2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 185
Faridah Faridah ◽  
Iin Indrawati

Health is an investment to develop the economy and has an important role in poverty alleviation efforts. Health problems that exist in the community are very many and varied. House-to-house tracking is the most effective way to find out how real health problems are being faced by the community. The target will be achieved by doing physical activities such as sports and cleaning the house, eating vegetables and fruit so that the body is healthy, regular health checks, even in good health, not smoking and not consuming alcohol, cleaning the living environment, using the toilet. While the expected output is doing homework such as washing dishes, washing clothes, mopping and so on is physical activity, it is better if coupled with exercise, such as morning walks, increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables, stopping smoking and not consuming alcoholic beverages, medical checks up although in a healthy condition, together with the surrounding community do the work of cleaning the local environment, using the latrine properly as a place of disposal.The method of implementation carried out is by following counseling about how to run a healthy lifestyle in the family and surrounding environment, counseling about how families and communities run a healthy lifestyle so as to avoid various diseases. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 38-43
Levitskyi O.I. ◽  
Kovalchuk V.V.

The article is devoted to one of the current problems, the peculiarities of the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students in the educational institution. It is noted that at present the issue of a healthy lifestyle has become especially relevant. Purpose: the characteristics are analyzed, which include a number of pedagogical means of forming a value attitude to a healthy lifestyle of student youth. It is established that the state of health of the young generation is one of the important factors in the health of the Ukrainian nation. It is noted that to provide students with sufficient information about the importance of a healthy lifestyle during the learning process. Methods: It is noted that low functional indicators in health and physical development play an important role in this issue. It has been found that diseases of the nervous system (neurotic disorders) and sense organs are common among the diseases. It is described that students have low emotional resilience, being in a state of stress due to learning and interpersonal relationships with classmates and teachers. Addressed a number of problems related to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis and cholecystitis) and musculoskeletal system. The main factors in the formation of a healthy lifestyle are considered, namely the involvement of students in physical education classes outside of school hours, the implementation in everyday life of scientifically proven recommendations on rational work, physical performance, rest and nutrition. The results drew attention to the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle in student youth depends on themselves and not on doctors and drugs. It is noted that medicine will not help if students neglect healthy life skills. The conclusions prove that the human body can be healthy only if you follow good health habits and clear principles (absence of bad habits, systematic tonic muscle support, hardening of the body, proper nutrition).Key words: health, skills, sports, bad habits, informing students, main components of health, university education, stress, physical activity. Стаття присвячена одній з актуальних проблем особливостей формування здорового способу життя студентів в умовах навчального закладу. Зазначено, що нині питання здорового способу життя набуло особливої актуальності. Проаналізовано характеристики, котрі включають низку педагогічних засобів формування ціннісного ставлення до здорового способу життя студентської молоді. Встановлено, що стан здоров’я молодого покоління – це один із важливих чинників здоров’я української нації. Наголошено на наданні студентам достатньої інформації про важливість здорового способу життя під час навчального процесу. Важливу роль у цьому питанні відіграють низькі функціональні показники у стані здоров’я та фізичному розвитку. З’ясовано, що серед захворювань поширеними є хвороби нер-вової системи (невротичні розлади) та органів чуттів. Описано, що студенти мають низьку емоційну стійкість, перебуваючи у стані стресу через навчання та міжособистісні стосунки з одногрупниками й викладачами. Звернено увагу на низку проблем, пов’язаних із серцево-судинною та дихальною систе-мами (фарингіти, хронічні тонзиліти), захворюваннями кишково-шлункового тракту (гастрити та холецистити) та опорно-рухового апарату. Розглянуто основні чинники у формуванні здорового способу життя, такі як залучення студентства до занять фізичною культурою в позанавчальний час, втілення в повсякденний побут науково доведених рекомендацій щодо раціонального режиму праці, фізичної працездатності, відпочинку та харчування. Звернено увагу на те, що формування у студентської молоді здорового способу життя залежить від них самих, а не від лікарів та ліків. Зазначено, що медицина не допоможе, якщо студентство нехтує здоровими життєвими навичками. Доведено, що організм людини може бути здоровим лише за умов дотримання корисних для здоров’я звичок та чітких принципів (відсутність шкідливих звичок, систематична тонусна підтримка м’язів, загартування організму, раціональне харчування).Ключові слова: здоров’я, навички, спорт, шкідливі звички, інформування студентів, основні складові частини здоров’я, навчання у ВНЗ, стрес, рухова активність.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 230-237
Siti Hayati Efi Friantin ◽  
Ika Swasti Putri

