scholarly journals Telaah Media Online dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar (Pbm) Pendidikan Agama Islam (Pai) di Era Pandemi Covid-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-94
Nanang Budianto ◽  
Mukhsin Mukhsin

Learning Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in schools still requires improvement both technically, teaching methods, media and those related to the Islamic Religious Education Teaching and Learning Process (PAI) in schools, when the world is faced with a pandemic that hits. The Covid-19 VIRUS outbreak has an impact on learning Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in schools starting from the PAUD level to the SMA / MA / SMK level. This condition forces the education world to carry out the learning process online (online). The purpose of writing this article is to study and understand the use of online media in the Teaching and Learning Process of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The use of online media during the Covid-19 pandemic caused various responses and impacts and changes in the learning system that could affect the Teaching and Learning Process (PMB) and the level of student development in responding to the material presented. Keywords: Use of online media, Field of Study PAI, Covid-19 pandemic. Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di sekolah masih memerlukan pembenahan baik secara teknis, metode  pengajaran,  media  serta   yang  berkaitan  dengan Proses Belajar Mengajar Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di sekolah, ketika  dunia  dihadapkan  dengan  pandemi  yang  melanda. Wabah VIRUS Covid-19 memberikan dampak terhadap pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di Sekolah mulai tingkat PAUD sampai dengan tingkat SMA/MA/SMK. Kondisi demikian  memaksa  dunia  pendidikan  melakukan  proses  pembelajaran  secara daring (online). Tujuan penulisan artikel ini  untuk  mempelajari  dan  memahami  penggunaan  media online dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar bidang study Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di masa Pandemi Covid-19. Penggunaan media online di masa pandemi covid-19  ini  menimbulkan  berbagai  tanggapan  serta  dampak dan perubahan sistem belajar yang dapat mempengaruhi proses Proses Belajar Mengajar (PMB) serta tingkat perkembangan peserta didik dalam merespon materi yang disampaikan. Kata Kunci : Penggunaan media online, Bidang Study PAI, pandemi Covid-19.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-24
Hendrik Legi

ABSTRACTThe task of a Christian Religious Education teacher is not just to teach and prepare teaching materials, but a teacher is required to be able to create active, creative learning interactions and be able to design fun learning. Christian religious education teachers are not only tasked with transferring factual and conceptual knowledge to their students but Christian religious education teachers must think about how students can receive messages in their teaching and learning process. One of the reasons the learning process did not go as expected by the teacher was due to the inaccurate selection of teaching methods in the teaching and learning process. It cannot be denied that teaching methods also affect the ability of students to absorb learning material. Learning will be fun if the Christian Religious Education teacher chooses and uses various teaching methods in their teaching assignments. The research approach used is a descriptive approach, namely methods and research procedures that are Research Library by utilizing information sources from books and journals. This study aims to describe the implications of Christian religious education teaching methods for Christian religion teachers.Keywords: Christian Religion Teachers, Christian Religious Education, Teaching Methods. ABSTRAKTugas seorang guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen bukan hanya sekadar mengajar serta menyiapkan materi ajar, melainkan seorang guru dituntut untuk dapat menciptakan interaksi pembelajaran yang aktif, kreatif serta dapat mendisain pembelajaran yang menyenangkan. Guru pendidikan agama Kristen tidak hanya bertugas memindahkan pengetahuan faktual dan konseptual  kepada peserta didiknya tetapi guru pendidikan agama Kristen harus memikirkan bagaimana peserta didik dapat menerima pesan dalam proses belajar mengajarnya. Salah satu penyebab proses pembelajaran tidak berjalan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan oleh guru karena pemilihan metode mengajar yang kurang tepat dalam proses belajar mengajar Belajar dari Sang guru Agung,  Tuhan Yesus Kristus selalu menggunakan metode yang berbeda-beda ketika mengajar para murid maupun orang banyak. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa metode mengajar ikut memengaruhi kemampuan peserta didik dalam menyerap materi pembelajaran. Pembelajaran akan menjadi menyenangkan apabila guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen memilih dan menggunakan metode mengajar yang variatif dalam tugas mengajarnya. Pendekatan  penelitian  yang digunakan  adalah metode pendekatan deskriptif, yaitu  metode dan prosedur penelitian yang bersifat Research Library  dengan memanfaatkan sumber-sumber informasi dari buku maupun jurnal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan implikasi metode mengajar pendidikan agama Kristen bagi guru Agama Kristen.Kata kunci:  Guru Agama Kristen, Pendidikan Agama Kristen, Metode Mengajar.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 426
Maskuri Bakri

