scholarly journals Perubahan Penerapan Sanksi Adat terhadap Perkawinan Semarga pada Masyarakat Mandailing

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 48-73
Idha Aprilyana Sembiring

Masyarakat Mandailing adalah masyarakat yang bersistem kekerabatan patrilineal (garis keturunan dari pihak ayah/ laki-laki) dan sistem perkawinan exogami yaitu perkawinan tidak boleh terjadi antara perempuan dan laki-laki bermarga sama (asymmetric connubium). Masyarakat Mandailing sangat melarang perkawinan semarga. Namun dalam prakteknya, perkawinan semarga tetap terjadi pada Masyarakat Mandailing termasuk yang tinggal di Desa Manegen, Kecamatan Padang Sidempuan.Hal ini terjadi karena pengaruh Hukum Islam dalam aspek kehidupan masyarakatnya. Di sisi lain, sanksi adat tetap diberlakukan terhadap pasangan yang melakukan perkawinan semarga. Penerapan sanksi adat inilah yang menarik untuk dikaji dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bentuk-bentuk sanksi adat, mekanisme, pihak-pihak yang terlibat di dalamnya serta akibat hukum yang timbul akibat dari penerapan sanksi secara adat ini. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis, jenis penelitian yuridis empiris. Lokasi penelitian adalah Desa Manegen. Responden adalah pasangan suami istri yang menikah semarga, informan adalah para tokoh adat,cerdik pandai, Kepala Desa Manegen dan Ulama. Analisa data dilakukan secara kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan, terdapat perbedaan sanksi adat di masa lampau dan masa sekarang. Di masa lampau, sanksi adat jauh lebih keras seperti pengucilan dan pengusiran dari Desa. Di masa sekarang, sanksi adat hanya berupa denda yang besarannya telah ditentukan oleh para Pengetua Adat setempat. The Mandailing community is a patrilineal kinship system (lineage from the father / male side) and the exogamy marriage system, namely that marriages should not occur between women and men of the same surname (asymmetric connubium). The Mandailing community strongly prohibits marriages. But in practice, same-sex marriages still occur in the Mandailing community, including those who live in Manegen Village, Padang Sidempuan District. This occurs because of the influence of Islamic law in aspects of the lives of the people. On the other hand, adat sanctions continue to be imposed on couples who engage in same-sex marriages. The application of adat sanctions is interesting to study in this study to find out the forms of adat sanctions, mechanisms, parties involved in them as well as legal consequences arising from the application of sanctions in this manner. This research is analytical descriptive, empirical juridical type of research. The research location is Manegen Village. Respondents are married couples who are married with the same family, the informants are traditional leaders, cleverly clever, Manegen Village Chiefs and Ulama. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively. From the results of the study found, there are differences in traditional sanctions in the past and present. In the past, adat sanctions were much tougher such as ostracism and expulsion from the village. At present, customary sanctions are only in the form of fines, the amount of which has been determined by local Indigenous Leaders. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-40
Ainun Barakah ◽  
Pipin Suitra

Abstract Bawean is an archipelago administratively included in Gresik Regency, where the main occupation of the people is farming and fishing, but not all of the people have land to farm and ships to go to sea, and not a few who work in Malaysia and Singapore have even become citizens of that country. so that the land and rice fields below are unproductive, so there is cooperation between landowners and tenants or cultivators, in agricultural practices, landowners and processors or workers often make contracts and agreements in such cooperation, as well as in the village of Lebak, the agreement sees to the weather, or irrigation used to irrigate rice fields, and the yields obtained during the rainy season in certain months are different, there are at least three cooperation systems in the muzara'ah contract implemented there, in this study the three systems were analyzed to determine which in accordance with Islamic law , of the three, there are two agreements that use the muzara’ah contract, and the other one uses the ijarah agreement or lease agreement. This research uses the library research method with a qualitative inductive approach. Keywords: muzara’ah, Islamic Law, Gresik

