scholarly journals Experience in the Creation of Forest Plantations Using Container Seedlings

Nikita M. Debkov ◽  

Intensification of forestry requires the use of modern methods of reforestation, which include the introduction of container planting material. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the survival rate and linear growth of spruce container seedlings depending on the planting site location and the agrotechnical tending. The studies were carried out at the test site located in the Tomsk district of the Tomsk region. It was found that many planting containers store not 1 seedling, but 2–4 pcs and therefore approximately the same quantity of seedlings as in the traditional planting of container planting material. It was revealed that the height of 30–35 % of seedlings fails to fulfill the standard values, which was observed, as a rule, in the planting containers with several plants. According to the autumn inventory data, the height of plantations created by planting seedlings in the furrow bottom (Kruskal-Wallis test, p = 0.0001 > 0.05) reliably differs from the height of plantations of “mound” and “untreated soil” options. In terms of height growth, the options “mound side” and “furrow” have the best performance, also significantly different from the options “mound” and “untreated soil” (Kruskal-Wallis test, p = 0.0001 > 0.05). Survival rate below 85 % was observed in the plantings of the following options: “untreated soil”, “furrow bottom”, and “mound” with agrotechnical tending. The 3-fold tending decreased the survival rate of plantations except for planting in the mound side. Thus, the most successful option of planting is planting in the mound side. For citation: Debkov N.M. Experience in the Creation of Forest Plantations Using Container Seedlings. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 5, pp. 192–200. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021-5-192-200

Д.Ю. Дручинин ◽  
М.В. Драпалюк

Обозначена важнейшая роль защитных лесных насаждений в вопросе защиты сельскохозяйственных земель от негативных процессов ветровой и водной эрозии, роста оврагов и значительного промерзания. Рассмотрены существующие конструкции лесных полос, являющихся частью защитных лесных насаждений. Отмечено неудовлетворительное состояние большинства существующих защитных лесополос, вследствие чего необходим ремонт либо реконструкция данных насаждений. Показана перспективность применения крупномерного посадочного материала, пересаживаемого с комом почвы, при выполнении работ по защитному лесоразведению. Представлена разработанная конструкция выкопочной машины. Орудие агрегатируется с трактором и применяется для работы в лесных питомниках, где наблюдается рядное размещение выкапываемых растений. Для повышения эффективности процесса заготовки посадочного материала с возможностью работы под пологом леса разработано технологическое оборудование для выкопки и пересадки крупномерных саженцев, размещаемое на базе гидроманипуляторных установок. Представленные машины могут также применяться для подготовки посадочных мест под посадку ими же выкопанных саженцев. При этом образованное посадочное место будет полностью повторять контуры кома почвы высаживаемого растения. Рассмотрены положения Стратегии развития защитного лесоразведения в Российской Федерации до 2020 года. Выявлена необходимость создания 4 млн га защитных лесных насаждений для устранения негативных процессов эрозии и опустынивания сельскохозяйственных земель и предотвращения дальнейшей деградации агротерриторий. Предложенная технология использования крупномерного посадочного материала в защитном лесоразведении и средства механизации процесса выкопки и пересадки саженцев с комом почвы позволяют повысить эффективность и качество создания, ремонта или реконструкции защитных лесных полос. The most important role of protective forest plantations in the issue of protecting agricultural lands from negative processes of wind and water erosion, ravine growth and frost penetration is indicated. Considered are the existing structures of forest strips that are part of protective forest plantations. The dissatisfactory condition of the many of the existing protective forest strips is noted, as a result of which it is necessary to repair or reconstruct these plantations. The prospects of using large planting material, transplanted with a soil clod, are shown when performing protective afforestation work. The developed plant lifter design is presented. The tool is aggregated with a tractor and is used for work in forest nurseries, where in-line escapement of lifting plants is observed. To improve the efficiency of the planting material harvesting process with the ability to work under the forest canopy, technological equipment has been developed for lifting and transplanting large plantlets, located on the basis of grapple plants. Presented machines can also be used to prepare planting places for planting them with excavated plantlets. In this case, the formed planting place will completely repeat the contours of the plant being planted soil clod. The provisions of the Strategy for the development of protective afforestation in the Russian Federation until 2020 are considered. The need to create 4 million hectares of protective forest plantations for eliminating the negative processes of erosion and desertification of agricultural lands and preventing further degradation of agroterritories was identified. The proposed technology for the use of large planting material in protective afforestation and the means for mechanization of the process of lifting and transplanting plantlets with a soil clod make it possible to improve the efficiency and quality of the creation, repair or reconstruction of protective forest strips.

