scholarly journals Use of the IMO Global Integrated Shipping Information System to study the daily distribution of navigation accidents

С.В. Ермаков ◽  
П.А. Моисеев

В статье рассматривается глобальная интегрированная информационная система ИМО (Global Integrated Shipping Information System - GISIS) как инструмент для формирования суточных распределений навигационных аварий. Показана недостаточность и ограниченность подобной информации, представленной в источниках, и необходимость в ее наличии для проведения исследований, касающихся предотвращения навигационных аварий и человеческого фактора. Обоснована методика формирования суточного распределения навигационных аварий с использованием GISIS. Выявлено и решена проблема «нулевого часа», связанная с отсутствием указания в отчетах о расследовании аварий времени, когда она произошла. На основе информации, содержащейся в GISIS, сделаны выборки по каждому виду инициирующих событий (навигационных аварий) по каждому часу суток за 10 лет и составлены суточные распределения аварий, которые дали возможность принять гипотезу о детерминированности столкновений, посадок на мель, навалов и опрокидываний судна временем суток с пиком на первые два часа. Сформулирован ряд содержательных выводов о причинах вида полученных распределений. The article discusses the Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) as a tool for the formation of daily distributions of navigation accidents. The insufficiency and limitation of such information presented in the sources is shown, and the need for its availability for conducting research related to the prevention of navigational accidents and the human factor. The method of forming the daily distribution of navigation accidents using GISIS has been substantiated. Identified and resolved the "zero hour" problem related to the absence of an indication in the accident investigation reports of the time when it occurred. Based on the information contained in the GISIS, samples were made for each type of initiating events (navigation accidents) for each hour of the day for 10 years and daily distributions of accidents were compiled, which made it possible to accept the hypothesis of the determinism of collisions, groundings, contacts and capsizes of the ship by time with a peak for the first two hours. A number of meaningful conclusions about the reasons for the form of the obtained distributions are formulated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 1062
Krzysztof Koszela ◽  
Wojciech Mueller ◽  
Jakub Otrząsek ◽  
Mateusz Łukomski ◽  
Sebastian Kujawa

The paper concentrates on researching the possibilities of using modern information technologies in animal production in order to monitor and identify behavior and well-being of cows. Having in mind the challenges related to managing dairy herds, and economic pressure put on breeders (as well as the broadly defined well-being of animals), an endeavor was made to create a new method, which would be competitive in comparison with the existing solutions. The proposed method of collecting data and data processing with beacon devices as well as data warehouse, allows—according to the authors—a more complete identification of behaviors and physiological condition of a dairy herd. It is also worth pointing out that this method is competitive in terms of price. By virtue of the multitude of data that were collected, a decision was made to resign from processing data on a local computer and use a cloud compute engine instead. The presented information system creates a sequence of components, which were subject to verification both on the level of creating and conducting research. Research results that were received were then compared with knowledge presented in the literature. A vital element of validation of the aforementioned methodology was comparing results that were achieved in the course of research work with the system making use of pedometer. The aim of the authors was to develop a new information technology solution, as well as a method based on beacons, which are rather universal devices, with the use of data warehouses, allowing the identification of behavior and physiological state of milk cattle, the method which would be competitive in comparison with the existing solutions, especially in terms of price. In the proposed solution, both information coming from microcomputers and weather forecast data coming from weather forecast stations, which make the above identification easy, were used as data sources.

Khaoula Benmoussa ◽  
Majida Laaziri ◽  
Samira Khoulji ◽  
Kerkeb Mohamed Larbi ◽  
Abir El Yamami

<p><span lang="EN-US">Considering the importance of the ergonomic aspect for information systems in providing an easy use of the computing systems, this paper focuses on the elaboration of a hybrid model for the ergonomic evaluation of information systems that merges a set of inspection dimensions such as accessibility, practicality, emotionality, and technological persuasion. Details on how the model has been constructed and data have been collected are presented. For the evaluation of our model, a situation of an information system for scientific research (SIMArech) in Moroccan Universities has been studied. This model can be used by ergonomist and human factor professionals. It is found that the proposed heuristics can effectively assess the most important dimensions of scientific research information systems.</span></p>