Ulumuddin ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Faozan Sembahulun

The Bebalu marriage in Sembalun society is a part of tradition has happened from the past and developed to the current. Bebalu is a term for people who do divorce outside the court (non-litigation). The Bebalu closely relates to the religious law, although without leaving the roles of positive law in Indonesia. It happens due to religion dominantly believed by the people in region is Islam and it aims to respect the sacredness of the tradition. This article attempts to examine how the implementation and the legal consequences of the Bebalu. Using approach of sociology of law, this article argues that from the perspective of Islamic law the Bebalu is permissible and even legitimate. The reason is that the Bebalu fulfils the primary requirements of Islamic marriage. However, legally it cannot be accepted due to the marriage is not registered to the state. Accordingly, the divorce process of the Bebalu seems to contradict the law. The main problem of the traditional society in Sembalun as well as its marriage of Bebalu is the lack of communication about law that should be delivered by the government. It happens due to the difficult access to the region.

Arsitektura ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 217
V.G. Sri Rejeki ◽  
Romantio Veronika Ndruru ◽  
Gita Cynthia Bella K. ◽  
Zia Amalia Wafi

<p><em>The implementation of greenship homes rating tools on houses in residential areas has been carried out in recent times. On the other hand, in mountain settlements have the value of local wisdom considers the environment as the basis of settlement management. The purpose of this study found the value of green buildings mountain settlements, the case of Kledung Village, Wonosobo, using the analysis of greenship homes rating tools. Qualitative research is conducted by physical mapping methods and interviews to homeowner informants. The study used 12 purposive samples, which were defined based on four character locations. The results of the study, based on 4 character location of the case, greenship homes value is relatively similar / its same. There is no difference in value between one case than another, so that analysis is done at once. Overall, the results of the study explained that the greenship homes rating tool can be applied in kledung village. The result is 1) all buildings are larger than the ratio of greenship rating tools, 2) all houses have electricity meters and monitoring; 3) sorting of organic and inorganic waste; 4) pest management; 5) some houses use recicled, reuse, and local materials, 6) sunny utilization and solar entry into homes and cross-circulation wind management in houses. Uniquenesse's finding are 1) there is a minimum large tree in Kledung village, because the village has cold temperatures,  high humidity and little daily sunlight time. In addition, the people in Kledung Village do not regulate clean water, because it is abundant in this village</em><em></em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-94
Agustina Dewi Putri ◽  
Darmawan Darmawan ◽  
Teuku Muttaqin Mansur

Menurut Pasal 36 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 1 tahun 1974, mengenai harta bersama, suami atau isteri dapat bertindak atas persetujuan kedua belah pihak. Adanya ketentuan Pasal tersebut di atas, menunjukkan bahwa jika seorang suami atau isteri, bermaksud melakukan perbuatan hukum yang objeknya terkait dengan harta bersama (misalnya menjual, menghibahkan dan lain-lain), baik itu berupa barang bergerak atau barang tidak bergerak, maka perbuatan hukum tersebut harus didasarkan pada persetujuan kedua belah pihak (suami dan isteri). Untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan akibat hukum dari peralihan harta bersama melalui hibah tanpa izin dari salah satu pihak. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum yuridis normatif dan Ketiadaan persetujuan baik suami atau isteri memberi akibat hukum bahwa peralihan harta bersama tersebut menjadi batal demi hukum.As for article 36 paragraph (1) mentions that anything regarded to the shared-property should be with the consent of both parties. It is in line with Article 92 about Compilation of Islamic Law which mentions that either husband or wife without any consent of the other partner is not allowed to sell or transfer the ownerships of the shared-property. Provisionsof the article indicate that if the husband or wife intends to carry out a legal act whose object is related to a common asset (for example selling, granting, etc). whether it is movable or immovable property, the legal action must be based on agreement of both parties (husband and wife). To figure out and explain the legal consequences of share assets transfer throght a grant without permission from one of the parties. Research method used in this is normative juridical legal research. To find out and explain the comparison of provisions on the transfer of property with husband and wife based on Law Number 1 Year 1974 and Compilation of Islamic Law Absence of approval from both husband and wife gives legal consequences that transfer of shared property becomes null and void by law.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
Fauzi Fauzi

