scholarly journals [Preventive Medicine in The Qur'an and Sunnah] al-Tibb al-Waqai' fi al-Qur'an wa al-Sunnah

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-110
Ahmed Dia'uddin Al-Hussin ◽  
Nahi Sabri Muhammad al-Qathunah

The spread of physical and mental diseases is resulted from failing to follow the Qur'anic and prophetic guidance in preserving both the body and mind. Today, Islamic societies are suffering from such a situation because of their distance from the principle of prevention, whether in the field of health education or preventive medicine. The research aims at explaining the Holy Quran and the Sunnah as a means of educating and caring for the Muslim individual as well as highlighting the role of Quran and Sunnah in the field of preventive medicine, both physically and mentally. In this study, the researcher used descriptive analytical method and deductive approach. The research has reached a number of results, including: Firstly, the Holy Quran has already established the principles of preventive medicine in the field of physical and mental health as their introduction reduces the remedial costs for the country and family. Secondly, non-adherence to the taboos not only bring woes on the individual, family and nation but also seek to influence the production. Finally, the implementation of preventive medicine principles reduces the incidence of disease among members of society. Keywords: Preventive Medicine, The Qur'anic and Prophetic Guidance, Health Education, Physical and Mental Health انتشار األمراض الجسمية والعقلية نتيجة لعدم اتباع الهدي القرآني والنبوي في المحافظة على الجسم والعقل معا. وقد أصبحت المجتمعاتاإلسالمية اليوم تعاني من مثل هذا بسبب بعدها عن األخذ بمبدأ الوقاية سواء أكان في مجال التربية الصحية أو الطب الوقائي. ويهدفالبحث إلى بيان سبق القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية في إيراد الوسائل لتربية الفرد المسلم والعناية به في مجال الطب الوقائي وإبراز دورالقرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية في مجال الطب الوقائي من الناحية الجسمية و العقلية. وقد استخدم الباحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي والمنهجاالستنباطي. وتوصل البحث إلى عدد من النتائج ومنها؛ سبق القرآن الكريم في إرساء مبادئ الطب الوقائي في مجال الصحة الجسميةوالعقلية حيث إن األخذ بمبادئ الطب الوقائي يقلل التكاليف العالجية عن الدولة واألسرة وعدم االلتزام بالمحرمات التي تجلب الويلعلى الفرد واألسرة واألمة وتودي إلى التأثير على اإلنتاج واألخذ بمبدأ الطب الوقائي يقلل من وقوع األمراض من أفراد المجتمع.الكلمات المفتاحية: الطب الوقائي، الهدى القرآني والنبوي، التربية الصحية، الصحة الجسمية والعقلية

Seyyed Ahmad Mir Husseini Niri

Background: The instinct and natural tendency to eat food is an undeniable fact in human and all human beings, even the messengers of Allah and Infallible Imams (A.S) need it in order to keep themselves healthy. Methods: In this review study, using the teachings of the Holy Quran and other Islamic texts, the importance and role of food and healthy nutrition and its role in elevating human beings have been collected. Results: Formally, one of the influential factors in maintaining human’s physical and mental health is his food and maintaining human health to preserve his real perfection and his unique position and dignity among creatures is mostly based on pure and healthy food. Allah has considered all human aspects in the Holy Quran, the ذook of human guidance and prosperity, and not neglecting, for example, his need of food, he has offered some guidance to meet this need. The Quran’s criteria for choosing food are its lawfulness and purity. Conclusion: Considering the fact that “pure” means being pleasurable and good to eat, one of the interpretations offered in this article is that the man should avoid eating foods that are against human nature due to its being inconsistent with intact divine nature of human.     

Dr Muhammad Zia ur Rehman ◽  
Muhammad Abdul Rehman

The reality of sectarianism and entrenchment around sectarian nervousness between humanity in general and between Muslims in particular has become the strongest and established truth in today's world, and the truth has become a martyr on the scene of the narrow and dark vision of this or that nervousness, and therefore there is no longer any apparent hope for gathering or talking about commonalities in light of borrowed The fire of sectarianism that deepened the breaks and barriers between people, but pushed them to the point of sedition and the use of the sword in the necks in the name of God and religion, as it presented the disgusted feelings of them. As for the praiseworthy nervousness, it is adherence and strong circumvention around the vocabulary of solidarity, cooperation and unity, this vocabulary absent from our reality, which live in a lonely alienation, and do not go beyond the tongues that it uses as a sign on some occasions whenever it pleases. Questions that I try to answer through a study of this dilemma, which we ask God Almighty to grant the Islamic Ummah success in moving away from it and returning to the truth and to the straight path. The research may include a preface, an introduction, and four sections. As for the conclusion, it includes the most important results of the research, and the indexes of the topic are as follows: Preface: The Concept of Doctrinal Neuropsychiatry The first topic: the types of nervousness and the characteristics of a fanatic. The second topic: the causes of doctrinal nervousness. The third topic: the effects of sectarian nervousness on the individual and society. The fourth topic: The role of preachers in addressing sectarian nervousness from the perspective of the Noble Qur’an. I ask God to help us to understand and act according to what he wants, to make our endeavors in this world a blessed one, and to honor us with his help for his obedience and sincerity in it. Trustworthy.

