scholarly journals El derecho a la vivienda y la dialéctica entre descentralización y recentralización


LABURPENA: Etxebizitzarako eskubidearen garapenean legeria deszentralizatzeak duen inpaktua jorratzen da lan honetan; zehazki, alderdi subjektiboari dagokionez. Hurbilketa honetan, etxebizitzarako eskubidearen garapenaren ikuspegi historikoa hartzen da abiapuntutzat, eta eremu konparatuan alderatzen da eredua. Era berean, Andaluzian, Kanarietan, Nafarroan, Katalunian, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan, Valentzian, Extremaduran eta Balear irletako lege-proiektuan etxebizitza-arloan onartu diren arau autonomikoen edukia aztertzen da, eta Konstituzio Auzitegiaren maiatzaren 14ko 93/2015 Epaiaren zuzenbide-oinarrien azterketarekin alderatzen dira arau autonomiko horiek. Epai horretan, Andaluziako Etxebizitzaren Legearen kontra formulatu zen konstituzio-kontrakotasuneko errekurtsoa ebatzi zen. Ondorioa honako hau da: eskumen-esparru deszentralizatuek, orain artean eta baliteke etorkizunean ere hala izatea, mesede egin diote Administrazio Publikoaren eta Administrazioarekiko Auzi Epaitegien aurrean etxebizitzarako eskubidea galdagarri egiten duten tresnak eratzeari. RESUMEN: Este trabajo se aproxima al impacto de la descentralización legislativa en el desarrollo del derecho a la vivienda, en concreto de su aspecto subjetivo. En esta aproximación se toma una perspectiva histórica de dicho desarrollo y se contrasta el modelo en el ámbito comparado. Se analiza, así mismo, el contenido de las normas autonómicas en materia de vivienda aprobadas en Andalucía, Canarias, Navarra, Cataluña, País Vasco, Valencia, Extremadura y el proyecto de ley balear y se contrastan con el análisis de los fundamentos de derecho de la Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional 93/2015 de 14 de mayo que resuelve el recurso de inconstitucionalidad formulado contra la ley andaluza de vivienda. Se llega a la conclusión de que los marcos competenciales descentralizados han favorecido, hasta ahora, y podrían seguir favoreciendo en un futuro, la articulación de instrumentos que vuelven exigible el derecho a la vivienda ante la Administración Pública y los Juzgados de lo Contencioso-administrativo. ABSTRACT: This work draws closer to the impact of legislative decentralization in the development of the right to housing, particularly of its subjective aspect. On this approach a historical perspective is taken regarding such development and the model is set against in the comparative area. Likewise, the content of rules in force in the Autonomous Communities in the field of housing passed in Andalusia, Canary Islands, Navarra, Cataluña, Basque Country, Valencia, Extremadura and the bill of Balearic Islands are analyzed and they are set against the analysis of the legal basis of the Constitutional Court judgment 93/2014 of May 14th which determines the action on unconstitutionality made against the Andalusian Act on housing. It was concluded that the decentralized competence framework have so far favoured and could further in the future the articulation of legal tools that could make effective the right to housing before the Public Administration and the Contentious-Administrative courts.