The main purpose of this article is to portray Islam as a paradigm of higher religious education. This paper is a result of a long research initially aimed at finding new perspective on the development of teaching and learning process in Indonesia. The paper finds that the Holy Qur’ân is ample with references on education at all level. It is actually a book of education. The history of Islam has shown that the system, method, and materials of education in the Islamic world are all derived from it. It is this that the paper is interested to discuss. In doing so, it takes into account the conventional distinction between the religious and natural science as far as education is concerned. While the Qur’ân does not make a clear-cut distinction between the two sciences, the difference between the two does serve as a meaningful entry—at least methodologically—into the world of education. The paper goes on to classify some Islamic universities in Indonesia along the line of this distinction. It finds that some of these universities believe in this distinction, while others do not. This belief will in turn shape the way these universities design their vision and carry on their mission.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 700-711
Ashif Az Zafi ◽  
Maulida Tsalis Maroh ◽  
Siswanto Siswanto ◽  
Irwan Fathurrochman

This article aims to describe the strategies used by Islamic Religious Education teachers in instilling religious values ​​when teaching students in the midst of a pandemic that is currently sweeping the world.  This causes the learning system that is usually done directly or face-to-face to become online.  This study uses a qualitative method, which describes the facts and phenomena that occur in the field.  The Covid-19 virus, which originated in Wuhan, China, has a very rapid spread and has an impact on the whole world, one of which is Indonesia.  The State Civil Apparatus (ASN) as well as strata of society feel the consequences themselves, especially in the field of education, which causes schools to carry out the learning process at home or online.  PAI teachers as educators must rack their brains about strategies in teaching students which are usually carried out face-to-face to online or online.  In order to respond to this, there is a solution to what teachers can do, namely by using the WhatsApp media.  With WhatsApp that is easy to access, it is hoped that teachers in delivering learning can be accepted and understood and do not reduce in terms of instilling religious values ​​of students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 463-499
Shohibul Adib

The exegetical methods of the Quran has been aimed more and consumed by adults both from students, students, lecturers, and intellectuals, rather than to children. But actually, the case of adults is clearly different from the nature of children who have a tendency to play. How to present an exegetical method of the Quran that can be consumed by children is a developmental idea in the scientific exegesis of the Quran in general and particularly in the Islamic Religious Education (PAI), especially in the study of the exegesis of the Quran. Therefore, Tafsir Qur'an Untuk Anak-anak (The Exegesis of the Quran for Children) by Afif Muhammad comes to respond to the problem when it is now very rarely the literature that deals with the interpretation for children today.Therefore, this paper will discuss how the exegetical method offered by Afif Muhammad in his work, and most importantly is, how to present the characteristics of the exegesis of the Holy Quran that is ideal for children in the perspective of Islamic Religious Education (PAI).The result of this research reveals that the ijmāli method with dialogical language in Tafsir Qur'an untuk Anak-anak can be used as a solution to improve the lecture method in PAI so as to create dynamic and effective interrelations between educators and learners in the learning process. The comic method in the Tafsir Qur'anuntuk Anak-anakis a prominent characteristic of the study of the Qur'an for children so that it can be utilized by educators in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom, and the scholars who are concerned about the world education of children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Ida Ayu Gde Wulandari

