2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Sartika Dewi ◽  
Deny Guntara ◽  
Dicky Indrawan

Penyalahgunaan narkotika sudah menjadi salah satu fenomena yang sangat meresahkan, terutama di kalangan remaja. Penyalahgunaan ini diatur dalam pasal 55 ayat (1) Undang- Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 Tentang Narkotika menegaskan bahwa untuk membantupemerintah dalam menanggulanggi masalah dan bahaya penyalahgunaan Narkotika, penyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap narkotika yang semakin tak terkendali membuat BadanNarkotika Nasional (BNN) membentuk Badan Narkotika Nasional Kabupaten, termasukBNN Kabupaten Karawang. BNN Kabupaten Karawang mempunyai tugas, fungsi, danwewenang yang sama dengan Badan Narkotika Nasional. Adapun permasalahan dalampenelitian ini tentang peran Badan Narkotika Nasional Kabupaten Karawang dalammengimplementasikan program pencegahan dan pemberantasan penyalahgunaan danperedaran gelap narkotika (P4GN) terhadap pelajar dan mahasiswa di Kabupaten Karawang, serta kendala-kendala yang di hadapi oleh Badan Narkotika Nasional Kabupaten Karawangterkait peran dalam mengimplementasikan program pencegahan dan pemberantasanpenyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap narkotika (P4GN). Metode Penelitian menggunakanpendekatan Yuridis Empiris karena data yang digunakan adalah data Primer yang diperolehmelalui studi lapangan dan wawancara. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah BadanNarkotika Nasional Kabupaten Karawang dalam implementasi program pencegahanpemberantasan penyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap narkotika (P4GN) di KabupatenKarawang, telah sesuai dengan Instruksi Presiden Nomor 6 Tahun 2018 Tentang RencanaAksi Nasional pencegahan pemberantasan penyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap narkotikadan Prekursor Narkotika walaupun belum maksimal. Dalam pelaksanannya tersebut masihterdapat beberapa hambatan yakni keterbatasan personil dan keterbatasan anggaran  Kata Kunci : Narkotika, BNN, P4GN Narcotics emphasizing that to assist the government in dealing with the problems anddangers of Narcotics abuse, narcotics abuse and illicit traf icking which are increasinglyuncontrollable, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has formed a National NarcoticsAgency National Narcotics District, including BNN Karawang Regency. Karawang RegencyBNN has the same duties, functions and authorities as the National Narcotics Agency. Theproblem in this research is about the role of the Karawang Regency National NarcoticsAgency in implementing the program of prevention and eradication of narcotics abuse andillicit traf icking (P4GN) against students in the Karawang Regency, as well as theconstraints faced by the Karawang Regency National Narcotics Agency related to the role inimplement a program of prevention and eradication of narcotics abuse and illicit traf icking(P4GN). This research method uses the Empirical Juridical approach because the data usedare Primary data obtained through field studies and interviews. The results of this study arethe National Narcotics Agency of Karawang Regency in implementing the preventionprogram to eradicate abuse and illicit narcotics traf icking (P4GN) in Karawang Regency, in accordance with Presidential Instruction Number 6 of 2018 concerning the NationalAction Plan to prevent the eradication of abuse and illicit narcotics and precursors. Narcotics, although not optimal. In the implementation, there are still several obstacles, namely limited personnel and budget constraints and the wide coverage area of supervisionis not equal to the existing personnel of BNNK Karawang Keyword : Narcotics, BNN, P4GN

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 2292-2305
Nunuk Parwati ◽  
Burhan Rifuddin

This research discusses how the efforts to empower UMKM are owned by people who do not have higher education and need business capital through the Nanda Work Savings and Loan Cooperative in Bone-Bone Village, Luwu Utara Regency). The method used is descriptive qualitative research methods, and data sources used primary data through field studies and secondary data through literature studies, with data collection techniques observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses three processes: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Based on the results, it is concluded that the role of the Karya Nanda cooperative in community empowerment helps the government to reduce the number of unemployed and help the community to lend funds as the start of their business capital, as for the obstacles found in cooperative management, namely that there are still many people who invest their capital in outside parties or non-cooperatives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 495
Rubiyanti Rukmana ◽  
Nandita Dwi Savitri ◽  
Yuliana Adelvina Padha

