scholarly journals Medicalización, riesgo y demandas al sistema de la medicina Una observación desde la teoría de los sistemas sociales / Medicalization, risk and demands to the medicine system An observation from the theory of social systems

Raúl Zamorano Farías

En este trabajo, y sobre la base de la teoría general de los sistemas sociales, se problematiza el fenómeno comunicativo de la medicalización y sus acoplamientos con el riesgo y el incremento de las demandas al sistema de la medicina. Si el sistema de la medicina tiene un monopolio comunicativo en el tratamiento de la salud/enfermedad y de todo lo que esto produce, deviene importante señalar con claridad desde dónde se observa el fenómeno de la medicalización (desde el sistema de la salud, desde el sistema del derecho, desde la opinión pública, desde el sistema científico) y cuáles son que la estructuras sociales disponibles para observar estas interacciones y acoplamientos. Es decir, preguntarse por los sentidos que construyen el ‘concepto’ medicalización y que dan cabida al análisis de prácticas no especializadas que se apropian de elementos que son, al mismo tiempo tan normales como patológicos.   In this work, and on the basis of the general theory of social systems, the communicative phenomenon of medicalization and its links with the risk and increasing demands on the medicine system are problematized. If the medicine system has a communicative monopoly in the treatment of health / disease and everything that this produces, it becomes important to clearly indicate where the phenomenon of medicalization is observed (from the health system, from the law system, from public opinion, from the scientific system) and what are the social structures available to observe these interactions and links. That is, asking about the senses that build the ‘concept’ medicalization and that allow the analysis of non-specialized practices that appropriate elements that are, at the same time, as normal as pathological.  

1972 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 268-295 ◽  
Frank M. Snowden

Before turning directly to fascism, we should recall certain facts that form the background to all that follows. In 1919, Italy, a country of about 35 million people, should be characterized neither as industrialized nor as underdeveloped, but as slowly and very unevenly industrializing. Still predominantly agricultural, the Italian peninsula can be divided into three distinct areas with markedly different social structures, each undergoing in very contrasting ways the twin transformations of the rise of industry and of intensive commercialized farming. The North was the most developed of the three areas, with the peninsula's most modern industrial enterprises heavily concentrated in the Milan-Genoa-Turin triangle, while commercial farming was centered in the fertile valley of the Po River. It is important to note, however, that even the North was still in a state of transition and that in the northern countryside more traditional systems of land tenure and cultivation still existed alongside some of the most mechanized farms in Europe. The other two areas of Italy—Center and South—were alike in being traditional societies less affected by modernization, though the Center of the peninsula and the South were very different social systems (1).

Inés Moreno Martín-Pozuelo

Resumen. Durante los últimos años, el concepto de terrorismo machista ha cobrado un importante protagonismo en los medios de comunicación como vía para informar de los crímenes cometidos en el ámbito de la ley de violencia de género, si bien dicho uso del término no ha venido acompañado de un análisis jurídico del mismo. Por otra parte, la emergencia de conceptos como femicidio y la concienciación social respecto a la vinculación de las agresiones sexuales con el patriarcado como sistema social de dominación ponen de manifiesto la necesi­dad de reconsiderar de qué forma se configura la violencia contra la mujer en el sistema penal actual. Desde una metodología analítica, esta investigación se propone analizar los fundamen­tos jurídicos para entender la violencia contra la mujer como una forma de terrorismo.Palabras clave: violencia de género, terrorismo, femicidio, feminicidio, género, terrorismo machista.Abstract. During the last years, the concept of sexist terrorism has gained presence in the media as a way to inform about the commission of crimes against women. However, the use of this concept lacks in providing a legal analysis. On the other side, the emergency of no­tions such as femicide and the social acknowledgement of sexual aggressions as a consequence of the patriarchy brings to light the need to redefine in which way those crimes are considered under the criminal law system. This research aims to analyze the legal founds in order to con­sider violence against women as a form of terrorism.Keywords: gender violence, terrorism, femicide, feminicide, gender, sexist terrorism.