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many are at home, many businesses are out of business. Everyone has experienced the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The country's economy has declined drastically, moreover the family economy has become uncertain and the body of the group has a low standard of living. The family income is getting smaller while the family expenses still have to be paid. Each family must think hard to survive in the uncertainty of the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, saving costs for the family must start from self-initiative and if necessary this idea is transmitted to other communities. One of the economical solutions / family cost savings is Urban Farming. Urban Farming is urban farming by utilizing narrow land or around the yard of the house. The purpose of this activity is to save/economize family expenditures as well as urban farming training which is often called Urban Farming. As a result of this service, participants can apply Urban Farming in their surrounding environment to improve the family's economy The Cinderejo Kidul area, Gilingan Village, Banjarsari District was chosen as the location for this service activity because it is located not far from STIE AUB and has also been carried out regularly and continuously.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 48
Diah Dhianawaty Djunaedi ◽  
Henhen - Heryaman ◽  
Mas Rizky Anggun Adipurna Syamsunarno ◽  
Anisah - Dahlan

Healthy Lifestyle (Germas) and Fit with Jamu action (Bude Jamu) are the programs to improve health, which promote physical activities, consumption of fruits and vegetables, and the utilization of jamu. The figure of the mother in the family comes in the role of regulating a good diet for the family. In connection with these two programs, study was conducted to determine the profile of fruits consumption and utilization of jamu among housewives in Cicanir and Jatipamor villages, using the cross-sectional design with the number of respondents based on the number of minimum requirements in its activities. 150 Housewives were involved and given questions about the frequency of buying fruit, the favorite fruit, the habit of drinking jamu. The results were that most respondents bought fruit twice a week, their favorite fruits included orange, banana. People who drank jamu in Cicanir and Jatipamor were 40.79% and 25.86%, with the aim of disease prevention was 96.77% and treatment disease was 46.66%. Jamu gendong was the main source of jamu that was utilized, besides that the expertise in making jamu was still practiced and maintained by some respondents. In conclusions, fruit consumption in Cicanir and Jatipamor was quite good. Housewives in Cicanir and Jatipamor used jamu for the purpose of preventing and treating diseases. Jamu gendong was the most widely used source of jamu and the expertise in making jamu is still maintained. These all showed that the culture of Germas and Bude jamu have been applied in the lives of respondents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. 177-177
Rachel Darr ◽  
Martin Arford ◽  
Alanna Shannon ◽  
Christine Noller

Abstract Objectives There is a need for programs that can teach children valuable skills such as gardening along with nutrition education in order to sustain good health throughout the life cycle. The Plot to Plate Community Initiative utilized practical ways for children between the ages of 5–12 years old to learn about nutrition, gardening, and other related topics. Prior to the hands-on lesson plans an initial knowledge base was investigated via pre surveys in order to later provide post surveys for evaluating the effectiveness of the program. This analysis of the program evaluation focuses on the pre-surveys. Methods Fifty-five surveys were initially collected from children participants between the ages of 5–12 at two different local community centers within the same county during the Spring and Summer months in after school and summer programs. They consisted of 10 questions focusing on basic nutrition/hydration, health and the body, gardening, food choices and food safety and hand washing which were to be covered in subsequent hands on nutrition and gardening experiences. Results Initial reports indicate that, 84% of participants have different fruits and vegetables to pick from at home, 93% wash their hands before making or eating food, 69% thought that green vegetables were the best vegetables for you, and 93% concluded that staying hydrated keeps you healthy. Alternatively, t-tests indicated participants regularly had fruits and vegetables at home and stated green vegetables were the best but didn't regularly wash food or hands (P = 0.0497, P < 0.001). Participants that knew the purpose of the digestive system were able to cite watermelon having the most water in it out of 3 choices(P = 0.266) but didn't relate that plants were started with a seed in the ground (P = 0.048). Conclusions Initial data signifies that participants started the program with a wide range of solid knowledge pertaining to the different topics. This preliminary data shows a need to continue bringing together the importance of all the topics reviewed and their interplay and importance to the participants in living a healthy lifestyle. Funding Sources Project funded internally by Saginaw Valley State University Allen Grant Foundation, Saginaw, MI and externally by the Midland Community Foundation and Midland Rotary Club in Midland, MI.

