scholarly journals Veinte años de formación permanente del profesorado, investigación-acción y programación por dominios de acción motriz (Twenty Years of In-service Teacher Education, Action Research and Programming Based On «Action Domain of Motor Skills»)

Retos ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 270-279
Víctor Manuel López Pastor

El objetivo de este artículo es revisar la experiencia acumulada por un grupo de profesores que lleva veinte años desarrollando dinámicas de investigación-acción (I-A) y analizar cómo ello influye en el desarrollo profesional y en la mejora de su práctica docente. Desde hace diez años el grupo organiza toda su programación de Educación Física en Primaria en base a los Dominios de Acción Motriz, al entender que actualmente es la mejor forma de organizar los contenidos de aprendizaje. La metodología de trabajo está basada en la sucesión de espirales y ciclos de I-A y en diferentes instrumentos cualitativos de recogida de datos, principalmente el grupo de discusión comunicativo. Los resultados muestran las diferentes fases de I-A por las que ha ido pasando el grupo en estos 20 años y la estructura de funcionamiento actual. También se realiza un análisis de las principales ventajas e inconvenientes encontrados en este tiempo: (a) la participación en grupos de trabajo de I-A supone un fuerte estímulo y ayuda en el desarrollo profesional docente; (b) parece ser un elemento importante en la mejora de la calidad docente del profesorado implicado en el mismo, así como un fuerte apoyo para ir solucionando los problemas que surgen en la práctica educativa; (c) favorece el desarrollo profesional docente y la mejora de la calidad educativa en el área de EF. Al final del artículo se presentan una serie de reflexiones y conclusiones sobre las implicaciones de mantener un grupo de trabajo de estas características durante tanto tiempo. Abstract. The aim of this paper is to revise the experience of a group of teachers that spent twenty years developing Action Research (AR) dynamics, and analyze how it influenced their professional development and the improvement of the quality of their teaching. In the past ten years the group has organized its programming in Primary physical education based on «Action domain of motor skills», with the understanding that, currently, it is the best way to structure their learning contents. The working methodology is based on a succession of AR spirals and cycles, and in different qualitative tools of data collection, particularly through the communicative discussion group. The results show the different AR phases and spirals the group has gone through in these 20 years and the current practice group structure. This article also includes an analysis of the main lessons, in terms of strengths and weaknesses, learned during this time: (a) the involvement in AR working groups meant a strong encouragement and support in teaching professional development; (B) it also seemed to be an important element in the enhancement of the quality of the teaching practice of the teacher involved in the project, as well as a strong support to solve the problems that arise in educational practice; (C) in addition, it promoted teaching development and improved the quality of education in the field of PE. To end, we address some reflections and conclusions about the implications of sustaing a working group of this nature for this long.

Ronda Cypret-Mahach

This chapter describes transformational experiences of a faculty of teachers during a yearlong action-research case-study of professional development, infused with digital technologies intended to capitalize on self-directed learning strategies, in the use of essential questions specifically designed to target critical thinking in students. Teachers who began to adopt the essence of essential questioning into their teaching practice also began to seek ways to engage in personalized self-directed learning as they looked for avenues to continue development of successful practice. The ability to self-investigate and self-delineate pedagogy was critical for most of participant teachers. The faculty of teachers involved in the action-research case-study demonstrated statistically significant growth on the Measure of Questioning Skills, indicating the experience encouraged teacher growth in questioning abilities. Research data also reflected statistically significant student growth in STAR Reading and STAR Math scores, and an increase in student's Measure of Questioning Skills.

Ines K. Miller ◽  
Maria Isabel A. Cunha

This chapter is constructed as a reflective professional narrative coming from the context of public and private continuing professional development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The authors start the text by making explicit their involvement and alignment with the rationale of Exploratory Practice, within the broader horizon of language Teacher Development (Allwright, 2001). The text establishes a theoretical dialogue with Reflective Practice, Action Research and Exploratory Action Research, considering them as recent trends in teacher education and other possible modes of Practitioner Research (Allwright & Hanks, 2009). The authors expand on Exploratory Practice as a paradigm that foregrounds inclusivity, ethics and criticality. Examples of Potentially Exploitable Pedagogic/Professional Activities (PEPAs) and Potentially Exploitable Reflexive Activities (PERAs) will be shared by showing that they result from integrating the ‘work for understanding' with regular pedagogic activities or broader educational practice.

Erika Corradini

It is a truth universally acknowledged that in UK Higher Education Institutions excellent is the new good. With HEIs striving to achieve ‘excellence in teaching’ in order to attract the best students, questions are being asked about how to measure excellence and about whether or not lecturers are supported in doing so. How can lecturers devise reliable measures for evaluating the quality of their teaching? The following piece conceptualises the relationship between education research and practice in HE through discussing the sustainable integration of education research into teaching practice. The overarching aim is to discuss the potential for a pedagogy centred on the development of action research in educator development programmes and thus gauge how sustainable such practices can be in HE.

