scholarly journals Gerakan Lingkungan Komuntias Akademi Sampah Dalam Pembangunan Kepedulian Masyarakat Terhadap Sampah di Kota Cilegon

ijd-demos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Dedi Rustandi ◽  
M Rian Bawazir

Along with environmental problems that are increasingly complex at this time, encouraging individuals and groups to protect their environment. The environmental movement is carried out by the Cilegon city academy community as an effort to care for the environment. This paper seeks to explain how the environmental movement in building public awareness of waste and the environment which is increasingly threatening the pollution of environmental balance. By using a qualitative analysis approach based on the activities carried out by the Garbage Academy community. There are two activities/movements carried out by the garbage academy. The first movement was through the environmental education movement which was carried out in the city of Cilegon by providing direct education to the Cilegon community. The second movement was a tree planting action carried out at SDN 1 Ciwedus in the city of Cilegon.Seiring dengan permasalahan lingkungan yang semakin kompleks pada saat ini, mendorong individu maupun kelompok harus menjaga lingkungannya. Gerakan lingkungan dilakukan oleh komunitas akademi kota cilegon sebagai upaya kepedulian terhadap lingkungan. tulisan ini berusaha menerangkan bagaimana gerakan lingkunagan  dalam membangun kepedulian masyarakat terhadap sampah dan lingkungan yang semakin hari mengancam pencemaran keseimbangan lingkungan. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis kualitatif berdasarkan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh komunitas Akademi Sampah. Kegiatan/gerakan yang dilakukan akademi sampah terdapat dua gerakan. Gerakan pertama melalui gerakan edukasi lingkungan yang dilakukan di kota cilegon dengan membuat penyuluhan kepada masyarakat cilegon secara langsung. Gerakan yang kedua merupakan aksi menanam pohon yang dilakukan di SDN 1 Ciwedus yang berada di kota Cilegon. 

Sailendra Wangsa ◽  
Sri Walny Rahayu ◽  
M. Jafar

Aceh as a Province that implements Islamic Sharia is required so that every product circulating to be certified halal before being consumed by the public. The task was given to the Aceh Ulama Consultative Assembly through the Institute for the Assessment of Food, Medicine and Cosmetics Aceh Ulama Consultative Assembly (LPPOM MPU) Aceh. In fact in 2017 the discovery of the same noodle products traded in the city of Banda Aceh and not halal certified. This study discusses to explain and analyze the causes of ineffective consumer protection by the Aceh Ulama Consultative Assembly on Samyang Noodle Product Halal Certification Certification. This research is an empirical juridical legal research using a legal sociology approach and a qualitative analysis approach using an inductive mindset. Based on the results of research that prove the obstacles-which cause less effective consumer protection by the Aceh Ulama Consultative Assembly on the certification of halal labels for Samyang noodles are that the Aceh Government has not issued a Governor Regulation which is a derivative of Qanun Number 8 of 2016 concerning the Halal Product Guarantee System. And the socialization of the Qanun has not been communicated to the wider community and business people Aceh sebagai Provinsi yang melaksanakan syariat Islam diwajibkan agar setiap produk yang beredar untuk disertifikasi halal sebelum dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Tugas tersebut diberikan kepada Majelis Permusyawaratan Ulama Aceh melalui LPPOM MPU Aceh.. Kenyataanya pada tahun 2017 ditemukannya produk mie samyang yang diperdagangkan di Kota Banda Aceh serta tidak bersertifikasi halal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis hambatan yang menyebabkan kurang efektifnya perlindungan konsumen oleh Majelis Permusyawaratan Ulama Aceh Terhadap Sertifikasi Label Halal Produk mie Samyang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum yuridis empiris dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi hukum dan pendekatan analisis secara kualitatif menggunakan kerangka pikir induktif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa hambatan-hambatan yang menyebabkan kurang efektifnya perlindungan konsumen oleh Majelis Permusyawaratan Ulama Aceh terhadap sertifikasi label halal produk mie Samyang yaitu, Pemerintah Aceh belum mengeluarkan Peraturan  Gubernur yang merupakan turunan dari Qanun Nomor 8 Tahun 2016 tentang Sistem Jaminan Produk Halal. Dan belum tersosialisasinya Qanun tersebut kepada masyarakat luas dan para pelaku usaha.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 095-099
Kleber Silva Oliveira Filho ◽  
Cíntia Cleub Neves Batista ◽  
Gabrielle Diniz dos Santos