Tarsila Rorato Crusius ◽  
Mártin Perius Haeberlin

El estudio busca comprender cómo la judicialización puede comprometer la integridad del sistema de la salud, desde la perspectiva de la Teoría General de los Sistemas Sociales de Niklas Luhmann. Para esto, primero busca saber cómo las decisiones judiciales actúan como irritaciones para el sistema de la salud. Despues, analiza el impacto de estas decisiones en el sistema, basándose en datos de la judicialización en Rio Grande do Sul, en 2018. Finalmente, analiza los riesgos para la integridad del sistema de salud representado por la judicialización, así como las respuestas del sistema político brasileño. Se presume que las respuestas del sistema de la salud a las amenazas planteadas por la judicialización dependen de las respuestas de otros sistemas sociales. La metodología es exploratoria, con investigación bibliográfica. Se concluye que la capacidad de respuesta de los sistemas sociales a estas irritaciones definirá la posibilidad de mantener su integridad y diferenciación.   O estudo busca compreender como a judicialização pode comprometer a integridade do sistema da saúde na perspectiva da Teoria Geral dos Sistemas Sociais de Niklas Luhmann. Para isso, primeiramente busca conhecer como decisões judiciais atuam como irritações ao sistema da saúde. Em um segundo momento, analisa o impacto destas decisões no sistema, a partir dos dados da judicialização em saúde no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, em 2018. Por fim analisa os riscos à integridade do sistema da saúde representados pela judicialização, bem como as respostas estruturadas pelo sistema político brasileiro. Parte-se da hipótese de que as respostas do sistema da saúde às ameaças representadas pela judicialização da saúde dependem das respostas de outros sistemas sociais. A metodologia é de caráter exploratório, com realização de pesquisa bibliográfica. Conclui-se que a capacidade de resposta dos sistemas sociais a estas irritações definirá a possibilidade de manutenção de sua integridade e diferenciação.   This study seeks to understand how judicialization may compromise the integrity of the health system from Niklas Luhmann’s General Theory of Social Systems perspective. For this, it first seeks to know how judicial decisions act as irritations to the health system. Secondly, it analyzes the impact of these decisions on the system, based on data from health judicialization in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in 2018. Finally, it analyzes the risks to the integrity of the health system represented by judicialization, as well as the responses structured by the Brazilian political system. It is hypothesized that health system responses to threats posed by judicialization depend on responses from other social systems. The methodology is exploratory, with bibliographical research. It is concluded that the responsiveness of social systems to these irritations will define the possibility of maintaining their integrity and differentiation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (4/2020) ◽  
pp. 151-170
Milorad Djuric ◽  
Djordje Stojanovic

Niklas Luhmann articulates the basic elements of his authentic theoretical position as criticism of, as he calls them, classical sociology or classical organisation theory. While within these orientations, (social) systems are mainly interpreted as centralised entities whose structures are stabilised by purpose determined at the top, Luhmann, in his general theory of social systems privileges internal differentiation in which subsystems autonomously define their purposes, making society more flexible and capable of responding to environmental challenges. In that sense, the main intention of this paper is the creation of cognitive interest for the notions of complexity and flexibility, i.e. for the issue of subsystem autonomy, as the important elements of Luhmann’s general theory of social systems. Our premise is that the establishment of subsystem autonomy is not a matter of mere, a priori, theoretical and/or practical arbitrariness, nor does it mean an introduction into deconstruction of the system, but it represents a necessary step in the creation of successful responses of the social system to problems arising from the immense and dynamic complexity of its own environment. In other words, through the process of internal differentiation, by establishing subsystem autonomy, the social system increases its own complexity, i.e. ability to adjust to the environment. Thus, challenges arising from the environment are not transferred to the whole, but localised and processed in the appropriate, autonomous parts of the system. By so increasing its internal complexity, the system undeniably acquires the necessary flexibility, or capability for a faster and more efficient creation of alternative.

2012 ◽  
pp. 166-174
Sergio Severino ◽  
Paolo Di Venti

This paper argues a critical reflection about the dynamics of the Sicilian Health System. The analysis of its internal reforms shows the effort to achieve a gradual decentralization of management and control bodies. It was conceptualized as a de-generalization process, described starting from the von Bertalanffy's General Systems Theory. This latter allows to fit the concept of complexity to the social systems dynamic's, characterized by specific rules and standards aimed to an ever new fitting to the environment.

