2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 79-90
Budiarto Budiarto

The purpose of this study is to investigate on how the teaching of integrated writing skills can be implemented through collaborative strategy. Writing skills need to be combined with other skills, because students need a lot of reading in order to obtain information, ideas and examples of correct writing. On the other hand feedback and ideas can also be gained by listening to what the teacher or a friend says. Fellow students can also discuss their writing and work together to develop ideas, discuss the use of grammar, the right words and rules in writing. Since writing skills requires a lot of rules and a long process, the collaboration is expected to reduce the burden experienced by the students. However, teachers should ensure that the collaboration is actually done by students properly by observing their activity, participation,  and motivation in writing. Peer-reviewing activities can be used to monitor on how students actively engage in the writing process. Research was conducted at Mercubuana University is a qualitative research that focuses on how a lecturer teaches the students writing skills as an integrated skill, how she facilitates students to actively participate in collaborative writing, and how effectively she encourages the students to do peer reviewing.

Jolanta Hudson

<p>This study examines the use of an educational wiki to develop the second language (L2) writing skills of English language students who are placed on a two-week online course to develop skills in English for work-related purposes. It discusses the use of wikis for learning L2, focusing on learning writing through collaborative tasks. The discussion analyses views and theories on the use of wikis for developing writing skills and the issues associated with the use of wikis for collaborative tasks. The research engages L2 students and a teacher in a task using Wikispaces, an educational type of wikis. The data is collected via a questionnaire, interviews and the teacher’s diary. The study suggests wikis might usefully assist students with their L2 writing and that students are likely to value the opportunity to work collaboratively on a writing task or certain type of task. However, not all students would be expected to feel comfortable with the wiki technology and its features. As wikis are still increasingly popular in language classrooms, a more in-depth study that would take a closer look at the usefulness of wikis for such classroom tasks might bring new insights and interesting results to the discussion on wikis in the English language classroom (ELT). It is suggested, therefore, that future research with a larger and more diverse audience and with a more specific focus might provide better information in this regard.</p>

Muhammad Noor Bin Abdul Aziz ◽  
Nurahimah Mohd Yusoff

<p>The paper discusses on how process writing is improved with the use of authentic assessment in an English Language classroom. Eleven primary school children from Year 4 in a rural school in Sabah are the participants of the study. Data were collected by observing them during the English Language lessons and at the end of the series of observations, an interview session was conducted. The results of the study revealed thatusing authentic assessment to assess young learners’ writing skills is beneficial and effective in helping them to write better in the English Language classroom. The presentation will therefore provide suggestions for the use of more authentic assessment in the classroom, particularly in English Language teaching and learning.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Ikhwan Aulia Fatahillah ◽  
Dadan Anugrah

The implementation of Act No. 13 of 2003 on Manpower is intriguing to discuss since companies often violate and are apathetic in the right to act for employees' religious beliefs. The limited facilities of worship in the workplace also represents the commitment engagement of the company towards promulgated regulations which is still not implemented.The purpose of this study is to provide the more specified description and understanding towards the religiosity and implementation of Act No. 13 of 2003 on Manpower concerning The Rights to Perform Religious Obligations for Laborers. This study, which focuses on the religiosity of this worker class, took two different places, namely in Bekasi Regency and Subang Regency.This study uses qualitative methods which enables to reveal the actual circumstances. More specifically, qualitative research can be identified by the aim of research that seeks to understand the manifestation that does not require quantification--or because this manifestation is unable to be accurately measured. In relation to the method, the data collecting techniques are as follows: (1) nonparticipant observation and (2) in-depth interviews. While the data analysis starts from (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) drawing conclusions.By this study, the authors concluded: (1) companies that have become research object in Bekasi and Subang District have provided worship facilities and infrastructure as regulated in Act N. 13 of 2003 on Manpower in the Respect to Perform Religious Obligations. On the other hand, the workers still look forward some improvements on quality and quantity of worship facilities to emerge conveniences in performing worship; and (2) in general, the religiosity among working class is found at an average level.  In other words, the workers truly believe in God (Allah) with common knowledge about faith. They also perform religious practices as the evidence of the faith itself and as proof of obedience to God. Besides carrying out the orders of religion (worship), the workers also put some expectations on the reward as the way to accomplish the glory on Earth and afterlife. However, the workers realize that the worship carried out would not come to a subjective perspective (their dialogue with supernatural powers, Allah). The workers also attempt to make religion as the basis of all actions as they consider the consequences of the life on Earth for the afterlife.

