Teaching the Turkish world at Geography classes in Turkish countries

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (03) ◽  
pp. 36-38
Fatimə Vüqar qızı Əsgərli ◽  

One of the main issues in the teaching of geography in modern times is the teaching of the Turkic world. The article provides information on how the Turkic world is conducted in the subject of geography which is taught in the Turkic countries. Here, geography textbooks from Turkic countries were analyzed, and it was clarified how Turkic world was allocated in those books. Key words:textbook, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-48
Warren Swain

Intoxication as a ground to set aside a contract is not something that has proved to be easy for the law to regulate. This is perhaps not very surprising. Intoxication is a temporary condition of varying degrees of magnitude. Its presence does however raise questions of contractual autonomy and individual responsibility. Alcohol consumption is a common social activity and perceptions of intoxication and especially alcoholism have changed over time. Roman law is surprisingly quiet on the subject. In modern times the rules about intoxicated contracting in Scottish and English law is very similar. Rather more interestingly the law in these two jurisdictions has reached the current position in slightly different ways. This history can be traced through English Equity, the works of the Scottish Institutional writers, the rise of the Will Theory, and all leavened with a dose of judicial pragmatism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-78
Venelin Terziev ◽  
Marin Georgiev

The subject of this article is the genesis of the professional culture of personnel management. The last decades of the 20th century were marked by various revolutions - scientific, technical, democratic, informational, sexual, etc. Their cumulative effect has been mostly reflected in the professional revolution that shapes the professional society around the world. This social revolution has global consequences. In addition to its extensive parameters, it also has intensive ones related to the deeply-rooted structural changes in the ways of working and thinking, as well as in the forms of its social organization. The professional revolutions in the history of Modern Times stem from this theory.Employees’ awareness and accountability shall be strengthened. The leader must be able to formulate and bring closer to the employees the vision of the organization and its future goal, to which all shall aspire. He should pay attention not to the "letter" but to the "spirit" of this approach.

2020 ◽  
pp. 55-61

The object of the research is a syncretic reality in which pure reason and religion are present. The subject of research is religion and pure reason in their structural relations in modern times and today. The study was formed in accordance with the structural and functional method. Its essence consists in searching for visible connections between the subjects of pure reason and the subjects of religion. The phenomenological method is a complement to the structural-functional one, since it can be used as a method of analysis in the fundamental phenomena of being and consciousness, rational and religious components are intertwined in a life composition, in which sometimes the rational and religious are inseparable from each other and have the same goals, for example: victory over poverty, disease and other adversities. In this sense, building or analyzing structural correspondences brings the researcher closer to a clear picture of the goals and means to achieve mutual understanding...

2009 ◽  
pp. 43-60
Ülo Kaevats

Oma algses mitmetähenduslikkuses on see F. Baconi aforism kõige tihendatum tõdemus, mis tõmbab olemusliku eraldusjoone ühelt poolt antiikse ja keskaegse ning teisalt uusaegse arusaama vahele teadusest ja teadusteadmisest. Artiklis püüab autor anda võimaluste piires tervikpildi uusaja teaduse industriaalselt (tehnoloogiliselt) orienteeritud teadmistüübi tekkimisest. Uusaja teaduse kujunemiseks vajaliku pöörde maailmavaateliste eeldustena tuleb käsitleda: (1) põhimõtteliselt uut subjekti ja objekti käsitust; (2) täiesti uut väärtusruumi, uut teaduse ideoloogiat (ilmalikkus, kriitiline vaim, tõesus ja praktiline kasulikkus); (3) tunnetuslaadi muutust — kontemplatsioonilt interventsioonile, kvaliteedi kirjeldamiselt kvantiteedi uurimisele; (4) looduse käsitlemist Kosmose asemel seaduspäraselt korrastatud objektide “väljana”. Uue tunnetusstiili — empiirilise ja teoreetilise tunnetuse kokkuviimine, hüpoteetilis-deduktiivse metodoloogia kujundamine Galilei poolt, abstraktse ja sünteetilis-tekstilise loomuga spekulatsiooni asendumine uurimisobjekti ehituse, korrapära ja põhjuslikkuse objektiivse analüüsiga, universaalsete loodusseaduste doktriini kujunemine jms—kujunemine konstitueeris uut tüüpi teadmise. Teadmise kui nähtava maailma piltkoopia asemele luuakse teadmine kui loodusobjektide seaduspära analüütiline rekonstruktsioon. See on vormiltmatemaatiline, päritolult eksperimentaalne ning loodusobjektide kontrollimisele ja ümbertegemisele suunatud nn valdamisteadmine.This F. Bacon's aphorism in its original ambiguity is the most condensed belief that draws a distinctive essential line between ancient and medieval understanding of science and scientific knowledge on one hand and modern understanding on the other. The author aims at providing, as far as possible, an integral overview of emerging of the industrially (technologically) orientated type of knowledge of modern times. Ideological/philosophical preconditions of the change necessary for emerging of modern science are: (1) a fundamentally new approach to the subject and object; (2) a completely new system of values, a new ideology of science (secularity, critical spirit, trueness and utilitarianism); (3) a change in manner of cognizance - from contemplation to intervention, from describing quality to studying quantity; (4) treating nature as a naturally organised "field" of objects instead of the Cosmos. Emerging of a new style of cognizance - bringing together of empirical and theoretical cognition, the devise of the hypothetical-deductive method by Galilei, replacement of speculations abstract and synthetic-textual in nature with objective study of the structure, regularity and causality of the object of study, establishment of the doctrine of universal natural laws etc - constituted a new type of knowledge. Knowledge as a copy of the visible world is replaced by knowledge as an analytical reconstruction of the regularity of natural objects. It is so-called dispositive knowledge, morphologically mathematical, originally experimental and aimed at control and alteration of natural objects.

