The Role of Entrepreneurship in Local Economic Growth: Example of Gaziantep

Mehmet Vahit Eren ◽  
Erdinç Tutar ◽  
Filiz Tutar ◽  
Çisil Erkan

In order to avoid social inequality of opportunity and improvement of local economies have become government policies in Turkey, as it is in other countries around the world. Incentives, regional development agencies, techno parks and also local entrepreneurs play crucial role in the improvement process of local economies. The increasing rivalry and globalization concept necessitate entrepreneurs to take more risks, to reach innovations to seize opportunities in optimum level. Entrepreneurship is a motor vessel in financial growth and in development, and entrepreneurship is also the source of innovation and creativity. In this regard, the more entrepreneurship develops in a country, the higher level of welfare possesses the chance to advance. The purpose of this report, in which it has been aimed to reveal vital role of entrepreneurship in the progress of local economies, is emphasizing the status of entrepreneurship that transformed Gaziantep’s socio-economic level of development into its present position. Thus with this aim a SWOT analysis, in terms of Gaziantep’s economic entrepreneurship has been carried out. Positive contributions of Gaziantep’s immensely developed industry, facilitation of local innovative entrepreneurs’ involvement in various local economic sectors and in accordance channeling immigration into deployment in local economy have been observed in this study. Significantly it has been observed that plenitude of “opportunist entrepreneurship” or in other words “the entrepreneurs with strategic growth plans” in this region contributed local economy positively.

2017 ◽  
pp. 1382-1398
Malek Jihene

Women plays a vital role in business and they are a major resource potential in entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, women entrepreneurs tend to face greater obstacles in access to credit, market knowledge, business needs and by the limits of trade agreements and the constraints of trade policies. Thus, there is a need for more efficient policies for the development of female entrepreneurship. The chapter offer analysis of state of the empowerment of women in the globalization. Then, the analysis of the theoretical foundations is for justifying the role of women as entrepreneur and promoter of gender equality and constraints that they are facing. Then, it is an opportunity to offer a brief overview about women in the socio-economic development in MENA region. Finally, the question is how to create policies for the business sector to promote their empowerment. A SWOT analysis is done to explore challenges and limits and offer some recommendations .This chapter is an opportunity to explore new area about the degree of adaptation of women's entrepreneur to the trade policies rules.


Laburpena: Globalizazioak eta teknologia bat-batean sartzeak aldaketa azkarrak eragin dituzte, eta horiek jarduera ekonomikoaren sektore guztiei eragiten diete. Horiek horrela, sistema publikoek erronka garrantzitsuei egin beharko diete aurre. Aldaketa horietako batzuek berekin dakartzaten kanpo-efektu negatiboen ondorioz sortzen dira erronketako batzuk, edo, bestela, pertsonen eta gizarteen egonkortasuna, ziurtasuna eta babesa ahal den heinean sustatzeko beharraren ondorioz. Beste erronka batzuek, berriz, egoera berriek berekin dakartzaten aurrera egiteko aukera handiekin dute zerikusia, bai eta horiek baliatze aldera sektore publikoak hartu behar duen lidergo rol ordezkaezinarekin ere. Bi erronka-mota horiek administrazioa behartzen dute muturreko eta anbizio handiko berrikuntza-agenda bere gain hartzera. Agenda horren norainokoaren eraginez, sektore publikoak statu quoaren bereizgarri diren oinarrizko erakunde arteko akordioetako batzuk aztertu eta berriz diseinatu behar ditu. Lan honek aztertzen du zein diren egin beharreko oinarrizko eraldaketak, zer tresna behar diren esku hartzeko, eta zer dilema kudeatu behar diren. Horrez gain, gobernantza-ikuspegi berriaren funtsezko ezaugarriak aurkezten ditu. Eredu horrek aukera emango die gobernuei eta beren erakundeei esplorazioaren eta esperimentazioaren bidean murgiltzeko, eta sistema publikotik at kokatutako eragileekin lankidetzan aritzera irekitzeko, aldi berean gizarteari erantzuteko eta haren aurrean kontu emateko eskakizunen maila handiari eutsiz. Resumen: En el entorno de cambios acelerados que la globalización y la disrupción tecnológica han creado, y que afecta a todos los sectores de actividad económica, los sistemas públicos afrontan desafíos importantes. Una parte de esos desafíos dimanan de las externalidades negativas que algunos de esos cambios llevan consigo, y de la necesidad de proveer en lo posible de estabilidad, certidumbre y protección a las personas y a las sociedades. Otra parte tiene que ver con las enormes oportunidades de progreso que los nuevos escenarios traen consigo, y con el insustituible rol de liderazgo que el sector público está llamado a asumir para aprovecharlas. Ambos tipos de reto obligan a la Administración a asumir una agenda de innovación ambiciosa y radical. El alcance de esa agenda obliga al sector público a reconsiderar y rediseñar algunos de los arreglos institucionales básicos que caracterizan al statu quo actual. Este trabajo analiza las transformaciones básicas que resultan necesarias, el instrumental de intervención que exigen, y los dilemas que necesitarán ser gestionados. También presenta los rasgos básicos de un nuevo enfoque de gobernanza capaz de permitir a los gobiernos y sus organizaciones adentrarse en la vía de la exploración, la experimentación y la apertura a la colaboración con actores situados fuera del sistema público, manteniendo al mismo tiempo alta las exigencias de responder y rendir cuentas ante la sociedad. Abstract: Public administrations are facing major challenges within the milieu of accelerated changes generated by globalisation and technological disruption and that affected all economic sectors. A certain percentage of these challenges arise from the negative externalities of some of these changes, and the need to provide stability, certainty and protection to individuals and societies as much as possible. Another part of these challenges are linked to the huge opportunities for progress that go hand-in-hand with the new scenarios and the irreplaceable role of leadership taken by the public sector to take full advantage of them. Both types of .challenge have forced the Administration to undertake an ambitiously innovative and radical agenda The scope of this agenda has forced the public sector to rethink and redesign some of the basic institutional arrangements that characterise the status quo. This paper analyses the basic transformations necessary, the required instruments of intervention and the dilemmas that need to be managed. It also presents the basic features of a new governance approach capable of enabling governments and their organisations to pursue the path of exploration, experimentation and openness to collaboration with stakeholders outside of the public system, while also upholding the requirements to respond and be accountable to society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-278
Peter Suwarno