2018 ◽  
Vol 64 (6) ◽  
pp. 732-738
Yevgeniy Choynzonov ◽  
Lyubov Pisareva ◽  
Liliya Zhuykova ◽  
Olga Ananina ◽  
Irina Odintsova

Respiratory system cancer (cancer of the nasal cavity, middle ear, paranasal sinuses (C30-31), larynx (C32), trachea, bronchi and lung (C33-34) is one of the most common malignancies in the Tomsk region, comprising 12.9% of all cancer cases. The purpose of the study was to analyze the respiratory system cancer incidence among the population of the Tomsk region. Materials and methods. The study was based on cancer register data collected at the Cancer Research Institute and Tomsk Regional Cancer Center, and covered the period 2005-2016. Results. Respiratory system cancer is the most common cancer in men, comprising 21.7% and the 6-th most common cancer in women, comprising 5.1. The incidence of respiratory system cancer decreased in men and showed an increasing tendency in women. The age-standardized incidence rates in the Tomsk region were expected to be 58.3 per 100,000 males and 12.8 per 100,000 females by 2020. Conclusion. Early detection and prediction of respiratory system cancer should play a vital role in the diagnosis process and also increase the survival rate of patient.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1-1
Andrey Medvedev ◽  
Natalia Alekseenko ◽  
Maria Arsentyeva

<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> The Arctic region is currently at the next stage of increased interest not only from the Arctic States, but also from the entire world community. The main pollutants in the region are oil and gas products, heavy metals, chemical and radioactive contamination. The Arctic region of the Russian Federation has experienced a strong anthropogenic impact of radionuclides due to the use of nuclear energy. The main source of pollution is nuclear testing. About 132 tests were conducted on Novaya Zemlya, including 87 atmospheric, 3 underwater and 42 underground tests. Another source of radioactive contamination is the operation of the naval and civil nuclear fleet, as well as nuclear power plants (on the Kola Peninsula and in Bilibino). Until 1963, most of the tests were carried out in the atmosphere and under water, but after the signing of the Moscow Treaty on August 5, 1963, which prohibits the testing of nuclear weapons in three environments (under water, in the atmosphere and outer space), all tests were carried out underground, in tunnels and wells.</p><p>The object of research and mapping is the territory of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago and the nuclear test site located on it. On the territory of the nuclear test site constantly there was an assessment of the radioecological situation. The scientific community is interested in the processes taking place on the New Earth. The territory of the archipelago is constantly involved in various Arctic programs aimed at monitoring the level of environmental pollution and reducing the number of sources of pollution.</p><p>The aim of this work is to create multi-time animations of nuclear tests and the results of radionuclide pollution. These animated cartographic images differ not only in their time scales, but also a large set of qualitative and quantitative characteristics that characterize the results of anthropogenic influence.</p><p>As sources for creation of cartographic animations were: field data, remote sensing data (RS), Open sources, marine navigation maps, DEM’s (AsterDem, ArcticDem, GEBCO), meteorological data, thematic maps (including atlases), topographic maps, literary sources. The main part of the information about Novaya Zemlya archipelago was taken from the works of the Arctic marine complex expedition, which are devoted to the nature, history, archeology and culture of the archipelago. To obtain complete information about the explosions and their energy release ranges, additional open sources were used, from which it is possible to learn about the type of explosion, its power and location (geographical coordinates).</p><p>Dynamic geo-imagery was developed and established by the following method: study of object mapping and the collection of primary spatial data – creation script dynamic geo-imagery – the creation of a geodatabase of research – the creation of the thematic maps and layout of geo-imagery in the graphic editor – create animations with different time scales.</p><p>During the creation of cartographic animations based on the collected data, a multi-time multi-scale cartographic animation was developed, which allowed using the original graphical solution to visualize three interconnected time scales, which allowed to visualize the processes of infiltration and propagation of radioactive inert gases.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 128-157
Zhuldyz Salmukhanbetova ◽  
A.A. Imanalinova ◽  
L.A. Dimeyeva ◽  
N.E. Zverev