<p><em>The use of online media as a learning medium is so familiar. Utilization of media in the midst of a global pandemic is the main choice to overcome social and physical distancing at this time. Demands in the world of education to be able to adapt to technological developments in addition to aiming to support the smooth course, also aims to streamline learning, in accordance with learning anywhere and anytime. Various forms of Learning Management System (LMS) that exist today, online learning media such as Google classroom in lectures are very commonly used by lecturers to support learning outcomes, through the features they have. Collecting data is using quantitative descriptive by using google form which are 108 respond by spreading online to Religion Education students. The purpose of this paper is to determine the use of google classroom in lectures and to find out the advantages and disadvantages of using google classroom media. Based on the results of the distribution of questionnaires to students majoring in religious education, it shows that more than 90% of students are accustomed to using google classroom with the benefits they have. In addition, some weaknesses are also felt by students during the learning process using only google classroom media.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 463-499
Shohibul Adib

The exegeticalmethods of the Quran has been aimed more and consumed by adults both from students, students, lecturers, and intellectuals, rather than to children. But actually, the case of adults is clearly different from the nature of children who have a tendency to play. How to present a exegeticalmethod of the Quran that can be consumed by children is a developmental idea in the scientificexegesis of the Quran in general and particularlyin the Islamic Religious Education (PAI), especially in the study of the exegesis of the Quran. Therefore, Tafsir Qur'an untuk Anakanak (The Exegesis of the Quran for Children) by Afif Muhammad comes to respond to the problem when it is now very rarely the literature that deals with the interpretation for children today. Therefore, this paper will discuss how the exegeticalmethod offered by Afif Muhammad in his work, and most importantly is, how to present the characteristics of the exegesis of the Holy Quran that is ideal for children in the perspective of Islamic Religious Education (PAI).The result of this research reveals that the ijmāli method with dialogical language in Tafsir Qur'an untuk Anak-anak can be used as a solution to improve the lecture method in PAI so as to create dynamic and effective interrelations between educators and learners in the learning process. The comic method in the Tafsir Qur'an untuk Anak-anak is a prominent characteristic of the study of the Qur'an for children so that it can be utilized by educators in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom, and the scholars who are concerned about the world education of children.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 183 ◽  
Nana Suryapermana

Learning does not just exist and happens in front of our eyes and under the gaze of student’s who wait with anxious hopes, can not, miss understanding, not no, not difficult to accompany the lesson. To destroy the feeling, of course, in the planning of learning teachers should pay attention to the learning system that will bandage all the actions of the process of teaching and learning activities. This is important, because if in the execution of teaching and learning process out and away from the system, then whatever is expected and pursued by teachers in learning activities will only reap failures and suffering and this is the beginning of catastrophe in the world of education. Keywords. Management, Learning

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-187
Dawi Yanti

The educational system across the world has been affected due to outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, this new phenomenon forced teachers and students to do teaching and learning process from home. The purpose of writing this study was to investigate the students' perceptions of online learning has been implemented and the factors that influenced these perceptions. Therefore, this survey asked 60 students in Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Migas Balikpapan to convey their perception on the effect of online during Covid-19. The finding of this study revealed that students positively accepted this new learning system although they’ve found some problems such as difficulty in using application and lack of the internet connection, etc.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 463-499
Shohibul Adib

