scholarly journals Model of formation of readyness of future teachers of fine arts for use of computer graphics in professional activity

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (189) ◽  
pp. 85-90
Volodymyr Сherkasov ◽  

The model of formation of readiness of future teachers of fine arts to use computer graphics in professional activity in the context of a subject field of our research contains three blocks, namely: methodological and target (the purpose, tasks, approaches, principles); content-procedural (stages, content, forms, methods, technologies); diagnostic and effective (criteria, indicators, levels of readiness). Сomputer graphics are used in almost all areas of human life, and above all, in art education, in the creation of images and processing of visual information obtained during the study of various arts, communication with various arts. With this approach, we consider it appropriate to determine the essence of computer graphics in the scientific environment and its place in the system of disciplines. At present, it is worth noting that computer graphics is a component of computer science and is studying the means and methods of creating and processing graphic images using computer technology. Computer graphics is a scientific discipline that develops a set of tools and techniques for automating coding and decoding graphic information. Computer graphics studies the methods of digital synthesis and processing of visual content. Our proposed model of forming the readiness of future teachers of fine arts to use computer graphics in professional activities contains three blocks: methodological-target, content-procedural and diagnostic-effective. For liquidity of research and experimental work the purpose is defined, tasks are developed, approaches and principles of the specified phenomenon of research are substantiated. The second block proposes the stages, content, forms, methods and technologies of forming the readiness of future teachers of fine arts to use computer graphics. In addition, at the diagnostic and effective stage of the experimental study, the criteria, indicators and levels of readiness are motivated. In addition, we have proposed pedagogical conditions aimed at improving the effectiveness of this phenomenon, including: purposeful motivation of future teachers of fine arts to use computer graphics in professional activities in the study of professional disciplines; mastering by future teachers of fine arts theoretical knowledge about the essence, content of computer graphics and methods of its use; improving practical skills and abilities to form the readiness of future teachers of fine arts to use computer graphics in professional activities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-47
Liudmyla Danyliuk

In the article on the basis of analysis and generalization of literary sources, pedagogical theory and practice, the means of formation the professional competence of future teachers of fine arts are determined. The main basis component of the formation of the art culture of future teachers of fine arts is decorative- usage arts, folk art crafts are noted in it. An important condition for the professional activity of future teachers of fine arts is the formation of art culture, which includes the ability to emotionally perceive of the environment, creatively transform it, culture of work, knowledge of culture people and nations in different periods of development of society, possession of universal values, in particular, the values of creative, which provide of personality of self-realization and self-development in decorative- usage arts and fine arts. The main basis component of the formation of the art culture of future teachers of fine arts is the decorative-usage arts, folk artistic crafts, the cultural and educational mission of which consists, first of all, in the increase of a productive representation of the values of human life, represented in figurative form of art works, the development of art intuition, aesthetic taste, emotional perception of art creativity, the definition of art as a specific spiritual activity in the development of culture of a particular epoch and on this based on the achievement of a high level of their own art skills.The important condition of professional activities of the future teachers of fine arts is formation of art culture is grounded. In the research and mastery of techniques of decorative-usage art in the future a teacher of fine art form of the desire to learn and protect the Ukrainian people’s material and spiritual achievements is determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-23
I. Demchenko ◽  
I. Kalinovskaya ◽  

The article outlines the relevance of the introduction of inclusive education in the system of education of Ukraine whose success depends on the organizational and pedagogical and corrective and developmental school conditions, flexibly oriented on the individual characteristics of each child and qualitative training of future teachers to professional activities in the conditions of inclusive education. Separate aspects of professional training of future teachers in institutions of higher pedagogical education in conditions of inclusive education are presented. In particular, attention is focused on the peculiarities of organizing the process of training future educators in professional activities in the inclusive environment of institutions of general secondary education, which are that the professionalization of students takes place in the form of penetration of external (the influence of the educational environment and the participants of the educational process) into the internal (assignment of values Inclusive education and acquisition of relevant competence), from the remote space (social meaning of inclusion) in the approximate (personal meaning and Inclusion experience). In accordance with the principle of continuity, the stages of organizing the process of preparation of future teachers to professional activity in conditions of inclusive education (motivational-value, theoretical and practical and simulation-reflexive) are determined and substantiated. Evaluating the efforts of scientists in the highlighted issues, we note that the organization of the process of professional pedagogical training of teachers to work in an inclusive educational environment requires the substantiation of the relevant pedagogical conditions, which is a prospect of further scientific search.