The article aims to assess the survival rate of saxaul plantations on the dry seabed of the Aral Sea (DSAS) and these close to the villages along the original seacoast. Protective black saxaul (Haloxylon ammodendron) plantations on the DSAS were established in the course of 2009-2019 with the grant support of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS), Japan’s environmental funds, UNDP Kazakhstan, as well as under the Grass-Roots Program of the Embassy of Japan in Kazakhstan. During September 1-14, 2020, the target plantation plots at 24 sites adjacent to the villages of Aralkum and Karateren underwent examination, including forest surveying, projected species cover determination, as well as seed regeneration and survival rate assessment. The findings of 2020 revealed the varying condition of target saxaul plantations. Thus, the survival rate of saxaul inside forest plantations ranged between 0.12 and 78.0%. The actual number of saxaul trees varied from 1 (one) to 1,000 per ha on the DSAS and from 888 to 2,633 per ha in Aralkum village. The novelty of the obtained results is due to the fact that they clearly demonstrate that the survival rate and development of forest plantations, as well as saxaul seed self-renewal, above all, depend on the overall ecological conditions at specific sites. Saxaul demonstrated the best survival rate and growth at the sites with sandy loam and saline light loamy soils with sandy cover, and the worst – at the sites with crusty and takyr (dry-type playa) saline soils.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-76
Sergey Makarov ◽  
Irina Kuznetsova ◽  
Mikhail Upadyshev ◽  
Sergey Rodin ◽  
Anton Chudetsky

Introduction. The last decade saw a considerable increase in the demand for European cranberry planting material (Oxyccocus palustris Pers.) among consumers of non-timber forest products. Cranberry possesses high nutritional and medicinal value. Cultivars and hybrids of European cranberry prove extremely productive for plantation growth using the method of clonal micropropagation with revitalized planting material. Study objects and methods. The research featured European cranberry plants of the Dar Kostromy cultivar and its hybrid form 1-15-635. The study focused on the effect of various medications and growth regulators on the biometric profile of European cranberry and its adaptation to non-sterile conditions at all stages of in vivo clonal micropropagation. Results and discussion. During the introduction stage, the highest viability belonged to the explants treated with AgNO3 (95–96%) and Lizoformin 3000 (5%) as the main sterilizing solutions at a 10-min exposure and a 5% solution of Ecosterilizer (1:1) at a 20-min exposure (90–95%). During the micropropagation proper, the number, average length, and total growth of shoots increased as the concentration of cytokinin 2ip in the WPM 1/4 nutrient medium rose from 1.0 to 5.0 mg/L. At the stage of in vitro rooting, the maximal number, average length, and total growth of roots in regenerated plants for both cultivars were observed when Kornerost 5.0 mg/L was added to the WPM 1/4 nutrient medium. At the stage of adaptation to in vivo conditions, Micogel 0.2 mg/L contributed to the highest survival rate (94–100%). Conclusion. During clonal micropropagation in vitro, the biometric profile of European cranberry (Oxyccocus palustris Pers.) and its survival rate under non-sterile conditions in vivo proved to depend on various growth-regulating substances and their concentrations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 77-82
Ирина Прока ◽  
Irina Proka ◽  
Сергей Бабынин ◽  
Sergey Babynin

