scholarly journals Commitment and control

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (3) ◽  
Kerstin Jacobsson ◽  
Katarina Hollertz

Teamwork is a well-known management technique for eliciting commitment and exerting control in private companies. However, less is known about how teamwork operates as a management tool in welfare state bureaucracies. Tying critical management and street-level bureaucracy studies, this article explores teamwork as a key component in the normative control of street-level bureaucrats within the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Based on extensive ethnographic research, the analysis demonstrates how teamwork functions as a subtle steering device in public management. The analysis identifies teams as: a) performative tools; b) cushioning structures; and c) “moral corsets” on caseworkers. By the seamless linking of vertical and horizontal governance mechanisms, teamwork was instrumental in achieving organizational targets, thereby changing the nature of casework and reducing caseworkers’ discretion. The findings call for more research on the normative shaping of caseworkers under new forms of public management.

Kerstin Jacobsson ◽  
Ylva Wallinder ◽  
Ida Seing

Abstract Officials in welfare state bureaucracies face the challenge of negotiating their role identities in the context of changeable organizational priorities and managerial styles. Previous studies have found that the professional values may mediate top-down demands and enable the preservation of professional autonomy also under public management reforms. But how do street-level bureaucrats who lack a common professional or occupational training respond to shifting organizational demands? Based on comparative ethnography, the present article investigates how caseworkers’ role identities are conceived and practised in two of the largest state bureaucracies in Sweden, the Social Insurance Agency (SIA) and the Public Employment Service (PES). The article identifies two radically different agency cultures, resulting in rather opposite caseworker role identities. These role identities affect how front-line staff respond to organizational demands, either by focusing externally on client-related outcomes (PES) or internally on organizational output (SIA). The analysis suggests that agency culture may shape caseworker responses to governance in patterned ways, also in the absence of joint professional training or strong occupational communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (3) ◽  
Lena Sohl ◽  
Magnus Wennerhag