The Rapid development of electronics forced notary as a general officer who has the duty to serve the community is expected to be able to respond to the development of this information technology era appropriately. The journal was created to analyze and examine the role of the notary in electronic-based trading transactions. The research method used in the writing of this journal is the normative empirical, which uses secondary data as the primary data and primary data as supporting data. This writing using The approach used is a conceptual approach, a legislative approach, and a comparative approach. The results of the study, the notary must be able to act to authenticate to the parties who conduct transactions of electronic-based trading, verify the documents/information of electronic-based trading that is handled by the parties, securing the electronic document storage in the form of signatures and documents that are signed, but the notary authority in electronic-based trading transactions, for now, can be said to still be a discourse by the Government to be implemented, because The notary authority for making authentic electronic documents in electronic-based trading transactions has no-yet rules of implementing.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Astri Furqani ◽  
Hafidhah .

In this era, a lot of activities that can not be separated from the practice of cheating or fraud , no exception In the government . Inspektorat Sumenep is the leading institution of internal Local Government in preventing and detecting fraud in the Local Government appropiate Perbup Sumenep No. 29 of 2008 . Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep need attention on the issue . This is due to Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep an agency with the largest number of assets and managing large budgets . These conditions led to the formulation of the problem is How Inspektorat Sumenep role in preventing and detecting fraud in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep. This study used a qualitative approach in which the focus of this study is Inspektorat role in preventing and detecting fraud at Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep . Primary data obtained by direct interviews with the parties directly related to the determination of the source of research data in a qualitative study using nonprobability sampling . The sampling technique used was purposive sampling . The conclusion of this study, role of the Inspektorat Sumenep in the prevention of fraud in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep still not maximal . This is due to Inspektorat Sumenep not supervise from the planning / budgeting and not optimal in overseeing and assisting the implementation of the SPIP as an instrument of fraud prevention in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep . The role of Inspektorat Sumenep in the detection of fraud in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep done by conducting an audit of financial and asset management in each financial year.Keywords: fraud, government, inspektorat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 1147-1150

The role of Women entrepreneur in economic development is also being recognized and steps are being taken to promote women entrepreneurship. Women entrepreneurship must be molded properly with entrepreneurial traits and skills to meet the changes in trends, challenges global markets and also be competent enough to sustain and strive for excellence in the entrepreneurial arena. The study is about analyzing the entrepreneurship of women in Coimbatore city. The main objective is to investigate pull and push factors for women in entering entrepreneurship and to find out what kind of motivations women have as well as what barriers they need to faced. For this purpose primary data will be collected from 150 respondents who are residing at Coimbatore and it is concluded that women in Coimbatore city have higher interest towards starting a new business and this has to be taken in to consideration by the government towards women empowerment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Nevy Rusmarina Dewi ◽  
Wahyu Khoiruzzaman ◽  
Muhammad Fatwa Fauzian ◽  
Abdul Ghofur