Trisha Talapatra ◽  
Md Tanzil Ansari ◽  
Sukumar Ghosh ◽  
Rina Ghosh

Ayurveda is thought to be ‘The Science of Life’, and therefore the follow involves the care of physical and mental health of creature. Ayurveda isn’t solely restricted to body or physical symptoms however conjointly provide comprehensive data concerning mental and social health. Three factors are basically responsible for the origin of any kind of disease, these are Asatmaindriyartha Samyoga (excessive utilization or non-utilization or improper utilization of sense faculties), Prajnaparadha (Intellectual blasphemy) and Parinama (time). Balanced Doshas of mind regulates the emotion while disturbed Doshas of mind plays an important role in the pathogenesis of mental diseases. The increasing level of stress in today’s time gives a huge surge of Manovikara (mental disorder). In Ayurveda many references of Manas (mind) and treatment of Manovikara (mental disorder) are available which would be easy to understand and rewarding the field of treatment. Role of Swastavritta including Daivavyapasraya, Satwavajay, Naisthiki chikitsa and Yoga are very important in the management of Manovikara. In modern era we are at the grasp of Raja and Tama which are the root cause of mental disorder. So, it is necessary to understand the Manovikara (mental disorder), its causes, symptoms, prevention and management. Present article is a review article contains review of Manas (Mind) and Manovikara (Mental disorder) in Ayurveda.

IIUC Studies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 33-46
Kalim Ullah

Human beings are deeply related to land. Human beings take birth on land, live on land, die on land and mixes with land ultimately. As stated in the holy Quran: ‘We (Allah) created you (human beings) from the soil, we shall make you return to the soil and We shall call you back again from the soil’ (20:55). Human life is surrounded by soil i.e. land. So, land is a highly completed issue of human life involving economic, social, political, cultural and often religious systems. Land administration is thus a critical element and often a pre-condition for peaceful society and sustainable development. In administrating land, Khatian or record of rights plays a vital role to determine the rights and interests of the respective parties as supportive evidence. In this article, discussion is mainly made on the fact that Khatian or record of rights is not a document of title solely but it may be an evidence of title as well as possession. IIUC Studies Vol.15(0) December 2018: 33-46

2021 ◽  
pp. 136548022199684
Geoffrey Wango ◽  
Leila Mkameli Gwiyo

Death is inevitable and universal, and the corona virus disease has only further intensified a world of uncertainties as a result of frequent accidents, HIV/AIDS, cancer and natural disasters. Bereavement after any death is a potentially disruptive life event with consequences in physical and mental health, relationships and social functioning. Death is a rather odd, thought-provoking and challenging experience, particularly in the lives of children and adolescents. Death of parent/s, sibling, relative/s, teacher, classmate or friend is a relatively new and challenging phenomenon. Persons working with pupils and students, including teachers, counsellors, school chaplain and social workers, need to be prepared to offer help to those who experience bereavement. Death is unpredictable and may occur naturally, suddenly, or traumatically. In several instances, help is sometimes required in advance of bereavement in that the death may be anticipated such as instances of prolonged illness or following a fatal accident. In all cases, the role of the teacher and counsellor in the school is pivotal in supporting pupils and students who have been bereaved. This paper highlights the need to impart post-traumatic growth in bereft pupils and students in schools in order to cope with bereavement.