I det här numret av Sociologisk Forskning presenterar vi sex stycken forskningsartiklar. I artikeln ”Commitment and control. Teamwork as management tool in a welfare state bureaucracy” visar Kerstin Jacobsson och Katarina Hollertz hur teamwork fungerar som en subtil styrmekanism inom offentlig sektor. Artikeln utgår från en omfattande etnografisk studie av verksamheten vid Försäkringskassans lokalkontor och belyser hur normativ kontroll sprider sig i organisationen genom teamwork. I individuella intervjuer uttryckte däremot vissa handläggare en oro för att betraktas som för strikta. Författarna uppmärksammar det faktum att ingen kritik framfördes i de kollektiva arbetsprocesserna, vilket visar på en stark normativ kontroll inom verksamheten. I artikeln ”#Metoo. En kamp för socialt erkännande och rättvisa” gör Emma Engdahl, Maria Nyman och Hans Ekbrand en innehållsanalys av vittnesmål från 65 svenska #metoo-upprop. I vittnesmålen framkommer, menar författarna, fyra typer av social missaktning: fysiska och psykiska övergrepp, förnedring eller kränkning, rättsberövande och epistemisk orättvisa. I artikeln diskuteras sexuella trakasserier som ”manlig samhandling”, det vill säga att en man agerar inför en publik som ger bifall till förövaren. Författarna konstaterar att ”#Metoo-rörelsen lyckades skapa ett retoriskt rum där vittnesmål om denna typ av förnedringar eller kränkningar trots detta kunde uttryckas och bli förstådda”. Torbjörn Bildtgård, Marianne Winqvist och Peter Öberg utgår i artikeln ”The dyad is not enough. Third-party mediation as a precondition for cohesion in long-term step relationships” från retrospektiva livsloppsintervjer med äldre föräldrar som uppfostrat både biologiska barn och styvbarn. En av deras slutsatser är att forskningen om mellangenerationella relationer i åldrande styvfamiljer bör ta hänsyn till den särskilda roll som en ”tredje part” ofta spelar för hur dessa relationer utvecklas över tid.   Simon Härnbro, Marcus Herz och Magnus Dahlstedt analyserar i artikeln ”Social tjänst till salu. Om socialt arbete i upphandlingens tid” hur socialarbetare som utför upphandlade tjänster beskriver sitt arbete. Författarna visar att socialarbetarna ”beskriver både sig själva och klienterna som passiva i relation till upphandlingens logik”. En slutsats i artikeln är att upphandlingarna skapar ”en hierarki av olika former av socialt arbete”, där det kortsiktiga, specialiserade och avgränsade sociala arbetet är det som görs möjligt genom upphandlingarna, medan annat socialt arbete tenderar att ges lägre prioritet. Artikeln ”Dokumentationens roll för klientskapande processer i äldreinriktat socialt arbete. Spelar utlandsfödd bakgrund, kön och ålder någon roll?” av Anna Olaison, Maricel Knechtel, Sandra Torres och Emilia Forssell utgår från en analys av socialtjänstens akter. I texten diskuteras den betydelse bakgrund (inrikes eller utrikes född), kön och ålder har för både hur biståndshandläggare motiverar sina beslut och hur insatstyper fördelas till äldre personer. Författarna konstaterar: ”Det reser oundvikligen frågan om utrikesfödda och män i större utsträckning än inrikes födda och kvinnor får förlita sig på anhörigas informella insatser för att få sina omsorgsbehov tillgodosedda”. I artikeln ”Transnationalism, integration och etnisk organisering. En studie av svenska etniska organisationer i ljuset av civilsamhällets omvandling” uppmärksammar Olle Frödin och Axel Fredholm frågan om vilken roll transnationella aktiviteter spelar för dagens civilsamhälle. Analysen utgår från en totalundersökning av 52 riksförbund som fått bidrag från Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor (MUCF). Författarna menar att det går att det bland de etniska organisationerna i Sverige går att se en rad olika uttryck för en politisk transnationalisering som många gånger varierar beroende på migrantgruppernas förhållande till staten i ursprungslandet.   I numret finns även tre recensioner av fyra aktuella böcker. Håkan Thörn tar upp två nyutkomna böcker i sin recension: Sven-Axel Månssons och Svante Lundbergs Den politiska generationen. Kontinuitet och förändring 1968–2018 (2021) samt Kjell Östbergs Folk i rörelse. Vår demokratis historia (2021). Thörn lyfter fram att Kjell Östbergs bok ger en ”imponerande överblick” av den tidigare forskning som bedrivits ”om sociala rörelsers betydelse för det moderna svenska samhällsbygget”. Han menar att boken är starkast i skildrandet av ”mobiliseringen före rösträttsreformen”, medan den del som berör tiden efter 1945 är svagare. Sven-Axel Månssons och Svante Lundbergs bok beskriver Thörn som ”relativt unik” inom forskningen om sociala rörelser, eftersom den bygger på återkommande intervjuer med aktivister under en lång tidsperiod. Thörn menar att det blir tydligt att ”68-revolten faktiskt var paradigmatisk för den aktivism som följde under de följande fem decennierna” men ställer sig samtidigt frågande till varför författarna inte ägnar ”det dynamiska mötet mellan den politiska och kulturella revolten” större utrymme. Tomas Berglund beskriver antologin Klass i Sverige. Ojämlikheten, makten och politiken i det 21:a århundradet (2021) – med Daniel Suhonen, Göran Therborn och Jesper Weithz som redaktörer – som en ”imponerande kraftsamling” som kastar ljus på olika aspekter av klass och ojämlikhet. Berglund saknar emellertid begreppet exploatering i boken, det vill säga en diskussion om ”det överutnyttjande av kroppar, själar och livsmiljöer som präglar dagens kapitalistiska produktion”, något som redan Marx menade gav utrymme för såväl kamp som politik. Charlotta Holmström skriver i sin recension av Lena Gunnarssons Samtyckesdynamiker. Sex, våldtäkt och gråzonen däremellan (2020) att ”frågan om samtycke kan framstå som enkel och tydlig i den politiska debatten och i diskussionerna om lagstiftning” men att forskningen om samtycke och samtyckeskultur är mer komplex än så. Hon beskriver Lena Gunnarssons ansats som ”ambitiös” och menar att studiens styrka är ”rikedomen i det empiriska materialet” som studiens styrka men menar samtidigt att analyserna ibland inte är stringenta nog.   Vi vill även uppmana er att sända oss era artikelmanus, forskningsnotiser, förslag på recensioner och gärna idéer för framtida temanummer. Sociologisk Forskning publicerar bidrag på svenska och övriga skandinaviska språk samt på engelska. Sociologisk Forskning tillämpar anonymiserad kollegial granskning (double blind peer review) och alla artiklar publiceras med omedelbar öppen tillgång (open access) på tidskriftens hemsida.   Lena Sohl och Magnus Wennerhag Redaktörer för Sociologisk Forskning

