scholarly journals Kołysanka jak terapia w relacji matki z córką. O powieści „Widziane z drugiej strony” Ken Bugul

Edyta Sacharewicz

The aim of this article is to present the lullaby as a special song based on the intimate relationship between a mother and a daughter in the artistic works of a Senegalese writer, Ken Bugul. An analysis of the novel De l’autre côté du regard is preceded by a short introduction that explains the concept of a lullaby and presents its functions. The author of this article attempts to show how the lullaby can influence the relationship between the main character and her mother, showing the therapeutic role of the song. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-216
Dea Harumi Urbaningrum

AbstractThis study aims to describe the problem of young people’s failure in politics found in Hapsari Hanggarini’s novel “Namaku Subardjo”. From the novel, data and object of the research was obtained. The data are in the forms of sentences or dialogues and story units that lead to the correlation between politics and youth. The theoretical foundation is Terry Eagleton's sociology of literature which emphasizes on political ideology. Steps of the research method are: 1) reading Hapsari Hanggarini’s novel “Namaku Subardjo” as a whole, 2) colleting data, 3) classifying the data, 4) analyzing and interpreting the data. The importance of the research is to show that young people must be able to play a role and understand politics in order to advance the Indonesian nation. The result of the research is the role of young people in politics for the sake of advancing the Indonesian nation. Therefore, the relationship between youth and politics is very close, as in the novel “Namaku Subardjo” of which, the main character as a young people began to move to build Indonesian politics. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan permasalahan kaum muda yang masih gagal dalam berpolitik yang terkandung dalam novel Namaku Subardjo karya Hapsari Hanggarini. Objek penelitian atau sumber data ialah novel Namaku Subardjo karya Hapsari Hanggarini. Data diperoleh dari kalimat atau dialog, dan satuan cerita yang mengarah pada korelasi politik dan kaum muda. Landasan teori yang diacu ialah sosiologi sastra Terry Eagleton yang menekankan pada ideologi politik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu: 1) membaca novel Namaku Subardjo karya Hapsari Hanggarini secara keseluruhan, 2) menginventarisasi data, 3) mengklasifikasikan data, 4) menganalisis data dan menginterprestasikan data. Pentingnya penelitian ialah untuk menunjukkan bahwa kaum muda harus mampu berperan dan memahami politik demi memajukan bangsa Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ialah peran kaum muda dalam berpolitik sangat dibutuhkan oleh negara.  Oleh karena itu, hubungan antara kaum muda dan politik sangat erat, sama halnya dalam novel Namaku Subardjo, tokoh utama sebagai kaum muda mulai bergerak untuk membangun politik Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Agnieszka Wykowska ◽  
Jairo Pérez-Osorio ◽  
Stefan Kopp

This booklet is a collection of the position statements accepted for the HRI’20 conference workshop “Social Cognition for HRI: Exploring the relationship between mindreading and social attunement in human-robot interaction” (Wykowska, Perez-Osorio & Kopp, 2020). Unfortunately, due to the rapid unfolding of the novel coronavirus at the beginning of the present year, the conference and consequently our workshop, were canceled. On the light of these events, we decided to put together the positions statements accepted for the workshop. The contributions collected in these pages highlight the role of attribution of mental states to artificial agents in human-robot interaction, and precisely the quality and presence of social attunement mechanisms that are known to make human interaction smooth, efficient, and robust. These papers also accentuate the importance of the multidisciplinary approach to advance the understanding of the factors and the consequences of social interactions with artificial agents.

Ayşe I. Kural ◽  
Berrin Özyurt

In the current study, we examine the novel hypothesis that perceived stress is a mechanism through which the relationship between attachment orientations and university adjustment can be explained. Present study explored both attachment orientations and perceived stress regarding adjustment; and perceived stress as mediator for the relationship between attachment orientations and adjustment among in 277 university freshmen. Attachment anxiety and avoidance positively correlated with perceived stress whereas resulted in poor university adjustment. Perceived stress partially mediated the relationship between attachment anxiety and poor university adjustment. The findings suggest that enhancing attachment security and stress management skills among insecurely attached students may lead to greater university adjustment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 153