Vitaly V. Stepanov ◽  
Eldar А. Isaev ◽  
Denis I. Stavitsky ◽  

The efficiency of actions of emergency response personnel at major pipeline facilities is a key factor in minimizing accident consequences. In this paper the authors analyze command post exercises aimed at preparing for emergency responses (oil and petroleum products spill) with personnel working at Transneft enterprises. Shortcomings in organizing the operation of emergency response management groups have been identified. The main ones are as follows: lack of proper interaction and the necessary concurrence of actions of management group representatives; no algorithm for preparing reports and hence the failure to meet deadlines for submitting such reports to regulatory authorities. To some extent, these deficiencies have been minimized through the development and implementation of emergency reporting logs in routine practices of management groups. However, many processes have still been highly dependent on the human factor leading to errors, and the emergence and spread of false and contradictory information in the course of emergency response activities. An appropriate automated information system has been designed in order to minimize the effect of the human factor in organizing the work of emergency response management groups. The article presents its model, describing the algorithm of its operation and functionality. The system was introduced into production at Transneft Far East, LLC and was highly effective in terms of quality of document processing, optimizing time spent on report completion and submission, organizing data retrieval, and monitoring emergency response actions. The application of the developed information system has significantly reduced the number of demerits related to organizing the work of emergency response management groups. The system is unique in Russia: it can be used in real-life emergencies or for training personnel to act using the system’s training mode.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 19
Tatang Saputra ◽  
Erik Kurniadi

Puskesmas is a level 1 health facility. More than 40% of Indonesia's population uses health services at the Puskesmas. It is interesting that the Puskesmas is the health care provider that is closest to the community. Recording medical records of patients at the Kuningan Health Center is still done manually. Data search has time constraints. This happens because the same data is often found. Ineffective management of medical records will become a major problem in health services at the Puskesmas. This problem must be overcome so that the puskesmas has good data and information. One way to overcome this problem is to build a computerized medical record information system. Medical Record is a compilation of facts about the health and illness of a patient. Medical Records become a very important thing in the delivery of health services. Because the importance of a medical record, the author is interested in conducting research with the title "Information Systems for Outpatient Medical Records in UPTD Puskesmas Kuningan Web-Based". The medical record information system is expected to help improve the function of the Puskesmas as a place of health care. With the existence of a medical record system, each patient visit can be taken in a database making it easier for officers in the process of finding medical record data when needed. With the database, the compilation of patients forgetting to bring a treatment card can be done by searching the patient's data by the electronic officer. Making a report will be easier because it retrieves data that is done through the request system so as to facilitate the process and minimize errors in data management.Keywords: php, mysql, medical record, outpatient

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Vita Mayastinasari

Various traffic safety efforts that aimed to reduce the number of traffic accident victims on road. Traffic safety is a program to reduce the number of accidents either the consequences. Tendency of road accident causes are human factor, therefore is needed a system approach to handle traffic safety that include four aspects, that is 1) Process; 2) Infrastructure; 3) Management; 4) Coordination and integration. Safer road can not be achieved if only just using the strategy, but the capacity of institution is needed by coordination and integration amongst the ministries of the institution. Coordination and integration as a form of synergy among the ministries of the institution to handle the road safety conducted by sharing the role to handle various road safety related areas by using the Information Resources Information System – IRIS. Berbagai upaya keselamatan lalu lintas yang bertujuan menurunkan korban kecelakaan lalu lintas di jalan. Keselamatan lalu lintas merupakan suatu program untuk menurunkan angka kecelakaan beserta seluruh akibatnya. Kecenderungan penyebab kecelakaan lalu lintas adalah faktor manusia, sehingga diperlukan pendekatan sistem dalam penanganan keselamatan jalan yang mencakup empat aspek, yaitu: 1) Proses; 2) Infrastruktur; 3) Manajemen; 4) Koordinasi dan integrasi. Keselamatan jalan tidak dapat terwujud hanya dengan menggunakan strategi, namun dibutuhkan kapasitas kelembagaan melalui koordinasi dan integrasi antar kementerian lembaga. Koordinasi dan integrasi sebagai wujud sinergitas antar kementerian lembaga dalam penanganan keselamatan jalan dilakukan dengan berbagi peran dalam menangani berbagai bidang yang terkait keselamatan jalan dengan menggunakan sistem informasi sumber daya informasi (Information Resources Information System-IRIS).

Hope Koch

New technology, fueled by the Internet’s commercialization, has led to new types of business partner connectivity. However, statistics show business-to-business (B2B) electronic commerce (EC) and electronic market growth are slower than anticipated (Bartlett, 2001). Realizing the full potential of this emerging inter-organizational connectivity requires understanding what facilitates its adoption and diffusion. Given the need for research in this area, this chapter reviews the existing inter-organizational information systems (IOISs) adoption and diffusion research. The chapter analyzes twenty-five empirical inter-organizational information system adoption and diffusion studies. This study identifies several IOIS types and lists and categorizes variables found to significantly influence adoption and diffusion of each IOIS type. This study has two main contributions. The study finds that variables found to significantly influence IOIS adoption and diffusion fall into three categories: inter-organizational, organizational and technical. The study also brings the IOIS adoption and diffusion literature together. As such, this study provides a starting point for conducting research on emerging IOISs.

Siti Harnengsih ◽  
Indupurnahayu . ◽  
Hurriyaturrohman .