Felicia Lim ◽  
Martin Halim

Based on the results of the Basic Health Reset in 2018, health problems in Indonesia are divided into two types namely infectious and non-communicable diseases. Infectious diseases have experienced many significant decreases whereas for non-communicable diseases it is still experiencing an increase. Many ways you can do to keep the body healthy from disease. Applying a healthy lifestyle for physical health, spiritual calm is also needed for the mental health of the community, especially for areas that have high density and mobility like in Jakarta. It is undeniable that these factors are often the main triggers of mental health problems in today's society. Waterlake Sport is a type of physical sport related to water, especially lakes. Senayan Waterlake Sport Island is located near Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), the largest sports center in Jakarta and even in Indonesia which provides more than 18 types of sports in it. The design method used is pattern language by examining the physical patterns around the site and creating new patterns by linking the resulting building programs. Besides water sports as the main program, there are also other main programs, namely Healthy Culinary and Floating Market. Both of these programs aim to provide a dining area with a healthy concept as well as education for people who still think that a healthy eating pattern is defined as something boring and unpleasant that being healthy does not have to suffer. AbstrakBerdasarkan hasil Reset Kesehatan Dasar tahun 2018, masalah kesehatan di Indonesia dibagi menjadi dua macam yaitu penyakit menular dan penyakit tidak menular. Penyakit menular sudah mengalami banyak penurunan yang cukup signifikan sedangkan untuk penyakit tidak menular justru masih mengalami kenaikan. Banyak cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menjaga tubuh tetap sehat terhindar dari penyakit. Menerapkan pola hidup yang Sehat untuk kesehatan jasmani,  ketenangan rohani juga dibutuhkan untuk kesehatan mental para masyarakat khususnya untuk daerah yang memiliki kepadatan serta mobilitas tinggi seperti di Jakarta ini. Waterlake Sport adalah jenis olahraga fisik yang berhubungan dengan air khususnya danau. Island sendiri berarti pulau. Senayan Waterlake Sport Island berlokasi di dekat Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), pusat olahraga terbesar di Jakarta bahkan di Indonesia yang menyediakan lebih dari 18 jenis olahraga di dalamny. Metode perancangan yang digunakan adalah pattern language dengan mengkaji pola fisik di sekitar tapak dan membuat pola baru dengan mengaitkan program bangunan yang dihasilkan. Island yang berarti sebuah pulau merupakan tempat dari area Waterlake Sport itu sendiri. Selain olahraga air sebagai program utama, ada juga program utama lainnya yaitu Kuliner Sehat dan Pasar Apung. Kuliner sehat yang dimaksud adalah  Kedua program ini bertujuan menyediakan suatu area tempat makan dengan konsep sehat sekaligus sebagai edukasi untuk masyarakat yang masih menganggap bahwa pola makan sehat diartikan dengan sesuatu yang membosankan dan tidak enak bahwa menjadi sehat tidak haruslah menderita.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 393-396
N. Pavani ◽  
D. Ratnakumari

Health is among the basic capabilities that give value to human life. Good health is a prerequisite to successful human endeavor and core to financial growth and activity. The lifestyle diseases are associated with the way a person or group of people lives. Irregular food habits, physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyles, tobacco, alcohol, high intake of salts and low intake of fruits and vegetables, causes lifestyle diseases. This study was focused on framing the effects of the lifestyle disease treatment’s expenditure on the family finances. A survey of 120 respondents in Hyderabad and Secunderabad cities was conducted. Some of the effects mentioned by the respondents were “Inability to meet daily needs, incapable of meeting specific needs (newspaper, internet connection, etc.), fiddle with the amount spent for entertainment, kill the amount spent for family shopping, trim down the amount spent on educational activities of children, negotiate with children’s needs, helpless to save for the future planning of the family, inept to pay insurance policies, obtain loan in order to meet the treatment costs, sell assets to meet the treatment expenditure. ”Statistical analysis was carried out by using chi- square tests. The study found that 49% of the families were unable to meet daily needs,54% of them negotiated with children’s needs, 65% of them were helpless to save for the family’s future. The result showed significant association between family finances and the cost of lifestyle disease treatment expenditures based on income levels.