Kewujudan jin merupakan suatu kepercayaan yang telah lama wujud dalam kalangan masyarakat Melayu di Nusantara, khususnya di Malaysia. Kewujudan jin telah diterangkan secara jelas dalam kitab suci Al-Quran. Walaupun terdapat sumber maklumat yang sahih akan tetapi kewujudan jin ini belum dapat dibuktikan secara saintifi k. Kajian yang dijalankan ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti dan memahami fenomena kewujudan jin berdasarkan warna aura. Kajian yang dijalankan merupakan kajian eksperimental dan melibatkan seorang responden yang memiliki saka. Kaedah pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah perubahan warna aura dan temu bual. Peralatan kajian yang digunakan adalahperalatan WinAura untuk mendapatkan data perubahan warna aura, dan peralatan rakaman untuk data temu bual. Hasil kajian mendapati kewujudan jin dalam badan seseorang ditandai dengan warna merah yang wujud secara tiba-tiba dan konsisten pada bahagian badan tertentu terutamanya pada bahagian dahi, tekak atau pada bahagian badan sebelah kiri. Hasil temu bual mendapati rawatan perubatan Islam yang dilakukan oleh responden mengatakan bahawa terdapat jin dalam diri responden. Kajian ini berjaya membuktikan kewujudan jin dalam diri responden berdasarkan perubahan warna aura.   The existence of the jinn is a phenomena that has long existed among the Malay community in Nusantara, especially in Malaysia. The existence of the jinn has been described clearly in the Holy Quran. Although there is a valid source of information, unfortunately the existence of the genie has not been scientifically proven. The study was aimed to identify and understand the phenomenon of jinn existence based on aura color. The study was an experimental study and involved a respondent who has saka. Data collection methods were used in this study was aura change color and interview. The equipments was used in this research were the WinAura machine to obtain of changing color data of the aura. The study found that the existence of genie in a person’s body was characterized by suddenly and consistent appear of red color in certain parts of the body, especially on the forehead, throat or on the left side of the body. The interviews also found that the characteristics and experience that the respondent’s surrounding and the there are energy or strength that followed respondent. This study proved the existence of supernatural beings (genie) based on aura change color.

Leonid Anatolievich Denisov ◽  
Mikhail Sergeevich Pakhomov

The article is devoted to a historical event that occurred 250 years ago in Moscow. The authors draw analogies between the plague epidemic and the current situation associated with a new coronavirus infection, and note what unites these events. It shows the dedicated work of doctors in the conditions of complete ambiguity of the causes and spread of these infections, in the absence of effective treatment methods, what was the behavior of the population, how prevention measures were developed, and what is the role of the authorities of Moscow and St. Petersburg in the fight. How the state of medical science and the level of health care, referred to by economists as the non — material sphere, can affect the physical and mental health of the population and the economic situation of the city, country and the whole World.

2022 ◽  
pp. 105984052110681
Ashwini R. Hoskote ◽  
Emily Croce ◽  
Karen E. Johnson

School nurses are crucial to addressing adolescent mental health, yet evidence concerning their evolving role has not been synthesized to understand interventions across levels of practice (i.e., individual, community, systems). We conducted an integrative review of school nurse roles in mental health in the U.S. related to depressive symptoms, anxiety, and stress. Only 18 articles were identified, published from 1970 to 2019, and primarily described school nurses practicing interventions at the individual level, yet it was unclear whether they were always evidence-based. Although mental health concerns have increased over the years, the dearth of rigorous studies made it difficult to determine the impact of school nurse interventions on student mental health outcomes and school nurses continue to feel unprepared and under supported in this area. More research is needed to establish best practices and systems to support school nursing practice in addressing mental health at all levels of practice.

Sarah J. Hoffman ◽  
Cheryl L. Robertson

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive perspective of the documented physical and mental health issues Karen refugees from Burma face as a result of war and refugee trauma, and migration. The review will address the question: What is the impact of trauma and migration on the physical and mental health of Karen refugees? Design/methodology/approach – A total of 18 articles were systematically selected for inclusion in the final review. The focal content for included articles includes qualitative and quantitative research representative of the health and migration experiences of Karen refugees. Findings – The findings of this review demonstrate significance for health providers from a public health standpoint as programs and services are targeted to meet the specific health needs of the Karen community. It also highlights the contribution of the Karen forced migration experience to the complexity of individual and community health needs, particularly as a result of the protracted conflict. Originality/value – This critical appraisal of the body of literature describing the health experiences of Karen refugees from Burma, with a particular focus on outcomes relevant to resettlement, demonstrates value as programs are developed with an integrated refugee perspective.

2021 ◽  
Christine Reid

The study of animals in Shakespeare’s collected works has expanded over the last 30 years. While a number of different animals have been discussed, the importance of the worm in the larger scope of the canon has largely been ignored. By focusing on the perception and presentation of worms in relation to cultural ideas of death, corruption, and consumption, ideas surrounding the body and soul are brought to the forefront. Worms are integral to our understanding of the Early Modern cultural constructs of the body and soul as the presence of worms reveals the state of the individual or the broader environment. Overall, the depiction of worms in Shakespeare’s works serves as a way to understand the metaphysical processes surrounding death and corruption.

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