Ana Sedano Solís

ABSTRACT This research considers that the inclusion of theater in the initial teacher training represents a significant improvement of curriculum and teacher professional development. Several worldwide initiatives aimed to raise the quality of initial teacher training is one of the current reforms’ axes and agreement that improving educational system depends on the quality of their teachers. However, the current demands in education go beyond a set of measures or resources. Education requires a new professor, an integral and effective communicator, capable of handling different types of languages and dialogues with multiple intelligences. An innovative teacher, who is able to understand the cultural diversity of a society which constantly renews its knowledge of the universe and that has changed the social life and the nature of its spatialtemporal relationships. Using a multidisciplinary approach, it is intended to show that theatrical resource contributes significantly to the construction of a new teachers’ profile, by putting at his disposal communication tools (verbal and non-verbal) which allow him to enhance different aspects of his professional development: physical, cognitive and emotional. RESUMEN Esta investigación considera que la inclusión del teatro en la formación inicial del profesorado representa un aporte significativo para el mejoramiento del currículo y del desarrollo profesional docente. Diversas iniciativas en el mundo apuntan que elevar la calidad de la formación inicial del profesorado es uno de los ejes de las actuales reformas y concuerdan en que la mejora de un sistema educativo depende de la calidad de sus maestros. Sin embargo, las exigencias en materia educativa van más allá de un paquete de medidas o recursos. La educación requiere un nuevo educador, un comuni-cador integral y eficaz, capaz de manejar diversos tipos de lenguaje y de dialogar con múltiples tipos de inteligencia. Un docente innovador que comprenda la diversidad cultural de una sociedad que renueva su conocimiento del universo cons-tantemente y que ha modificado la vida social, así como la naturaleza de sus relaciones espaciotemporales. Mediante una perspectiva multidisciplinar, se pretende demostrar que el recurso teatral contribuye de manera importante en la construc-ción de un nuevo perfil del docente, en tanto pone a su disposición herramientas comunicativas (verbales y no verbales) que le permiten potenciar diversos aspectos de su desarrollo profesional: físico, cognitivo y emocional. Contacto principal: [email protected]

Anik Sri Handayani

<p>In the learning process of Physical Education in, teachers are expected to teach varieties of basic motor skills, techniques and strategy of games and sports, internalization of values (sportsmanship, honesty, cooperation, etc.) as well as the conditioning of healthy lifestyles. The implementation is not through conventional teaching in the classroom consisting theoretical studies, but it also involves elements of physical, mental, intellectual, emotional and social. The activities which are given in teaching should get a methodical didactic touch, so that the activities carried out can achieve the aim of teaching. The problem formulation of this research is: is there an increase in the ability of service in the game of volleyball with “make-match” at VII-H grade of SMP Negeri 1 Wonoasri in 2012/2013 academic year? The purpose Classroom Action Research (CAR) is to improve the quality of learning on the physical education in doing “service” in a volleyball game through a “make-match” learning approach</p><p> In this study, researchers have collaboration with other teachers and the principal. Researchers are involved in the study from the beginning to the end of the researech. Researchers try to see, observe, feel, live, reflect and evaluate learning activities that take place. The implementation stages of the action research consist of planning, acting, observation, and reflection. To obtain accurate results, the collected data in study were statistically analyzed using the formulas of mean or average.</p><p> The result showed that the average value of the first cycle of 66.14 (46.33%) while the Cycle II 91.29 (96.43%) in the second cycle, it has increased significantly. Referring to the hypothesis that the actions proposed in this class action research, it can be concluded that: there is an increased ability of “service” in volleyball games with “make-a-match” at VII-H grade of SMP Negeri 1 Wonoasri in 2012/2013 academic year.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keyword</strong>s: Skill Upgrading, Make A-Match</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-68
Mary Frances (Molly) Buckley-Marudas ◽  
John Dutton ◽  
Charles Ellenbogen ◽  
Grace Hui-Chen Huang ◽  
Sarah Schwab

This article shares insights from the experiences of three high school practitioners and two university faculty who participated in a school-university-based action research program as a voluntary part of the teachers’ professional development. The three high school practitioners conducted action research projects around questions that stemmed from and were relevant to their own teaching practice.  As part of the action research program, the practitioners were paired with university faculty to support the research. Building on practitioner inquiry traditions and critical case study methodologies, this study used qualitative methods to explore the experiences of practitioner action research processes.  Drawing on in-person meeting notes and reflective memos, four key ideas emerged: Infrastructure, We are all Partners in Education, Engaging Pathway for Experienced Teachers, and Challenges. Insights gained from this inquiry will have implications for professional practices in the areas of school-university partnership, professional development, and action research process.

