scholarly journals Ideal Concept of Traditional Justice in Solving Criminal Case

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 293
Erni Dwita Silambi ◽  
Pangerang Moenta ◽  
Farida Patittingi ◽  
Nur Azisa

Customary law is an unwritten rule that lives in the customary community of an area and will continue to live as long as the community still fulfils the customary law that was passed on to them from their ancestors before them. Settlement in criminal cases through customary law that produces results is a form of legal certainty. This study aims to determine the ideal concept in resolving criminal cases through customary courts in Merauke Papua. The method used in this study is a combination of normative legal research and empirical legal research with the reason that the author wants to examine the norms related to the problem of resolving customary criminal cases and seek direct information on the implementation of customary justice in Merauke Regency which is presented descriptively. recognition of customary courts must be stated in writing in the law on judicial power so that this institution has a clear legal basis and its decisions can be recognized so that it does not need to be tried again through national courts, criminal threats under five years must be resolved through customary courts and are final decisions   Received: 23 August 2021 / Accepted: 25 October 2021 / Published: 3 January 2022

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-35
Rudini Hasyim Rado

This research is focused on exploring the values of Kei customary law on the settlement of criminal cases that are resolved through customary institutions, by proposing 2 (two) problems, First, how is the existence of the law customary criminal Kei? Second, what is the role of customary institutions in the settlement of criminal cases? This research uses non-doctrinal legal research methods with interviews and observations as primary data. Meanwhile, data analysis is inductive and qualitative. It can be concluded that (1) the formal customary law of Kei is the values that live in the community that are agreed upon and are binding on the community, where the settlement of customary Kei crimes is taken in stages starting from the family level, customary institutions (Soa, Orang Kai and the last tier of Rat). (2) the role of traditional institutions in the settlement of criminal cases is starting to strengthen in society, this is indicated by the level of compliance with decisions and sanctions that are stipulated. People believe that customary cases are resolved by “insiders” (customary institutions) through deliberation (dok Tasdov) with a local wisdom approach to create social justice.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Reyner . ◽  
Dian Andriawan Daeng Tawang

In general, penal mediation can be said as a concept that brings together the victims and criminals to discuss their interests and willingness in order to resolve criminal cases that have occurred between them, and are assisted by a mediator who is neutral and help to resolve criminal cases by giving advice and mediating as mediators. The results of the research conducted by normative research and through several literature such as legal books, regulations, and guidelines, show that in fact, reason mediation has been carried out in the community and carried out by several law enforcement officials in the framework of the settlement process criminal. What is done in the midst of Indonesian society is only a peace process that shows customary law as its branch and many are applied within the police in the investigation process to carry out procedures for resolving criminal acts. The importance and need for penal mediation to be applied in formal law that is developing and prevailing in society can be a special rule that is regulated and is part of criminal procedural law for the sake of legal certainty. Penal mediation can be applied at the level of investigation by the police in the process of resolving criminal cases and creating equal welfare and justice in the wide society for sure

Arena Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 150-166
Ahmad Muddin ◽  
Hardianto Djanggih

Abstract This study aims to analyze dispute resolution, the dispute resolution approach that guarantees legal certainty and examine the factors that influence the construction of the settlement of land rights of the customary community of Malind-Amin. This normative and empirical legal research is analized descriptively and analytically. The results shows that the nature of customary land dispute with customary law can be resolved through positive legal mechanisms and customary law mechanisms, while dispute resolution on disputed objects that have certificates based on the release of traditional institutions through mediation, synchronization / harmonization of laws and the making of local regulations. However, efforts to resolve this have experienced various factors of internal and external obstacles.