Holidays are a period of significant movement in zoos as a whole due to their greater frequency and thus the knowledge of their services for the population, as well as the offer of possible environmental education practices by the professionals who are part of the staff of these environments. Thus, this work aims to provide a brief account of the importance of raising public awareness through zoos. It has a descriptive and bibliographic nature, with research being carried out on educational platforms through the internet and thus applying to the experience of the activities carried out at Park Arruda Câmara, located in the city of João Pessoa/PB, Brazil. The activities carried out by the professionals present (biologists, zootechnicians, ecologists) in the park were able to assist in several points aimed at environmental awareness of an educational nature, where in a playful way it could interact with both children and adults. These activities have a greater interaction during the holidays and can thus demonstrate greater effectiveness, due to the greater number of people reached. This can show us the greatness of the importance of environmental education in people's daily lives.

Massouhoudou Gbadamassi ◽  
Soulé Akinhola Adéchian ◽  
Mohamed Nasser Baco ◽  
Rigobert Cocou Tossou

The majority of cosmopolitan cities are affected by the environmental problems inherent in the phenomenon of urbanization, which have a negative impact on people's lives. This article analyzed actors' perceptions on strategies for managing the environmental problems facing cosmopolitan West African cities through the case study of Parakou in Benin. The exploratory qualitative approach based on group and individual interviews was used. The data collected relate to the environmental problems of the city, the reasons for the persistence of the problems, and the strategies to be implemented for a better management of these problems. Qualitative speech analysis and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. It emerged that household waste (solid and liquid) is the main environmental problem of the city. The persistence of these problems is explained by the incivility characterized by ignorance, irresponsibility and indifference of the population. The population supports that awareness raising and education in environmental management is a core solution to prevent and avoid the environmental problems of big cities. But how to ensure this environmental education of the population for an efficiency management of the environmental problems of cities?

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-149
Daiane Cristine Kuhn ◽  
Mariana Ribeiro Santiago

The objective of the study is to propose environmental education through the management of solid waste from civil construction, in two construction sites, with characteristics of renovation and new construction, both located in the city of Itapiranga - SC. For that, a qualitative analysis and the characterization of the works and the waste generated were carried out, which comprised two periods - without awareness and with awareness. Management actions were adopted, such as minimization, segregation, packaging, transportation, reuse and correct disposal of waste. As a result, there is the organization of the construction site, segregation, packaging and reuse of the waste generated.

2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 472-488 ◽  
Yasmin Bruna de Siqueira Bezerra ◽  
Fabianna de Souza Padilha Pereira ◽  
Andrea Karla Pereira da Silva ◽  
Deyse das Graças Pereira da Silva Mendes

Resumo: A Educação Ambiental nas escolas tornou-se um importante instrumento de trabalho uma vez que ela é muito importante para a compreensão da interação entre homem e meio ambiente. Assim este trabalho teve como objetivo buscar definições do que é meio ambiente e seu valor, desmistificar conceitos equivocados sobre o tema meio ambiente e analisar como o tema é trabalhado na escola. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se a análise qualitativa com a aplicação de 60 questionários aplicados a estudantes do Ensino Fundamental II de uma escola municipal. Com base nos resultados apresentados pode-se observar que os alunos conhecem os problemas ambientais e a maioria percebe o meio ambiente de forma naturalista, sem a presença humana. Palavras-chave: Percepção Ambiental; Ensino Fundamental; Educação Ambiental. Abstract: The Environmental education in schools has become an important working tool since it is very important for understanding the interaction between man and environment. Thus this work aimed to look for definitions of environment and its value, to demystify misconceptions about the issue of the environment and analyze how the theme is worked in the school. To collect data we used the qualitative analysis with the application of 60 questionnaires given to students of Elementary School II in a municipal school. Based on the reported results it can be seen that students have the environmental problems and to realize the most environment so naturalistic, without human presence. Key words: Environmental Awareness; Fundamental Education; Environmental Education.