LABURPENA: Estatuko Aurrekontu Orokorren Legeak sektore publikoko herriadministrazio eta erakunde guztiei debekatu egiten die ekarpenik egitea enpleguko pentsio-planetan edo aseguru kolektiboko kontratuetan, erretiroagatiko estaldura jasotzen badute. Hain zuzen ere, debeku hori aztertzen da lan honetan. Azterketa Enplegatu Publikoaren Oinarrizko Estatutua eta EK-ko 149.1.13. nahiz 156. artikuluen inguruko doktrina konstituzionala oinarri hartuta egituratzen da, eta debeku haren konstituziokontrakotasuna ondorioztatzen du. Adibidez, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoaren kasuan, debekuak Euskal Herriko Autonomia Estatutuko 10.4 artikulutik ondorioztatzen den berezko eskumen-esparru esklusiboan dauka eragina. RESUMEN: Este trabajo analiza la prohibición que impone la Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado a todas las Administraciones Públicas y entidades integrantes del sector público de realizar aportaciones a planes de pensiones de empleo o contratos de seguro colectivos que incluyan la cobertura de la contingencia de jubilación. El análisis se vertebra a partir del Estatuto Básico del Empleado Público y de la doctrina constitucional en torno a los artículos 149.1.13.ª CE y 156 CE, concluyendo en la inconstitucionalidad de aquella prohibición, que en la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi incide en el ámbito competencial propio y exclusivo que deriva del artículo 10.4 del Estatuto de Autonomía del País Vasco. ABSTRACT: This work analyzes the prohibition imposed by the State Budget’s Act to every public administration and entity part of the public sector to contribute to pension plans or collective insurance policies that cover the retirement contingency. This analysis has as essential structure the Basic Statute of the Public Employee and the constitutional doctrine regarding articles 149.1.13 and 156 of the Constitution and it concludes with the unconstitutionality of that prohibition which in the Autonomous Community of Euskadi has an impact on the very own and exclusive powers that derive from article 10.4 of the Statute of Autonomy of the Basque Country.


LABURPENA: 2003an prozesu politiko bat hasi zen Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan, antolaketarako eta estatu espainiarrarekiko harreman politikoen esparru berri bat lortze aldera, «erabakitzeko eskubidea» gauzatuz. Lehenbizi, Autonomia Estatutuaren erreforma modura aurkeztu zen proposamena, eta, jarraian, herri-kontsulta ez lotesle bat deitzeko eta arautzeko lege baten bidez; herri-kontsulta hori egin nahi zen herritarrek parte hartzeko tresna gisa, printzipio demokratikoan oinarrituta eta estatuko legeditik eta haren baimenetik kanpo. Proposamen horrek horrelako kontsulten onargarritasunari buruzko eztabaida sartu zuen Espainiako agenda politikoan, konstituzionaltasunari zein aukera politikoari zegokienean. Bere aldetik, 2006ko Autonomia Estatutuan jasotako aurreikuspena garatuz, Kataluniako Parlamentuak 4/2010 Legea onartu zuen, erreferendum bidez herri-kontsultak egitekoa. Euskal proposamena eta Kataluniakoa desberdinak diren arren, mota guztietako erreferendum autonomikoetara zabaldu dira, bereizketarik gabe, Konstituzio Auzitegiak (KA) eta Espainiako konstituzio-eta kontsulta-doktrinak «Ibarretxe Planari» azaldutako eragozpen eta akats guztiak, batez ere KAren 103/2008 Epaian jasotakoak eta KAren 31/2010 Epaian finkatutakoak, parte-hartze zuzeneko tresnak mesfidantzaz ikusten baitira, eta horiek «erabakitzeko eskubidea» gauzatzeko erabiltzearen kontrako jarrera politikoa dagoelako. RESUMEN: En 2003 se inició un proceso político en el País Vasco, con el objetivo de lograr un nuevo marco de organización y de relaciones políticas con el Estado español, a través del ejercicio del «derecho a decidir» en forma, primero, de propuesta de «reforma» del Estatuto de Autonomía, seguida después de una Ley de convocatoria y regulación de una consulta popular no vinculante, donde se contemplaba la realización de ésta como un instrumento de participación ciudadana fundamentado en el principio democrático, al margen de la legislación y autorización estatal. Esta propuesta introdujo en la agenda política española el debate sobre la admisibilidad de este tipo de consultas, tanto en términos de constitucionalidad como de oportunidad política. Por su parte, en desarrollo de la previsión contenida en el Estatuto de Autonomía de 2006, el Parlamento de Cataluña aprobó la Ley 4/2010, de consultas populares por vía de referéndum. Aunque los planteamientos vasco y catalán son distintos, la mayoría de objeciones y tachas planteadas por el Tribunal Constitucional (TC) y la doctrina constitucionalista y consultiva española al «Plan Ibarretxe», recogidas sobre todo en la STC 103/2008 y reforzadas en la STC 31/2010, se han hecho extensivas de forma indiscriminada a cualquier tipo de referéndum autonómico, en base a la desconfianza con que se contemplan los instrumentos de participación directa y por la prevención política que supone su utilización como vía para ejercer el «derecho a decidir». ABSTRACT: In 2003 it started a political process in the Basque Country with the aim of reaching a new organizational framework and political relations with Spain, through the exercise of the «right to decide» in shape, first, the proposed «reform» of the Statute of Autonomy, immediately after a Bill and regulation of a non-binding referendum, which aims to develop an instrument that based citizen participation in the democratic principle, regardless of state law and approval. The proposal introduced in the Spanish political agenda debate on the admissibility of such consultations, both in terms of constitutional and political opportunity. On the other hand, developing the Statute of Autonomy 2006 provision, the Parliament of Catalonia approved the Law 4/2010, popular consultations via referendum. The Basque and Catalan cases are different, however the majority of objections raised by the Constitutional Court studs and constitutional doctrine and the Spanish advisory «Ibarretxe Plan», collected mainly in STC 103/2008 and strengthened in STC 31/2010, have been extended indiscriminately to any regional referendum in based on the distrust that includes instruments direct and political prevention for its use as a way to exercise the «right to decide».

