integrated education
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2022 ◽  
pp. 191-201
Emilia Oprisan

Educating children with special needs is a difficult challenge for both families and society. The newest trends in education for these children in Romania are represented by their inclusion in inclusive classes or inclusive schools. It is a beginning of the road both from a legislative point of view and from the point of view of analyzing the efficiency of the system. The issue of the resources dedicated to special education is concerned, this aspect being related both to the level of material resources and to the human resources, their availability, and the level of their training. The analysis of the progresses and the challenges that the Romanian-integrated education is encountering is an important step in identifying possible solutions for increasing the quality of special education in Romania.

2022 ◽  
pp. 138-152
Bradea Adela ◽  
Blandul Valentin

In recent decades, the issue of integrating students with SEN in mainstream education has been the focus of both educationalists and teachers from Romania. In this respect, integrated education means the form of schooling in which students with SEN are taught in mainstream education, while inclusive education assumes that schools adjust themselves to the psycho-individual particularities of each student, whether or not they have certain disabilities. Unfortunately, teachers and other educational agents are not always prepared to accept and meet the needs of a student with disabilities. Thus, the aim of this research was to identify the attitude of teachers towards the integration of students with SEN in the mainstream education of Bihor county, Romania. The results show that both society and a large part of the school staff ignore the issue of people with disabilities, preferring a superficial involvement, which restricts itself mainly to the administrative aspect instead of developing quality interpersonal relationships between non-disabled students and those with SEN.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Evi Harwiati Ningrum ◽  
Linda Wieke Noviyanti ◽  
Ike Nesdia Rahmawati ◽  
Annisa Wuri Kartika ◽  

The high number of COVID-19 cases was not balanced by the number of nurses assigned to the Covid isolation room with limited PPE availability. This causes many of the duties of nurses, especially health education, could not be performed completely. Thus, it is necessary to renew the Discharge Planning procedure for Covid 19 patients according to the characteristics of Covid-19 transmission. The purpose of this community service is to increase the effectiveness of the discharge planning for the COVID-19 patients to improve self-care and prevent infection transmission at home. This community service activity consists of 4 (four) stages, namely: 1) Preparation stage for coordination with the hospital; 2) Application development phase, consisting of application design, collection of educational media; 3) Implementation, launching and socialization of applications in the hospital environment; 4) Evaluation and monitoring stage. The results of the evaluation showed that as many as 58.7% of patients had used the CNA. About 62.7% patients experience an increase of their knowledge after accessing the CNA. There were 61.6% patients stated that the CNA had increased their knowledge on home care procedure post-Covid treatment. There are 62.3% of patients feel that the CNA supports patient care at home. The benefits of the CNA were expressed by 82 patients (87.2%) with increased self-care and as many as 76 patients (80.9%) stated that the CNA educational media was more attractive and easy to understand. The conclusion of this activity is that the CNA application can be implemented as a medium of health education for patients and families to improve their ability to take care of themselves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 129
Marinaide Freitas ◽  
Jailson Costa da Silva ◽  
Andresso Marques Torres