1993 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 21-32 ◽  
Ross Dowling

Environmental education in New Zealand (NZ) was born out of the environmental movement during the 1960s and 1970s. During that time it became increasingly apparent that we needed to know more about ourselves, our surroundings and the interactions between these two. The central impulse of environmental education is to help develop people who are knowledgeable of, concerned about, and motivated to do something for, the environment. This involves being:1. Knowledgeable about the physical, social and economic environment of which people are a part;2. Concerned about environmental problems; and3. Motivated to act responsibly in enhancing the quality of our environment as well as our life.In NZ a common misconception held was that environmental education is the same as outdoor education. It is not. Environmental education is concerned with those aims listed above, whereas outdoor education is now taken to mean, and is officially called, ‘Education Outside the Classroom’. Obviously the two are neither synonymous nor mutually exclusive (Dowling 1986). In the school context, environmental education has traditionally been considered as any teaching about ‘the environment’. Today, however, it is being understood as a process which is multi-disciplinary in approach and for the environment at heart.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Suharko Suharko ◽  
Christa D M Kusumadewi

The general condition of river in Indonesia is degraded and polluted. River restoration is effort to recover the function and natural condition of river. The government has implemented programs to improve some degraded rivers. Civil society organizations (CSO) and communities have initiated various actions to restore the rivers in some regions. By positioning the concept of river restoration as part of environmental movement, the article describes the Karang Mumus river restoration initiated by a CSO in the city of Samarinda. The CSO has practiced environmental education as an entry point and platform of actions for river restoration. The environmental education has engaged individuals and social groups in the city. They have learned and practiced actions to restore the river. Even though the more actions are still needed to recover the river, to some extent the CSO has been able to put river restoration as a centre of environmental activism in the city. Kondisi umum sungai-sungai di Indonesia adalah rusak dan tercemar. Restorasi sungai adalah upaya untuk mengembalikan fungsi dan kondisi alamiah dari sungai. Pemerintah telah mengimplementasikan berbagai program untuk memperbaiki kondisi sungai yang rusak dan tercemar. Berbagai komunitas dan organisasi masyarakat sipil (OMS) telah mengambil prakarsa untuk melakukan restorasi sungai di sejumlah daerah. Dengan menempatkan restorasi sungai sebagai bagian dari gerakan lingkungan, artikel ini memaparkan gerakan restorasi sungai Karang Mumus di Kota Samarinda. OMS mempraktikkan pendidikan lingkungan sebagai titik masuk dan platform aksi dalam melakukan upaya restorasi sungai. Pendidikan lingkungan telah mampu melibatkan warga individual dan kelompok-kelompok sosial di kota ini. Mereka belajar dan mempraktikan aksi-aksi restorasi sungai. Meskipun masih dibutuhkan lebih banyak aksi, sampai pada tingkat tertentu, OMS telah mampu menempatkan aksi-aksi restorasi sungai Karang Mumus sebagai titik pusat aktivisme lingkungan di Kota Samarinda.