Sarimah Shaik-Abdullah ◽  
S. Kanageswari Suppiah Shanmugam ◽  
Mohan Chinnappan

The quality of education in any country rests on school communities as a whole. However, the real implementers of innovations and changes in curriculum are teachers. Teachers, as practitioners, are the ones most often held accountable for successes and failures in educating schoolchildren. The way to facilitate teachers in handling challenges and keeping up with curriculum renewals is through constant support in the form of continuing professional development (CPD) by means of action research. Action research as CPD has been viewed as a critical platform for advocating change, which is the outcome of teachers’ ability and autonomy to lead in making informed decisions about their own practices. Given its usefulness, action research is found well established, vastly practiced, and widely published in Western countries. This has raised the question of the widespread use of action research as CPD in the Southeast Asian (SEA) region. Preliminary analysis reveals that in some SEA countries, such as Timor Leste, there is limited literature on action research, while in countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, action research has been well documented. At the same time, there is an emerging trend in SEA countries to adopt different models of action research. In Malaysia, for instance, action research has been primarily classroom based, whereas in Indonesia, a critical and community based approach to action research seems to be prevalent. This suggests that the kinds of action research conducted in the different SEA countries may reflect variations in cultural, economic, and geographical landscapes. Given the importance of action research to teacher practitioners and school leaders, and in providing an identity to the action research approaches conducted in Southeast Asia, the historical trail of action research presents a window into the nature of CPD concerns of each country, as well as the successes and challenges of conducting action research as CPD for sustained impact.

Katherine Carter ◽  
Michelle Maree ◽  
Geoffrey Shakwa

Few studies have examined the use and impact of technology in professional development programs in higher education. The purpose of this chapter is to explore the significance of technology as a tool for professional development in a postgraduate program in higher education in Namibia. Framed in the interpretive paradigm, the study adopted a qualitative approach. Data were collected through an open-ended qualitative questionnaire distributed to participants in the first four weeks of the postgraduate program and a second time six months afterwards. The findings reveal that the use of the flipped classroom approach and the use of the reflective e-portfolio enhance the quality of teaching and learning in the delivery of the postgraduate program as well as in the participants' teaching practice.

Cilene Ribeiro Chakur

Apresenta reflexões acerca da formação continuada do professor, visando, a longo prazo, contribuir para a formulação de uma teoria do desenvolvimento profissional docente, fundamentada no construtivismo piagetiano. São revisados alguns conceitos e princípios desta corrente, particularmente os relacionados com o processo de tomada de consciência, e discutidos problemas trazidos por uma leitura piagetiana da prática docente. Propõe-se, ao final, uma hierarquia de níveis de construção da profissional idade docente, tendo como eixos a prática pedagógica, a conquista da autonomia e a identidade profissional do professor. Abstract This paper presents considerations about continue teachers formation aiming at in the long run, contributing to the proposition of a theory of the teacher's professional development based on the Piagetian constructivism. Some concepts and principles of this theoretical framework, especially those related to the awareness taking process, are reviewed, and the problems that are raised by a Piagetian reading of the teaching practice are discussed. It is finally proposed a hierarchy of the levels of the teacher's professionalism construction along the following axes: the pedagogical practice, the autonomy achievement, and the teacher's professional identity. Résumé Le travail présente des réflexions sur la formation continue de l'enseignant et prétend, à long terme, contribuer à la formulation d'une théorie du développement professionnel de l'enseignant, fondée sur le constructivisme piagetien. Certains concepts et principes de ce courant sont revisés, en particulier ceux qui sont reliés au processus de la prise de conscience. Certains problèmes dérivés de la lecture piagetienne de la pratique de l'enseignant sont aussi discutés. Finalement, est proposée une hiérarchie de niveaux de construction du professionalisme de l'enseignant ayant comme axes la pratique pédagogique, la conquête de l'autonomie et l'identité professionnelle de l'enseignant. Resumen El trabajo plantea reflexiones sobre la formación continuada del profesor, visando, a largo plazo, contribuir hacia una teoría del desarrollo profesional docente basada en el constructivismo piagetiano. Se revisan algunos conceptos y principios de esa corriente, en particular aquellos relacionados al proceso de toma de conciencia, y se discuten problemas traedos por una lectura piagetiana de la práctica docente. Por fin, se propone una jerarquía de niveles de construcción de la profesionalidad docente, teniendo como ejes la práctica pedagógica, la conquista de la autonomia y la identidad profesional del profesor.

Miftachul Huda ◽  
Kamarul Shukri Mat Teh

In the last decade, the reflective teaching practice has been considered to look at program and planning which should be taken into action. However, the digital era has shifted teaching practice from direct interaction to virtual one. It has challenges such as professional skills on online learning. This chapter aims at filling this gap by proposing the framework model on reflective teaching practice to pay special attention to professionalism and ethical essence in a way that can be taken seriously among the school holders. This chapter could enhance learning and professional development of teachers, which should be seen as a continuing process combining formal, non-formal, and informal learning so that students will have the chance to reflect in a direct way even though the educational practice is constituted in a special way in various settings.

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