Problems of Analysis of Design and Research Methods of Interaction with the Urban Environment

П. В. Капустин ◽  
А. И. Гаврилов

Состояние проблемы. Проблематика городской среды заявила о себе в 1960-е годы как протест против модернистских методов урбанизма и других видов проектирования. Средовое движение не случайно тогда именовали «антипрофессиональным» - оно было направлено против устоявшихся и недейственных методов работы с городом - от исследования до управления. За прошедшие десятилетия в рамках самого средового движения и его идейных наследников наработано немало методов и приемов работы, однако они до сих не подвергались анализу как пребывающая в исторической динамике целостная совокупность инструментария, альтернативного традиционному градостроительству. Результаты. Рассмотрены особенности и проблемы анализа методологического «арсенала» средового движения и урбанистики. Методы работы с городской средой впервые структурированы по типам знания. Показана близость методов исследовательского и проектного подходов в отношении городской среды. Выводы. В ближайшее время можно ожидать появления новых синтетических знаний и частных методологий, связанных как с обострением средовой проблематики, с расширением круга средовых акторов, так и с процессом профессионализации урбанистики. Statement of the problem. The urban environment paradigm emerged in the 1960s as a protest against the modernist methods of urbanism and other types of design. It was no coincidence that the environmental movement was back then called "anti-professional" as it was directed against the established and ineffective methods of working with the city, i. e., from research to management. Over the past decades, within the framework of the environmental movement and its ideological heirs, a lot of methods and have been developed. However, they have not yet been analyzed as an integral set of tools in the historical dynamics which is an alternative to traditional urban planning. Results. The features and problems of the analysis of the methodological “arsenal” of environmental movement and urban studies are considered. The methods of working with the urban environment are first structured according to the types of knowledge. The proximity of research and design approaches in the case when the urban environment is dealt with is shown. Conclusions. In the nearest future, we can expect new synthetic knowledge and particular methodologies related to both the exacerbation of environmental problems to emerge as well as the expansion of the circle of environmental actors and the process of professionalization of urbanstics.

P. V. Kapustin ◽  
A. I. Gavrilov

Statement of the problem. The urban environment paradigm emerged in the 1960s as a protest against the modernist methods of urbanism and other types of design. It was no coincidence that the environmental movement was back then called "antiprofessional" as it was directed against the established and ineffective methods of working with the city, i.e., from research to management. Over the past decades, within the framework of the environmental movement and its ideological heirs, a lot of methods and have been developed. However, they have not yet been analyzed as an integral set of tools in the historical dynamics which is an alternative to traditional urban planning.Results. The features and problems of the analysis of the methodological “arsenal” of environmental movement and urban studies are considered. The methods of working with the urban environment are first structured according to the types of knowledge. The proximity of research and design approaches in the case when the urban environment is dealt with is shown. Conclusions. In the nearest future, we can expect new synthetic knowledge and particular methodologies related to both the exacerbation of environmental problems to emerge as well as the expansion of the circle of environmental actors and the process of professionalization of urbanstics.

2019 ◽  
pp. 98-100
Д. М. Кудайбердиева

Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается проблема восприятия городской среды студентами из города и сельской местности. Обозначены определения терминов «среда», «пространственная среда», «городская среда». Проведено экспериментальное сравнительное исследование особенностей восприятия города Бишкек городскими и сельскими студентами в количестве 50 человек. Статья содержит результаты проведенного анализа исследования. Выявлены различия и сходства в восприятии города Бишкек у студентов двух групп. В контексте восприятия города изучена неудовлетворенность прошлым и настоящим временем, трудности языкового барьера у студентов из сельской местности. Также было выявлено, что актуальной для студентов обеих групп является потребность в социальных контактах, общении, включенности в социум. Полученные результаты будут иметь пользу в проведении воспитательной работы со студентами из сельской местности, в оказании поддержки им в период адаптации с учетом особенностей восприятия города студентами. Ключевые слова. среда, городская среда, восприятие пространства, городские студенты, сельские студенты, восприятие города Бишкек, неудовлетворенность прошлым и настоящим, языковой барьер, учеба в городе, сходства и различия в восприятии города. Аннотация. Бул макалада шаардык жана айылдан келген студенттердин шаардык чөйрөнү кабыл алуу көйгөйү каралган. «Чөйрө», «мейкиндик чөйрө», «шаардык чөйрө» терминдеринин түшүнүктөрү келтирилген. 50 адамдан турган шаардык жана айылдык студенттердин Бишкек шаарын кабыл алуу өзгөчөлүктөрүнө эксперименталдык салыштырма изилдөө жүргүзүлгөн. Макалада изилдөөнүн анализ жыйынтыктары камтылган. Эки студенттик топторунун Бишкек шаарын кабыл алуусунун айырмачылыктары жана окшоштуктары белгиленген. Шаарды кабыл алуу контекстинде өткөн жана учур чактарга канагаттанбоо, тил барьеринин кыйынчылыктары изилденди. Ошондой эле студенттердин эки тобуна актуалдуу болуп социалдык катнаштарга, баарлашууга, коомго кошулуу муктаждыгы белгиленүүдө. Алынган жыйынтыктар студенттердин шаарды кабыл алуу өзгөчөлүктөрүнө эске алып, айылдан келген студенттерге адаптация убагында колдоо көрсөтүү максатында тарбиялык иштерди жүргүзүүдө жардам берет. Түйүндүү сөздөр. Чөйрө, шаардык чөйрө, мейкиндикти кабыл алуу, шаардык студенттер, айылдык студенттер, Бишкек шаарын кабыл алуу, өткөн жана учур чакка канагаттанбоо, тил барьери, шаарда окуу, шаарды кабыл алуусунун айырмачылыктары жана окшоштуктары. Annotation. This article addresses the problem of perception of the urban environment by students from the city and countryside. The definitions of the terms “environment”, “spatial environment”, and “urban environment” are indicated. An experimental comparative study of the characteristics of the perception of the city of Bishkek by urban and rural students in the amount of 50 people was conducted. The article contains the results of the analysis of the study. The differences and similarities in the perception of the city of Bishkek among students of the two groups are revealed. In the context of the perception of the city, dissatisfaction with the past and the present has been studied, and the difficulties of the language barrier among students from rural areas. It was also revealed that the need for social contacts, communication, inclusion in society is relevant for students of both groups. The results will have the benefit of conducting educational work with students from rural areas, in providing support to them during the adaptation period, taking into account the peculiarities of the perception of the city by students. Кeywords. Environment, urban environment, space perception, urban students, rural students, perception of the city of Bishkek, dissatisfaction with the past and the present, language barrier, studying in the city, similarities and differences in the perception of the city.