M. M. Mashovets ◽  
N. Golota ◽  
A. Karnaukhova

The task of vocational education at the present stage of development of society is to train competitive professionals with professional mobility, skills of rapid adaptation to changing conditions of society, methods of self-education, improving the quality of their own professional activities and its product. The article analyzes the modern model of practical training of teachers, namely: future educators of preschool education and primary school teachers in the educational process of the Pedagogical Institute of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. The current modernization of the domestic education system creates increased requirements for the quality of training of modern teachers, which is not only to modernize the content of profile-oriented disciplines, but also requires appropriate organization of various types of pedagogical practice. The authors investigate various aspects of training future teachers to carry out professional activities in preschool and primary schools. In particular, the activities of the Center for Self-Knowledge and Self-Development, the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies (ICR), the Educational Laboratory of Creative Pedagogy are substantiated, providing a combination of scientific achievements and practice in the educational process. It is in the process of training in these centers that students have the opportunity to model different components of future pedagogical activities and choose different ways to solve them given the proposed features of the pedagogical situation, which will further contribute to the formation of future teachers holistic perception of professional activity. all participants in the educational process, the ability to make independent decisions and respond quickly to the challenges of everyday teaching. The peculiarities of students’ work in the centers in classroom and extracurricular classes are revealed, in the process of which future preschool educators and primary school teachers have the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary projects, trainings, master innovative and digital teaching tools. component of the educational process and ensures the competitiveness of young professionals. The article identifies tools for information and educational environment that should be used in working with students (STEAM-education, storytelling, kahoot, answergarden), which will promote the development of future teachers’ ability to self-presentation, the effective formation of their professional competence. Key words: preschool institution, general secondary education institution, model, practical training, pedagogical production practice, professional activity, students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (47) ◽  
pp. 293-300
Larisa M. Zakharova ◽  
Nataliya Y. Maydankina ◽  
Tatiana A. Chibisova ◽  
Ekaterina S. Subbotina ◽  
Victoria S. Zakharova

The modern sociocultural situation of the development of society involves taking into account all aspects of human life in the educational process. Are our students - future preschool teachers - ready to build their activities taking into account socio-cultural aspects. The authors consider the characteristic of readiness, highlighting motivational and value-based component (awareness of the importance of their process, readiness for continuous improvement and professional development, highlighting the values of professional activity), activity-technological component (knowledge of the ways of interaction with the subjects of the pedagogical process, design of the educational and educational process, the use of modern teaching tools (IT), information and knowledge component (knowledge of the specifics of preschool childhood, modern trends in the development of society and education, learning technologies). The study shows the insufficient level of development of the 2nd and the 3rd components of the readiness of future teachers. The proposed methods of professional training of future teachers of preschool education are associated with the use of business games, conducting master classes, studying the technological component of the educational process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6 (344)) ◽  
pp. 182-192
Marharyta Morozova ◽  

The article considers the genesis of the concept of «interactivity» in modern psychological, pedagogical and methodological research. It is determined that interactivity runs through the entire history of pedagogical education. The paper analyzes the concept of «interactivity» in pedagogy, methods of teaching foreign languages, programming, telecommunications, multimedia, design, cultural studies, literature, sociology. The purpose of the educational process is to prepare future teachers for professional activities in rapidly changing conditions, the formation of thinking as a factor in the formation of the modern personality of the future teacher and the introduction of democratic values in future teachers of the new generation. It is noted that the competence approach in the organization of the educational process requires the teacher to change the learning process: its structure, forms of organization of activities, the principles of interaction of subjects. It is established that in interactive learning the interaction of the teacher and the future teacher changes: the activity of the teacher gives way to the activity of future teachers, and the task of the teacher is to create conditions for their initiative. The learning process is organized in such a way that almost all its participants are involved in the process of cognition, they have an opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. It is found that the peculiarity of interactive methods is the high level of mutually directed activity of the subjects of interaction, emotional, spiritual unity of the participants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 433-441
Екатерина Игоревна Гермацкая

Purpose. Studying the level of development of certain professionally significant psychological qualities of future specialists in extreme professions, such as volitional self-regulation, propensity to take risks, motivation to achieve success or overcome failure. Methods. Carrying out an ascertaining experiment: psychological testing using the techniques: «Motivation of success and fear of failure» (questionnaire by A.A. Rean), «Research of the propensity to take risks» (questionnaire of A.G. Shmelev), «Level of volitional self-regulation» (questionnaire A.V. Zverkov and E.V. Eydman). Findings. The results of studying the level of development of volitional self-regulation, self-control and perseverance, motivational orientation and propensity to risk of the 1st and 3rd year students of the University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus are presented. The conditions of professional activity of specialists in extreme professions are briefly considered. Strong-willed efforts for workers in extreme activities are necessary to overcome such external obstacles as difficulties in professional activities, various hindrances, confronting with other people or life circumstances. It can be concluded that the majority of respondents are characterized by a high level of volitional self-regulation, perseverance and self-control. The overwhelming majority of the first and third year students were diagnosed with pronounced motivation to achieve success. It has been found that almost all respondents participating in the study had an average level of propensity to take risks. Application field of research. The presented results can be used to work out a program for the development of professionally important psychological qualities, skills and abilities of extreme profile specialists aimed at forecasting the main conditions and regularities of their formation.