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 268-288
Dlan Ismail Mawlud ◽  
Hoshyar Mozafar Ali

The development of technology, information technology and various means of communication have a significant impact on public relations activity; especially in government institutions. Many government institutions have invested these means in their management system, in order to facilitate the goals of the institution, and ultimately the interaction between the internal and external public. In this theoretical research, I tried to explain the impact of the new media on public relations in the public administration, based on the views of specialists. The aim of the research is to know the use of the new media of public relations and how in the system of public administration, as well as, Explaining the role it plays in public relations activities of government institutions. Add to this, analyzing the way of how new media and public relations participate in the birth of e-government. In the results, it is clear that the new media has facilitated public relations between the public and other institutions, as it strengthened relations between them

Olga Mykhailоvna Ivanitskaya

The article is devoted to issues of ensuring transparency and ac- countability of authorities in the conditions of participatory democracy (democ- racy of participation). It is argued that the public should be guaranteed not only the right for access to information but also the prerequisites for expanding its par- ticipation in state governance. These prerequisites include: the adoption of clearly measurable macroeconomic and social goals and the provision of control of the processes of their compliance with the government by citizens of the country; ex- tension of the circle of subjects of legislative initiative due to realization of such rights by citizens and their groups; legislative definition of the forms of citizens’ participation in making publicly significant decisions, design of relevant orders and procedures, in particular participation in local referendum; outlining methods and procedures for taking into account social thought when making socially im- portant decisions. The need to disclose information about resources that are used by authorities to realize the goals is proved as well as key performance indicators that can be monitored by every citizen; the efforts made by governments of coun- tries to achieve these goals. It was noted that transparency in the conditions of representative democracy in its worst forms in a society where ignorance of the thought of society and its individual members is ignored does not in fact fulfill its main task — to establish an effective dialogue between the authorities and so- ciety. There is a distortion of the essence of transparency: instead of being heard, society is being asked to be informed — and passively accept the facts presented as due. In fact, transparency and accountability in this case are not instruments for the achievement of democracy in public administration, but by the form of a tacit agreement between the subjects of power and people, where the latter passes the participation of an “informed observer”.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-102
Muhammad Husnul Maab ◽  
Shadu S. Wijaya ◽  
Zaula Rizqi Atika ◽  
Denok Kurniasih

The emergence of rural community owned enterprises khown as BUMDes has been in line with evolution of public administration pradigm, from OPA to NPM who implemented in local government. Local potency development becomes a substantial aspect to improving local competitiveness. Hence, BUMDes formation is one of the models financial capacity to develop local potency in rural level. The aim is comparing traditional and public enterprise based management in local potency management. The results show that there is a fundamental difference in the management of local potency in rural level. Consequently, We argue that has been on the right track, the evolution of the government business model to the public enterprise for the management of local potency in rural level. Evolution of BUMDes is from a bureaucratic to the business sector model, but as a social business not profit maximizing businesses.