Maurizio Ferrera

Wars have had a clearly recognizable impact on Italy’s social policy since unification. The independence and early colonial wars prompted the introduction of veteran benefits and other forms of state compensation. The two world wars marked key turning points, creating the conditions for introducing compulsory social insurance and then extending its scope and coverage. The pronatalist policies introduced by Fascism were in their turn closely linked to the regime’s war mobilization strategy. In comparative perspective, a distinctive feature of Italian developments was the elaboration of very ambitious and comprehensive reform plans after both world wars, largely motivated by the wish to forge broad cross-class coalitions and safeguard democratic stability. Even if initially unsuccessful, such plans left an ideational legacy which contributed to inspire welfare state developments well throughout the so-called Golden Age.

2012 ◽  
Vol 17 (6) ◽  
pp. 1198-1226 ◽  
Luca Bossi ◽  
Gulcin Gumus

In this paper, we set up a three-period stochastic overlapping-generations model to analyze the implications of income inequality and mobility for demand for redistribution and social insurance. We model the size of two different public programs under the welfare state. We investigate bidimensional voting on the tax rates that determine the allocation of government revenues among transfer payments and old-age pensions. We show that the coalitions formed, the resulting political equilibria, and the demand for redistribution crucially depend on the level of income inequality and mobility.

2021 ◽  
pp. 106591292199467
Rachel Z. Friedman

This article seeks to make two contributions to the understanding of social insurance, a central policy tool of the modern welfare state. Focusing on Britain, it locates an important strand of theoretical support for early social insurance programs in antecedent developments in mathematical probability and statistics. While by no means the only source of support for social insurance, it argues that these philosophical developments were among the preconditions for the emergence of welfare policies. In addition, understanding the influence of these developments on British public discourse and policy sheds light on the normative principles that have undergirded the welfare state since its inception. Specifically, it suggests that the best model, or normative reconstruction, of social insurance in this context is a value-pluralist one, which pursues efficiency and equality or solidarity, grounded in group-based perceptions of risk.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147892992110215
Chunna Li ◽  
Jun Yang

The theory of street-level bureaucracy and its relevant data have proven the expected duties of the frontline staff of local government may be excessive but their time spent working remains quite low. Using data from participatory observations of street-level officials in a Chinese city, this study reveals the logic of this labour input paradox. Organizational climate incentive and promotional incentive jointly influence the time allocation of street-level bureaucrats. The organizational climate incentive reflects the weak incentive characteristic of the maintenance function of labour; promotional incentives have a strong impact on motivation, which is characteristic of the promotional function of labour. These findings reveal the costs of the New Public Management movement in an organization lacking an effective promotion mechanism and a positive organizational climate incentive. This is a snapshot of the dilemma faced by China’s public organization reforms, but it is also a problem other country must solve.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-101
Malin Ideland ◽  
Anna Jobér ◽  
Thom Axelsson

This article explores how a growing apparatus of edupreneurial actors offers solutions for the current ‘school crisis’ and how these commercial actors become taken for granted in the public school system. The Swedish case is interesting, as it involves a once-strong welfare state that is now associated with both the neoliberal discourse of competition and the outsourcing of policy work. Two examples – research-based education and the digitalization of education – serve to illustrate how a crisis narrative is translated into edupreneurial business ideas and how companies become established in the edupreneurial market through ‘public/private statework’. Bacchi’s notion of problematization is used to analyse processes through which the crisis has become a hegemonic truth and thus an obvious object for (business) intervention. In addition, this study shows how the commodification of school limits what becomes the ‘research base’ for schooling. The results point to the importance of how the problem is constructed and what is represented (or not) in this problematization process, for example, how critical research is left out. Another important conclusion is that the crisis narrative and policy reforms nurture the existence of these private companies.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 176-182 ◽  
Dinko Herman Boikanyo ◽  
Ronnie Lotriet ◽  
Pieter W. Buys

