Jurnal Mandala : Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
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Published By FISIP UPN Veteran Jakarta

2599-0675, 2599-0675

Dovana Hasiana ◽  
Richo Sunjaya ◽  
Salsabila Putri B ◽  
Clariza Farell

COVID – 19 is an unprecedented occasion that forces every state to adapt to the current changes in the dynamics of international relations. The impacts that are given by the Pandemic are not only on the health aspects, but also give the spillover effects to some aspects, such as economy and social, as the result of the closed-border policy and the restrictions policy on trading. By that means, the holistic and comprehensive approaches are needed to tackle the pandemic. Furthermore, Global Health Diplomacy is considered as one of the instruments or means to tackle the impacts of it. Notwithstanding, there are some states which implement the Me First Policy, especially at the beginning of the Pandemic. This paper examines Indonesia Foreign Policy through Global Health Diplomacy during COVID – 19 and to analyses the characteristics of the policy, either cooperative or competitive. This paper uses the concept of Global Health Diplomacy by Kickbusch and Told on 21st Century Health Diplomacy: A New Relationship between Foreign Policy and Health, Global Health Diplomacy: The Need for New Perspectives, Strategic Approaches and Skills in Global Health, by Kickbusch, Ilona; Silberschmidt, Gaudenz; Buss, Paulo and the concept of Global Health Diplomacy by Khazatzadeh-Mahani, A., Ruckert, A., & LabontÉ, R Through its Global Health Diplomacy, Indonesia is aiming to implement the policy which are based on the solidarity and cooperativeness.

Faiz Ramadhan ◽  
Badrus Sholeh

Pandemi COVID-19 memberikan dampak yang sangat besar bagi seluruh negara yang ada di dunia. COVID-19 memberikan dampak yang menyeluruh yaitu kesehatan, sosial dan ekonomi. Australia merupakan negara yang mendapatkan dampak yang sangat besar. Namun, Australia berhasil memberikan kebijakan yang baik sehingga Australia berhasil menekan angka COVID-19. Australia memberikan respon dan efektivitas kebijakan sehingga adanya permasalahan COVID-19 yang tidak terlalu besar di Australia. Indonesia juga negara yang mendapatkan dampak yang sangat besar dikarenakan COVID-19. Indonesia tidak bisa menekan angka COVID-19 dan berbanding jauh dengan Australia. Indonesia melakukan berbagai kebijakan dalam mengatasi pandemi COVID-19 namun kebijakan yang dikeluarkan tidak sebaik Australia, Australia memberikan bantuan kepada Indonesia untuk menghadapi pandemi COVID-19. Australia memberikan bantuan terhadap Indonesia di berbagai sektor yang ada. Kerjasama dan bantuan yang diberikan oleh Australia sangat berdampak bagi Indonesia untuk menekan angka laju COVID-19.

Rekha Kersana ◽  
Rini Afriantari ◽  
Bulbul Abdurrahman

Non-traditional security issues are increasingly relevant in international relations discussions nowadays. Threats do not only come from the military aspect but could also come from the climate crisis, terrorism and global pandemic. As happened recently, countries in the Asia Pacific are facing a non-traditional threat, namely Covid-19, which threatens all aspects of human security, especially health security. At the same time, several countries have implemented lockdown, but this policy has resulted in violence against women. This is certainly an issue that must be resolved by countries in the Asia Pacific region, as well as UN Women as an international organization that is responsible for issues concerning basic rights for women. In this study, the authors analysed the response that shown by countries in the Asia Pacific. The results of this study indicate that violence against women in the Asia Pacific was triggered by, among others: (1) the increasing interaction between victims and perpetrators, (2) environments that trigger acts of violence, and (3) limited support services. Thus, the authors examined how the policy responses of Asia Pacific countries in resolving the violence against women that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Indra Kusumawardhana

The vast majority of international relations scholars interpret world politics in the era of Covid-19 pandemic in accordance with realism by emphasizing on conflicts and the tendency of states to pursue their national interests. However, contemporary global politics shows complexity that cannot be understood from single perspective. This article seeks to interpret world politics in the era of Covid-19 pandemic using eclecticism approach by incorporating realism, liberalism, and constructivism. This article argues that the lanscape of global politics in the era of Covid-19 pandemic is characterized by three different features; conflicts and the pursuit of national interests, international cooperations based on the mutual benefit, and solidarity to help others dealing with the impact of Covid-19 pandemic. This finding implies that understanding international relations requires interperspective collaboration instead of debates and maintaing theoretical exclusivism.

Wiwiek Rukmi Dwi Astuti ◽  
Raden Maisa Yudono ◽  
Garcia Krisnando Nathanael

International communication and diplomacy are significantly influenced by development of technology and communication. The role of diplomats as frepresentatives of the country has been redefined along with public communication activities increasement through social media. This study provides an overview of China's efforts in influencing the formation of public images and opinions through social media carried out by its diplomats. Their aim is to defend China's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and challenge anyone who questions the events about the issue. This study uses qualitative methods, providing in-depth descriptions through data collection techniques based on internet-based research. This study shows that China is trying to demonstrate hard-line diplomacy called wolf warrior diplomacy. Through social media, Chinese diplomats are seen as government agents who promote national interests of their country, which in this context is related to the COVID-19 pandemic. By acknowledging the term wolf warrior diplomacy, provocative propaganda become a diplomatic tool practiced by Chinese diplomats. China's courage in taking an unconventional approach to the concepts and practices of traditional diplomacy and international communication is seen as part of China's long-term plan.