E.L. Belyaeva ◽  

The issues of assessing the current level of beautification of the centers of historical cities and its quality are relevant in connection with the practical and methodological problems of carrying out such work within the framework of the implementation of the national project "comfortable environment" as well as the target program for the beautification of historic cities. It is during the improvement of historical cities or historical zones of cities in practice that the most complex methodological problems arise, associated with the need to ensure the preservation of valuable historical landscapes, architectural monuments, historical gardens and parks. To make decisions on the improvement and greening of cities, including within the framework of national, regional and municipal projects and programs, it is important to analyze the state and experience of the improvement and greening of a number of cities. As objects of research, four historical cities near Moscow were selected, or rather, the territories of their public centers, and at the same time, the positive and negative aspects of projects implemented over the past 5-10 years were considered in terms of compliance with urban planning regulations for historical zones, environmental requirements and the comfort of the urban environment - Kolomna, Sergiev Posad, Dmitrov, Zvenigorod.

2017 ◽  
pp. 93-97
A. M. Tormakhova

One of the leading trends in contemporary cultural studies is the appealto the field of visual. Thepurpose of the article is to investigate the range of problems associated withthe existence, functioning of various visual practices in the urban space and the disclosure of the specifics of communication carried out through their intermediation. In urban space, there are many forms, such as monumental architecture, urban sculpture, outdoor illumination, landscape art, street art, graffiti and others. These artifacts are the subject of cultural research within different disciplines - aesthetics, cultural studies, design, and art. It may be noted that in recentdecades, significant development gets such a direction as Urban Studies, in which the focus of research serves the city. The methodology of the study includes an appeal to an interdisciplinary approach that relies on the achievements of practical cultural studies, Urban studies,and aesthetics theory by Ukrainian and Western authors. Scientific novelty consists in analyzing the connection ofactual visual practices presented in the urban space and forming of Internet activity, which facilitates the mutual influence of these spheres one on another. The author noted that urban space is gradually becoming not only interactive, but also fully assuming the characteristics of WEB 2.0, which means active rethinking and transforming the environment, urban residents involvement in decision-making that becomes a norm of everyday life. City is a kind of text that reflects changing tastes, politicaland economic factors in visualform. Town and city public spaces play an important role in shaping the interaction within society. One of the pressing problems of practical cultural studies in general and urban areas in particular, should be integrated into organization of the urban environment and design the image of the city. The practical significance lies in the fact that the results of the research can beused in developing the urban sphere in particular and in actualizing the issue of organizing the urban environment and constructing the image of the city.

2016 ◽  
Vol 75 (4) ◽  
pp. 447-468 ◽  
Ayala Levin

In the 1960s, Addis Ababa experienced a construction boom, spurred by its new international stature as the seat of both the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the Organization of African Unity. Working closely with Emperor Haile Selassie, expatriate architects played a major role in shaping the Ethiopian capital as a symbol of an African modernity in continuity with tradition. Haile Selassie's Imperial Modernity: Expatriate Architects and the Shaping of Addis Ababa examines how a distinct Ethiopian modernity was negotiated through various borrowings from the past, including Italian colonial planning, both at the scale of the individual building and at the scale of the city. Focusing on public buildings designed by Italian Eritrean Arturo Mezzedimi, French Henri Chomette, and the partnership of Israeli Zalman Enav and Ethiopian Michael Tedros, Ayala Levin critically explores how international architects confronted the challenges of mediating Haile Selassie's vision of an imperial modernity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 06006
Albina Mokina ◽  
Evelina Vereshchagina

