scholarly journals The Armenian Language as a Remembrance and Manifestation of the Islamized Hamshenians’ Ethnic Identity

2007 ◽  
Vol 3 (2 (4)) ◽  
pp. 162-173
Lusine Sahakyan

The article examines the language used by the present-day generation of the people of Islamized Hamshenians of Armenian origin as a memory and expression of their identity. As a result of the merging linguistic policy of the Ottoman Empire the vast majority of the generations of the Hamshen Armenians who were forced to convert to Muslim have become Turkish speaking in the course of time. Only the Hamshen Armenians in the state of Ardvin still preserve the dialect of Hamshen. The linguistic evidence presented in the article indicates that the dialect of the Hamshen Armenians in the state of Khopa is still viable today and that they keep speaking, telling stories and singing songs in that language. These written facts are valuable materials for Armenian philology and lexicology. These examples can help discover phonetic, grammatical and lexical similarities, differences between the Islamized Hamshen Armenians and Christian Hamshenians living on the northern coasts of the Black Sea.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-61

The conflict between the Russian and Turkish in 1877-1878, though formed on the pretext of Russia's support for Christian nations under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, was actually part of the great scheme that European governments had begun to break up the Ottoman Empire and resolve the Eastern Question. The goals of these powers for world domination, that would sometimes results in wars among themselves, were mainly focused on expanding the territorial realm and winning economic gains. These goals were followed under the disguise of gaining freedom for Christians and securing independence for non-Turkish nations. The scientific and technological impairment of the Ottoman Empire compared to the European countries, accompanied by internal rivalries and frequent overthrow of the rulers, were some of the main weaknesses of the Ottoman state causing their demise. In the meantime, Russia was in pursue of its policy of territorial expansion and seeking access to warm waters. Russia's main objective was to obtain access to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Having control over the Straits of Bosporus and Dardanelles that were under the rule of the Ottoman Empire would have connected Russia to the center of world trade in the Mediterranean and would have freed Russia from its land blockages and frozen ports. The causality, the start, and the ramifications of these wars have been reflected in the Iranian historiography of that era. Mohammad Hassan Khan Etemad al-Saltanah, a great historian of the Nasereddin Shah Qajar Age (1848-1898), using the reports of Iranian officials in Russia and the Ottoman Empire, and two books of Montazame Nasseri and Merat al-Boldan that were translations of selected articles from the French and Ottoman newspapers have recorded this important historical event. The reasons for Iranian attention to this historical event forms part of the modern and global historiography of Iran, in which attention to the developments in the Ottoman Empire plays an important role in Iran's acquaintance with modern civilization.

2019 ◽  
pp. 141-162
Stephanie Ann Frampton

In the year 8 CE, Ovid was exiled to the Black Sea for “a song and a mistake.” This chapter explores a series of iconic poems from the Tristia in which Ovid imagines the state of exile through a variety of textual media: his own books of poetry sent back to the city and rejected from the public libraries; the lapidary inscriptions of Augustus he imagines them to encounter; and, several times over, his own funerary epitaph, formulated in explicit competition with Augustus’s own monumental list of deeds, the Res gestae. It is an examination of the challenges presented to the poet by exile and how he uses writing itself and written forms, real and imagined, to overcome that distance and disgrace, becoming increasingly aware that it was at the level of written language, and only at that level, that he and the emperor were “on the same page.”

Michael R. Drompp

The people who called themselves Türk (Chinese Tujue突厥) appear in historical records only a few years before they overthrow their political masters in the middle of the 6th century CE and create a powerful steppe empire that stretched at its height from Manchuria to the Black Sea. These early Türks are sometimes called “Kök” (Old Turkic “Blue,” referring particularly to the color of the sky but also indicating the East) Türks to distinguish them from other peoples who spoke Turkic languages and called themselves by various names, some of which included the term Türk. The Kök Türks dominated much of Inner Asia for most of the period from the mid-6th to the mid-8th centuries; during that era their polity waxed and waned in strength and did not always enjoy political unity. Nevertheless, they exercised authority throughout much of Eurasia for some two centuries; Türk military, diplomatic, and economic interactions with their neighbors, including the Chinese, Persians, and Byzantines, are an important component of their historical significance. They created Inner Asia’s first native script and first known examples of historiography, and promoted the international exchange of goods and ideas on an unprecedented scale. The expansion of Türk power and culture helped shape the Inner Asian world in which the Mongols later established their empire.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 209-223
Claus Scharf

Not only in Soviet patriotic historiography the conduct of war and the foreign policy of Alexander i were regarded as heroic only from the battle of Borodino onward. The earlier years of the Napoleonic Era and the retreat of Russian armies during the summer of 1812 appeared in a negative light. Revisionist research in Russia and abroad offers another interpretation. When the French army in 1807 after some victorious battles reached the Russian border Alexander maintained a much better bargaining position in talks with Napoleon than disappointed critics among the Russian elite recognized. The emperor of the French was not prepared to continue the war on Russian soil and did not make territorial demands on Russia. Napoleon wanted not only an armistice and peace, but also an alliance with Russia against Britain. Thus Alexander, using the power of the weak opponent, succeeded in winning time. Russia was able not only to maintain her strategic goals against the Ottoman Empire in the Rumanian principalities and in the Black Sea, but also to defend the political existence of Prussia as a possible Russian ally in a future coalition with Austria against Napoleon, which meant a sacrifice of Polish interests by Russia.