Никита Вадимович Сороколетов

В данной статье анализируются, в первую очередь, утопические проекты П. Флоренского и К. Малевича, которые сравниваются с идеей расширяющегося тела Г. Маклюэна. Значительное внимание уделяется концепции органопроекции, предложенной П. Флоренским, и концепции развоплощения, описанной К. Малевичем. В статье также предпринята попытка выяснить, каким образом эти утопии влияют на перцептивные способности субъекта. На основе проведённого анализа автор приходит к выводу о том, что если в случае с фашизмом технология приводит к эстетизации политики, в случае с коммунизмом - к политизации искусства, то в современную эпоху наблюдается нечто третье, а именно - эстетизация субъекта. Таким образом, автор статьи, сравнивая утопические проекты П. Флоренского, К. Малевича и Г. Маклюэна, прослеживает связь между ними и приходит к выводу о том, что не все утопии ХХ века преодолены. The article analyses utopian projects of Fr. Pavel Florensky and K. Malevich, who are compared with Herbert Marshall McLuhan’s idea of expanding body. A special attention is paid to the concepts of organic projection developed by Florensky and to the concepts of excarnation presented by K. Malevich. The article seeks to find out how these utopians influence on the perceptual abilities of subject. The author suggests that if in the case of fascism technology leads to the aestheticization of politics and in the case of communism to the politicization of art, then in the modern times the aestheticization of subject is observed. Comparing the utopian projects of Florensky, Malevich and McLuhan, the author concludes that not all utopias of the 20th century have so far been overcome.

2021 ◽  
pp. 55-71
Wojciech Iwańczak

The text analyses the inner life of Christopher Columbus based mainly on his writings and the literature on the subject. It is an attempt to reconstruct the mentality of the great explorer against the background of his turbulent biography and the historical context of the turn of the Middle Ages and modern times.

1946 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-170
Kopel Kagan

No satisfactory definition of Dominium in Roman Law has yet been achieved. Amongst English writers Austin many years ago found great difficulty in this question while in modern times Professor Buckland has written ‘it is thus difficult to define Dominium precisely.’ Again, Poste, dealing with Gaius' discussion of dominium, says that his opening statements are ‘deplorably confused.’ These examples are enough to indicate the condition, of uncertainty which prevails. In my submission this uncertainty exists mainly because the conception of ususfructus has never yet been explained adequately. Of Possessio it has been said ‘the definition of Possessio to give the results outlined is a matter of great difficulty. No perfectly correct solution may be possible,’ and this statement is generally accepted as a correct assessment of the present position in juristic literature. But here, too, in my opinion, the reason is again connected with usufruct, for the possessio of the usufructuary has not yet been adequately determined. Gaius (2.93) tells us ‘usufructuarius vero usucapere non potest; primuum quod non possidet, sed habet ius utendi et fruendi.’ Ulpian holds that he had possessio in fact (‘Naturaliter videtur possidere is qui usum fructum habet’ D.41.2.12). On this subject Roby says ‘the fructuary was not strictly a possessor and therefore if he was deprived from enjoying he had not a claim to the original interdict de vi but in virtue of his quasi-possessio a special interdict was granted him.’ Austin saw difficulty in the whole problem of possessio. He wrote ‘by Savigny in his treatise on possessio it is remarked that the possessio of a right of usufruct … resembles the possessio of a thing, by the proprietor, or by an adverse possessor exercising rights of property over the thing. And that a disturbance of the one possession resembles the disturbance of the other. Now this must happen for the reason I have already stated:—namely, that the right of usufruct or user, like that of property, is indefinite in point of user. For what is possession (meaning legal possession not mere physical handling of the subject) but the exercise of a right ?’