Based on the results of the analysis and assessment of the problem of meeting the growing needs of resource forest management in relatively densely populated areas with developed transport infrastructure, within the framework of the developed concept of ensuring the intensification of forest reproduction and use by creating forest plantations with silvicultural methods, one of the ways to solve the problem is to develop for the practical application of the target forest management systems for the creation of forest plantations of many special purpose resources, distinguished by relatively high ecological properties, potential for efficient integrated use of forest resources, which creates the possibility (due to their use) of preserving and reducing the intensity of exploitation of valuable forest ecosystems of natural and natural economic origin. To achieve this goal, based on the use of two types of technological organization of territories of different types of forests and potential productivity of cultivated plantation stands, the interrelated implementation of all activities of the forest regeneration cycle is provided. They are organically combined with a relatively intensive multi-purpose resource forest use throughout the forest reproduction cycle. In turn, effective measures for the protection and preservation of forests are ensured by integrating them into phased measures of thinning throughout all stages of forest growth, as well as by rational organization of the creation and use of forest plantations by silvicultural methods. At the same time, measures are provided for forest users to motivate the use of forest-established forest use - the creation and operation of forest plantations, taking into account the introduction of reasonable changes to the Forest Code to expand the possibilities of planted forest growing while preserving environmentally valuable forests.

V. I. Chorna ◽  
L. V. Dotsenko ◽  
N. V. Voroshylova

The change of forest cover in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast within the framework of the concept of agroforestry reclamation development in Ukraine was investigated. It was established that the forested area in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is currently about 5%, which does not correspond to the optimal level of forest cover for this area, which is determined at 8%. The increase of forested areas within the surveyed territory was observed because of the two such processes, as reforestation and afforestation. In recent years, these processes have shown a steady downward trend in the number of forested areas. Succession series can be fundamentally different in the reproduction of forest plantations due to reforestation and afforestation. During reforestation, the succession series will be much slower, but it will be able to reach climax stage can due to the fact that the plantations will include indigenous plant species. When fast-growing species will be selected during afforestation, plantations will develop more rapidly, but will be much less stable and need constant care. Thus, the processes of forest plantations development in the Dnipropetrovsk region need significant processing and intensification. Until recently, there was no doubt about the beneficial effects of forest vegetation on air quality.  A large number of wood species can not only emit volatiles, but also absorb in their biomass a significant amount of toxic elements, such as heavy metals, radionuclides and others.  However, recently, due to the large anthropogenic and man-made load on the atmosphere (industrial emissions, transport, pesticides, herbicides, etc.), the process of so-called secondary air pollution has been observed.  This is manifested as follows – woody vegetation absorbs toxic substances, processes them into even more toxic and releases them into the air. Significant impact of forests is also observed on the stability of systems.  It is known that the higher the species diversity – the lower the dominance index, and the more stable the system.  The introduction of new species of woody plants, and behind them new species of fauna increases the diversity of the ecosystem, which is undoubtedly favorable.  But on the other hand, this leads to the extinction of typical steppe species, for example, in forest biogeocenoses live a large number of small predators, and most species of steppe birds nesting on the ground can be easily destroyed by them. Forest vegetation significantly changes the landscape.  Any woody plants in the steppe create an ecotone, ie the zone of contact of different habitats, which increases the species diversity and, in general, alpha diversity of the territory and, consequently, increases its resistance to anthropogenic and man-made loads.  On the other hand, it contributes to the even more intensive disappearance of zonal steppe landscapes, of which there are very few left in the Dnipropetrovsk region due to high population density and a high degree of agricultural development. Forest plantations in the region can be created in two fundamentally different forms – forest belts and forests.  It is clear that the creation of forest belts will be timed to the massifs of agricultural land as their main function is to create an optimal microclimate.  The creation of forests, first of all, should be aimed at increasing and maintaining species diversity, secondly, it will undoubtedly expand the recreational potential of the region, which is currently clearly insufficient. Currently, when creating any of these types of plantations, there are serious environmental miscalculations.  First of all, it is the creation of plantations from allochthonous, that is, from the very beginning species not peculiar to this territory.  As a rule, it is a pine or an acacia white.  These unpretentious breeds grow quite quickly, well acclimatized, which, of course, makes their use more cost-effective and attractive.  But on the other hand, the plantations created from them are much less long-lived than, for example, oak groves typical for this region and, unlike them, require constant care, because they are practically unable to reach menopause.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-52
Геннадий Пуджа ◽  
Gennadiy Pudzha ◽  
Анатолий Данченко ◽  
Anatolij Danchenko ◽  
Светлана Кабанова ◽  