Jenny Eppard ◽  
Omaima Nasser ◽  
Preeya Reddy

The purpose of this research was to make suggestions for choosing Apps for a Foundation level English program in the United Arab Emirates. The program had to prepare for the integration of iPads into the English program for approximately 800 students. To prepare, the program launched a pilot study with a small group of teachers, administrators and technology specialists. We used qualitative research to fulfill our research needs which included participant diaries, focus groups, a research journal and observations. From the data, we developed a list of criteria for choosing Apps and a process for selecting Apps.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-151
Novi Rifa'i ◽  
Mohammad Kamaludin

Komunikasi transendental dapat terlihat oleh banyak orang di objek-objek wisata yang ada di lingkungan sekitar kita, seperti upacara kehamilan, kelahiran, sunat, pertunangan, pernikahan, ucapan syukur dan kematian. Melalui penelitian ini para peneliti ingin mengeksplorasi nilai-nilai spiritual yang menjadi obyek pariwisata. Penelitian kualitatif ini akan mengungkap fokus kajian nilai spiritualitas pariwisata dalam mengembangkan konsep wisata spiritual berdasarkan kegiatan pariwisata yang telah dilakukan dengan berbagai atraksi. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-filosofis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif karena bertujuan untuk mengungkap  konsep wisata spiritual yang tepat untuk wisata ramah muslim. Nilai spiritual pariwisata dalam Islam adalah pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh manusia kepada Allah SWT dalam menjalankan kegiatan pariwisata. Upaya yang dilakukan adalah menjauhkan haram dan melaksanakan yang halal, baik dalam aktivitas makanan maupun pariwisata. Konsep wisata spiritual yang dihadirkan adalah dengan selalu menggabungkan 4 (empat) elemen dalam menjalankan aktivitas, keempat elemen ini adalah pelaku pariwisata, keberadaan Allah atau kekuatan SWT dalam setiap aktivitasnya, kebijaksanaan Sumber Daya Manusia penyedia layanan, dan keharmonisan, kondisi alam lingkungan yang mengarahkan kepada getaran jiwa atas kehadiran Sang Pencipta di setiap langkah.   Transcendental communication is seen by many people in tourism objects in our surroundings,  such as ceremonies of pregnancy, birth, circumcision, engagement, marriage, thanksgiving and death. Through this research, researchers want to explore spiritual values ​​in tourism. This qualitative research will reveal the focus of the study of the tourism spirituality value and develop the concept of spiritual tourism based on tourism activities that have been carried out with various attractions. Thus, the type of research is qualitative research, using descriptive-philosophical approaches. This study uses a descriptive approach because it aims to disclose the spiritual values of tourism. In the other hand this study also analyzes the right concept of spiritual tourism for Moslem friendly tourism. The spiritual value of tourism in Islam is an approach taken by humans to Allah SWT in carrying out tourism activities. The efforts taken are to avoid the haram and the conduction of the corrupt ones, both in food and tourism activities. The concept of spiritual tourism that is presented  always combines 4 (four) elements in conducting activities, these four elements are tourism actors, the existence or power of Allah SWT in each of its activities, the wisdom of service providers, harmony and the atmosphere of natural environments thrilling the tourist actors to the The Creator in each of their steps.

2018 ◽  
pp. 67
Abraham Usman

This study analyzes Islamic relations and traditions in the Pilgrimage ritual debate. The subject matter of the study emphasizes the aspects of timing and place of pilgrimage as important in the zairah procession. Through qualitative research, with the setting of the Tomb of Sunan Pandan Aran, data was obtained from interviews, observation and documentation. This study succeeded in revealing the grave pilgrimage debate in the contestation of traditional and modernist Islam. On the other hand, the community believes that the right time and day are important elements in the success of the pilgrimage. Making a pilgrimage in the middle of the night, especially on Tuesday and Friday nights becomes a determinant in the pilgrimage ritual. They feel fear, admiration, love, joy. These religious feelings are important things that make them miss, so they always want to come back again and again. The tomb of Sunan Pandan Aran is believed to be a holy place, the place of prayer for pilgrims is granted, and is considered sacred and mystical as a religious narrative of the community.

