The ‘Technology' Pole

Jean-Claude Bertin ◽  
Patrick Gravé

Whether new or old, technologies are a recurring issue in the practice of university teachers and researchers. While they form an integral part of everyday life, they are considered as specific objects in the field of research and teaching. Although they are prized for their instrumental functions, their epistemic dimension remains largely ignored. Resorting to a technical device to optimize a research or a teaching activity or make it more comfortable seems operational; pondering over what this technical device modifies in the organization of the message and the tasks, as well as in the subject (teacher and learner)’s representations is often regarded a waste of time and efficiency. The energetic and material cost is then considered too high for the individual and the collectivity. Yet, if one easily disregards the changes brought about by the introduction of an artifact in educational interactions, the risk is high simply to reproduce the same thing indefinitely: a technically improved pedagogic model – sometimes at a high cost – but basically still the same1. (Albero, 2004, pp. 253-54)

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-241
Hemin Majeed Hasan ◽  
Baqir Dawd Hussein ◽  
Kamil Omar Sleman

This research deals with the subject of the Kurdish media in relation to the right of self-determination, which the Kurds prepare for its central cause and struggle for it. The importance of this research comes from the importance of its basic components represented by the Kurdish media and the right to self-determination, where they combine the equation of influence and influence, which is the operator of the formative relations of things and designed in all human groups, including the community of the region, in addition to being one of the few Kurdish studies in this field, To cast its positive on the operators of the terms of reference.The aim of this research is to realize the levels of interest of the Kurdish media in the concept of the right to self-determination and its role in conveying its meanings and implications to the Kurdish individual, as well as to identify the mechanisms used by this media to convince the individual mentioned this right and activate his tendencies toward him.The research depends on the university teachers, in addition to their field dimension, because they are the most appropriate and the right to express opinions about such strategic issues and their details and implications, because of their knowledge, scientific, specialized and other structural participants, as well as their structural representation of various social components in the Kurdistan Region.

1978 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-266
John E. Schowalter

The appearance of Olness and Gardner's article, "Some Guidelines for Uses of Hypnotherapy in Pediatrics" (p. 228), must strike many readers as something far out, while for some others there is relief that Pediatrics has finally recognized a phenomenon that is a fact of everyday life. Hypnosis is not easy to define. It need not produce a trance, but is a state in which the subject is extremely suggestible to the wishes of the hypnotist and in which there is a heightening of the powers of concentration. The use of the hypnotic state dates back to early in the history of the individual and of medicine.

2020 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 183-198
Wiktor Soral ◽  
Mirosław Kofta

Abstract. The importance of various trait dimensions explaining positive global self-esteem has been the subject of numerous studies. While some have provided support for the importance of agency, others have highlighted the importance of communion. This discrepancy can be explained, if one takes into account that people define and value their self both in individual and in collective terms. Two studies ( N = 367 and N = 263) examined the extent to which competence (an aspect of agency), morality, and sociability (the aspects of communion) promote high self-esteem at the individual and the collective level. In both studies, competence was the strongest predictor of self-esteem at the individual level, whereas morality was the strongest predictor of self-esteem at the collective level.

2013 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-187
E. S. Burt

Why does writing of the death penalty demand the first-person treatment that it also excludes? The article investigates the role played by the autobiographical subject in Derrida's The Death Penalty, Volume I, where the confessing ‘I’ doubly supplements the philosophical investigation into what Derrida sees as a trend toward the worldwide abolition of the death penalty: first, to bring out the harmonies or discrepancies between the individual subject's beliefs, anxieties, desires and interests with respect to the death penalty and the state's exercise of its sovereignty in applying it; and second, to provide a new definition of the subject as haunted, as one that has been, but is no longer, subject to the death penalty, in the light of the worldwide abolition currently underway.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-103
Svitlana Kuzikova