2003 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 291-295
Emmanuel Nwabueze Ezeanya

The author outlines the environmental problems confronting Nigeria and suggests that its condition is typical of the deteriorating environment of Sub-Saharan Africa. In this context he stresses the role of education and public enlightenment in the emergence of an environment-friendly society He then sets out the findings of a training needs assessment carried out in Nigeria for Coordinators of School Conservation Clubs and Programme Managers in State Environmental Protection Agencies. The study shows that in general these professionals are not yet adequately prepared for their roles in the implementation of the environmental education curricula and public awareness programmes. This lack of preparedness relates to (a) knowledge of the causes and consequences of major environmental problems, and the actions needed to correct or avert them; (b) adoption of appropriate training methods and techniques; and (c) the systematic use of a variety of instructional resources. Finally recommendations are offered for training the stakeholders in order to bring them to an acceptable level of competence in the identified areas of deficiency.

П. В. Капустин ◽  
А. И. Гаврилов

Состояние проблемы. Проблематика городской среды заявила о себе в 1960-е годы как протест против модернистских методов урбанизма и других видов проектирования. Средовое движение не случайно тогда именовали «антипрофессиональным» - оно было направлено против устоявшихся и недейственных методов работы с городом - от исследования до управления. За прошедшие десятилетия в рамках самого средового движения и его идейных наследников наработано немало методов и приемов работы, однако они до сих не подвергались анализу как пребывающая в исторической динамике целостная совокупность инструментария, альтернативного традиционному градостроительству. Результаты. Рассмотрены особенности и проблемы анализа методологического «арсенала» средового движения и урбанистики. Методы работы с городской средой впервые структурированы по типам знания. Показана близость методов исследовательского и проектного подходов в отношении городской среды. Выводы. В ближайшее время можно ожидать появления новых синтетических знаний и частных методологий, связанных как с обострением средовой проблематики, с расширением круга средовых акторов, так и с процессом профессионализации урбанистики. Statement of the problem. The urban environment paradigm emerged in the 1960s as a protest against the modernist methods of urbanism and other types of design. It was no coincidence that the environmental movement was back then called "anti-professional" as it was directed against the established and ineffective methods of working with the city, i. e., from research to management. Over the past decades, within the framework of the environmental movement and its ideological heirs, a lot of methods and have been developed. However, they have not yet been analyzed as an integral set of tools in the historical dynamics which is an alternative to traditional urban planning. Results. The features and problems of the analysis of the methodological “arsenal” of environmental movement and urban studies are considered. The methods of working with the urban environment are first structured according to the types of knowledge. The proximity of research and design approaches in the case when the urban environment is dealt with is shown. Conclusions. In the nearest future, we can expect new synthetic knowledge and particular methodologies related to both the exacerbation of environmental problems to emerge as well as the expansion of the circle of environmental actors and the process of professionalization of urbanstics.

1992 ◽  
Vol 25 (9) ◽  
pp. 253-259 ◽  
A. M. O. Rennhack ◽  
D. M. W. Zee ◽  
E. S. Cunha ◽  
M. F. Portilho

Researches and Studies made by the Department of Oceanography of the Institute of Geoscience of the State University of Rio de Janeiro UERJ, evidenced the need for educational support where environment-related questions were concerned. A wide range of environment problems tend to concentrate in coastal areas, owing to disordinate urban growth combined with the lack of substructure to cope with it A large number of these problems can be minimized through the participation of the local community. Thus the goals of environmental education are to supply information, to promote a change in the population's attitude toward environmental problems, besides stimulating its participation by fostering its sense of responsibility. Preliminary results have demonstrated that the community has shown great interest in the work that has been proposed, and it has contributed with participation, promising response. Environmental education is fundamental when we consider possible solutions for environmental problems in coastal urban centers. Only by educating the main cause of environmental problems, man himself, will it be possible to consider the question starting from its very origin. This abstract presents two pioneer experiments in the Municipio of Rio de Janeiro, which are “Muito Prazer Marapendi” (“Glad to know you, Marapendi”) and “Troca de Areias da Praia de Copacabana” (“Exchange of Sands in Copacabana Beach”).

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