Ensiklopedia Sosial Review
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Published By Lembaga Penelitian Dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

2657-0300, 2657-0319

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 212-226
Failin Failin

In criminal law there is no penalty if there is no wrongdoing, this basis is about the accountability of a person for the actions he has done. Therefore, in criminal law there are exceptions to such criminal liability, for example contained in Articles 48, 49, 50 and so forth. In addition, there are burdensome things that will be imposed on the accused for crimes committed, such as samenloop, recidive and so on. In the Muaro Sijunjung District Court there is one case concerning a combination of criminal acts, namely theft crimes accompanied by violence and moreover this theft is carried out among families (theft in the family). In this case the judge has decided the prison sentence for 6 (six) Years. But according to the analysis of the author there is no sense of justice for the victim because this perpetrator is the husband of the victim's child so that there is no deterrent effect for the perpetrator, the reason that there is no more theft in this family because no matter how small the crime committed by a person must be taken action in order to obtain justice and legal certainty. In principle, judges have the freedom to determine the measure of punishment to be imposed on the perpetrators of crimes, as long as it does not exceed the maximum provisions specified in the Criminal Code. Therefore, the sentencing of the accused for a combination of crimes committed by means of pure absorption Stelsel that is If a person commits several acts that are several delik each threatened with a different kind of criminal

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-236
Eddy Asnawi

Perubahan UUD 1945 membawa implikasi terhadap perubahan kekuasaan atau kewenangan kelembagaan MPR yang membawa akibat pada kedudukan hukum ketetapan MPRS/MPR yang dilahirkannya, baik itu sebelum dan sesudah perubahan UUD 1945. Kajian penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan studi kepustakaan. Untuk itu metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam praktik ketatanegaraan sepanjang berlakunya UUD 1945 sebelum dilakukan perubahan, cakupan luas materi muatan yang diaturnya tidak hanya terbatas pada hal-hal ditentukan dalam UUD 1945. Jika diklasifikasikan, ada Ketetapan MPR yang memenuhi unsur sebagai peraturan perundang-undangan, Ketetapan MPR sejenis penetapan administrasi Negara (beschikking), Ketetapan MPR berupa perencanaan (GBHN), dan Ketetapan MPR semacam peraturan kebijakan (beliedregels) di bidang administrasi negara. Setelah UUD 1945 dilakukan perubahan, maka kedudukan hukum Ketetapan MPR menjadi sumir, di satu sisi perubahan pasal-pasal UUD 1945 dan adanya ketentuan Pasal 1 Aturan Tambahan UUD 1945 mengakibatkan hilangnya kewenangan MPR untuk membentuk Ketetapan-Ketetapan MPR (jenis peraturan perundang-undangan) bersifat mengatur (regeling), karena tidak lagi memiliki dasar konstitusioanal dalam UUD 1945. Namun di sisi lain dengan diberlakukannya UU Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 tentang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-undangan, kedudukan hukum Ketetapan MPR menjadi hidup kembali sebagai bentuk peraturan perundang-undangan dengan pembatasan sebagaimana disebut dalam penjelasan Pasal 7 ayat 1 huruf b, yakni Ketetapan-ketetapan MPRS/MPR yang masih berlaku sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Ketetapan MPR Nomor 1/MPR/2003.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-246
Anny Yuserlina

The provision of legal assistance at the level of investigation in the law of criminal justice in Indonesia is expected to provide maximum protection of the rights of life of suspects, especially those of weak and poor origin in the form of legal aid since the early stages of examination of suspects, Legal aid is not only interpreted as the right of the suspect since the investigation stage, but also as an obligation that must be fulfilled by every law enforcement apparat, especially investigators before starting an examination of suspects. Protection of the human rights of suspects since the stage of investigation is at least expected to be one of the factors that minimize the possibility of arbitrariness by law enforcement apparat and the possibility of irregularities in the application of criminal procedural legal procedures therefore examination at the level of investigation is important to get justice minimizing violations that can occur at any level that includes intimidation at the time of drafting News Of Inspection event so that apparat law enforcement stick to apparat law enforcement code of conduct and human rights values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-211
Gusnayetti Gusnayetti