O. G. Rylova

The cognitive, developing, illustrative potential of three-dimensional computer graphics actualizes the training of future teachers in its technologies. The future teacher of computer science should be able to develop three-dimensional models and animations of the studied objects (phenomena and processes) in computer science, physics, mathematics and other academic disciplines, create copyright electronic educational resources with three-dimensional illustrations, apply augmented reality and 3D printing in professional activities.The article describes the features of teaching three-dimensional computer modeling and visualization of future informatics teachers, identified on the basis of an analysis of the training system for students studying in specialty 1–02 05 02 Physics and Informatics at the Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University.The main directions for improving the learning process of three-dimensional computer graphics of future informatics teachers are indicated. Questions on three-dimensional computer modeling and visualization will pass through the content line through the content of six academic disciplines («Computer graphics and multimedia», «Computational methods and computer modeling», «Programming Technologies and Algorithmization Methods», «Information Technologies in Education», «Methods teaching informatics» and «Architecture and software of computer systems»). This will ensure consistency in the introduction and study of concepts, the choice of forms and methods of teaching, the development of teaching and methodical support. For the implementation of interdisciplinarity, it is proposed to carry out practice-oriented interdisciplinary educational projects in the framework of the study of academic disciplines in three subject areas «Computer Science», «Physics» and «Mathematics». The development of a methodical system of interdisciplinary education will ensure the formation of readiness to teach three-dimensional graphics at the stage of general secondary education and to realize its didactic possibilities in organizing educational and research activities of students.

Tetiana SHVETS ◽  

The article analyzes the problem of participatory approach to professional training of future teachers in the modern space of education, highlights its theoretical aspects, and outlines the scope of its practical application in the field of preschool education. In particular, the peculiarities of the organiza- tion of the educational process based on participa- tory approach are traced. The authors revealed the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process based on a participatory approach as one of the components of the theoretical and methodological basis for the development of professional competencies of future teachers. This will allow modeling the social content of future professional activity through awareness, acceptance of the principles of participation, which is an alternative to authoritarianism. The authors of the article consider the participatory approach as an educational strategy, the implementation of which allows involving future teachers in making hypothetical management decisions, promotes the formation of initiative, responsibility and independence in solving trivial and non- standard problems in educational and professional activities. The results of the application of a participatory approach in the process of development of profes- sional competencies of future teachers can be a) increase the motivation to learn, job satisfaction; b) disclosure of own potential, primary professional identification; c) satisfaction of the need to achieve, self-realization, self-affirmation; d) the formation of qualification and professional and personal guidelines of consciousness and behavior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 327-332
G. Dzhumagulova ◽  
N. Abdygazieva

This article is devoted to identifying the systematic nature of pedagogical phenomena and the degree of preparation for the professional activities of future social teachers. The purpose of this study is to analyze various approaches and reveal the main components in the formation of professional competence of future teachers: unity of theory and practice, transition of educational to educational and professional activity (quasi-professional activity), use of reproductive and active methods (problem lectures, discussions, analysis of pedagogical situations, design of content and forms of activity of students, psychological training), presence of motivational and value attitude (entertaining, motivational and problem situations), readiness to perform professional.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (194) ◽  
pp. 13-17
Oksana Voitovych ◽  

It was established that the professional training of future teachers of natural sciences should be focused on providing an integrated model of education and based on the formation of students a set of general and special (professional) competencies and personal qualities, which are necessary for successful professional activity. Accordingly, the main content components of professional training of future teachers of natural sciences are knowledge of subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.) and their interdisciplinary interaction, understanding of teaching methods, ability to use this knowledge in educational activities and willingness to apply knowledge, skills and abilities in professional activities. The training teacher of natural sciences should be focused on teaching an integrated course «Natural Sciences», which is studied in high school in which natural subjects are not specialized, although his qualifications are a teacher of natural sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, in this specialist has broader qualifications and, accordingly, the range of competencies. Therefore, in addition to the formed competencies in each subject, we expect that in the process of training teachers of natural sciences is also important to integrate the curriculum of mandatory disciplines, which will ensure the formation of a holistic system of knowledge and skills. Analytical review of the programs of the course «Natural Sciences» for high school in terms of their content allowed us to state that they were aimed at the formation of natural sciences competence of the individual, but each provides it differently. While some clearly show the presence of separate semantic blocks of different subjects, in others we see an attempt to make the program more integrated basis on objects of study: matter, field, energy and technology, we anticipate human habitation in the environment and man-made society. We convinced that this approach will be further develops, because it corresponds to the idea of integrativity, embedded in the idea of the emergence of this subject in high school. The introduction of an integrated course «Natural Sciences» in high school forces to move away from the disparate formation of natural knowledge in individual subjects and strengthens the integrative nature of the content of natural subjects. Accordingly, the professional training of future teachers of natural sciences should be improve in the direction of integrating the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the process of studying the relevant professional disciplines. It was recommended to introduce integrated disciplines in the process of training future teachers of natural sciences, which will ensure their quality professional training.

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