_______ Naveen ◽  
_____ Priti

The Right to Information Act 2005 was passed by the UPA (United Progressive Alliance) Government with a sense of pride. It flaunted the Act as a milestone in India’s democratic journey. It is five years since the RTI was passed; the performance on the implementation frontis far from perfect. Consequently, the impact on the attitude, mindset and behaviour patterns of the public authorities and the people is not as it was expected to be. Most of the people are still not aware of their newly acquired power. Among those who are aware, a major chunk either does not know how to wield it or lacks the guts and gumption to invoke the RTI. A little more stimulation by the Government, NGOs and other enlightened and empowered citizens can augment the benefits of this Act manifold. RTI will help not only in mitigating corruption in public life but also in alleviating poverty- the two monstrous maladies of India.

Dirk Voorhoof

The normative perspective of this chapter is how to guarantee respect for the fundamental values of freedom of expression and journalistic reporting on matters of public interest in cases where a (public) person claims protection of his or her right to reputation. First it explains why there is an increasing number and expanding potential of conflicts between the right to freedom of expression and media freedom (Article 10 ECHR), on the one hand, and the right of privacy and the right to protection of reputation (Article 8 ECHR), on the other. In addressing and analysing the European Court’s balancing approach in this domain, the characteristics and the impact of the seminal 2012 Grand Chamber judgment in Axel Springer AG v. Germany (no. 1) are identified and explained. On the basis of the analysis of the Court’s subsequent jurisprudence in defamation cases it evaluates whether this case law preserves the public watchdog-function of media, investigative journalism and NGOs reporting on matters of public interest, but tarnishing the reputation of public figures.

2014 ◽  
Vol 80 (4) ◽  
pp. 709-725 ◽  
Calliope Spanou

The nature of the relationship between the public administration and politics and the subsequent role of the administration appear to be incompatible with the emergence of an administrative elite. After analysing the reasons for this incompatibility, the article explores the impact of the measures taken in the wake of the economic crisis on the civil service and its reform, and also the prospects for the development of a senior civil service. The key, and also the challenge, to any change in this direction remains the rebalancing of the relationship between the public administration and politics. Points for practitioners What might interest practitioners is the issue of the conditions of effectiveness of civil service reform in times of economic crisis and significant pressure.