Dewa Putu Adnyana ◽  
I Ketut Sudantra

The regulation of legal protection for customers who have savings funds in village financial institutions (LPD) is unclear. This causes no legal certainty for customers if the LPD experiences financial problems. The existence of LPDs in Bali is regulated in two types of legal rules, namely state law and customary law (legal pluralism). Analyzing the legal certainty aspects of deposit guarantor in statutory regulations and customary law is the aim of this research. This study uses a normative legal research methodology. This study uses two types of approaches namely, the statute and the conceptual approaches. The legal materials chosen as the basic analysis are primary and secondary legal materials. The conclusion of this study shows that the role of state law is more dominant than customary law. The above conclusion is shown by the fact of the research that most of the matters related to the technical operations of the LPD are regulated by the state law, in this case, is regional regulation about LPD. Based on the results of the study on the norms of local regulations on LPD and the nine awig –awig as a form of customary law from representatives of the nine regencies and city in Bali, there is no regulation on deposit guarantor institutions for LPD customers in Bali to provide legal protection. So that, regulating LPDs in Bali with two legal systems, namely the state law and the customary law system, does not guarantee legal certainty for the safety of customer's deposits. Pengaturan perlindungan hukum bagi nasabah yang mempunyai dana simpanan  di Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) saat ini tidak jelas. Hal ini menyebabkan tidak ada kepastian hukum bagi nasabah apabila LPD mengalami masalah keuangan. Keberadaan LPD di Bali diatur dalam dua jenis aturan hukum yaitu hukum negara dan hukum adat  (pluralisme hukum). Mengkaji aspek kepastian hukum penjamin simpanan  dalam setiap norma dalam peraturan perundang-undangan serta dalam hukum adat merupakan tujuan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum doktrinal (normatif). Penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis pendekatan yaitu pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statute approach), dan pendekatan konsep (conceptual approach). Adapun bahan hukum yang dipilih sebagai dasar analisis adalah bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Kemudian kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa dua sistem hukum dalam pengaturan LPD di Bali menunjukkan peran hukum negara lebih dominan daripada hukum adat.  Kesimpulan ini ditunjukkan oleh fakta penelitian yang ditemukan bahwa sebagian besar hal yang berkaitan dengan teknis operasional LPD yang merupakan satu-satunya organisasi keuangan milik Desa Adat di Bali diatur oleh hukum negara dalam hal ini diatur dalam peraturan daerah tentang LPD. Kemudian, berdasarkan hasil kajian terhadap norma peraturan daerah tentang LPD dan terhadap sembilan awig–awig sebagai bentuk hukum adat dari perwakilan Kabupaten dan Kota di Bali, tidak ada ditemukan pengaturan tentang lembaga penjamin simpanan bagi nasabah LPD di Bali untuk memberikan perlindungan hukum. Dengan demikian pengaturan LPD di Bali dengan dua sistem hukum yaitu hukum negara dan sistem hukum adat ternyata tidak menjamin kepastian hukum bagi keamanan dana simpanan para nasabah. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-83
Usman Usman ◽  
Andi Najemi

The settlement of criminal cases outside the court through mediation is a common phenomenon occurring in various regions of Indonesia. Penal mediation is done with the assumption that it can meet the justice and expediency, but what if viewed from the aspect of legality and legal certainty. This study aims to evaluate the settlement arrangement of penal proceeding through penal mediation and analyze the values ​​of justice, benefit and legal certainty in the settlement of criminal case through penal mediation. The study was conducted using normative/doctrinal legal research methods. This article concludes: 1) Settlement arrangement of criminal penalty through penal mediation is still limited to criminal case conducted by child. Although there are some provisions that provide for possible settlement of criminal cases outside the court, but not yet a penal mediation. Because it has not strictly regulated the mediation between the perpetrator and the victim, especially regarding the provision of compensation or compensation which is a means of diversion for the termination of prosecution and the imposition of a criminal. 2) The settlement of criminal cases through penal mediation can meet the values ​​of justice and benefit, but the limited regulation of penal mediation, the settlement of criminal cases through penal mediation is less reflect the value of legal certainty. Abstrak Penyelesaian perkara pidana di luar peradilan melalui mediasi merupakan fenomena yang umum terjadi di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Mediasi penal dilakukan dengan anggapan dapat memenuhi tuntutan keadilan dan kemanfaatan, namun bagaimana jika dilihat dari aspek legalitas dan kepastian hukum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaturan penyelesaian perkara pidana melalui mediasi penal serta menganalisis nilai-nilai keadilan, kemanfaatan dan nilai kepastian hukum dalam penyelesaian perkara pidana melalui mediasi penal. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif atau doktrinal. Artikel ini menyimpulkan, 1) pengaturan penyelesaian perkara pidana melalui mediasi penal masih terbatas untuk perkara pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak. Meskipun beberapa ketentuan memberi kemungkinan adanya penyelesaian perkara pidana di luar pengadilan, ia belum merupakan mediasi penal; sebab belum mengatur secara tegas adanya mediasi antara pelaku dan korban, terutama terkait pemberian ganti rugi atau kompensasi yang merupakan sarana diversi untuk dihentikannya penuntutan maupun penjatuhan pidana. 2) Penyelesaian perkara pidana melalui mediasi penal dapat memenuhi nilai-nilai keadilan dan kemanfaatan, namun kurang mencerminkan nilai kepastian hukum disebabkan terbatasnya pengaturannya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-62
Irfansyah Irfansyah