Vodotyka S. ◽  
Robak I.

The article is devoted to reviewing the book by the well-known Turkish historian İlber Ortaylı "Ottomans on Three Continents". The authors consistently analyze the main postulates of the work in the history of Ottoman possessions in the Crimea and the Northern Black Sea region, focusing on the role of the Ottoman Empire in the interaction of Black Sea civilizations in the late Middle Ages and early modern times.The authors prove that the history of the Ottoman Empire is essential for understanding the history of Ukraine. Ottoman influences significantly impacted the history of the Ukrainian people and other indigenous peoples of Ukraine – Crimean Tatars, Karaites and Krymchaks, Crimean Greeks.The authors agree with the thesis of the Turkish researcher about the significant and sometimes decisive influence of the Ottomans on the situation in the Black Sea region in the XV–XVIII centuries. Furthermore, the authors express their views on certain statements of the book. In particular, İlber Ortaylı proves that the Ottoman Empire was a "state of the Middle Eastern Islamic type". Its presence in the Black Sea resulted in the interaction of Islamic Mediterranean civilization with Eastern European Orthodoxy and Ukraine were at the centre of this interaction. However, the authors cannot agree with the historian's statement about the primary basis of the empire – the system of the state, especially military, slavery (devshirme). It allowed to creation of a vast empire, The Sublime or Ottoman Porte. However, slavery could not create social mechanisms of progress. The civilizational basis of the Ottoman Empire was its steppe, Turkic-steppe, essence.In the Ottoman Empire, Western modernization borrowings were superficial, served utilitarian-pragmatic purposes, and did not change the foundations of civilization. Such selectable reforms were the reason why the Omans lost their possessions in the Crimea and the Northern Black Sea region to the Russian Empire in the eighteenth century. Significantly, both empires claim the imperial, not civilizational, heritage of the Roman Empire. The intelligence emphasizes that these claims are not sufficiently substantiated.Key words: İlber Ortaylı, Ottoman Empire, heritage, history of Ukraine, Northern Black Sea Coast, Crimea. Стаття присвячена огляду-рецензії книги відомого турецького історика Ільбера Ортайли «Османи на трьох континентах». Автори послідовно проаналізували основні постулати праці в координатах історії османських володінь в Криму і Північному Причорномор’ї, приділивши головну увагу ролі Османської імперії у взаємодії цивілізацій Чорномор’я у періоди пізнього середньовіччя і раннього модерного часу.Доведено, що історія Османської імперії має важливе значення для розуміння історії України. Османські впливи відіграли значну роль в історії українського народу та інших корінних народів України – кримських татар, караїмів і кримчаків, кримських греків.Автори погоджуються з тезою турецького дослідника про значний, а часом визначальний, вплив Османів на ситуацію у Чорномор’ї у ХV–ХVІІІ ст. та висловлюють свої міркування щодо окремих положень праці. Зокрема, І. Ортайли кваліфіковано доводить, що Османська імперія була «державою близькосхідно-ісламського типу» і її присутність у Чорномор’ї мала наслідком взаємодію ісламської середземноморської цивілізації зі східноєвропейською православною, причому Україна знаходилась у центрі цієї взаємодії. Однак, не можна погодитись з твердженням історика щодо головної основи імперії – системи державного, передусім військового, рабства (девшірме). Вона дозволило створити величезну імперію, Сяючу Порту, але рабство не може створити суспільних механізмів поступу. Цивілізаційною основою Османської імперії стала її степова, тюрксько-степова, сутність. В Османській імперії західні модернізаційні запозичення були поверховими, служили утилітарно-прагматичним цілям і не змінювали цивілізаційних основ. Власне це і стало основною причиною того, що у ХVІІІ ст. Омани втратили свої володіння в Криму і Північному Причорномор’ї, які дістались Російській імперії. Показово, що обидві імперії висувають претензії на імперську, а не цивілізаційну, спадщину Римської імперії. У розвідці наголошується, що ці претензії не є достатньо обґрунтованими. Ключові слова: І. Ортайли, Османська імперія, спадщина, історія України, Північне Причорномор’я, Крим.