The main objective of this research study is to investigate the extent to which knowledge management is used within the mining industry. Knowledge management includes the identification and examination of available and required knowledge and the subsequent planning and control of actions to develop knowledge assets to accomplish organizational objectives. A structured questionnaire is used for the study. A total of 300 mines were randomly selected from a research population of mining organizations in South Africa, Africa and globally. The respondents were all part of senior management. A response rate of 64% was achieved. A significant number of respondents indicates that there is no transfer of knowledge about the best practices within their organizations. Some of the participants indicate that their organizations do not have the required technical infrastructure to enable knowledge sharing whilst some agree that the culture in their organizations is not conducive to the sharing of knowledge. A statistically and practically significant positive relationship with a large effect is found between the construct of knowledge management and perceived business performance. The mining organizations in Africa are ranked the lowest in terms of applications of knowledge management principles

Revista Foco ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 138
Albino Alves Simione

A gestão estratégica de recursos humanos no setor público constitui-se como desafio contemporâneo para a sustentabilidade dos programas de governo. Estratégias relacionadas à reforma da gestão de pessoal são recomendadas por vários praticantes, pesquisadores e organizações internacionais especializadas, com o propósito de que os governos as adotem para melhor gerir seus funcionários como meio de garantir resultados positivos. As recomendações propõem o uso de abordagens estratégicas na gestão de recursos humanos fundamentadas na modernização das respetivas políticas, inspiradas nas concepções da New Public Management que advogam uma administração mais eficiente baseada nas práticas aplicadas pelas empresas privadas. Porém, pairam questões sobre a aplicabilidade dessas recomendações, bem como sobre de que modo a gestão estratégica de pessoas, mecanismo pensado fundamentalmente para as empresas privadas, irá se efetivar na área pública. O ensaio foi baseado em uma revisão bibliográfica e documental e enfatiza o contexto do serviço público em Moçambique. The strategic management of human resources in the public sector constitutes a contemporary challenge for the sustainability of government programs. Strategies related to personnel management reform are recommended by a number of practitioners, researchers, and specialized international organizations, with the aim of governments adopt them to better manage their employees as a means of ensuring positive results. The recommendations propose the use of strategic approaches in human resources management based on the modernization of their policies, inspired by the New Public Management concepts that advocate a more efficient administration based on the practices applied by private companies. However, questions remain about the applicability of these recommendations, as well as how the strategic management of people, a mechanism designed primarily for private companies, will be implemented in the public area. The essay was based on a literature and documentary review and emphasizes the public service context in Mozambique.

Daniel Fernando Carolo ◽  
José António Pereirinha

AbstractThis paper presents a data series on social expenditure in Portugal for the period 1938-2003. The series was built with the aim of identifying and characterizing the most significant phases in the process leading up to the current welfare state system in this country. The establishment of a social insurance (Previdência) in 1935 was one of the founding pillars of the Estado Novo (New State). Reforms to Social Welfare (Previdência Social) in 1962, while in the full throes of the New State, policy measures taken after the revolution of 1974 and a new orientation for social policy following the accession of Portugal to the European Economic Community (EEC) in the mid-1980s brought about significant transformations in the institutional organizational structure that provided welfare and conferred social rights in Portugal. To understand this process, knowledge is needed of the transformations to the institutional structures governing the organizations that provided welfare, welfare coverage in terms of the type of benefit and the population entitled to social risk protection, the magnitude of spending on benefits associated with these risks, as well as how benefits were allocated between the institutions. We built a data series for the period 1938-1980, which can then be matched to data already published in the OECD Social Expenditure Database from 1980 onwards. As a result, a consistent series for social expenditure from 1938 to 2003 was obtained. The methodology used to create the series enabled us to measure the impact of the variation in population coverage for social risks and the average generosity of benefits on the relative share of social expenditure in GDP. We present an interpretive reading for the full period, covering the New State and the Democracy from 1974, of the process of building the welfare state in Portugal.

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