Social Construction Theory

Dawn O. Braithwaite ◽  
Elissa Foster ◽  
Karla M. Bergen
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 134-146
Ken Ayu Kartikaningrum

This article discusses the hijab in the view of the Muslim community Caring for the Hijab Purwokerto. This research is a type of field research. In analyzing data, the instruments that researchers use are in-depth interviews, observations, and data that researchers get from journals, books, and newspapers. Researchers, in this case, use the Social Construction Theory from Peter L Berger's theory. This theory is more focused on the meaning and joint interpretation constructed in community networks. From the research conducted, the researchers focused on two main things, namely: (1) The view of the Muslim community caring for Hijab Purwokerto on the hijab. (2) Genealogy of Muslim Hijab Care for Hijab Purwokerto community understanding hijab

I Wayan Wirta ◽  
Ida Bagus Putu Supradi

<p>This research entitled: "<em>Siwa-sisya</em> Relationship at <em>Ngaben</em> Ceremony in <em>Adat</em> Village / <em>Pakraman</em> Belayu, Marga, Tabanan". Obsessed with fulfilling the curiosity of the practice of holding a ceremonial ceremony involving a <em>siwa-sisya</em> relationship. This <em>siwa-sisya</em> relationship still seems to be held in Belayu. Whereas in some other traditional villages in Bali the <em>siwa-sisya</em> relationship has begun to diminish. This means that this research requires the disclosure of facts behind the diversity of these <em>siwa-sisya</em> relationship.The research with the title of the <em>siwa-sisya</em> relationship on the <em>Ngaben</em> ceremony in Belayu, which was reviewed from the perspective of phenomenal communication, had never been examined by other researchers before, so it was open for being research. Thus there are three specific objectives to be achieved by this study, namely: to describe and interpret data regarding (1) the reality of the <em>siwa-sisya</em> relationship on the <em>Ngaben</em> ceremony in Belayu; (2) social construction of <em>siwa-sisya</em> relationship on the <em>Ngaben</em> ceremony in Belayu; and (3) communication management <em>siwa-sisya</em> relationship on the <em>Ngaben</em> ceremony in Belayu. This study uses qualitative research methods, while the data collection is done through observation, interviews, and document use. The collected data is analyzed by data reduction techniques, and data display, then conclusions or verification are drawn from both. The theoretical foundation used to interpret data is social exchange theory, social construction theory, and communication management theory. This study produced three findings, namely (1) the reality model of the <em>siwa-sisya</em> relationship on the <em>Ngaben</em> ceremony in Belayu; (2) the social construction model of the <em>siwa-sisya</em> relationship on the <em>Ngaben</em> ceremony in Belayu; (3) management model of student communication on the <em>Ngaben</em> ceremony in Belayu. These findings are at once the conclusions of this study.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Nurkhalis Nurkhalis

AbstractThis article examines two realities of life experienced by humans in living. These two realities are subjective and objective, both of which have a high power of study when combined. As the development of phenomena or social problems increasingly complex, the presence of Social Construction theory becomes a bridge to see the social situation in the two sides of the subjective and objective. As the sociologists struggle arguing for subjective and objective dominance, the Social Construction theory takes its position as peacemaker by giving portions on both sides that are equally important. Therefore, it is appropriate that the Social Construction theory is categorized into the critical theory of a set of tools closer to the social reality for observing the social dynamic and social static.Keywords: Subjective, Objective, Social Construction theory, Social Dynamic, Social Static

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 152-182
Ahmad Arif Masdar Hilmy ◽  
Ria Cahyaning Utami