RÉSUMÉ. Cette étude vise donc à prouver surtout la relation entre le ballet, l'anorexie, et l'image de soi chez le personnage principal du roman Robert des Noms Propres, écrit en 2013 par Amélie Nothomb, une auteure francophone de Belgique. Cette recherche utilise la méthode d'analyse descriptive, pour obtenir une vue holistique des problèmes dans l'œuvre littéraire, qui ont été étudié en utilisant l'approche psychologique. Cette écriture est préparée en utilisant un large éventail de documents liés au thème du ballet, l'anorexie, et l'image de soi chez les filles. Le résultat de la recherche montre qu'il existe une relation causale entre ces trois elements cités. Le trouble de l'alimentation s’est montré depuis l’enfance du personnage principal qui devient anorexique en raison d'un traumatisme, les influences de l'environnement, ainsi que les exigences de sa profession en tant que danseuse de ballet. Cette recherche apporte également l’information que l’image de soi chez l’adolescente s’est formé dans les aspects cognitifs, affectifs, et psychomotoriques. Mots-clés : ballet, anorexie, image de soi, adolescente ABSTRACT. This study aims to prove above all the relationship between ballet, anorexia, and self-image in the main character of the novel Robert des Noms Propres, written in 2013 by Amélie Nothomb, a French-speaking author from Belgium. This research uses the method of descriptive analysis, to obtain a holistic view of the problems in the literary work, which were studied using the psychological approach. This writing is prepared using a wide range of documents related to the theme of ballet, anorexia, and self-image in girls. The result of the research shows that there is a causal relationship between these three elements. The eating disorder has been shown since the childhood of the main character who becomes anorexic due to trauma, environmental influences, as well as the demands of her profession as a ballet dancer. This research also brings the information that the adolescent's self-image has formed in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotoric aspects. Keywords: ballet, anorexia, self-image, adolescent girls

Christina Phillips

This chapter introduces the topic of religion and literature, theorises the novel as a secular genre, and develops a concept of religion as the other in the Arabic novel. It begins with a discussion of the relationship between religion and literature, identifying imagination, metaphorical language and mythos as areas of overlap, before turning to the question of religion and the Arabic novel as a modern form which eschews faith and dogma but is nevertheless packed with religious themes, images, characters, language and intertextuality. This is accounted for by the form’s secularism, which is theorised in terms of Charles Taylor’s conditions of belief. Literary secularism is not static and stable however, thus religion emerges as the other in the Egyptian novel, with all the ambivalence which alterity characteristically entails. This religious other calls into question postcolonial studies’ over-valorisation of the East/West binary insofar as it has obscured the critical role of religion in Arab postcolonial literature and identity.

Eka Margianti Sagimin ◽  
Linda Nurarsita Damayanti

This study aims to find the personality development of the main character in the Wonder novel, August Pullman. The objective of this study is to show how August’s interpersonal relationship depicted in the novel and influenced his personality development. The theory of Interpersonal Relationship from Harry S. Sullivan is used to analyze how August’s social interaction with others affect his personality development. This study found that someone’s personality development can be seen through the relationship between individual and others. In addition, to find out the factors of personality development, this study uses Elizabeth B. Hurlock’s theory of Personality Development. Some factors which are responsible for someone’s change are changes in environment, changes in social pressure and changes in self-concept. Based on the analysis, August’s personality in Wonder novel is described as an unconfident, weak, and has limit social interaction developed into confident, brave, and independent kid

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (192) ◽  
pp. 80-84
Olha Kozii ◽  

«The Goldfinch» is a story of a boy and later an adult male Theodore Decker who accidentally obtains a masterpiece. The writer, as a surgeon, separates one second of expectation from the other, detail from detail. The reader is presented not just a frightened child but deep sorrow of the loss of the whole world. In the second chapter of the first part D. Tartt reveals herself as a skillful psychologist, skillfully accustoms herself to the inner state of the main character, with him she travels through the memories, tracks associative relationships he makes. The writer brilliantly follows all defense mechanisms of a man who is faced with the inevitability. The author uses gradation way of describing while stringing visual and auditory details, retards artistic time. The writing of D. Tartt is characterized by the unique skill in the detail describing. The role of artistic detail in the process of inner state depicting is investigated. The author touches upon the problem of the depicting of critical situation in the novel. The attention is paid to the writer’s skills in showing main character’s feelings, memoirs, thoughts, associative relations and human nocifensor in critical situations. It is admitted that in case of such temporal and space detail the most suitable way of analysis is «in succession to the author». Thus, in the novel The Goldfinch D.Tartt declares herself a talented master of words, subtle psychologist and philosopher. As a surgeon, the writer separates one second of expectation from the other, detail from detail. Therefore, the reader can observe not just a frightened child but deep sorrow of the loss of the whole world. This is achieved by the skillful combination of visual and auditory details that create convex emotionally saturated images filled with heartbeat of life. The author dowers the main character – both a teenager and an adult man – with the ability to see deep philosophical maxims in small details, to decipher the message from the artist, to understand the dialectical interpenetration of life and death. Because of such careful author's treatment to the artistic time and space the most appropriate way to study seems to be the analysis «in succession to the author».