Este artigo narra as experiências de escolarização dos sujeitos jovens e adultos partícipes das ações do Programa de Educação Integrada (PEI), do Mobral, no sertão de Alagoas, especificamente na cidade de Santana do Ipanema, entre os anos de 1973 a 1985, e resulta de pesquisa realizada no período de 2019-2020. Investigou, após mais de 40 anos, as contribuições das práticas do PEI para a construção dos percursos escolares, e para tanto, trilhamos os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da História Oral, por meio de entrevistas temáticas com 2 interlocutores, que se constituíram nas fontes orais, e também lançamos mão de documentos garimpados nos órgãos oficiais locais, bem como no Acervo Digital do Centro de Referência e Memória da Educação Popular e de Jovens e Adultos, pertencentes à Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Uerj). Por meio das narrativas foi possível compreender que, diante do contexto social da época (1970-1980), entrecortado pela sobrevivência, os sujeitos se apropriaram da “oportunidade” de acesso à escola, que se abria para eles naquele momento, e conseguiram mediante movimentos pendulares, permanecer, desafiando, assim, os marcadores sociais que tentavam conformá-los a uma ordem em que prevalecia as injustiças, especificamente a negação do direito de estudar.Palavras-chave: PEI; Mobral; Jovens e Adultos; Sertão de Alagoas.The schooling experiences of young and adult participants of the PEI/Mobral practices in the sertão of Alagoas AndragogyABSTRACTThis paper narrates the schooling experiences of young and adult subjects who participated in the actions of the Integrated Education Program (PEI) in the Mobral program, at the Sertão of Alagoas, specifically in the city of Santana do Ipanema, between the years 1973 and 1985, and results from research conducted in the period of 2019-2020. After more than 40 years, the contributions of the PEI practices to the construction of schooling paths were investigated. To do so, we followed the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Oral History, through thematic interviews with 2 interlocutors, who were the oral sources, and we also took advantage of documents found in the local official offices, as well as in the Digital Collection of the Reference and Memory Center of Popular and Youth and Adult Education, belonging to the State University of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ. Through the narratives it was possible to understand that facing of the social context of the time (1970-1980), interspersed with survival narratives, the subjects took advantage of the "opportunity" to access school, which was open to them at that time, and managed, through commuting movements, to stay on, challenging the social context that tried to settle them in an unfair system – a one that denials the right to study.Keywords: PEI; Mobral; Young People and Adults; Sertão of Alagoas.Las experiencias de escolarización de los sujetos jóvenes y adultos participantes de las acciones de PEI/Mobral en el sertón de AlagoasRESUMENEste artículo narra las experiencias de escolarización de los sujetos jóvenes y adultos participantes de las acciones del Programa de Educación Integrada – PEI, de Mobral, en el sertón de Alagoas, específicamente en la ciudad de Santana do Ipanema, entre los años 1973 a 1985, y resulta de la investigación realizada en el periodo de 2019-2020. Investigó, luego de más de 40 años, las contribuciones de las prácticas del PEI en la construcción de las trayectorias escolares, y para tal, nos adentramos en los presupuestos teórico-metodológicos de la Historia Oral, por medio de entrevistas temáticas con 2 interlocutores, que se constituyeron en fuentes orales, y también tomamos documentos sellados en los órganos oficiales locales, además del Acervo Digital do Centro de Referência e Memória da Educação Popular e de Jovens e Adultos, pertenecientes a la Universidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro – UERJ. Por medio de las narrativas se hizo posible comprender que, frente al contexto social de la época (1970-1980), entrecortado por la sobrevivencia, los sujetos se apropiaron de la “oportunidad” de acceso a la escuela, que se abría para ellos en aquel momento, y lograron, mediante movimientos pendulares, permanecer, desafiando, de esta forma, los determinantes sociales que intentaban conformarlos con una orden donde prevalecían las injusticias, específicamente la negación del derecho a estudiar.  Palabras clave: PEI; Mobral; Jóvenes y adultos; Sertón de Alagoas.


This paper aims at analysing the concept of integrated education and its implementation by Sayyed Ismail Shihabuddin Pookkoya Thangal of Panoor (d. 2010) in Kerala, India. The scholar ardently advocated the importance of integrated education. He established educational institutions and spearheaded them till the end of his life. He believed that integrated education is instrumental in fulfilling the duties of a Mu’min (true believer) in this world, i.e., Khilāfah (vicegerency), ʿubūdiyah (servitude) and amānah (trust). Furthermore, he believed that Islam is misunderstood and misrepresented in the modern world for a variety of causes, which could only be addressed via good da’wah activities filled with al-ikmah (wisdom). These works can only be done after Muslims have a thorough understanding of both Islamic and human sciences. This paper uses textual analysis of Sayyed Ismail’s relevant literature, followed by a discussion of its social implications. This paper found that Sayyed Ismail could be regarded among the first in Kerala who put forth the idea of education that integrates the Islamic sciences (Naqli knowledge) and the rational sciences (Aqli knowledge) with an aim to produce Muslims who can efficiently deal with the needs and challenges of the modern world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Xin Ge ◽  
Xin Tian

In view of the current problems in China’s special education resource centers, such as lack of functional cognition and unreasonable architectural function and spatial organization, which result in the inability to coordinate regional education resources, the formulation and implementation of special education ISP program are undertaken, and the development of integrated education is promoted. This paper draws on the concept of integrated education in developed areas and the design wisdom of resource centers. The research is carried out from the perspective of meeting the behavior patterns and special needs of different users, and the perfect and reasonable functional composition and the key points of special space design are put forward, and the feasible design strategies are expressed through establishing the model and plane layout.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. S682-S687
Muhajirin Maliga ◽  
Elly L. Sjattar ◽  
Syahrul Syahrul

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 112-118
Maya Fyodorova-Radicheva

Specific learning disabilities (SLD) in adolescence are a key area for the successful application of the principles of integrated education. However, there are not many studies on the topic, which is a key indicator of the relevance of this study. The study presented in this article aims to detect and analyze the presence of characteristic features in the concept of self in students with SLD in middle school age (from 10 to 16 years of age). In order to establish characteristic features and peculiarities, an adapted version of the Q-sorting methodology was used. This method includes sorting cards with 14 polar personal traits, selected for their accessibility and distinctness for students with SLD. A total of 32 students in secondary schools in the municipality of Plovdiv were studied. 16 of them without a history of disabilities, and the remaining 16 have already been diagnosed with SLD, for which they receive special additional support in the schools where they study. The results show the presence of distinctive and specific differences in some aspects of the self-concept. The most significant differences are in the appraisal of the qualities "Capable", "Clever" and "Silly". The first two qualities are assessed by the students with SLD as less relevant to their real-self, and the third is assessed as much more relevant to their own self-image, in contrast to their classmates without disabilities. This assessment does not show gender or age specifics.

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