A positive attitude is an attitude of enthusiasm towards the use of the language (the language used by the group / speech community where he is). Conversely, if these characteristics have disappeared or weakened from a person or from a group of members of the speech community, it means that a negative attitude towards a language has hit that person or group of people. Law Number 24 of 2009 Article 25 states that Indonesian is a national identity, national pride, a means of unifying various ethnic groups, as well as a means of communication between regions and regional cultures. Therefore, as a user of Indonesian, you should have a sense of pride in using Indonesian. However, in the scope of higher education, a positive attitude towards language is not fully owned by most students. Awareness of loyalty, pride in owning, and maintaining the Indonesian language seems to be lacking. This is because students tend to be more confident when using a foreign language compared to their own language. In the context of learning Indonesian, this task is only borne by Indonesian language teachers and lecturers. This paradigm should be changed because getting used to using Indonesian properly and correctly will reap maximum results in increasing student academic achievement. Understanding Indonesian in accordance with good and correct Indonesian language rules is needed for students to have a positive attitude in using Indonesian. A positive attitude in Indonesian can be shown in the form of language loyalty, language pride, and awareness of language norms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-197
Susiyanti Meilina ◽  
Ari Argonanto

One of the efforts to support the management of archives in the field of the General Bureau at the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of West Sumatra is to create an archival application system that can be operated via a computer network, with the aim of increasing the acceleration of the search service process for an archive. This research is: 1) To find out what are the obstacles faced in the archive management system in the General Bureau at the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of West Sumatra; 2) To find out what are the efforts made to overcome the obstacles in the archive management system in the field of the General Bureau at the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of West Sumatra; 3) To find out what are the efforts made to overcome the obstacles in the archive management system in the field of the General Bureau at the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of West Sumatra. This type of research is qualitative research. Qualitative research is research that intends to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects (such as behavior, perception, action, etc.), holistically, and by means of descriptions in the form of words and language, in a specific natural and natural context. by utilizing various natural methods (Moleong, 2012;: 87). Informants are people who are used to provide information about the situation and conditions of the research background. So he continues to have a lot of experience in the research setting. As a team member with kindness, volunteering can provide views of values, attitudes and culture, which are the background for local research (Moleong; 2012: 90). The types of data are primary data and secondary data collected through interviews, observation and library research. The analysis technique used is qualitative analysis. The results of this study indicate that: recording or distribution of archives in the General Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of West Sumatra Province uses several types, namely the Electronic Service Manuscript System (TNDE) and the outgoing mail agenda book. The conclusion that can be drawn is the dynamic archive management system in the field of the General Bureau at the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of West Sumatra Province in the aspects of creating and receiving archives, storing, maintaining, and shrinking, namely: in terms of creating and receiving archives, they have followed the existing archival provisions The most frequently created and received dynamic archives are correspondence records (letters). The archive storage system used at the General Bureau is the Electronic Service Manuscript Administration (TNDE) system. This TNDE system is so that letter data will be stored in a centralized database management system, making it easy to maintain data. The search for the TNDE system cannot be done automatically in the access feature in the system. For archival maintenance, the implementation of fumigation is carried out twice every year. In the context of shrinking the archives, there is an alternating dynamic archive assessment team. Archive shrinkage is in accordance with the Archive Retention Schedule (JRA), archives that have passed JRA will be immediately destroyed by burning. Suggestions include the implementation of a good archive management system at the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of West Sumatra, it should be equipped with supporting facilities and infrastructure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 198-203
Devie Rachmat ◽  
Ade Pratiwi ◽  
Suhendro Suhendro