At present, the environment of a large modern city is technologically saturated to the limit, urbanized, and the most important task is a competent system of improvement and greening of urban areas. The article discusses the key projects of the city of Rostov-on-don to improve the quality of the urban environment from 2007 to the present. Existing projects included in the system of Federal projects operate only on small sections of the city territory, and do not solve the entire set of tasks within the entire city budget. This study shows that in urban planning there is no unified system of improvement and landscaping, implemented throughout the city according to a single plan. The article points out that modern systems and technologies are not used in the city, and if they are used, they are not used in a complex way, but only in fragments. The article focuses on the prospects for the integrated application of modern systems. The final part contains conclusions based on research materials. A comprehensive solution based on the collaboration of science and technology, all existing problems in the city territory will improve the main indicators of comfort and investment attractiveness of Rostov-on-don.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-14 ◽  
Natalya Vladimirovna BAKAEVA ◽  
Irina Victorovna CHERNYAEVA

In order to create an environment favorable for human development and preservation of the natural environment of the city by means of architecture and urban planning, the need for theoretical justifi cation of urban planning and urban development practices, taking into account the new requirements for the mechanisms of formation of the urban environment. Based on the fundamental principles of the concept of biosphere compatibility, an algorithm for assessing urban development was developed, criteria and indicators for assessing the quality of the urban environment were determined. Using the developed algorithm, the analysis of the feasibility of the principles of biosphere compatibility in urban development of the city of Orel. It is concluded that it is necessary to create an innovative system of employment and strategic planning for the development of urban areas on the principles of biosphere compatibility.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-73
Tatyana G. ARTEMYEVA ◽  
Ekaterina M. BALZANNIKOVA ◽  
Anastasia K. LEONOVA

On the example of Samara city gradual degradation of cultural heritage associated with the loss of former functionality is viewed. The existing approach to the construction in the historical part of the city secondary development cost-eff ective objects due to replacement of perimeter buildings by island development is analyzed. For the integration of cultural heritage into the secondary development of the urban node with preserving the typological features of historically established urban planning structure the method of alternative reconstruction is proposed. It supposes the preservation of buildings authentic parts and (or) the restoration of lost elements with the possibility of using of contour of the bearing walls as urban environment elements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 217 ◽  
pp. 02008
Valentina Kurochkina

Recently, more and more often urban abandoned and depressed spaces that were previously used as industrial facilities or temporarily used are becoming the sphere of architectural and landscape transformations. These territories can occupy a significant part of the city. This paper examines the features of the formation of urban planning systems, as well as the impact of depressed spaces on the quality of the urban environment. This paper studies such depressed spaces as abandoned industrial areas and objects of unfinished construction. The paper assesses the impact of depressed spaces, identifies criteria that reflect the nature, scale and features of their impact on the environment, on the safety and quality of the urban environment, as well as their role in the structure of the city as a whole. The principles and features of the formation of such urban depressed spaces, as well as the patterns of their development are revealed. The features of the formation of open public space of urban systems, as well as ways of transforming depressed spaces, aimed at increasing their social significance, integrating them into the general urban development, and improving the ecological and social situation are considered. The paper concludes that the problem of restoration of depressed spaces is very important and urgent today. The creation of a continuous urban tissue is impossible without the reorganization of such spaces, as well as the creation of an integral compositional, functional and communication urban planning system.

Purpose. To identify the peculiarities of the modern landscape-technical structure of the city of Vinnytsia in order to improve the urban environment. Methods: systematization of facts, finding of empirical relationships, analytical and cartographic analysis, cartographic, field researches. Results. Vinnytsia is represented by a residential landscape-technical polysystem. Two landscape-technical urban systems are distinguished within the territory of the city: the residential located on undulating loess heights with gullies and ravines covered by oak-hornbeam forests on gray and light gray soils in past; and the industrial-residential located on a flat-undulating loess plateau with gray forest soils and podzolized black soils covered by hornbeam-oak forests in the past. In the structure of these urban systems there are floodplain water-recreational, slope forestry, watershed-road and watershed-field landscape-anthropogenic mesosystems, watersheds of low-rise residential buildings, sloping of low-rise residential buildings, floodplain-terrace of low-rise residential buildings, floodplain-terrace of medium multi-storey residential buildings, floodplain-terrace of industrial-residential buildings, sloping industrial-warehouse buildings, watershed industrial-warehouse buildings landscape-technical mesosystems, watercourse-hydropower, floodplain-pond fishery and floodplain water-recreational landscape-engineering mesosystems. Conclusion. It was found that landscape-technical mesosystems are dominant in the structure of modern landscapes of Vinnytsia, the smallest areas are under landscape-engineering mesosystems. Landscape-technical mesosystems of low-rise residential buildings are dominant by areas. They predominate also in the structure of landscape-technical mesosystems of Vinnytsia. To improve the urban environment, it is necessary to increase the area with landscape-anthropogenic systems of greenery, especially around rivers, roads and industrial enterprises.

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