System Analysis of the Distance Education Examination System

2014 ◽  
Vol 919-921 ◽  
pp. 2189-2192
Hong He ◽  
Hong Cai Han ◽  
Heng Li

Through the survey involved various types users of distance education online examination system, analyzed from the five aspects: requirements analysis, system modeling, functional requirements, physical architecture requirements, information flow of the examination system. The system can take advantage of network, reduce test cost, making remote examination not restricted by time and space and the evaluation results more accurate and objective.

CCIT Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-74
Aris Martono ◽  
Arsi Yulianjani ◽  
Dewi Immaniar Desrianti

The aim of this research is designing an online examination system at SMK Negeri 5 Kota Tangerang. This time, the system used in assessing exam results is done by correcting each question of each student's answers. It is not only increasing the operational costs of schools, but also the risk that leaked exam questions very vulnerable. As well as scheduling the exam must consider the limited number of rooms and require a lot of time. The method of collecting datais used observation, interview and literature study. And the system analysis method is used to determine the number of functional and non functional requirements. The design method uses Unified Modeling Language (UML) with the MySQL database system. This visual paradigm function is to make use-case diagrams, sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams and class diagrams. The use-case diagram of this system consists of use case diagrams of students, teachers, and teachers admin system and PHP programming language, for writing program listings using Dreamweaverand implementing the system. By using online examination system the quality of student learning will be improved, lowering school administration costs and preventing question leakage and exam scheduling to become more flexible.

Robotica ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 285-294 ◽  
Fengfeng Xi ◽  
Wanzhi Han ◽  
Marcel Verner ◽  
Andrew Ross

This paper presents the work on developing a sliding-leg tripod as a programmable add-on device for manufacturing. The purpose is to enhance the capabilities of any machine by providing it with a more flexible range of motion. This device can be used as a toolhead for CNC machine tools and robots, or as a work stage for coordinate measuring machines and laser scanning systems. In this paper, system modelling, analysis and control of this device is presented. System modeling includes mobility study, kinematic model and inverse kinematics. System analysis includes workspace analysis, transmission ratio and stiffness analysis. System control includes path planning, joint space control and Cartesian space prediction. It is shown that the proposed device can provide flexibility and dexterity to machines.

2010 ◽  
Vol 121-122 ◽  
pp. 441-446
Qing Zhang Chen ◽  
Jie Chen ◽  
Yong Ming Yu

In this paper, we used UML method to complete the whole hospital information system analysis and design. It is described the system and determine the requirement of system’s function. It also completes the system’s architecture design and detailed design and implement to the system. The main idea of thesis is as follows: 1)It adopt UML to object-oriented the modeling hospital information system, and will be a good way to solve a few questions from hospital information system in nowadays. 2)It moves around the main ideas of RUP (use-case driven, architecture-centric, iterative and incremental). At the beginning of get demand, through the system analysis, system design, until to the final of the system implementation. It adopts the stepwise deduction to go deep into the way of refining organization to anatomize the whole the process of the hospital information system. Through the success of the hospital information system modeling to prove that the core idea of the UML-based on RUP modeling techniques is practical in the development of large-scale of application systems. At the same time, it also prepared to provide a better reference and instance for the project or team to adopt this technology.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
Cecep Kurnia Sastradipraja ◽  
Aris Subagja ◽  
Dea Kris Sintiana Putri ◽  
Haerul Ramadan ◽  
Raziya Mutasim

This research aims to analyze and develop service quality information systems on client satisfaction at PT. Longvin. This is because of PT. Longvin in processing service evaluations, assessing and distributing questionnaires which were still carried out manually so that in general it allowed for limitations and shortcomings such as piling up of files, incomplete questionnaire data filling, slow data processing, and could result in inaccurate decisions.The process of developing information systems using the waterfall model includes requirements analysis, system analysis, system modeling through defining context diagrams, data flow diagrams and entity relationship diagram. At the implementation stage, the system is oriented to the web environment using the programming languages PHP and MySQL as database management. For the analysis of service quality measurement using the servqual model. In the system, testing is carried out using BlackBox testing, while end-user testing is based on the results of questionnaire data processing using the Likert scale model.Based on the observation that the system can display the results of service quality calculations quickly and depicted through detailed graphs, total tables, average tables, and automatic suggestions. The results of system testing on end users show that the application built is very good with a percentage of 82% giving an agreed assessment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Dewi Primasari ◽  
Debbi Laksana Putri