Eugeny Godin ◽  
Eugeny Godin ◽  
Yury Goryachkin ◽  
Yury Goryachkin ◽  
Vyacheslav Dolotov ◽  

This work is a multi-disciplinary research aimed to develop common approaches to estimating the current state and forecasting evolution of coastal geosystems. From 2010 to now, the state of coastal zone geosystems of the Crimean and Caucasian Russian coast has been studied. The research tasks are solved using up-to-date IT based integrated analysis of historical and new observational data.

2019 ◽  
pp. 24-58
Peter McMurray

McMurray’s chapter argues that law is a profoundly sonic medium, acting in, through, against, and modeled on sound—and more particularly, voice. Legal and cultural reforms in Islamicate societies in the Black Sea region during and around the time of the Crimean War illustrate these dynamics especially well. The first part of the chapter compares the legal reforms of the Caucasian Imamate (in North Daghestan and Chechnya) and the Ottoman Empire, showing how sound played a central role in negotiating new meanings of Islamic shari‘a law within those societies. Law thus becomes a critical archive for histories of sound, vocality, and listening. The latter part then reflects on the ontologies of law as a medium, considering both its sonic qualities—a recurring motif in both Anglo-American and Islamic jurisprudence—and its relation to the telegraph in particular, as a communications technology that simultaneously facilitated and challenged extant legal regimes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-27
Zh. P. Selifonova ◽  
V. K. Chasovnikov ◽  
E. Z. Samyshev ◽  
P. R. Makarevich

Aim. To study the state of the marine ecosystem of the recreational‐tourist zone of the Caucasian sector of the Black Sea through the example of a beach near the mouth of the Agoy River.Material and Methods. Phytoplankton, heterotrophic bacterioplankton, infusoria, holoplankton, meroplankton, ichthyoplankton, zoobenthos of loose bottom sediments and hydrochemistry samples of the water and bottom sediments were collected in June 2012 on three sections from the mouth of the Agoy River to the coastal runoff zone (depths 2.5–7.5 m). The identification of species of plankton and of the zoobenthos and of the chemical parameters of water and sediments was carried out according to standard methods. Results. It was revealed that most of the beach area, where psammophilic biocenoses of Lucinella divaricate and Chamelea gallina (Bivalvia) were located, was in satisfactory condition. An increase in the density of Lucinella divaricate, a rare species in the late 1990s, was noted. In the runoff zone, there was observed the appearance of cyanobacteria and the suppression of zoobenthos, expressed through the replacement of mollusc biocenoses by the biocenosis of the polychaete, Capitella capitate, with a biomass two orders of magnitude lower than the average for the area. High numbers of heterotrophic bacterioplankton (4.5 million cell/ml) and infusoria (64 million ind./m3) could indicate bacterial contamination of this zone. The negative impact of waste water on plankton is manifested in a decrease in the population of netted zooplankton, their abnormal development, and the increasing role of microheterotrophs.Conclusions. The results obtained give an image of the state of marine coastal ecosystems of recreational‐tourist and cordoned areas of the Caucasus and can be useful for the further monitoring of this region.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 23-27
M. I. Burgaz ◽  
T. I. Matviienko ◽  
O. M. Soborova ◽  
K. I. Bezyk ◽  
O. Y. Kudelina

The development of open spaces and resources of the Black Sea is one of the main directions of the Black Sea region (the Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions). The essence of the region policy allows to cooperate with the most countries of the world community and brings an income both to the budget of the regions and to the state budget. Industrial fisheries is an extractive branch of the fishing industry that uses the natural resources of the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, reservoirs: various species of fish, marine mammals, shellfish, crustaceans and aquatic vegetation. Fisheries can be considered as one type of nature using which consists in the extraction of fish and other sea products (fish, invertebrates, algae, etc.). The purpose of the work was to find out a current state of fishing and extracting the living aquatic resources in the Black Sea region, namely in the Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions. An assessment of a current state of extracting the aquatic bioresources in general and in the inland water bodies in the Black Sea region, namely in the Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions for the period from 2010 to 2018, was carried out on the basis of specialized literature. The state of extracting the aquatic bioresources in general and in the inland water bodies from 2010 to 2018; the amount of caught fish in this region; the state of fisheries of the studied region were investigated. Fish farming is a branch of the national economy that is engaged in farming, increasing and improving a quality of the fish stocks in the water bodies and filling the fish resources. In order to maintain and increase the stocks of valuable industrial fish in our country the extensive measures for artificial fish farming, improving the conditions of natural reproduction of fish, as well as the development of lake and pond fisheries for the commercial fish production are being taken. Much work is being done to acclimatize valuable industrial fish species and other fishing objects, aimed at expanding a fish species composition and increasing the fish stocks. It was found that according to the statistics of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, the analysis of the exraction of fish and aquatic biological resources in the Black Sea region (Odesa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions) showed that an increase in the volume of fish catching and extracting the living aquatic resources occurred only due to inland waters.

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