The determination of the dowry in the marriage of the people of Karangsono Village was originally based on the rules of Islamic law, namely by using the principles of convenience, lightness, and simplicity. However, people's lives that are never stagnant make them always interact with each other, thus forming a new concept of dowry determination in the community. The purpose of this article is to determine the description and implementation of the concept of the dowry class in the community marriage of Karangsono Village and to review it using the perspective of the social construction theory. This field research used a qualitative descriptive method and data analysis used Berger and Luckmann's social construction theory. Data were collected through document study, interviews, and observations. This research resulted in conclusions: (1) The concept of the dowry class in the community marriage of Karangsono Village is based on the classification of the prospective bride, which is seen from the status of a virgin or widow, her beauty, and age. The higher the quality of the woman, the higher the dowry she can get, (2) The determination of the dowry in Karangsono Village has undergone a social construction based on three simultaneous processes. The externalization process is illustrated through adaptation to religious texts and life being experienced. The process of objectivation here gives birth to new meanings, which are manifested in the actions of the wider community so that they become objective facts. The process of internalization is illustrated by the affirmation in the consciousness experienced subjectively.(Penentuan mahar dalam perkawinan masyarakat Desa Karangsono mulanya didasarkan pada aturan hukum Islam, yakni dengan menggunakan asas kemudahan, keringanan dan kesederhanaan. Namun kehidupan masyarakat yang tidak pernah stagnan, membuat mereka selalu berinteraksi satu sama lain, Tujuan artikel ini ialah untuk mengetahui deskripsi dan implementasi konsep kelas mahar dalam perkawinan masyarakat Desa Karangsono, serta ditinjau menggunakan perspektif teori konstruksi sosial. Penelitian lapangan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan analisis datanya menggunakan teori konstruksi sosial Berger dan Luckmann. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui studi dokumen, wawancara dan observasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa kesimpulan: (1) Konsep kelas mahar dalam perkawinan masyarakat Desa Karangsono ialah berdasarkan klasifikasi yang dimiliki calon pengantin perempuan, yakni dilihat dari status perawan atau janda, paras kecantikan dan usianya. Semakin tinggi kualitas yang dimiliki perempuan, maka semakin tinggi pula mahar yang bisa didapatkannya, (2) Penentuan mahar di Desa Karangsono telah mengalami konstruksi sosial berdasarkan tiga proses simultan. Proses eksternalisasi tergambar melalui adaptasi dengan teks-teks keagamaan dan kehidupan yang sedang dialami. Proses objektivasi disini melahirkan pemaknaan baru, yang termanifestasikan ke dalam tindakan-tindakan masyarakat luas sehingga menjadi kenyataan objektif dan biasa dilakukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Proses internalisasi tergambar oleh penegasan dalam kesadaran yang dialami secara subjektif dan pentransferan akan pengetahuan tentang makna-makna objektif)

Muhd Ar. Imam Riauan ◽  
Syukur Kholil ◽  
Ahmad Thamrin Sikumbang

: This study seeks to find the process of constructing Islamic symbols in the political message of newspapers in Riau. The symbol of Islam in question is a symbol of Islam exposed by newspapers in Riau during the campaign of the regional head election of Pekanbaru City starting from October 26, 2016 to February 11, 2017. The theory used in this study is social construction theory, by Peter L .Berger and Thomas Luckmann. Peter L.erger who at the beginning of his development, this theory is a constructivist study in sociology to understand the interactions created by individuals as members of society in a continuous manner becomes a reality that is experienced together in social life. This research uses a constructivist approach to understand how the process of constructing Islamic symbols in political messages. The subjects of this study were 5 candidates for regional head of Pekanbaru City who were actively exposed by the media and used Islamic symbols in various campaign activities during the Campaign from 26 October 2016 to 11 February 2017. The object of the research was the construction of Islamic symbols exposed to newspaper in Riau. The results of this study indicate that the construction process is divided into two, namely the construction process that occurs because it is caused by the process of finding data and facts about the needs of the community and the construction process that appears as the identity of prospective regional heads.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Puji Laksono