Gastón Julián Gil

El uso de "recetas" metodológicas y la apelación a diversas formas de corrección política en el estudio de diferentes colectivos constituyen tentaciones a las que suelen sucumbir una gran cantidad de cientistas sociales. En este artículo, en primera instancia, se intenta desarrollar una revisión crítica de la manera en que operan algunos de esos lugares comunes de la investigación social, sostenidos en principios "metodológicos" como dogmas en abstracto. En la misma sintonía, también se describen, apelando a ejemplos de investigación, frecuentes imposturas de lo "correcto" que abundan en los discursos académicos, como ocurre en ocasiones con investigadores que se definen como "militantes" cuando estudian sectores subalternos. Por consiguiente, en este artículo se desarrollan algunos trucos de oficio, tal cual los definió el sociólogo Howard Becker, que cuestionan formalidades, tendencias y acuerdos implícitos en el quehacer científico-académico que no precisamente estimulan la creatividad. Los formularios que circulan en el sistema científico, la materias "metodológicas", las pautas de evaluación de la producción académica y las imposturas intelectuales configuran una diversidad de situaciones que suelen promover cómodas rutinas vinculadas en mayor medida con la rigidez que con el rigor.Si bien este texto está construido de manera prioritaria en perspectiva con el caso argentino, remite a prácticas que en mayor o menor medida están presentes en las diversas tradiciones científicas en las ciencias sociales. Este tipo de enfoques, guiados por la corrección política, usualmente derivan en evaluaciones asimétricas que sacrifican la creatividad para recostarse en cómodas rutinas que suelen ser celebradas en el medio académico. Por el contrario, otro tipo de apuestas académicas se enfrentan a la censuras de la "ciencia normal" que, en determinados contextos, van acompañados por un conjunto de juicios morales e ideológicos que pueden llegar a obturar la creatividad, la discusión abierta de ideas y la exploración de vacíos empíricos problemáticos.The use of methodological "recipes" and the appeal to various forms of political correctness in the study of different groups are temptations to which a large number of social scientists often embrace. In this article, we attempt to develop a critical revision of the way in which some of these common places of social research operate, based on "methodological" principles as dogmas in the abstract. In the same vein, we also describe, by appealing to research examples, frequent impostures of the "right" way that abound in academic discourses, as is sometimes the case with researchers who define themselves as "militants" when they study subaltern sectors. Consequently, in this paper some tricks are developed, as defined by the sociologist Howard Becker, who question formalities, tendencies and agreements implicit in the scientific-academic work that do not precisely stimulate creativity. The application forms that circulate in the scientific system, the "methodological" subjects, the guidelines for the evaluation of academic production and the intellectual impostures, configure a diversity of situations that often promote comfortable routines linked more to rigidity than rigor.Although this text is constructed in perspective with the Argentine case, it refers to practices that are also present in the diverse scientific traditions in the social sciences. Such approaches, guided by political correctness, often result in asymmetric assessments that sacrifice creativity because they to lie down in comfortable routines that are usually celebrated in the academic environment. On the contrary, other types of academic proposals are confronted with the censorship of "normal science", which in certain contexts are accompanied by a set of moral and ideological judgments that can dissemble creativity, open discussion of ideas and exploration of problematic empirical vacuums.

Cubic Journal ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 152-171
Peter Hasdell

Does the social turn in design enable transformative change in design and society? Or is it incremental change, where design confirms existing social systems with little impact? Many claims for design social have been made, often underpinned by the altruism of doing good and social engagement. The recent popularity of social design, design activism, service design, co-design, and commoning, show design as conjoined to other disciplines, but to what end? What role does design play within dialogical pairings? Does the socialising of design diffuse the agency of design to the social sciences? As we interrogate and define, conceptually and in praxis, the hybridisation of two different domains, there is a need to critically engage the question of how to define ways in which design social can become an impactful, rather simply than a consensual, confirmation. In addition this enquiry is to seek out how design social can lead to transformative moments within design practice that impacts design methodologies, social structures and its agencies.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
pp. 24-39
Patricia Fernández-Montaño