The author's approach to the empirical study of the peculiarities of self-development of a person has been  considered. The criteria of self-development as a subject activity have been characterized. Its indicators have been  given.  The  psychological  resources  of  personal  self-development  have  been  singled  out:  the  need  for  self- development as its source and determinant; conditions that ensure its success; mechanisms as functional means and  conditions  for  its  implementation.  Their  essence  has  been  revealed.  The  need  for  self-development  has  been  determined by the actualization of the characteristics of self-development (self-activity, vital activity, development of  self-consciousness) and has been occurred when the content structure of the individual consciousness and the  transformation of semantic entities changed. Conditions of self-development has been defined by mature I of  personality, openness, tolerance to the new, the presence of a conscious goal of self-realization and active life  strategy. Reflection, self-regulation and feedback have been considered as mechanisms of self-development. The  methodical approaches and means of studying the peculiarities and factors of the development of the subject of self- development in adolescence in the process of professional training have been offered, and the results of their  integrated empirical research have been highlighted. Particular attention has been paid to the analysis of the level  of actualization of self-development resources among students, discovered with the author's diagnostic method  "DCPSD" (Dispositional Characteristic of Personality of Self-development). It has been proved that psychological  resources as a set of possibilities of development already exist in the psychological reality of a person. It has been  shown that the dominance of the level of self-development resources’ actualization of the individual (and their  combination) can be correlated with the dimensions of the individual psychological space, indicating the individual  peculiarity of the personal self-development organization. It has been noted that, at the same time, actualization,  strengthening and harmonization of all psychological resources of a person self-development, enrichment of its  relations with the environment and other people, and increasing spirituality is necessary for the implementation of  progressive conscious personal self-development. У  статті  розглянуто  авторський  підхід  до  емпіричного  вивчення  особливостей  саморозвитку  особистості. Охарактеризовано критерії саморозвитку як суб’єктної діяльності, наведено його показники.  Виокремлено психологічні ресурси особистісного саморозвитку: потребу в саморозвитку як його джерело і  детермінант; умови, які забезпечують його успішність; механізми як  функціональні засоби і умови його  здійснення.    Розкрито    їх    сутність.    Потреба    в    саморозвитку    визначається    актуалізованістю  характеристик саморозвитку (самоактивність, життєдіяльність, розвиненість самосвідомості) і виникає  при зміні змістової  структури індивідуальної свідомості та трансформації смислових утворень. Умови  саморозвитку  окреслюють  зріле  Я  особистості,  відкритість,  толерантність  до  нового,  наявність  усвідомленої   мети   самоздійснення   та   активної   життєвої   стратегії.   Як   механізми   саморозвитку  розглядаються рефлексія, саморегуляція та зворотній зв'язок. Запропоновано методичні підходи і засоби  вивчення особливостей та чинників становлення суб’єкта саморозвитку в юнацькому віці в процесі фахової  підготовки, висвітлено результати їх комплексного емпіричного дослідження. Особливу увагу приділено  аналізу  рівня  актуалізації  ресурсів  саморозвитку  у  студентів,  виявленого  за  допомогою  авторської  діагностичної методики «ДХСО». Доведено, що психологічні ресурси  як сукупність можливостей розвитку  вже існують у психологічній реальності людини. Показано, що домінування рівня актуалізації ресурсів  саморозвитку особистості ( та їх поєднання) можна співвіднести з вимірами психологічного простору  особистості,   що   свідчить   про  індивідуальну   своєрідність   організації   особистісного  саморозвитку.  Зазначено,  що  в  той  же  час  для  здійснення  прогресивного  усвідомленого  особистісного  саморозвитку  необхідна   актуалізація,   взаємопосилення   і   гармонізація   всіх   психологічних   ресурсів   саморозвитку  особистості, збагачення її зв’язків із навколишнім середовищем та іншими людьми, підвищення духовності.

Pavlov B.S. ◽  
Sentyurina L.B. ◽  
Pronina E.I. ◽  
Pavlov D.B. ◽  
Saraikin D.A.

The state policy of health preservation of Russians and the process of introducing a healthy lifestyle into their everyday life is hampered by the lack of sufficient self-activity and purposefulness of the individual ecological and valeological behavior of representatives of various population groups. According to the authors of the article, one of the important indicators of the maturity of professional and labor competencies of school and student youth is their readiness and desire for permanent self-preserving behavior. “With numbers in hand,” the authors show the scale of deviant deviations and the phenomena of spontaneous irresponsibility in the educational and leisure activities of students, hindering the preservation and development of physical culture, the accumulation and effective use of their psychophysiological and labor potential. The conclusions of the proposal of the authors of the article are based on the results of a number of sociological surveys conducted in 2000-2020. at the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in a number of secondary schools and universities of the Ural and Volga Federal Districts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (11) ◽  
pp. 11-15
Gan N.Yu. ◽  
Ponomareva L.I. ◽  
Obukhova K.A.