While Indonesia claims to be the world’s third largest democracy, it recognizes itself as both a secular and religious state. The negotiation of the state-religion relationship influenced by Islamic discourse continues to shape the socio-political development of this largest Muslim nation. This paper describes how Indonesia’s discursive contention is molded by the power and popularity of Islamic discourses. It will present examples and analysis of appeal to fear as coercive discourses from recently published speech events, debates, edicts, regulations, and publications as well as examine the vital role of Islamic discourses in the Indonesian public sphere and democracy. This paper concludes that coercive religious discourses and some government policies not only marginalize the voices of minority and opposing groups, but also curtail participative critical debates that are necessary for a democratic Indonesia.

Malek Jihene

Women plays a vital role in business and they are a major resource potential in entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, women entrepreneurs tend to face greater obstacles in access to credit, market knowledge, business needs and by the limits of trade agreements and the constraints of trade policies. Thus, there is a need for more efficient policies for the development of female entrepreneurship. The chapter offer analysis of state of the empowerment of women in the globalization. Then, the analysis of the theoretical foundations is for justifying the role of women as entrepreneur and promoter of gender equality and constraints that they are facing. Then, it is an opportunity to offer a brief overview about women in the socio-economic development in MENA region. Finally, the question is how to create policies for the business sector to promote their empowerment. A SWOT analysis is done to explore challenges and limits and offer some recommendations .This chapter is an opportunity to explore new area about the degree of adaptation of women's entrepreneur to the trade policies rules.

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-198
C. Benjamin

Women entrepreneurs are playing vital role of the global business environment and important for the sustained economic development and social progress. In India, though women are playing key role in the society, but still their entrepreneurial ability has not been properly tapped due to the lower status of women in the society. The main purpose of this paper is to find out the status of women entrepreneurs in Kanniyakumari District. The main purpose of this paper is to find out the status of women entrepreneurs in Kanniyakumari District. This paper includes rational grounds behind the women entrepreneurship. Another main purpose of this paper is to analyse that are those policies adequate for the growth of entrepreneurship.