Consumer protection is any effort that ensures legal certainty to protect consumers. The legal basis that regulates consumer protection in Indonesia is Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. The method used in this research is normative legal research, using a statutory approach. According to Article 45 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, it is emphasized that every consumer who is injured can sue business actors through an institution that is tasked with resolving disputes between consumers and business actors or through courts within the general court. In order to resolve consumer disputes outside the court, the government is mandated to establish a Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency. In handling and resolving consumer disputes, the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency forms an assembly consisting of at least 3 (three) members representing elements of government, elements of consumers, and elements of business actors. According to Article 54 Paragraph (3) of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, it is confirmed that the decision of the assembly formed by the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency is final and binding. Settlement of disputes through the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency doesn’t eliminate criminal responsibility so that the decision of the assembly formed by the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency is sufficient initial evidence for investigators to carry out investigations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-53
Jatmiko Raharjo ◽  
Syamsuddin Muchtar ◽  
Audyna Mayasari Muin

The aim of the study is to determine the application of Visum et Repertum as evidence for criminal acts in domestic violence. This study was empirical legal research. The location of this study was conducted in Kejaksaan Negeri Klaten. The result of the research showed that as proof of domestic violence with evidence Visum et Repertum was one of the law enforcements oriented to realize for legal certainty and protection of victims in proving the occurrence of criminal acts in domestic violence. The lack of evidence bothers the process of law enforcement, regarding requirements to determine the victim provided at least two evidence and for the judges to decide on criminal cases with valid evidence at least can be avoided by using Visum et Repertum. The obstacles to prove the evidence for criminal acts in domestic violence with Visum et Repertum includes the differences of understanding among law enforcement officials about the use of Visum et Repertum for criminal acts in domestic violence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 250
Bima Ridho Halim ◽  
Rachmi Sulistyarini

The purpose of writing this article is to discuss the harmonization of regulation towards a double position of notary and members of the House of Representatives and the ideal formulation of regulations regarding dual notary positions. The method used is normative legal research with a statutory approach, a comparative approach, and a conceptual approach. The legal materials used are primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials which are analyzed using grammatical, systematic, interpretation, explanatory, and evaluation techniques. Harmonization of laws and regulations relating to someone who holds a concurrent position as a notary and a member of the House of Representatives is very important to meet legal certainty. The notary who is elected as a member of the House of Representatives must release his position as a notary public. Notaries can be re-becoming a notary public if they are no longer members of the House of Representatives.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-186
Frans Reumi

The excellence of customary court for indigenous peoples of Papua as a peace justice institution which is one of the specific rights of Special Autonomy of Papua and it regulated in Article 50 paragraph (2) juncto Article 51 paragraph (1), and Article 43 paragraph (1) of Act No. 21 of 2001 in the field of executive. The recognition of customary court of Papua referred to as “traditional rights” in accordance with Article 18B paragraph (2) juncto Article 24 paragraph (3) and Article 28I paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution, its relevance to Article 35 paragraph (3) letter d and Article 58 No. 48 of 2009 and in Article 1 No. (5) of Act No. 49 of 2009 is not synchronized for indigenous peoples of Papuan that perform the function of customary court in the Judicial Power system in the field of judicative informally. The object of this study is related to the primacy of the recognition of customary justice: perspective of judicial power and special autonomy of Papua by using normative juridical method. The results indicate the weakness of the recognition of customary court of Papua against: 1) the institutional of customary court, 2) authority and 3) the decision of customary court over the case or the customary dispute and the principle of ne bis in idem in the function of Judicial Power. Its implementation raises the conflict of norms on the Acts of Judicial Power and the Special Autonomy of Papua. For future, the customary court of Papua needs to be a synchronization of the legal basis of the relationship of authority recognition in the Act of Judicial Power and the Special Autonomy of Papua, in order to fulfill a sense of legal certainty and justice for indigenous people of Papua as multicultural and customary law as the living law.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Widya Justitia ◽  
Zil Aidi

The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the upcoming risks that can occur in the bank as a new creditor over the implementation of transfer of receivable house ownership credit (KPR) via top up. In addition, this study also discusses the form of ideal legal protection for banks as the new creditor over the transfer of house ownership credit via top up. The research that use Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) Yogyakarta Branch as the respondent is a qualitative empirical legal research and analyze the data collected by qualitative descriptive method. Take over KPR via top up have a legal certainty risk associated with the interlude time between signing the agreement with the transfer of collateral from the old creditor to the new creditor. Currently, the legal protection for banks as the new creditor in the implementation of take over KPR via top up is only in the form of preventive protection that could be seen in precautionary actions to ensure the fullfillment of the rights and obligations of the parties. Furthermore, subrogation agreements are also required as a complement and legal basis to ensure the release of the collateral from the previous agreement. 

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