<p>The role of accounting information system plays a role of providing<br />information about all activities of the company for its use, especially for<br />management and use it as a basis for decision making. The purpose of<br />writing this thesis is to determine whether the information system applied to<br />by PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. The Winteq division has really provided<br />accurate, timely, understandable and relevant information for management<br />in decesion making .<br />The type of research that the authors use in this study is field research, ie<br />conducting research directly to the company. The data collection of this<br />research is done by direct interview with the user part that is the Deputy<br />Dept Head of Finance &amp; Administration by collecting data related to the<br />issues discussed. This research uses qualitative descriptive method in<br />analyzing data which will give clear and accurate description and answer<br />from the formulation of this research problem.<br />From the discussion of research results found that the accounting<br />information system At PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. Winteq division has applied<br />technology accounting information system with good and adequate system<br />with integrated system quickly and precisely supported by good technology<br />hence management use output accounting information system for all kinds of<br />decision. This is evident from the availability of information that is needed<br />right when management needs it</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Rizka ◽  
Amri Amri ◽  
Hendrawaty Hendrawaty ◽  
Mahdi Mahdi

Abstrak— Informasi alumni sangat penting dan dibutuhkan perguruan tinggi dalam proses akreditasi. Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe kesulitan dalam memperoleh informasi dan melakukan penelusuran terhadap alumninya yang telah tersebar ke  berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Tracer study alumni merupakan salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk menelusuri informasi mengenai alumni. Informasi yang diambil meliputi identitas pribadi alumni, riwayat pendidikan, riwayat pekerjaan. Salah satu data yang sulit untuk diperoleh adalah data valid mengenai alamat pekerjaan alumni serta cara menyajikan data alamat pekerjaan alumni. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu sistem informasi tracer study yang diharapkan memberi kemudahan bagi institusi dalam melakukan penulusuran terhadap alumni. Sistem informasi tracer studi ini dibangun berbasis Web, sehingga bisa diakses oleh semua alumni yang berada diseluruh Indonesia maupun berada diluar negeri. Sistem informasi tracer studi dibangun menggunakan metode waterfall, framework CodeIgniter dan database MySQL. Melalui sistem ini alumni dapat memasukkan data diri dan pekerjaannya  sehingga  akan mudah untuk melacak keberadaan alumni.Kata kunci— Tracer, alumni, informasi, waterfall, web. Abstract— Alumni information is very important and is needed by universities in the accreditation process. Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic has difficulty in obtaining information and conducting a trace of alumni who have spread to various regions in Indonesia. Alumni tracer study is one method used to trace information about alumni. Information taken includes alumni personal identity, education history, employment history. One of the data that is difficult to obtain is valid data regarding the address of the alumni's work and how to present the address data of the alumni work. Therefore, a tracer study information system is needed which is expected to provide convenience for institutions in conducting research on alumni. The tracer information system for this study was built based on the Web, so that it could be accessed by all alumni who were located throughout Indonesia and abroad. The study tracer information system is built using the Waterfall method, CodeIgniter framework and MySQL database. Through this system, alumni can enter their own data and work so that it will be easy to track the whereabouts of alumni.Keywords— Tracer, alumni, information, waterfall,  web

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 10-23
Lydia Anggraeni ◽  
Denhas Afrizal

Putra Mandiri Computer Pati shop which is engaged in the sale of computer accessories and peripherals still has problems in marketing, namely sales are still very limited, this is because the service is still using local sales methods, distributing brochures. The author is interested in conducting research to assist in helping to increase sales turnover at Putra Mandiri Pati by developing an online sales system. The development model used is research and development (Research and Development / R&D) and in the development of application software using the PHP programming language and database using My SQL. The results obtained in the form of a web-based sales information system that can be accessed online by the wider community and can serve online sales transactions and have been able to help increase sales turnover at the Putra Mandiri Pati Store.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Dedi Satria ◽  
Zulfan Zulfan ◽  
Munawir Munawir ◽  
Dewi Mulyati

The process of final project research consultations is now often done by making a schedule to meet with supervisors within the time set by students and supervisors. It is known that the consultation process by the way it is done now still has problems from the effectiveness of student research time and the distance between the research center and the location of the supervisor. With these problems resulted in students not being timely in conducting research consultations with their supervisors. Therefore, a system is needed that can provide a system of research consultations remotely using internet facilities that are integrated with the consultation notification system via the SMS Gateway. The methodology is built using the phases of context diagrams, data flow diagrams and entity relationships. The system is built using PHP programming, mySQL database and Gammu. The results of the final project consultation information system research integrated with the notification system using the SMS Gateway have produced several tables and forms, namely student forms, lecturer forms, consultation forms and document forms. The form has been able to provide a remote consultation system using web media and has been able to provide notification notifications to students and lecturers regarding the consultation status using the SMS gateway service. It is expected that this information system can facilitate students and lecturers in conducting more effective and efficient consultations.

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