2019 ◽  
Sri Wahyuningsih

This study aims at exploring how BIDIKMISI students at the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Kudusperceive the empowerment of their academic writing skills through English programs undertaken by the campus.The study anchors in a qualitative research. Personal interviews, observation and documentation were used togather data. The result reveals that the strategies and ways of empowering academic writing cover developingcognitive skills of students by giving them academic literacy, activities of problem solving, and innovation thatwill attract them to use writing as systems of representation and communication. Another way of empoweringacademic writing done by lecturers is by collaborating to other English lecturers particularly those who teachReading in enhancing the academic writing skills of students at IAIN Kudus. Thus, the role of English programsis considerably meaningful for the acquisition of English language skills of BIDIKMISI students particularly inacademic writing skills. Furthermore, they are able to elicit a number of materials and information related toacademic writing including writing foundations, writing stages, writing elements, accuracy in writing, researchingand writing, academic reality, and articles publication. Interestingly, they are pursued to do a research and writejournal articles. This study suggests that lecturers should actively use technology and social media in millennialera such as Facebook, Blog, Instagram, and Youtube to engage students in the process of teaching academicwriting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-126
Mita Meryani Zuwitasari ◽  
Muhamad Reza Pahlevi ◽  
Mobit Mobit ◽  

This study aims to explore the use of Edmodo in formative assessment and students' perceptions on the use of Edmodo writing. This study uses a basic interpretive design. An English teacher and seven students participated in this research. It used observations, interviews, and documentation to collect data to answer these two research questions. The findings showed that the Edmodo-assisted writing formative assessment builds teacher technological pedagogy, and content knowledge. The students’ responses are viewed from cognitive aspect. Furthermore, the students can improve and explore the ability to writing skills. From the emotional perspective, the students feel more enjoyable and enthusiastic when doing a formative test. Whereas in the affective perspective, the students seemed more interested in assessment manually by the teacher through individual correction analysis.

1970 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Waliko Waliko

Islam is often preceived as a religion that give lack attention to the rights ofreproduction for women. Islam is considered as religion that views reproduction aswomen’s duty and never views women’s rights in relation to reproduction. In onehand, as the functions of reproduction, a woman has some duties to be pregnant, givebirth, breast feed, and take care of her children as well as other duties related tothese. But, on the other hand, woman’s rights related to reproduction are oftenignored. Moreover, conventinal interpretation often leads muslims to have aperception that choosing a marital partner, enjoying sexual intercouse, havingchildren, deciding when to be pregnant, and the decision to divorce are not parts ofwoman’s rights. All of these decisions are commonly hold by a man. Such problemoften occurs in Majlis Ta’lim in Banyumas Regency, especially one in Cikembulan,District of Pekuncen, which most of the members are women.This is a qualitative research mostly depending on the ability to observe,interview, and interpret. The analysis used in this research was qualitative dataanalysis using verstehen model. The research findings are: generally memebers ofSalma al-Fareeha assume that the right to decide pregnancy and to have children isthe right of husband because it is the husband who is responsible to work (nafkah) tosupport the family. Although some of them said that they made the decisiontogether, some others said that the husband decide what contraception to be used bythe wife. This fact shows that the ideals and the reality of the rights of reproductionin the majlis ta’lim were influenced by their level of understanding the religion,education, experience, and age. The younger they are, they realize more about theimportance of reproduction health for women.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 10
Kesavan Vadakalur Elumalai

The research aims at English articles errors encountered by Arabic students in the English language classroom in writing. The study was analyzed in use of English articles (definite & indefinite) in the participant’s writing skill. It also describes the types and sources of definite and indefinite article errors while writing. The Data were collected from 40 EFL students from College of Arts, King Saud University, and Riyadh. Who learn English language at least a minimum of 8 years .They were assigned to write different title of a short composition passage of approximately 100 words in one-and-a-half hours per week. Errors were identified during analysis of ‘Omission of Articles’, ‘Omission of indefinite Articles’ , ‘Wrong insertion of Articles’, and ‘Confusion of Articles’ .And the observation revealed frequency of removing both the indefinite articles and the definite article was higher than the occurrence of inserting and substituting one article with the other. This study also proofs that errors of using ‘a’ much common than errors of using ‘an’ and ‘the’ in writing the story.

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