Ingrida Eglė Žindžiuvienė

The aim of this article is to examine the representation of the events in Cyprus in the middle and second half of the twentieth century as depicted in Andrea Busfield’s novel Aphrodite’s War (2010). The article discusses the methods and narrative strategies of disclosing collective trauma and considers the fact-fiction dimension, arguing the presence of it in a trauma narrative. Narrative strategies in trauma fiction are discussed and the author’s approach to the restatement of the national trauma is analysed. It is debated whether the novel can be described as a post-trauma testimony and whether the narrative is constructed on unified memory concepts. Postmemory is viewed within the framework of transgenerational trauma and the role of collective memory in the transmission of trauma is emphasised. Based on the ethical charge of the narrative, the reader’s status in the relationship with a trauma novel is questioned.

Наталья Евгеньевна Купцова

Введение. Представлена совершенно неисследованная тема в отечественном лермонтоведении – академическая рецепция романа М. Ю. Лермонтова «Герой нашего времени» в США. Автор статьи собрала наиболее представительные на сегодняшний день публикации, вышедшие в США за всю историю американского лермонтоведения и посвященные этому роману. Цель – провести исследование академической рецепции романа М. Ю. Лермонтова «Герой нашего времени» в США. Материал и методы. Поиск публикаций, посвященных роману М. Ю. Лермонтова «Герой нашего времени», вышедших в США, и их анализ по предложенной автором периодизации. Результаты и обсуждение. Предложена периодизация по трем периодам: публикации 1900–1960-х гг., публикации 1970–1980-х гг. и публикации 1900-х гг. по настоящее время. Особенностями публикаций 1900–1960-х гг. является прежде всего осмысление того, как М. Ю. Лермонтов изобразил русское общество 1830-х гг. и главного героя своего произведения, акцент на психологичности романа, а также сравнение с героями А. С. Пушкина. Среди исследователей нет согласия относительно жанра романа – так, Мерсеро относит его к жанру психологического реализма, а в предисловии к первому англоязычному изданию в США отмечен байронический характер Печорина. Для публикаций 1970–1980-х гг. наблюдаются совершенно другие акценты у американских исследователей. На первое место выходит интерес к внутреннему устройству романа: его фабуле, сюжету, структуре. Несмотря на то, что по-прежнему нет полного согласия относительно жанровой принадлежности романа, большинство исследователей считают, что именно в роман «Герой нашего времени» покончил с романтизмом в русской прозе, в чем и заключается его главное новаторство. Изменился и взгляд на главного героя романа – в Печорине видят уже не байронические, а демонические черты. На современном этапе изучения романа «Герой нашего времени» у американских исследователей появляются новые темы в изучении романа. Так, например, красной нитью проходит тема отражения в романе взаимоотношений между русскими и кавказскими народами. Кроме того, если раньше в центре внимания исследователей был только Печорин, то теперь изучаются и другие герои и героини романа. Интересно и то, что Печорина теперь считают постромантическим героем и сам роман большинство исследователей считают постромантическим. Заключение. Проведенный анализ и предложенная периодизация наглядно иллюстрируют эволюцию интереса исследователей из США к различным аспектам романа и его героев. Библиографический список статьи внушителен и сам по себе представляет значительный интерес и вклад в лермонтоведение. Авторы публикаций, вошедших в обзор, – филологи, публицисты, политологи и антропологи. Introduction. The article is devoted to the completely unexplored subject in Russian Lermontov studies – the academic reception of the novel “Hero of our time” by the scholars from the USA. In the article the most reputable and representative works published in the USA about this novel are outlined and analyzed in accordance with the following periodization: publications of 1900-1960s, publications of 1970-80s and the modern publications of 1900s until now. The goal. Research of the academic reception of the novel of M. Lermontov «Hero of our time” in the USA. Materials and methods. Search and analysis of the publications, devoted to the novel “Hero of our time” by M. Lermontov issued in the USA in accordance with the periodization proposed by the author. Results and discussion. The focus of publications 1900–1960s is primarily the understanding of how M.Yu. Lermontov portrayed the Russian society of the 1830s and the main character of his work, an emphasis on the psychological nature of the novel, as well as a comparison with A.S. Pushkin. Among the researchers there is no agreement on the genre of the novel - for example, Mercereau classifies it as a genre of psychological realism, and in the preface to the first Russian-language edition in the United States, the Byronic character of Pechorin is noted. In publications from the 1970s to 1980s, there is a completely different emphasis. First of all, the internal structure of the novel is in the focus. Despite the fact that there is still no full agreement on the genre of the novel, most researchers believe that the novel «A Hero of Our Time» that he put an end to romanticism in Russian prose, which is the main innovation of Lermontov. The view on the main character of the novel has also changed - in Pechorin they see not Byronic, but demonic features. At the present stage, American researchers have new topics in the study of the novel «Hero of our time”. For example, the topic of the relationship between the Russian and Caucasian peoples attracts a lot of attention. In addition, if earlier only Pechorin was in the center of attention of researchers, now other heroes and heroines of the novel are also being studied. It is also interesting that Pechorin is now considered a post-romantic hero, and most researchers classify the novel as post-romantic. Conclusion. The conducted analysis and the proposed periodization demonstrably illustrates the evolution of approaches and interest to the various aspects of the novel and its heroes. The bibliography of the article is impressive itself and makes a significant contribution to the Lermontov studies. The authors of the publications included in the review are philologists, publicists, political scientists, anthropologists.