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-192 ◽  

‘Modernity’ has long been a working category of historical analysis in Russian and Soviet studies. Like any established category, it bears a history of its own characterised by founding assumptions, conceptual possibilities and lasting interpretive habits. Stephen Kotkin's work has played a special role in framing the kind of scholarship this category has enabled and the kind of modernity it has assigned to twentieth-century Russia. Kotkin's 1995Magnetic Mountainintroduced the concept of ‘socialist modernity’. His continued work with the concept in his 2001Kritikaarticle ‘Modern Times’ and his 2001Armageddon Avertedmarked crucial moments in the history of the discipline and have positioned the author as a pioneering and dominant voice on the subject for nearly two decades. Given the defining nature of Kotkin's work, a critical discussion of its impact on the way the discipline conceives of Soviet modernisation and presents it to non-Russian fields is perhaps overdue. Here, I approach Kotkin's work on modernity as the field's collective property in need of a critical, deconstructive reading for its underlying assumptions, prescribed master narratives, and resultant paradoxes.

1982 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 377-397 ◽  
Eleanor L. Turk

Consider the subject of beer. For millennia this homely brew has been a staple of the human diet and a central ingredient of our social activity. Records dating as far back as 2800 B.c. show that there were four types of beer brewed in the Babylonian culture, and that the ancient Egyptians were often sealed into their tombs with a ceremonial supply of the frothy beverage. But of all the cultures producing beer, the Germans are the most closely associated with it in modern times. It was the Germans who perfected the practice of adding wild hops to the brew to give it its characteristic tang, and also to help preserve it. Whereas elsewhere in northern Europe brewing was usually a cottage activity, the Germans began very early to treat brewing as an important commercial activity. In 1146, even before the founding of the great city of Munich, the abbey in Weihenstephan in Bavaria received a patent from the local duke to brew beer. In 1516 the Bavarian dukes instituted the brewing code which stipulated that thereafter beer must be brewed naturally with grain, hops, water, and yeast. This has since been the standard for purity in brewing throughout Germany.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-38
Mulyati Rozie

  Abstrak Latar belakang penelitian ini untuk memberikan pemahaman terhadap nilai-nilai sosial yang ada dalam kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Bangka Belitung kepada pembaca agar dijadikan rujukan dan mengenalkan kembali cerita rakyat di masa modern ini kepada pembaca. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah nilai-nilai sosial apa saja yang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerita rakyat Bangka Belitung? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerita rakyat Bangka Belitung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif adalah metode penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan secara utuh dan mendalam tentang realitas sosial dan berbagai fenomena yang terjadi dimasyarakat yang menjadi subjek penelitian sehingga tergambarkan ciri, karakter, sifat, dan model dari fenomena tersebut. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan sosiologi sastra, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis karya. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) Nilai kasih sayang yang terdiri dari: pengabdian, tolong menolong, kekeluargaan, kesetiaan, dan kepedulian. 2) Nilai tanggung jawab yang terdiri dari:rasa memiliki, disiplin, dan empati. 3) Nilai keserasian hidup yang terdiri dari: keadilan, toleransi, kerja sama, dan demokrasi. Buku Cerita Rakyat Bangka Belitung karya Maulana Syamsuri sangat baik untuk dibaca bagi masyarakat, karena di dalam buku ini banyak mengajarkan nilai-nilai sosial yang baik untuk dijadikan contoh.   Kata kunci : nilai sosial, cerita rakyat Abstract The background of this research is to provide an understanding of social values that are in the collection of the folklore of Bangka Belitung to the reader in order to be used as a reference and reintroduced the folklore in modern times is to the reader. Problems in the research of social values is what is contained in the collection of the folklore of Bangka Belitung? This research aims to know and describe the social values that are contained in the collection of the folklore of Bangka Belitung. The methods used in this research is descriptive qualitative method is a method of research that aims to describe completely and insightful about the social reality and the various phenomena that occurred dimasyarakat which became the subject of the research so that breakfast buffet characteristics, character, nature, and the model of the phenomenon. The approach used is the approach to the sociology of literature, while data analysis techniques using analytical techniques paper. The results of this study are as follows. 1) value of affectionate Devotion: (1), (2) Please help, (3), (4) familial loyalty, and (5) concern. 2) value of responsibility: (1) a sense of belonging, (2) discipline, and (3) empathy. 3) the value of the harmony of life: (1) justice, (2) (3) tolerance, cooperation, and (4) democracy. The book Folktales of Bangka Belitung works of Maulana Syamsuri very good to read for people, because in this book many teach social values are good to be used as an example.    

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