The exegeticalmethods of the Quran has been aimed more and consumed by adults both from students, students, lecturers, and intellectuals, rather than to children. But actually, the case of adults is clearly different from the nature of children who have a tendency to play. How to present a exegeticalmethod of the Quran that can be consumed by children is a developmental idea in the scientificexegesis of the Quran in general and particularlyin the Islamic Religious Education (PAI), especially in the study of the exegesis of the Quran. Therefore, Tafsir Qur'an untuk Anakanak (The Exegesis of the Quran for Children) by Afif Muhammad comes to respond to the problem when it is now very rarely the literature that deals with the interpretation for children today. Therefore, this paper will discuss how the exegeticalmethod offered by Afif Muhammad in his work, and most importantly is, how to present the characteristics of the exegesis of the Holy Quran that is ideal for children in the perspective of Islamic Religious Education (PAI).The result of this research reveals that the ijmāli method with dialogical language in Tafsir Qur'an untuk Anak-anak can be used as a solution to improve the lecture method in PAI so as to create dynamic and effective interrelations between educators and learners in the learning process. The comic method in the Tafsir Qur'an untuk Anak-anak is a prominent characteristic of the study of the Qur'an for children so that it can be utilized by educators in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom, and the scholars who are concerned about the world education of children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 875-894
Yeni Yuliana

Abstract The internet can be made as a way to transfer knowledge from lecturers to students, while Learning that utilizes the internet is one of the E-Learning Learning media. E-learning is distance learning that utilizes computer technology or computer networks or the Internet E-learning, so that it can enable the learning process through computers in their respective places without having to physically go to attend classes or lectures in class, Systems e-learning learning is a new way of teaching and learning. E-learning as a special learning media PAI courses provide a very important role and a large function in the course because so far there are many shortcomings and weaknesses such as the limitations of space and time in the teaching and learning process through E-learning which prioritizes the efficiency of learning so students get full teaching even though they do not have to be face to face, can also be accessed anywhere, anytime, according to the assignments given by the lecturer usually scheduled with a specified deadline. The development of education towards e-learning is a must so that the quality standards of education can be improved, E-learning is one of the uses of internet technology in the delivery of learning and its broad reach. E-learning can also be an answer to a health problem that is Pandemic Corona (Covid-19) which is very influential also in every aspect of life, especially in education.Keywords: Effectiveness, Utilization, Islamic Religious Education, E-Learning, Covid 19. Abstrak Internet dapat dijadikan cara untuk mentransfer ilmu pengetahuan dari Dosen kepada mahasiswa/mahasiswi. Adapun Pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan internet salah satunya adalah media pembelajaran E-Learning. E-learning adalah pembelajaran jarak jauh (distance learning) yang memanfaatkan  teknologi komputer atau jaringan komputer atau internet E-learning, sehingga dapat  memungkinkan proses pembelajaran melalui komputer di tempat mereka  masing– masing tanpa harus secara fisik  pergi  mengikuti pelajaran atau pun  perkuliahan di kelas,  Sistem pembelajaran e-learning adalah cara baru dalam proses belajar mengajar. E-learning  sebagai   media pembelajaran khususnya mata kuliah PAI memberikan  peran   sangat   penting  dan fungsi yang besar pada mata kuliah tersebut karena selama  ini terdapat banyak  kekurangan  dan kelemahan seperti keterbatasan ruang dan waktu dalam  proses belajar  mengajar melalui E-learning yang  mengedepankan keefisienan dalam belajar sehingga  mahasiswa mendapat pengajaran yang penuh meski tidak harus bertatap muka, juga bisa di akses di mana saja, kapan saja,  sesuai dengan tugas yang diberikan oleh dosen biasanya terjadwal dengan  batas  waktu  yang  di tentukan. Pengembangan  pendidikan menuju e-learning merupakan suatu keharusan agar standar mutu pendidikan dapat ditingkatkan,  E-learning merupakan salah satu penggunaan teknologi internet dalam penyampaian  pembelajaran  serta  jangkauannya yang luas. E-learning  juga dapat menjadi jawaban dari suatu permasalahan kesehatan yaitu Pandemi Corona (Covid-19) ini yang sangat berpengaruh juga pada setiap aspek kehidupan terutama bidang pendidikan.Kata kunci  :  Keefektifitas, Pemanfaatan, Pendidikan Agama Islam,  E-Learning, Covid 19.  

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