<h1 align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></h1><p>Sekolah Menengah  Kejuruan Negeri 2 Kota Bogor (SMKN 2 Bogor<strong>) </strong>Kelompok Teknologi dan Industri memiliki bagian Bimbingan dan Konseling(BK) untuk mengatasi berbagai permasalahan yang dihadapi siswa.  Setiap pelanggaran yang dilakukan siswa akan mendapatkan jumlah point pelanggaran.  Dalam hal ini guru BK berperan penting membantu wali kelas dalammencatat semua pelanggaran siswa yang dilakukan pada area sekolah selama siswa tersebut bersekolah di SMKN 2 Bogor. Setiap jumlah point tertentu memberi konsekuensi bimbingan dan konseling sesuai dengan point-point pelanggaran yang tertera pada buku siswa.  Bagian BP melakukan konseling secara bertahap dalam jumlah pertemuan tertentu.  Saat ini bagian BP kesulitan dalam pendataan historis pelanggaran dan isi dari setiap bimbingan konseling.  Data penelitian diambil dari wawancara dan obsevasi di lingkungan SMKN 2 Bogor.  Perancangan menghasilkananalisis sistem yang sedang berjalan, analisis sistem yang diusulkan, analisis kebutuhan fungsional, analisis kebutuhan non-fungsional, dan analisis kebutuhan pengguna.  Analisis dituangkan dalam tabel- tabel dan gambar-gambar UML.  Hasil implementasi mengasilkan aplikasi dengan tampilanlogin-logout, Pengelolaan Pelanggaran, Laporan Pelanggaran, Pengelolaan Bimbingan Konseling, dan Laporan Bimbingan Konseling.</p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract </em></strong></p><em>Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 2 Kota Bogor (SMKN 2 Bogor<strong>)</strong>Technology and Industry Group has a Guidance and Counseling (BK) section to overcome various problems faced by students. Every violation made by a student will get a number of violation points. In this case the BK teacher has an important role in helping the homeroom teacher to record all student violations that were carried out in the school area as long as the student attends the 2 nd Vocational School in Bogor. Each number of certain points gives the consequences of guidance and counseling in accordance with the violation points stated in the student book. The BP section conducts counseling in stages in a certain number of meetings. At present the BP section has difficulties in historical data collection of violations and the contents of each counseling guide. The research data was taken from interviews and observations in the environment of SMK 2 Bogor. The design produces ongoing system analysis, proposed system analysis, functional requirements analysis, non-functional requirements analysis, and user needs analysis. The analysis is contained in UML tables and images. The results of the implementation produce applications with a login-logout view, Management of Violations, Violation Reports, Management of Counseling Guidance, and Counseling Guidance Reports.</em>

2013 ◽  
Vol 411-414 ◽  
pp. 2901-2905 ◽  
Ming Ming Fei ◽  
Ma Yan

The distance education has been considerable development in China, its important to provide an efficient tool for online examination in internet or local area network. This paper analyzed the development of distance education and online examination system in recent years, and designed a online examination system. The author proposed the data flow, function modules, and the interface to other systems. In order to ensure the fairness and authority, the data store security and data transfer security has been studied .Finally, the authors introduce the system application. The system provides quality exam to students everywhere at a time and place that is flexible and accessible.

1996 ◽  
Vol 05 (01n02) ◽  
pp. 167-183 ◽  

Requirements analysis is a knowledge intensive task and it requires an expert to understand what the clients need. In this paper, we introduce a method which contains different artificial intelligence techniques to perform this task, and a prototype knowledge-based requirements analysis system, RAKES, is presented to explain our approach. In this approach, not only the ordinary functional requirements are collected, but also some non-traditional information, such as non-functional requirements like the quality of operations or the background information for constructing the requirements, is gathered through a knowledge-based support. Different kinds of information collected are stored and organized in a knowledge base and can be used as the source of the user input in the latter phases of software development. Algorithms and procedures have been developed for constructing the interface language, organizing the knowledge base, and applying the knowledge base to different tasks. RAKES is integrated to an on-going research, called the FRORL methodology, to offer a systematic way toward requirements analysis, specification production, prototype generation, specification debugging, and code transformation.

1980 ◽  
Vol 102 (3) ◽  
pp. 154-159 ◽  
A. Lavi

A complex power system may be modeled by a system of inequalities representing the constraints imposed by the physical laws: heat transfer, energy balance, cycle efficiency and so forth. The nature of the resulting mathematical model is such that the terms contain complex expressions involving the design and operating variables of the process. With the addition of an objective function involving the cost of major system components, a multivariable nonlinear programming problem can be formulated. Seldom does the model lend itself to analytical treatment. This paper is concerned with a specific formulation and solution of nonlinear programming problems which arise in the design of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) power plants. The technique used is geometric programming, GP. It is shown that GP serves as an excellent tool for system analysis because it provides sensitivity information essential to the designer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 10-23
Eka Chandra Ramdhani ◽  
Juniarti Eka Safitri ◽  
Selamat Abdurrahman Fahmi ◽  
Asep Asep

The inventory system is a system that has a very important role in a company. Inventory systems have been widely used or developed in a place with various technologies and systems. Problems at PT. Sanghiang Perkasa is due to the fact that the data has not been stored in a good file and the management and processing of inventory data is still processed in a conventional way, which has a very significant effect on the quality of the data and information produced. The main objective of this research is to produce an inventory system that is powerful and in accordance with the needs of the users associated with the inventory system. The system development method in this inventory system uses the waterfall method which consists of six stages. The stages are System Analysis and Design, software requirements analysis, system design, coding, system testing and maintenance. This system was built using the PHP programming language, DataBase MySQL. It is hoped that with the implementation of this inventory system at PT. Sanghiang Perkasa can make it easier to store and process data and information such as stock-taking data, information on incoming and outgoing goods transactions, purchase and sales return data, managing customer and supplier data to making product stock reports and assembly reports. Keywords: Information System; Inventory, Web

Muhammad Rizqi Ghozhali

The practice of brokering is one of the concerns felt by the community at immigration services. The Directorate General of Immigration immediately followed up on the report, and appealed to all technical units of immigration to eradicate brokering practices and the practice of extortion (illegal levies) on immigration services. In line with this appeal, the Directorate General of Immigration made an online application called APAPO. Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II Non-TPI Kediri in follow-up to the practice of extortion and brokering also built the Flip Barrier Gate system. This system utilizes the use of RFID (Radio Frequent Identification) technology embedded in the access card. However, over time, this system began to find some problems. Among the obstacles that have arisen are the inactivity of this system because it is feared that it will become the center of the spread of COVID-19 due to the alternating use of access cards. In this research, development planning is carried out for the Flip Barrier Gate Class II Non-TPI Kediri Immigration Office. Flip Barrier Gate is integrated with APAPO through the use of QR code booking code as an access reader. In development planning, this study uses the system development theory described by Tata Sutabri. This phase consists of 5 stages, namely, system investigation, system analysis, system design, system implementation, system maintenance.

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