lapšanská ◽  
Miroslav Fašianok ◽  
Karin Bugalova

This article presents application program „Harmony in the preparation of undergraduate students of physical education teachers“. Th e  experiment  verifies the effects of this program on development of creativity of future teachers. Based on tests of creativity, to capture the scale of interpersonal relationships and the questionnaire revealed positive changes in the development of creative abilities of students in the experimental group interpersonal relations, climate, attitudes and personality profile.

2005 ◽  
Vol 101 (1) ◽  
pp. 177-186 ◽  
R. R. Goyakla Apache ◽  
Terry Rizzo

The purpose was to evaluate the effect of an infusion curriculum model on attitudes of physical education majors toward teaching students with disabilities. 91 undergraduate students (61 men, 30 women) matriculating through the core curriculum of physical education teachers were exposed to the infusion curriculum as part of each course during one academic year. Attitudes were assessed pre- (Fall) and posttest (Spring) on the Physical Educator's Attitude Toward Teaching Individuals with Disabilities III. Analysis indicated a significant positive change in attitudes toward teaching students with disabilities. Findings suggest, when exposed to issues of disability by infusion into course content, these students self-reported they would have increased confidence in teaching and an appreciation when teaching students with disabilities. An independent validation of this change would be valuable.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 481-494 ◽  
Nien Xiang Tou ◽  
Ying Hwa Kee ◽  
Koon Teck Koh ◽  
Martin Camiré ◽  
Jia Yi Chow

The purpose of the present study was to examine and compare Singaporean physical education teachers’ attitudes towards information and communication technologies in physical education across different demographic groups that included gender, age, teaching experience, and school level. A total of 422 Singaporean full-time physical education teachers (mean age = 38.47 years, standard deviation = 8.31) completed the Physical Education Teachers’ Subjective Theories Questionnaire to assess their perspectives towards the integration of information and communication technologies into physical education teaching practice. Mann–Whitney U and Kruskal–Wallis H tests were conducted to examine the differences in participants’ attitudes across different demographic groups. Results revealed that attitudes towards information and communication technologies significantly differed between teachers of different gender, age, and teaching experience. However, no significant difference was found in attitudes towards information and communication technologies among teachers of different school levels. The findings of this study can inform policy-makers and stakeholders with an interest in promoting the integration of information and communication technologies in physical education.

Retos ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 194-199
Marta Delicado Valverde ◽  
José Jesús Trujillo Vargas ◽  
Luisa María García Salas

La formación inicial de los maestros especialistas en Educación Física ha “sufrido” profundos cambios con las reformas educativas. Lo que debiera seguir siendo igual de relevante es la importancia que tiene el hecho de que sean los propios alumnos quienes valoren la calidad de su formación como docentes especialistas futuros en esta área. En este estudio, nos servimos del instrumento validado por Moreno y Conte (2001) para la Valoración y Capacitación sobre la Docencia en Educación Física (V.A.C.D.E.F.), que hemos pasado a 39 alumnos del Grado en Educación Primaria, que cursan la mención en Educación Física, de un Centro de la Universidad de Cádiz. Entre los hallazgos más importantes, hemos de destacar que los alumnos se sienten, a nivel general, capacitados para desempeñar la labor docente futura, están de acuerdo con los contenidos que se imparten en su formación, se encuentran interesados por los aspectos técnicos de los deportes y por la especialidad en sí misma y apuestan por más clases prácticas dentro de su formación. Abstract. The initial training of Physical Education teachers has "undergone" deep changes along with educational reforms. What should remain equally relevant is that students, as future specialist teachers in this area, should be the ones who value the quality of their education. In this research, we use the tool validated by Moreno and Conte (2001), the Assessment and Training on Teaching in Physical Education (V.A.C.D.E.F.), which we applied to 39 Primary Education degree students who attend the program in Physical Education at a Center of the University of Cádiz. Among the most important findings, we emphasize that the majority of students feel well trained for carrying out the future teaching work. They agree with the contents that are imparted in their program, they are interested in the technical elements of sports and the specialty itself, as well as they strive for more practical classes within their training.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Wesly Otoni Ferreira ◽  
Bianca Henriques de Oliveira ◽  
Vinicius Do Carmo Fontana ◽  
Mariana Zuaneti Martins