This article examines the inheritance issue of patah titi practiced by the people of Aceh Tengah. Patah titi is a state in which one of the aṣḥāb al-furūḍ (obligatory sharers or primary heirs) loses linkage (due to death) to muwārith (the deceased). This study used descriptive analysis and drew upon legal pluralism,which considers the interaction between state laws, customary laws, and religious laws in resolving a case. The findings show that inheritance distribution is implemented in three steps: first, the heir inherits nothing due to the legal consequences of patah titi; second, the heir receives inheritance because they are considered a badl (substitution) of the predeceased heir; third, the heir receives hibah (gift).The last two steps in the settlement of patah titi are derived from various sources, including the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), customary law,and the universal values of Islamic law, which consider principles of equity, humanity and child protection.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Antonio Heltra Pradana

Di Kota Malang terdapat kampung tematik di TPU Kasin yaitu kampung Kramat.Kampung ini telah ada sejak 50 tahun lalu dan dulu dikenal sebagai kampung pelarian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tahu tentang pola kehidupan social masyarakat Kampung Kramat, dengan mendalami hal-hal terkait cara masyarakat kampung Kramat bertahan hidup ditengah-tengah lingkungan pemakaman, pola hubungan antara masyarakat yang satu dengan yang lain di Kampung Kramat, proses transformasi Kampung Kramat dari Kampung pelarian menjadi Kampung tematik dan basis keberadaan dan keberlanjutan Kampung Kramat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deksriptif-induktif-kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pendekatan ini digunakan untuk menggali konsep warga Kampung Kramat bertahan hidup dan cara mereka mempertahankan kampungnya hingga sekarang menjadi kampung tematik. Hasilnya, kampung dapat bertahan keberadaannya karena memiliki konsep meruang-berkehidupan yang kontekstual-kompleks. Konsep-konsep ini menjadi pilar-pilar penyokong keberadaan dan keberlanjutan Kampung Kramat. Adanya studi ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pertimbangan khusus mengenai arahan pemberdayaan kampung kota melalui konsep tematik agar dapat lebih mengena dan berdaya guna. Khususnya bagi kampung yang terletak di area pemakaman. Abstract:  In Malang regency, there is a thematic village in TPU Kasin namely Kramat Village. This village has existed since 50 years ago and was once known as an escape village. The purpose of this research is to find out about the social life pattern of the people of Kampung Kramat, by exploring the things related to the way the village of Kramat survive amid the  funeral environment, the pattern of relationship between Community that is one with the other in Kampung Kramat, the transformation process of Kampung Kramat from the runaway village becomes the thematic village and base of the existence and sustainability of Kampung Kramat. The method used in this research is a-inductive-qualitative dexsriptif with a phenomenological approach. This approach is used to excavate the concept of villagers survive and the way they defend their village is now a thematic village. As a result, the village can survive its existence because it has a contextual-complex living concept. These concepts are the pillars of the existence and sustainability of Kampung Kramat. The existence of this study is expected to be a specific consideration of the direction of empowerment of village city through thematic concept to be more effective and effective. Especially for the village located in the burial area.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Ahmad Baihaki ◽  
Yulianto Syahyu ◽  
Adi Nur Rohman ◽  
Harinanto Sugiono