In line with the government's program to encourage lending to small businesses and the weak economic class which is the largest part of the Indonesian people. So it is expected that with credit based on fiduciary system can help both credit recipients and creditors. One of the parameters of a good material debt guarantee is when the right of guarantee can be executed quickly with a simple, efficient process and contains legal certainty. The specific target of this study is to explain the problem solving about the implementation of Fiduciary Guarantee Object Execution Based on the Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 18/PUU-XVII/2019 at PT Pegadaian KantorWilayah II Pekanbaru City.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-186
Rai Iqsandri ◽  
Andrew Shandy Utama

Clemency is a pardon in the form of changes, reductions, reductions, or abolition of the execution of a criminal offense granted by the President. Based on Article 14 Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, it is regulated that the President grants Clemency and Rehabilitation by taking into account the considerations of the Supreme Court. The granting of clemency by the president can have legal implications for the convict who applies for clemency. Decisions taken by the President, whether the decision to grant or reject the request for clemency, will not aggravate the sentence decided by the court. Convicts who get clemency will feel freedom because they can get out more quickly and are free from all obligations to undergo the punishment imposed on them. Although Law No. 22 of 2002 concerning Clemency does not regulate the prohibition of granting clemency to convicted corruption cases, the President should support the spirit of eradicating anti-corruption that has been echoed for a long time. With the granting of the petition for clemency against the convicted corruption case, the Governor of Riau, Annas Maamun, President Joko Widodo has hurt the feelings of the Indonesian people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-178
Emi Handrina

Research aim is to analyse any social changes and dynamic of space capacity and critical point of social structure in coastal ecosystem. The main factor of structural change is external factor of structural formation (individu , system), or increase of community access to the change of local social environment, and external social environment. Dynamics of space capacity of social structure in coastal ecosystem of Bungus Teluk Kabung Padang during periode of research can be explained through the two indicators, objective and subjective. There are a general critical point and a special critical point. This results explain that a evolution theory suggest a high possibility to be synthesized with any other theories, e.g. a conflict theory, an equilibrium theory, and a “timbul-tenggelam” theory. The synthesis process is an operational stage in a schematic mapping of theories by Appelbaum. Dynamics of social structure must be known bt any goverment and NGO, which have any development plans in the fisherman community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-165
Yuni Candra ◽  
Susi Evanita

Waste management so far has not been optimally carried out because it is not in accordance with environmentally sound waste management methods and techniques so that it has a negative impact on the cleanliness of the coastal area and the environment becomes dirty. The waste problem has become a national problem, so that its management needs to be carried out in a comprehensive and integrated manner from upstream to downstream in order to provide economic benefits, be healthy for the community, and safe for the environment, and can change people's behavior. This can be seen from the conditions in Taplau Padang that waste management is still not running optimally. The condition of waste in coastal tourist areas in general has not been managed optimally even though it already has waste management components. In fact, many cleaning managers face problems and obstacles that result in services that are not in accordance with the technical provisions and expectations of tourists. Taking into account the condition of the waste, the activities of throwing garbage to the seaside or littering have been going on for a long time by the people around Taplau Padang. Because some of the garbage has mixed with the ground and a lot of it settles on the beach and around the beach. As a result, there is a view that is not good to see and be seen by tourists who are in Taplau Padang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-128
Nurharpani Nurharpani

The COVID-19 pandemic has created the need and need to maintain social distance in social interactions (social distancing), quarantine, and isolation so that every vulnerable individual will not be exposed to the virus. The use of technology with online meetings for students and educators is very important, especially in the development of civic education, in order to love the Republic of Indonesia. This paper will discuss the concept and direction of civic education and the urgency of strengthening the concept and direction of progressive citizenship education online in the midst of the covid-19 virus pandemic. The method used in this research is descriptive analytical with a qualitative approach. The results show, First, the concept of Citizenship Education supports the objectives of civic education, which can be interpreted as a subject that focuses on the formation of citizens who have intellectual skills, skills to participate in every civic activity and have a strong civic character so as to make citizens who are intelligent and have character. . Second, the urgency of strengthening the concept and direction of progressive citizenship education online in the midst of the covid-19 virus pandemic prepares students to become good citizens who master knowledge derived from multidisciplinary concepts and theories, practice values, and apply the skills they need to participate. in online education.

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