2018 ◽  
Vol 91 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-124
Balla Árpád ◽  
Pelok Benedek-György

Abstract We present the life, career and memory of Pápai Páriz Ferenc (1649, Dés - 1716, Nagyenyed), professor and rector of the Protestant College of Nagyenyed, the famous Transylvanian humanist, medical doctor, poet, philosopher, church historian, heraldist. He studied in Dés (now Dej, Romania), Gyulafehérvár (now Alba Iulia, Romania), Kolozsvár (now Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Marosvásárhely (now Târgu-Mureş, Romania) and Nagyenyed (now Aiud, Romania). In the spring of 1672 he set off from Nagyenyed for a pedestrian trip abroad. He admired the Treasury in Dresden, and attended medical studies in Leipzig and Heidelberg. He completed his medical studies in Basel. In 1674 he became doctor medicus and was elected member of the board of the medical faculty. He returned to Nagyenyed in 1675. Between 1676 and 1690 he is the physician of the court of the Transylvanian princely couple. In 1678 he got a department in the College of Nagyenyed, extended in 1680 with Greek, physics, natural sciences and medical knowledge departments. Between 1681 and 1715 he was the rector of the College. Above all he cherished peace. He was a versatile writer. His medical book written in Hungarian, the PAX CORPORIS, i.e. “the peace of the body” was printed and published at Kolozsvár in 1690. This was dedicated to the target community: “for the benefit of the stupid poor”, it substituted the physician in the family. The rules of a healthy lifestyle were formulated also. The popularity of the book was proved by those eleven editions we know about. Another great work was the Hungarian-Latin, Latin-Hungarian dictionary (Lőcse, now Levoca, Slovakia, 1708). His memory is kept by a bust and plate in the courtyard of the Protestant College of Nagyenyed. The Hungarian postal service (Magyar Posta) released a stamp on his 350th anniversary. His life, work and importance were appreciated by a number of authors across centuries. An internet search on the terms “Pápai” + “Páriz” + “Ferenc” returns an important number of hits. Many foundations and associations are dedicated to his memory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-16
M. E.Y. Capek

The concept of a 'health care realm' is introduced. The healthcare realms considered were those patients who have only Physical Health Problems (PH), patients with neither physical nor mental health issues and who are seeking advice to remain healthy (HP), patients only with Mental Health Problems (MH), patients with both Physical Health and Mental Health Problems (PH&MH) and patients with Psychosomatic Health conditions (PS). Described is how patients' minds and bodies interact and its relevance to rheumatology practice. Presented is the culmination of 34 years of the author's experience of rheumatological disorders based in Family Medicine in a United Kingdom General Practice. Also presented are 2 small studies supplementing the main conclusions. The first small study counted the main consultation content of 246 patients, as considered by the principals in the practice. Of these 73.5% were for physical health conditions, 13.3% for health promotion, 11.5% for mental health conditions and 1.8% for psychosomatic conditions. The second small study was a survey of experienced GPs, Physicians and Psychiatrists, asking about their opinions on how well the patients in different health care realms were being managed across the healthcare system. Of the 5 realms, the collective view was that it was the patients in the PH realm who was clearly received the best care. The least good care was being given to patients in the PS realm and only marginally better were patients in the MH Realm. This paper argues that clinicians need a different thinking approach when meeting patients from different healthcare realms. It is known that when doctors treat PH patients, they consider the patient's symptoms against templates of knowledge for the conditions in the differential diagnosis. Furthermore, HP patients are assessed by comparing the patient's bio-measurements against known markers of good health When being consulted by patients in the MH or PS realms, it is advocated, not to follow the approach of PH patients. For patients in the MH realm it is best to address the patient's life as a whole and to consider, how did the person arrive to the situation he is in and what needs to be done to restore the patient's life back on track. For patients in the PS realm, ideally the aim is to help the patient make the link between the physical symptom and its psychological aetiology. A step towards this is to describe how the body physically mediates the symptom.

Ria Hayatun Nur ◽  
Indahwati A ◽  
Erfiani A

In this globalization era, health is the most important thing to be able to run various activities. Without good health, this will hinder many activities. Diabetes mellitus is one of the diseases caused by unhealty lifestyle.There are many treatments that can be done to prevent the occurrence of diabetes. The treatments are giving the insulin and also checking the glucose rate to the patients.Checking the glucose rate needs the tools which is safety to the body. This research want to develop non invasive tool which is safety and do not injure the patient. The purpose of this research is also finding the best model which derived from Linear, Quadratic, and Cubic Spline Regression. Some respondents were taking to get the glucose measuring by invasive and non invasive tools. It could be seen clearly that Spline Linear Regression was the best model than Quadratic and Cubic Spline Regression. It had 70% and 33.939 for R2 and RMSEP respectively.

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