Grants, wills, endowments, and inheritance are legal instruments that are often used by someone to transfer their assets or wealth to others. But in practice, these four things become legal issues in society, especially for Muslim residents. Legal settlement of. This case was settled by the Religious Court. Based on case data that entered the Depok City Religious Court for the past five years until 2019, there were 24 grant cases approved, 20 wills, 8 endorsed cases, and 48 s allocation for inheritance. Some of the things behind this case and the most crucial is due to the ignorance of the community against the provisions of Indonesian law regarding grants, wills, endowments, and inheritance. On that basis, a Lecturer in the Faculty of Law of the University of Bhayangkara, Greater Jakarta, conducted socialization and legal counseling on grants, wills, endowments, and inheritance on Compilation of Islamic Law for the people in the Cinere District area. The will, endowments, and inheritance in the Compilation of Islamic Law is still very minimal. After the socialization and discussion of the law, the community's knowledge and awareness will require the implementation and legalization of grants, wills, endowments, and inheritance to improve legal problems up to the increasingly increasing religious court. The output resulting from this activity is planned to be made a waqf pocketbook as an additional reference about the legal grants, wills, endowments, and inheritance according to the Compilation of Islamic Law. Besides, the results of the activities are published in the form of implementation reports and published in scientific journals to provide comprehensive and academic-wide benefits and practical levels.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-26
Maryam Maryam

This paper raises forms of local wisdom in the Bengkulu Malay community in terms of the religious aspects of Islam. This local wisdom was formed through acculturation, and assimilation between the traditions of Bengkulu Malay society and Islamic values. Some forms of tradition that are still maintained by the people of Bengkulu are: Tabot, Kain Besurek, Syarafal Anam, Sekujang, Dzikir Marapulai, Aqiqah, Bakunob, Aksara Ulu / Kaganga Islamic style, Ndoa Hari Rayo, Nigo Day, Go to Hari, Nyudah, Kaiak Beterang, Pilgrimage of Ramadhan and Rayo Day, Ndoa Masuk Puasa, Temikang Cupik, Embes Apem, Central Date Ceremony and Giving Names, Inviting Seeds, and Kaji Subdistrict. These various local wisdoms in Bengkulu from the perspective of Islamic law are included in the ‘urf category which needs to be addressed critically. On the other hand, this kind of local wisdom is a cultural uniqueness that is also preserved because it has been Islamized through the process of assimilating culture and Islamic values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 329-341
Wayan Suryasa ◽  
I Gede Nika Wirawan ◽  
Steven L. Thoms ◽  
Tom Bonviglio

The use of imperative sentences is very important especially in attracting customers for any business. Especially for the business in the tourism industry how to attract customers is very important. That is why this research is very important to be conducted therefore the people who have I have businesses in the tourism industries know how to attract people using the imperative sentences in their website. The research will divide the imperative sentences into rationalization, identification, giving advice, confirmation, compensation, projection, and a replacement found on the website of the hotels and resorts in the village of Kenderan. It is found out that the hotels and resorts in the Village use these sentences to attract more visitors to stay in their hotel or resort. So it is suggested that the business owner, especially the owner of the hotels and feel like in this village. Keep using imperative sentences on the other website to attract more customers. For example, the technique of rationalization is very useful to attract more customers because the customer feels that they can feel or they image in the situation that they will have if they stay in the resort.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Adityo Pratikno Ramadhan ◽  
Anita Pebri Fitriani ◽  
Sugeng Suharto ◽  
Titiek Kartika Hendrastiti

What if electronic voting performs in a rural area that has a limited condition of infrastructure and people who are peculiar with technology such as a computer? This article answers this question. Elections in Indonesia at national, province and district level are still used ballot paper. However, there is a village in Indonesia that use remote electronic voting system as a tool to vote head of the village. This research used the interview as a primary data collection and this research interviewed 17 key informants that directly involved in the village electronic voting. The research found the village voters more convenient in an electronic voting than the ballot paper system and the electronic voting can perform in a place that the people not familiar with modern technology. The unique finding of this research is the cost for electronic village election came from the village head candidates that shared the total cost of electronic voting. The other findings are electronic voting can be performed in an area with limited infrastructures and community that peculiar with technology.hence, it is possible for Indonesia to implement electronic voting in a level that higher than village voting, such as regent or mayor election.

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