ABSTRACTThe radicalism movement is currently one of the centres of attention of the Indonesian government because several incidents have repeatedly occurred in Indonesia. The radicalism movement is a concept that wish changes in society using a narrow religious understanding base which usually leads to bomb terror acts. The Central Java region is one area that is often used as the basis of radicalism movements spreading across various regions. The government cooperates with several Islamic organizations, one of which is (Nahdlatul Ulama), to take part in preventing radicalism that can threaten the integrity of the nation and state. This article aims to reveal the role of Nahdlatul Ulama's national politics in repressing the radicalism movement in Indonesia, especially in the Pati Regency area. The research method applied is qualitative with a literature study approach and through interviews. The NU Branch Leader (PCNU) made several programs to repress radicalism in the Pati Regency area, among others, by solidifying students in the Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association (IPNU) by holding Basic Leadership Training (LDK) in collaboration with the National Military Forces (TNI) and academics. In addition, Ansor and Banser of Pati Regency were active in conducting discussions with the theme of counteracting radicalism. These activities by Nahdlatul Ulama are effective in repressing radicalism in the Pati Branch area.  Keywords: national politics; radicalism; PCNU Pati Kabupaten.ABSTRAKGerakan radikalisme pada saat ini menjadi salah satu pusat perhatian pemerintah Indonesia karena berulang kali aksi ini terjadi di Indonesia. Gerakan radikalisme merupakan paham yang menginginkan perubahan dalam masyarakat yang seringnya menggunakan dasar pemahaman agama yang sempit yang biasanya berujung pada aksi teror bom. Wilayah Jawa Tengah merupakan salah satu wilayah yang sering menjadi basis gerakan radikalisme yang tersebar di berbagai daerah. Pemerintah menggandeng beberapa ormas Islam salah satunya adalah Nahdlatul Ulama yang ikut andil dalam rangka pencegahan radikalisme yang dapat mengancam keutuhan bangsa dan negara.  Artikel ini bertujuan mengungkap peran politik kebangsaan Nahdlatul Ulama dalam membendung gerakan radikalisme di Indonesia khususnya di wilayah Kabupaten Pati. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi literatur serta melalui wawancara. PCNU membuat beberapa program yang dilaksanakan dalam rangka membendung radikalisme di wilayah Kabupaten Pati antara lain dengan mensolidkan para pelajar dalam Ikatan Pelajar Nahdlatul Ulama (IPNU) dengan mengadakan Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan (LDK) yang bekerjasama dengan TNI maupun akademisi.  Selain itu Ansor dan Banser Kabupaten Pati aktif untuk melakukan diskusi dengan tema menangkal radikalisme. Kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut efektif dalam rangka membendung radikalisme oleh Nahdlatul Ulama di wilayah Cabang Pati.Kata kunci: politik kebangsaan; radikalisme; PCNU Kabupaten Pati.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Andi Matupalesa ◽  
Yudhi Dharma Nauly ◽  
Ivan Fanani

This study aims to provide an overview of the potential downstream of the palm oil industry in North Sumatra, by conducting a series of visits to companies that act as an anchors in the palm oil industry, particularly those located in KEK Sei Mangkei, Kuala Tanjung and KIM. The writing of this study was conducted by using descriptive-explorative analysis method which relies on primary data from companies considered to have a key role in palm industry in North Sumatra. The research method used in the form of identification of value chain, hub-and-spoke and assess the value added of the downstream stages of palm oil. In the end, the downstream of palm oil industry also needs to prioritize the role of anchor companies as locomotives for palm oil industry development in the future.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Yosie Ervanda ◽  
Anis Fuadah Z

The purpose of this study was to see the traditional cublak-cublak suweng game from D.I Yogyakarta, and the order for the character of responsibility for students. Knowing the method of implementing the cublak-cublek suweng game that can shape the character of responsibility for students. This research method is research research. The research subjects were research articles and web that discussed the cublak-cublak suweng game that could be accounted for for its authenticity and correctness. The scope of this research includes elementary school teachers, elementary school children, and the surrounding community who are familiar with this game, as well as the role of the government in preserving the cublak-cublak suweng game and applying it to elementary schools at this time.This research was conducted to explain whether the cublak-cublak suweng game in the present era can give pleasure after being played and the impact that occurs after being played 1) Introduction to what cublak-cublak suweng is and how to play it. 2) Implementation of the cublak-cublek suweng model that can develop the character of responsibility for students, 3) The effectiveness of the cublak-cublak suweng game in shaping the character of responsibility for students. 4) what are the effects if you continue to drink it again and again. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-49
Eni Istiyanti ◽  
Francy Risvansuna Fivintari ◽  
Elita Khairunnisaa

Tamarillo has soft characteristics and contains a lot of water so they are easily damaged if stored in fresh form, therefore it is necessary to have post-harvest handling in the form of processing in order to extend the shelf life. The study aims to analyze the costs, income, and profits, as well as the feasibility seen from the R / C, break event point (BEP), and the added value of various tamarillo processed products. The study was conducted in a survey of all tamarillo processed agroindustry in Wonosobo Regency, which amounted to 6 agroindustries. The research method used is descriptive quantitative analysis. The study uses primary data obtained through interviews and secondary data by means of documentation. Tamarillo processed products consist of candied, fruit juice, dodol, wajik, and candied pumpkin. The results showed that the production of candied tamarillo is the most compared to other processed products and can generate the greatest income and profits. All tamarillo processed products are feasible based on R/C, BEP, and value-added criteria. The development of tamarillo agro-industry needs the support of the government and related parties to provide education to consumers about the benefits of tamarillo.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Asna Zamharira ◽  
Arief Suryono