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami konstruksi gender diantara para santriwati Pesantren Nurul Ummah Mojokerto. Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori konstruksi sosial dari Peter L. Berger dan Thomas Luckmann. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa (1) Konstruksi gender diantara santriwati bisa dikategorikan menjadi 3, pertama santriwati modernis yang menilai bahwa semua pekerjaan itu ideal untuk laki-laki maupun perempuan. Kedua, kategori santriwati modernis-tradisionalis yang menilai tidak semua pekerjaan ideal untuk laki-laku dan perempuan. Tetapi mereka tidak mempertanyakan adanya pertukaran peran antara laki-laki dan perempuan dalam batas tertentu. Ketiga, kategori santriwati tradisionalis, kategori ini tidak setuju dengan pertukaran peran antara laki-laki dan perempuan. (2) Pandangan terhadap kesetaraan gender diantara santriwati, beberapa setuju dan tidak setuju. Pertama santriwati modernis dan tradisionalis-modernis setuju dengan kesetaraan gender. Kedua, kategori santriwati tradisionalis tidak setuju dengan kesetaraan gender.Kata-kata kunci: Konstruksi Gender, Pesantren, Santriwati. Abstracts: The purpose of this research is to understand the gender construction among santriwati Pesantren Nurul Ummah Mojokerto. This study uses qualitative methods. The theory used is the social construction theory of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. The results showed that (1). Gender construction among santriwati can be categorized into 3, first modernist santriwati who judge that all work is ideal for men and women. Secondly, the traditionalist-modernist santriwati category, which assesses not all the ideal work for men and women. But they do not question if there is a role exchange between men and women within certain limits. Thirdly, the traditionalist santriwati category, this category does not agree with the role exchange between men and women. (2). A view of gender equality among santriwati, some agree and disagree. First, the modernist and traditionalist-modernist santriwati agree with gender equality. Second, the traditionalist santriwati category does not agree with gender equality. Keywords: Gender Construction, pesantren, santriwati.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 26

AbstrakBuruh Migran Indonesia yang bekerja di luar negeri, baik kategori legal maupun yang ilegal lebih banyak melibatkan tenaga kerja wanita salah satunya berasal dari Kabupaten Tulungagung, Propinsi Jawa Timur. Di Negara Hongkong jumlah TKI asal Propinsi Jawa Timur paling banyak, yakni mencapai sekitar 170.000 orang, disusul Taiwan sekitar 160.000, dan Malaysia sekitar 130.000 orang. Penelitian dilakukan untuk melakukan identifikasi pada ketertarikan wanita di Kabupaten Tulungagung pada untuk menjadi buruh migran di Hongkong yang selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan teori konstruksi sosial. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan teknik purposive di Kabupaten Tulungagung meliputi 6 Kecamatan terpilih dengan melakukan observasi dan  in-depth interview pada 20 informan. Faktor yang mempengaruhi emigrasi wanita ke Hongkong sesuai dengan konstruksi sosial yang terbentuk adalah Adanya jaringan migran sukses yang berada di Hongkong dengan berbagai fasilitas, kemudahan dan kenyamanan yang ditawarkan, “social prestige” pada mereka yang bekerja sebagai buruh migran dan kebutuhan dalam jangka panjang.Kata Kunci: Hongkong, Konstruksi Sosial, Migrasi Internasional, Perempuan, TulungagungAbstractIndonesian domestic worker whose came from Tulungagung Regency, East Java has been engaged as women labor and known as legal or illegal worker abroad. Divided into destination labor proportion at East Java Province, Hongkong has the first position with 170.000 worker, followed by Taiwan on 160.000 and Malaysia at least 130.000 worker being there. Research was conducted to identify local women interest on being Indonesian domestic worker using social construction theory. Research was done on purposive technique by qualitative method at Tulungagung Regency which covered 6 chosen district. Observed at least 20 informan and having in-depth interviewed, research identified through some factor: based on social construction, succeed migrant network at Hongkong has bade on privilege and comfortable life. Hence, social prestige also offers for Indonesia domestic worker at Hongkong. Latest finding is about international migration was seen as necessary things in life for longtime needs among them.Keyword: Hongkong, International Migration, Social Construction, Tulungagung, Women

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Imam Yuliadi

Education function to develop the ability and form the character and civilization of a dignified nation in order to educate the nation’s life. This is in line with the values and norms of Indonesian society is far from materialism, But along with the influx of globalization and modernization, the value and meaning of education is often biased. The occurrence of bias in the interpretation of the meaning of education is caused by social change. research of education bias in Bima community gives an idea how education values can not be interpreted well by a society. Peter L Berger is one of the sociologists who discussed the whole process of social construction. Using the social construction theory of Peter L Berger, it can be seen that the people of Bima undergo a process of social change consisting of; (a) Changes in education patterns in Bima from Islamic education to secular education, (b) Conversion of society’s high social status, related to education which is a social construction process in Bima society about one’s social status. So from the analysis can be seen that education for the community Bima has a very important role in determining the position of a person’s social status. Keywords: Value of Education, Social Construction, Society of Bima

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