Biotecnia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-16
Estefanía Garibay-Valdez ◽  
Marcel Martínez-Porchas ◽  
Kadiya Calderón ◽  
Teresa Gollas-Galván ◽  
Luis R. Martínez- Córdova ◽  

La microbiota del tracto digestivo es diversa y provee grandes beneficios al hospedero; participando en múltiples funciones relacionadas con su estado de salud, nutrición y crecimiento. Recientemente ha cobrado relevancia el estudio del papel de la microbiota en organismos de importancia acuícola, incluyendo a camarones peneidos. Los estudios pioneros en conocer la relación de los microorganismos en el desarrollo de camarones peneidos utilizaron técnicas dependientes de cultivo. A pesar de los novedosos hallazgos, esto representó solo una pequeña fracción del total de la población; sin embargo, estas primeras aproximaciones permitieron vislumbrar el rol relevante de la microbiota en la biología de estos crustáceos. Más tarde, el desarrollo de métodos basados en técnicas moleculares extendió el panorama con nuevos registros de bacterias no cultivables en estos ambientes, elucidando el efecto de diversos factores incluyendo dieta, antibióticos, probióticos, prebióticos y enfermedades sobre la modulación de la microbiota del tracto digestivo. Sin embargo, el desarrollo de técnicas de secuenciación masiva de alto rendimiento, comenzó a proporcionar bases de datos más robustas, permitiendo conocer no solo qué microorganismos están presentes en un organismo dado, sino también conocer sus funciones y roles potenciales. Hasta el momento se cuenta con descripciones de la composición de la microbiota del tracto digestivo de camarones peneidos y del como el manejo de estos microorganimos tiene beneficios en la respuesta productiva y estado de salud; sin embargo, es necesario continuar comprendiendo la relación microbiotahospedero. La presente revisión analiza la situación actual y plantea las perspectivas futuras para el estudio de la microbiota de camarones peneidos.ABSTRACTThe digestive tract microbiota is diverse and can provide great benefits to the host, participating in multiple functions related to its health, nutrition and growth. Recently, the microbiota study of important aquaculture species including penaeid shrimp has gained relevance. The first research efforts in the knowledge of the relationship between microorganisms and penaeid shrimp development used culture-dependent techniques. In spite of the novel findings, this represented only a small fraction of the total population; however, these first approaches allowed knowing the relevant role of microbiota in the biology of these crustaceans. Later, the development of methods based on molecular techniques, increased the panorama with new records of nonculturable bacteria in these environments, elucidating the effect of diverse factors including diet, antibiotics, probiotics, prebiotics, and disease on the digestive tract microbiota modulation. However, the rise of high throughput sequencing, began providing robust datasets, allowing to know not only which microbes are present in a given organism, but reveal their functions and potential roles. So far, descriptions of the microbiota composition of the digestive tract of penaeid shrimp are available, as well as on how the management of these microorganisms benefits the productive response and health status; however, it is necessary to continue comprehending the microbiota-host relationship. The present review analyzes the current situation and future perspectives in the study of penaeid shrimp microbiota

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