Muhammad Khusna Bayu Hardianto

Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak luas di hampir seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia. Secara alamiah, berbagai bentuk adaptasi diterapkan. Begitu pula dengan peredaran gelap narkoba[1] yang juga merasakan dampak pandemi. Meski demikian, pengungkapan kasus penyelundupan narkoba di Asia Tenggara membuktikan bahwa sindikat telah beradaptasi terhadap situasi pandemi global dengan segala pembatasannya. Kawasan Segitiga Emas dikenal sebagai salah satu sumber permasalahan produksi dan peredaran narkoba di Asia Tenggara dan juga dunia. Kawasan tersebut telah menjadi perhatian utama seluruh negara anggota ASEAN selama puluhan tahun. ASEAN menangani kejahatan narkoba melalui berbagai macam mekanisme kerja sama di tingkat regional dan sub regional. Indonesia, sebagai negara transit dan pasar terbesar di Asia Tenggara, setiap tahunnya mengungkap kasus peredaran gelap narkoba dari kawasan segitiga emas. Selama kurang dari 2 tahun pertama masa pandemi, telah terungkap sejumlah kasus peredaran narkoba. Dengan menggunakan teori Republican Liberalism, artikel ini menjelaskan tentang kebijakan Indonesia dalam penanganan narkoba di kawasan segitiga emas. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur terhadap jurnal, dokumen dan laporan dari instansi terkait serta wawancara kualitatif dari narasumber yang kompeten. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia belum menempatkan kerja sama penanganan narkoba di Segitiga Emas sebagai prioritas dalam kebijakan luar negerinya di tingkat regional. Artikel ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa pandemi meskipun mempersulit gerakan, namun berhasil diadaptasi oleh sindikat narkoba baik internasional maupun lokal. Temuan yang ada menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa keterbatasan, utamanya pada level domestik, sehingga sudut pandang pemerintah masih berfokus pada permasalahan narkoba di dalam negeri.

Sidik Jatmika ◽  
Yogaswara Aji Pratama ◽  
Dama Rifki Adhipramana

This article aims to examine food security issue among the community at the Indonesia - Malaysia border at Pandemic COVID-19 era by using the theory of interdependence and the human security approach. The study is conducted using a qualitative research method to collect and analyze both primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through official documents and an in-depth interview with key informants among Indonesia households of the communities in Indonesia - Malaysia border and local leaders. Meanwhile, published materials and online documents such as books, journal articles and reports served as a secondary source of data. The findings indicate that pandemics COVID-19 create vulnerability to food insecurity at border community. Realizing this fact, the government should consider adopting the human security concept, which emphasizes community empowerment as a framework in policymaking, with the aims to eradicate food insecurity among vulnerable households and to ensure the well-being of every Indonesian.

Yulia Rimapradesi ◽  
Ahmad Sahide

Arab states and Israel has for decades had dividing wall for diplomatic relations. The existence of ideological differences between Islam and Judaism as well as a long history of colonialism and conflict makes it difficult to unravel the conflict between of them. However, this seems to change, towards the end of 2020 with the encouragement of Donald Trump as president of the United States. Arab countries seem to forgot the events of the past and break up the wall that previously served as a barrier between them and Israel. The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco has reasons what they thinks are rationality that their initial stance in favor of Palestinian independence seems to be waning. This paper discuss about the interests of the Arab states in the the normalization of their relationship with Israel. The research method in this paper is qualitative method with inductive analysis with the latest data from various document sources as material for analysis. This paper concludes the interests of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco are dominated by security and the economy for their countries.

Sonia Mustikasari

Tulisan ini memaparkan motif ekonomi politik dibalik proyek ambisius Pelabuhan Hambantota masa pemerintahan Mahinda Rajapaksa di Sri Lanka. Presiden Rajapaksa memiliki motif tersebut disebabkan oleh keinginannya untuk mengembangkan Hambantota sebagai wilayah tempat tinggalnya dan memanfaatkan kedekatan dengan Tiongkok untuk mendanai pemilu presiden di tahun 2015. Namun, proyek Pelabuhan Hambantota mengalami kegagalan, karena tidak didukung dengan studi kelayakan yang baik dan minim perhitungan ekonomi baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Oleh sebab itu, Sri Lanka tidak mampu lagi membayar pinjaman Tiongkok yang mengakibatkan Pelabuhan Hambantota dikuasai oleh Tiongkok melalui perjanjian sewa 99 tahun. Untuk membantu analisa dalam jurnal ini, penulis menggunakan dua kerangka teori, yaitu teori konstrukitivis dan teori utang luar negeri (loan pull theory dan loan push theory).

Aloysius Anandyo Pambudi

This article aims to analyze Indonesia’s decision on World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) in the leadership period of President Joko Widodo from 2014-2019. As one out of nine states which have not to sign and ratify WHO FCTC, historically Indonesia is one of the full drafting member states which actively involved in the convention’s making and negotiations since 1996. However, from 2003 until 2019, Indonesia still refuses to sign or ratify WHO FCTC. From past years, studies about Indonesia’s non-compliance decision on WHO FCTC limited by the analysis focused on domestic factors to explain state’s behavior, non-state actors’ interest, or discourse about tobacco control issues. This article provides an analysis of the state’s (Indonesia) behavior from the systemic level by using the theory of international regime’s functions. By using secondary data obtained from official documents of state or international organizations, books, journals, and other online sources linked to Indonesia’s decision on WHO FCTC, this article shows that Indonesia’s non-compliance decision to WHO FCTC in the leadership of President Joko Widodo from 2014-2019, caused by Indonesian government’s negative interpretations to the legal liability, reducing cost, and information facilitation functions of WHO FCTC.

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