Today, worldview, spiritual and moral problems that have always been reflected in education and upbringing come to the fore in society. In this situation, there is a demand for philosophical categories. One of the priority goals of education in modern conditions is the formation of a reasonable, reflexive person who is able to analyze their actions and the actions of other people. Modern science is characterized by an understanding of the absolute value and significance of childhood in the development of the individual, which implies the need for its multilateral study. In the conditions of democratization of all spheres of life, the child ceases to be a passive object of education and training, and becomes an active carrier of their own meanings of being and the subject of world creation. One of the realities of childhood is philosophizing, so it is extremely timely to address the identification of its place and role in the world of childhood. Children's philosophizing is extremely poorly studied, although the need for its analysis is becoming more obvious. Children's philosophizing is one of the forms of philosophical reflection, which has its own qualitative specificity, on the one hand, and commonality with all other forms of philosophizing, on the other. The social relevance of the proposed research lies in the fact that children's philosophizing can be considered as an intellectual indicator of a child's socialization, since the process of reflection involves the adoption and development of culture. Modern society, in contrast to the traditional one, is ready to "accept" a philosophizing child, which means that it is necessary to determine the main characteristics and conditions of children's philosophizing.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 2161-2165
Hristo Ivanov Popnikolov

From the subject presented in the report it is evident that the pre-trial and the court bodies may, to some extent, be influenced both by the person of the accused and by his competence to participate in the criminal process. In this regard as an expert, the psychologist can offer invaluable assistance. Each expertise would assist all actors involved in the administration of justice on their objective assessment of the offenders, the understanding of their individual protection and the inherent self-justification during procedural actions. The involvement of psychologists in the criminal process is key to establishing the truth in the investigation, because every crime as an act has a subjective side, expressed in the psychic attitude of the perpetrator to the committed act. Establishing these psychological motives is a key point in the criminal process with a view to establishing the truth.Psychological protection stabilizes the personality in the critical conditions of counteraction, related to the elimination of the experiences of tension, anxiety, stress and frustration, leading to maximum mobilization of its resources and at the same time to their overpayment. Thus, the individual who is the subject of the process action is protected against the adverse external influences, but at the cost of a lot of effort and enormous loss of nervous-mental energy, which increases his own vulnerability instead of contributing to its reduction. The appearance and functioning of psychological protection can be significantly impeded by the interaction of the investigator with the accused. Even more complicated is the situation when it breaks the communication contact that may arise in the psychological alienation and self-isolation of the accused due to the desire to protect himself.Protective psychological dominance is a real psychic activity that investigators, investigators, investigators and judges need to take into account in order to effectively deal with their task and to overcome the resistance of the investigated persons and in a time to prove in a lawful and moral way their guilt and participation in the commitment of the crimes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-95
Esther Sánchez-Pardo

AbstractIn Sisyphus Outdone (2012), Nathanaël’s particular tribute to Albert Camus’ The Myth of Sisyphus (1942), the reader faces a challenging hybrid text in which the verbal and visual dimensions intermingle to produce an idiosyncratic type of narrative. Fragmentary, elliptical, a web of quotations, dictums, and meditations on the difficult condition of the individual in the current image-saturated scenario of the first decades of the 21st century, the text manages to propose a rigorous reflection upon crucial aspects of representation from History and temporality, to the Subject now, photography, catastrophe theory, architecture, failure and translation, among the most salient. Sisyphus, I suggest, exhibits a strategic photopoetics which operates as a self-reflective mechanism contributing to the persistence of an impermanent liminal subject and to the (re)production of textuality and the proliferation of voices against silence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 179-195 ◽  
Tina Besley

This article explores concepts of teacher responsibility, accountability, being in loco parentis, and responsibilization as many advanced capitalist societies have dropped policies and practices that were set up in the mid 19th century after the Great Depression in the welfare state under Keynesian economics. Since the early 1980s most of these states have adopted neoliberal policies and market rationality for all aspects of social policy including education. Under neoliberalism, the subject theorised by Homo economicus, is one that is theorised as a rational autonomous individual, with its responsibilized behavior underpinning much of how not only teachers but students now are compleed to behace and perform. These have resulted in major shifts in attitudes to professionalism of teachers, in responsibilising individuals and so have impacted on subjectivity as the state has pulled back from all manner of social provision and has responsibilized the individual to be a consumer-citizen, a prudential and entrepreneurial self even in terms of education. The upshot is increasing use of audits, checklists and accountability regimes for teachers who are becoming increasingly a de-professionalised in a low-trust managerialist environment with students as consumers.

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