INTRODUÇÃO: Nesse artigo expomos o desenvolvimento de uma experiência vinculada ao tênis no curso de licenciatura em educação física. OBJETIVO: O objetivo foi, com base nos pressupostos da pedagogia do esporte, propor uma série de jogos partindo do voleibol, esporte conhecido, para o tênis. Em segundo lugar, promover a problematização da “elitização” da modalidade e esboçar possibilidades para confeccionar bolas e raquetes para o jogo do tênis. MÉTODOS: Esse relato de experiência foi desenvolvido na disciplina de pedagogia do esporte do curso de licenciatura em educação física, com alunos/as do 6° semestre. Era uma turma de 26 alunos, que reunia diferentes níveis de habilidades e vivências esportivas, todos tinham algum contato com o esporte, mas nenhum com tênis. Foram realizadas 4 aulas, num total de 16 horas. Ao final da experiência, realizamos entrevista semiestruturada com 6 alunos/as que participaram das aulas e da confecção e teste dos materiais. RESULTADOS: Os alunos/as demonstraram um envolvimento e mobilização com a proposta de série de jogos de uma prática conhecida, voleibol, para uma menos conhecida, o tênis. Desenvolveram suas propostas de confecção de materiais com criatividade e nos seus relatos afirmaram ser uma possibilidade muito factível de se promover esse tipo de aula nas escolas, ainda que a ausência dos materiais oficiais possa ser sentida. Esse fator, ao mesmo tempo em que promoveu um certo desconforto, por jogar sem os “materiais oficiais”, também permitiu problematizar a ideia de que a elitização é inescapável à prática do tênis. CONCLUSÃO: Essas possibilidades, inseridas no curso de formação, permitiram ao licenciando vislumbrar possibilidades de atuação com a modalidade na prática pedagógica cotidiana na escola. ABSTRACT. Tennis inclusion in the training of physical education teachers: teaching experiences and reconstruction in the degree course. BACKGOUND: In this article we expose the development of an experience linked to tennis in the physical education undergraduate school. OBJECTIVE: Based on the assumptions of sport pedagogy, we aimed to offer a series of games starting from volleyball, a well-known sport, for tennis. Second, to promote the problematization of the “elitization” of the sport and to outline possibilities for making balls and rackets for the game of tennis. METHODS: This experience report was developed in the sport pedagogy discipline of the physical education degree course, with 6th semester students. It was a group that brought together different levels of skills and sports experiences, everyone had experiences with sports, but with few modalities. Four classes were held, for a total of 16 hours, between practical and theoretical activities. At the end of the experiment, we conducted a semi-structured interview with 6 students who participated in the classes and the making and testing of the materials. RESULTS: The students showed involvement and mobilization with the offered content (proposed series of games from a known practice, volleyball, to a lesser known one, tennis). They developed their proposals for making materials with creativity and in their reports they said it was a very feasible possibility of promoting this type of class in schools, even though the absence of official materials can be felt. CONCLUSION: These possibilities, inserted in the training course, allow the undergraduate student to glimpse possibilities of action with the modality in the daily pedagogical practice at school.

Ирина Игоревна Жучкова

Обнаружено, что в спортивном дискурсе англоязычных стран существуют специализированные понятия, которые не совпадают полностью по значению с русскими терминами. Это приводит к сложностям, которые препятствуют пониманию и правильному использованию спортивной терминологии. Цель проводимого исследования заключается в систематизации англоязычной футбольной терминологии с помощью тезаурусного подхода, предполагающего конструирование семантических полей и выявление информационно-семиотической природы изучаемой терминологии. В первой части работы подробно описывается методика конструирования тезауруса английской спортивной терминологии и обосновывается выбор информационно-семиотического подхода в качестве основы исследования. Во второй части исследования конструируется семантическое поле «Football» с наглядной схемой семантических отношений. Исследование показало, что в футбольном дискурсе не существует изолированных понятий, все исследуемые термины связаны друг с другом сетью иерархических, синонимических, вариативных и ассоциативных отношений. Более того, выявление информационно-семиотической природы английской футбольной терминологии не только способствовало разграничению нюансов в значении спортивных терминов, но и позволило наглядно проиллюстрировать связь терминов внутри поля посредством построения схем. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы в процессе профессиональной подготовки специалистов-лингвистов, учителей физической культуры, а также спортсменов, изучающих английский язык. Within the English discourse of sport there are many special concepts that do not coincide in meaning with Russian terms. As a result, Russian people learning the English language do not understand the meaning of English sports terms and are confused in their use. The current research is aimed at systematizing English discourse of sport, and namely its football terminology, and revealing the semiotic structure of terms within it via thesaurus modelling of terms related to this discourse. In the first part of the work there is a description of the way the English thesaurus of sports terms was constructed. In addition, the author explains why the semiotic theory was chosen as the basis for this research. In the second part of the work the author presented a semantic field for the term football with a visual scheme of semantic relations. The research showed that there are no isolated terms in football discourse and all terms are connected with each other through hierarchic, synonymic, variance and associative relations. Moreover, systematizing terms via the thesaurus approach could help not only differenciate the nuances in meaning of sports terms but also illustrate the relations among these terms due to the constructed schemes. The achieved results can be used for the vocational training of students majoring in linguistics, sports, and Physical Education teachers.

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