1972 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-47
Edward Higgins ◽  
André Rousseau

In the first part of the article the author describes the position of Calvinism and Catholicism in South Africa from the historical, demographic and socio-cultural points of view. Following this there is a report, with comments, on two studies carried out on religious roles in these two Churches. The first of these studies was conducted by C.J. Alant on the role of the pastor in the Dutch Reformed Church (Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk) and the second by J. Kiernan on the Catholic priest. Among the most outstanding aspects of these two studies the author emphasises that in both Churches the roles of religious still are closely linked with their functions relating to the sacraments and worship. He emphasises that, as a result, these role models tend to maintain the status quo ; from the point of view of non-involvement in politics and privatisation of religion the Catholic priest may be able to play a more vital role than the Calvinist pastor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 110 ◽  
pp. 01025
Tatyana Maximova ◽  
Nada Eid

The importance of scientific research and technological development is reflected in the fact that it is a fundamental contributor to meeting the needs of the industrial and economic sectors, creating job opportunities, and enhancing revenues by employing its outputs, in addition to its effective role in community building, development and welfare. In this paper, we have chosen the Syrian Arab Republic as an example for the analysis of the innovation system and technology transfer. We review the status of scientific research and technological development in Syria, since its official inception in 1958 until the present time. We conduct an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the innovation and technology transfer system in Syria (SWOT analysis). In order to reach an integrated system based on scientific research, we present a set of recommendations that help enhance strengths and overcome weaknesses. These recommendations also help to exploit the available opportunities and turn them into strengths, in addition to finding appropriate solutions to the risks faced by the innovation system in Syria.

Emre Ün ◽  
Filiz Tutar ◽  
Erdinç Tutar ◽  
Çisil Erkan

Involvement in the tourism movements has been rising every passing day along with the globalization concept. Tourism sector contributes doubly to economy. One of them is interpreted as social activity, and the other one as economic activity or industry. Ultimate purpose of tourism is marketing a particular service to an individual who participates either as a day tripper or as a recreationist. In this respect tourism sector is a commercial sector. Today, tourism has gone beyond sea, sun and sand. A variety of tourism forms exist; such as nature tourism, adventure travel, science tourism, eco-tourism, cultural tourism, alternative tourism and rural tourism. Rural tourism plays a vital role in tourism sector. This study aims to emphasize among other tourism forms rural tourism is an accelerator power for developing countries like Turkey. Ultimately, rural tourism prevents rural immigration and is a significant medium for the publicity of Turkey; which can be integrated in various forms of tourism, which has assorted authentic recreational activities those can be done in all seasons, which contributes to the protection of natural and cultural heritage, which serves sustainable tourism concept. The paper also includes; the rural tourism policies which are applied, and applications of rural tourism. Moreover SWOT analysis for Turkey’s rural tourism will be carried out.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 13-36
Seyyed Hatam Tamimi Sa’d

The present qualitative study sought to explore the relationship between English language learning and identity reconstruction from the viewpoints of Iranian language learners. The data were collected by means of focus-group interviews with forty-five male intermediate learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). To define the concept of identity, the participants were found to draw upon notions as diverse as personal and social characteristics, ethnic origins, geographical locations, religious affiliations, national customs and rituals and values, amongst others. Furthermore, the vast majority of the learners held that learningEnglish had a profound impact on how they perceive their identity. Of these, nearly all the interviewees regarded the above impact as highly positive and beneficial to the course of language learning. The interviewees also expressed strong inclination to integrate and, therefore, to dentify with the target linguistic and cultural norms. Notwithstanding, a number of opposing voices were raised by some learners who resisted identity reconstruction through language learning, claiming that they learned English simply for the sake of instrumental, as opposed to integrative, purposes. These participants also levelled criticisms at what theyviewed as ‘the imposition of Western values on an Islamic country’. The results highlight the vital role of motivation and the status of English as an international language in viewing, redefining and reconstructing identity. In conclusion, the findings confirm the role of discursive practices, power relations, solidarity and otherising with regard to identityreconstruction in the course of second language (L2) learning.


This article aims to introduce the energy policy program assumptions of the Russian Federation. An analysis led to the conclusion that the Russian Federation avails the network of hydrocarbon transmission pipelines to obtain an energy superpower status. The transformation of the energy sector is not restricted to measures aimed at increasing efficiency. It similarly plays a vital role in building the state's potential. More so, it co-creates the crucial instruments of international influence. Through building the network of pipelines, the Kremlin consistently attains its geopolitical aim of being an important player in the international arena. Ineffective endeavours to get out of the Russian domination in that area has allowed Russia to maintain its infrastructure monopoly and dominance of Russian gas on the markets of Central and Eastern Europe.

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