El presente artículo de revisión teórica se estructura en torno a dos partes fundamentales: Por un lado, la aproximación a los conceptos clave para el Trabajo Social feminista, tales como género, patriarcado, sexismo y violencia de género, y por otro, un acercamiento al papel que el Trabajo Social está asumiendo ante la desigualdad de género, tanto a nivel práctico como disciplinario, que permitiráa la autora ahondar sobre la necesidad de redefinición en esta profesión como requisito indispensable para el logro de una transformación social que abogue por la justicia social entre mujeres y hombres. En ocasiones, el ámbito del Trabajo Social queda limitado a una intervención social encorsetada en el sistema patriarcal del que forma parte, cuyas instituciones y valores aprehendidos colaboran en el sostenimiento del sexismo y en la continuidad de la desigualdad entre mujeres y hombres. Es por ello que visibilizar situaciones de desigualdad, analizar manifestaciones sexistas y ahondar en el origen de las mismas, cuestionando las estructuras sociales que las sostienen, debe formar parte del ámbito práctico e investigador de esta profesión. This theoretical review is structured around two main parts: In one hand, an approach to the key concepts for Feminist Social Work, such as gender, sexism, violence based on gender and patriarchy, and in the other hand, an approach about the role of social workers against gender inequality, both practically and theoretical, allowing the author to analyzes the need for redefinition in this profession as essential for social transformation that advocates to social justice for women and men. Social Work is often limited to a corseted intervention in a patriarchal social system whose values apprehended continue inequality between women and men. This is why explore situations of inequality, analyze sexism and their origin, questioning the social structures that support them, it should be a part of the practical field of this profession.  

2008 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 748-751 ◽  
Russell A Hill ◽  
R. Alexander Bentley ◽  
Robin I.M Dunbar

Recent studies have demonstrated that human societies are hierarchically structured with a consistent scaling ratio across successive layers of the social network; each layer of the network is between three and four times the size of the preceding (smaller) grouping level. Here we show that similar relationships hold for four mammalian taxa living in multi-level social systems. For elephant ( Loxodonta africana ), gelada ( Theropithecus gelada ) and hamadryas ( Papio hamadryas hamadryas ) baboon, successive layers of social organization have a scaling ratio of almost exactly 3, indicating that such branching ratios may be a consistent feature of all hierarchically structured societies. Interestingly, the scaling ratio for orca ( Orcinus orca ) was 3.8, which might mean that aquatic environments place different constraints on the organization of social hierarchies. However, circumstantial evidence from a range of other species suggests that scaling ratios close to 3 may apply widely, even in species where hierarchical social structures have not traditionally been identified. These results identify the origin of the hierarchical, fractal-like organization of mammalian social systems as a fundamental question.

2019 ◽  
Vol 374 (1780) ◽  
pp. 20190007 ◽  
Siobhán M. Mattison ◽  
Mary K. Shenk ◽  
Melissa Emery Thompson ◽  
Monique Borgerhoff Mulder ◽  
Laura Fortunato

Female-biased kinship (FBK) arises in numerous species and in diverse human cultures, suggesting deep evolutionary roots to female-oriented social structures. The significance of FBK has been debated for centuries in human studies, where it has often been described as difficult to explain. At the same time, studies of FBK in non-human animals point to its apparent benefits for longevity, social complexity and reproduction. Are female-biased social systems evolutionarily stable and under what circumstances? What are the causes and consequences of FBK? The purpose of this theme issue is to consolidate efforts towards understanding the evolutionary significance and stability of FBK in humans and other mammals. The issue includes broad theoretical and empirical reviews as well as specific case studies addressing the social and ecological correlates of FBK across taxa, time and space. It leverages a comparative approach to test existing hypotheses and presents novel arguments that aim to expand our understanding of how males and females negotiate kinship across diverse contexts in ways that lead to the expression of female biases in kinship behaviour and social structure. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The evolution of female-biased kinship in humans and other mammals’.

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