LABURPENA: Lau urte dira Administrazio Publikoko Langileen Oinarrizko Estatutua indarrean sartu zela, baita horren 13. artikulua ere. Artikulu horretan gobernuei (estatukoa eta autonomia erkidegoetakoak) deia egin zitzaien, nahi izanez gero, zuzendaritzako langileen araubidea ezar zezaten. Arrazoi batzuengatik edo beste batzuengatik (aukera politikoa, administrazioaren erresistentzia, kontrako egoera ekonomikoak, eta abar), dei hori ez du aintzat hartu ez estatuko indar legegileak ez estatuko gobernuak. Zenbait autonomia erkidegotako legegileek eta gobernuek, ordea, kontuan izan dute; horiek Administrazio Publikoko Langileen Oinarrizko Estatutua garatu dute —edo garatzeko izapideak egiten ari dira— eta zuzendaritzako langileen araubidea ezarri dute (Valentzian eta Gaztela-Mantxan, esate baterako, onartu dituzte dagoeneko enplegu publikoaren legeak). Horrez gain, horietako batzuek, hemen G10 deitutako taldea osatzen dutenek hain zuzen ere, berrikuntza asko egin dituzte gai honetan. Funtsezko edukietan, Balear Uharteetako Autonomia Erkidegoa eta Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa nabarmendu dira gainontzekoen gainetik. Horiei buruz mintzatzen da bereziki, bada, azterlana. RESUMEN: Hace ya más de cuatro años que el EBEP entró en vigor y también su artículo 13. Un artículo en el que se hacía una llamada a los ejecutivos (estatal y autonómicos) para que, sí así lo deseaban, estableciesen un régimen del personal directivo. Pues bien, lo cierto es que, por unas razones u otras (de oportunidad política, de resistencias administrativas, de coyunturas económicas desfavorables, etc.), aquella llamada no ha sido atendida por el legislador o el ejecutivo estatal. Pero sí por los legisladores y ejecutivos de varias Comunidades Autónomas que, no sólo no han dudado en desarrollar el EBEP —o están en trámite de hacerlo— y establecer un régimen de su personal directivo (caso de Valencia o de Castilla-La Mancha, con sus leyes de empleo público ya aprobadas), sino que algunas de ellas (las que integran el aquí llamado G10) han innovado de forma considerable en la materia. Destacando en lo sustantivo y por encima del resto, la Comunidad de las Islas Baleares y el País Vasco. A las cuales está dedicado de manera especial este estudio. ABSTRACT: The Basic Statute for Civil Servants (EBEP in Spanish) came into force more than four years ago, and also its article 13. This article 13 made a call to (state and regional) executives to establish a regime for the managerial staff, if they so wished. Well then the truth is that due to different reasons (political opportunity, administrative culture and others related to economic crisis), that call was not taken into account at the State level. However, Legislators and Executives from different Autonomous Communities have responded to this call. On the one hand, by developing the EBEP (or they are in the process of doing so) and by establishing a regime for managerial staff (the case of Valencia and Castilla-La Mancha, whose public employment acts had already been passed). Also and in addi tion, some of them (those members of the so called G10) have made remarkable innovations on the matter. The Communities of the Balearic Islands and Basque Country stand out above the rest, to which this study is specially devoted.

N. Boretskaya ◽  
G. Krapivina ◽  

In the article, the problem of determining the directions of research of the development of the tourist and recreational sphere as an object of public administration acquires further theoretical and methodological substantiation. The directions of improving the mechanisms of decision-making by state bodies for the development of the tourist and recreational sphere are formulated on the basis of the introduction of a systematic approach, digitization and modeling. The efforts of state bodies to form the structure of the market in order to study and analyze the impact of public administration and regulation on the realities of the tourist and recreational sphere and the proposals of tourist and recreational products that affect the public interest in them on the part of consumers of tourist services are a separate area of scientific research in tourism. -recreational sphere as an object of public administration and decision-making mechanisms by state bodies for the development of tourist and recreational territories It is shown that the processes of using tourist and recreational resources and diversification of the economy are positively influenced by the intersectoral nature of the tourist and recreational sphere due to the multiplier effect for related sectors of the economy of the territories, directly involved in the tourist services served by consumers. It has been proved that a city characterized by a significant territorial concentration of labor, consumers, related industries and services is very attractive for the activities of enterprises in the tourism and recreation sector in terms of minimizing costs, and it is expedient in determining the role and mechanisms of government influence on the development of the tourism and recreation sector. and the formation of strategic goals for the development of a regime for promoting their development is the study of the tourist and recreational market of the territory. The development of the regional and local tourist and recreational sphere is greatly facilitated by the transformation in the public consciousness of the concept of free time, i.e. changes in the behavior of consumers of tourism services in relation to specific settlements or the region as a whole. The main goal of the qualitative improvement of state management of the development of the tourist and recreational sphere is to increase its openness, spread goodwill towards the population, accelerate management processes, effectively solve problems, increase the mobility of workers in tourist and recreational enterprises and their satisfaction with work.

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