<p>Abstract<br />This articles aims to find out how legal protection for health facilities is towards late payment of claims by BPJS Health. The research method used in writing this law is a normative juridical research method that is research that uses secondary data or literature that is supported by primary data in the field as supporting data. Analysis of data using qualitative analysis. The results of the study revealed that health services in implementing the Health Insurance program between RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta with BPJS Health is based on a collaboration agreement between RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta with BPJS Kesehatan about Advanced Level Referral Health Services for Participants in the Health Insurance Program, one of which is the contents of a cooperation agreement regarding the payment system of claims. The claim system is carried out by referring to the agreement. In the system of claims there were still obstacles that is the delay in the payment of claims by BPJS Kesehatan to the hospital. As a form of legal protection, to resolve the problem of late payment of claims made in accordance with the cooperation agreement and Perpres No. 82 Tahun 2018 concerning Health Insurance. The Government and BPJS Kesehatan are expected to be able to make claims payments in accordance with the terms or agreed cooperation agreements.<br />Keywords: Cooperation agreement; Claim; BPJS Kesehatan; Hospital.</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perlindungan hukum bagi fasilitas kesehatan tehadap keterlambatan pembayaran klaim oleh BPJS Kesehatan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan hukum ini adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif yaitu penelitian yang menggunakan bahan-bahan hukum sekunder atau kepustakaan yang ditunjang dengan data primer di lapangan sebagai data pendukung. Data diolah dan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa pelayanan kesehatan dalam melaksanakan program Jaminan Kesehatan antara RSUD DR. Moewardi  Surakarta dengan BPJS Kesehatan didasarkan pada perjanjian kejasama antara RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta dengan BPJS Kesehatan tentang Pelayanan Kesehatan Rujukan Tingkat Lanjutan bagi Peserta Program Jaminan Kesehatan yang salah satu isi perjanjiannya mengenai sistem pembayaran klaim. Sistem pembayaran klaim dilakukan dengan berpedoman pada perjanjian kerjasama. Dalam sistem klaim masih ditemui hambatan yaitu terjadinya keterlambatan pembayaran klaim oleh BPJS Kesehatan kepada rumah sakit. Sebagai bentuk perlindungan hukum, untuk penyelesaian permasalahan keterlambatan pembayaran klaim dilakukan sesuai dengan perjanjian kerjasama dan Perpres No. 82 Tahun 2018 tentang Jaminan Kesehatan. Pemerintah dan BPJS Kesehatan diharapkan dapat melaksanan pembayaran klaim sesuai dengan ketentuan atau perjanjian kerjasama yang telah disepakati.<br />Kata Kunci: Perjanjian Kerjasam; Klaim; BPJS Kesehatan; Rumah Sakit.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 167
Nyoman Utari Vipriyanti ◽  
Dewa Ayu Puspawati ◽  
Putu Lasmi Yulianthi Sapanca ◽  
Made Emy Handayani Citra

The Covid 19 pandemic has brought significant changes to the economy of Bali as a domestic and foreign tourist destination. The tourism sector, as the main contributor to the largest contributor to Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), experienced a contraction, which had an impact on other sectors. One of the sectors affected in the agricultural sector, especially the marketing of food products. In the new normal era in Bali, it is necessary to strengthen the rural economy through the application of technology but the process of implementing these innovations is not always successful. The success of collective action is determined by the rational boundaries of society. The rational boundaries of society can be expanded by the presence of symmetrical information. The research objective was to analyze the role of collective action on the application of the Integrated System of Rice Ducks as an effort to increase farmers' income. This research is a case study in Subak Lanyah, Tabanan Sub District, Tabanan-Bali District. Primary data were collected through direct observation and questionnaires while secondary data were collected through literature studies. Analysis of the role of collective action in the application of the integrated system of rice ducks (STIP) was carried out statistically descriptive of farm costs and farmer income. The results showed that the STIP innovation as an effort to increase farmers' income was successfully implemented through Collective action. The collective action mechanism plays a role in strengthening social capital which encourages the application of STIP technology so that the income of Subak member farmers in Subak Lanyah, Tabanan-Bali increases. The success in implementing STIP technology is done by building a process of communication, trust, and networks of farmers with the government, private sector, and universities.of communication, trust, and networks of farmers with the government, private sector, and universities.

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