In the subzone of the southern taiga in the territory of the Tomsk region trial plots in forest cultures under the canopy of the forest have been laid, the reconstruction of low-value plantings and subsequent crops has been done. Biometric indicators have been studied and a comparative analysis of three types of plantations has been made. It is revealed that the growth of artificial plantations of Siberian stone pine is largely influenced by competition from adult trees in the main canopy in sub-cultures and in artificial plantations created during the reconstruction process. The preservation of sub-negative cultures has varied from 55.6 to 64.4% at 43 years old age and has been 59.8% at 32 years old age. Sub-negative plantations on the test plot with greater density have considerably lagged behind in growth from the sites with lower density with other identical growing conditions and age. Preservation of forest plantations created by reconstruction in areas without a main canopy has amounted to 72.6%, on a plot with an adult stand - 46.8%. The diameter of the trees on the reconstruction without the main canopy has been 2.1 times different, the height - 1.8 times in favor of the plantations in the area where the low-value plantation have been cut down. In subsequent plantations, in those test plots where pure pine tree plantations have been preserved, the height and diameter of the trees has been also greater than those in the samples with the existing admixture of hardwoods. In general, subsequent plantations significantly exceed the growth of subordinate and reconstructed crops. The growth of sub-cultures is significantly affected by the competition of the root systems of adult plants of the main canopy, shading and lack of nutrients.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-22
Кабанова ◽  
Svetlana Kabanova ◽  
Рахимжанов ◽  
Alimzhan Rakhimzhanov ◽  
Данченко ◽  

History and prospects of creation of green zone of Astana city, the results of scientific research of safety and growth of trees and shrubs on saline soils are presented in the article. According to 3-year observations revealed that the application of phosphogypsum in soil as an ameliorant, does not reduce the content of easily soluble toxic salts, but the minimum application rates (15 t/ha) is optimal. The best survival rate and higher growth had annual cultures of Ulmus pinnato-ramosa on the plot by introducing into the soil a reducing agent AridGrow (respectively of 70.7 %, and 44.3 cm). .

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 208-215
Mohamed Ahmed ◽  
Ryan Turner ◽  
Michael Haley ◽  
Samantha Shyrigh ◽  
Dionel Colmenero ◽  

A geophysical test site (GTS) contains subsurface targets of known materials, orientations, and depths. GTSs offer unique opportunities for geophysical research, training, and educational activities. They provide platforms to investigate the penetration and resolution of different geophysical techniques for characterizing the shallow subsurface. GTS-based field exercises represent an interesting, motivating, rewarding, and enjoyable experience for students and instructors. We have constructed a GTS at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi that contains several objects (e.g., steel drums, plastic drums, plastic buckets, steel pipes, and well covers) buried at depths ranging from 0.5 to 3 m to simulate real-life situations. In this article, we provide a thorough description of the site location, subsurface geology, surface topography, and construction methodology, as well as the types, locations, orientations, and depths of the subsurface targets. Research and education significance and implications of the GTS are also described. This article could serve as a reference for the construction of new GTSs worldwide.

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