Dialog ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Gazi Saloom

This article articulates that the terrorists in Indonesia are basically a group of normal people who have sound minds and a long-term goal to establish an Islamic government system based on the teachings of the Quran and Hadith. This study employed qualitative approach by acquiring the data through interviews, document analysis and media information covering terrorists and terrorism. A former terrorist involved in Bali bombing I served as the research informant. Data from in-depth interviews and document analysis were analyzed by utilizing social identity and social cognition theory about ideology of jihad. The article concludes that the changing process from the ordinary people into the terrorist strongly relates to jihad ideology and search for identity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Agus Erwin Ashari ◽  
Fajar Akbar

Low coverage of family latrines, village implement community-based total sanitation (STBM) and the village of defecation Random Stop (Stop Babs) resulted in increased cases of disease based environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the components of the input, process and output for the low coverage STBM program. This study is an evaluation using a qualitative approach in 10 selected health centers in Mamuju conducted by purposive sampling based health centers category in June – August 2015. The informants are holders STBM program health centers, community health centers and the head of environmental health section chief. In collecting the data, researchers used the method triagulasi ie depth interviews, observation and document analysis. Analyses were performed with a qualitative analysis of the various opinions that combined the results of triangulation. The results showed there were several indicators of input components of adequate policies, authority and responsibility, human resources; except for operational funds and infrastructure. Kompenen planning process, pengoorganisasian and reporting is adequate, but the implementation and monitoring indicators was inadequate. Output components are all yet to reach the standards set. Conclusion there are some indicators that are not sufficient operating funds, infrastructure, implementation, and monitoring.

Ega Oktavia ◽  
Alika Fitri Azizah ◽  
Baby Shafira Zaintira ◽  
Carlina Surya

E-cigarettes were first created in a modern way by a pharmacist from China in 2003 and patented in 2004 and then began to spread throughout the world. The results of a survey conducted by the International Tobacco Control Survey in America, Canada, Australia, and England, currently 29% of former smokers use electronic cigarettes, 7.6% have tried using electronic cigarettes and 46.6% are aware of the existence of electronic cigarettes. Some conditions that can arise from long-term use of nicotine are increased blood pressure and heart rate, as well as an increased risk of developing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Based on in-depth interviews with the informants, it was found that the informants had various reasons for using vapor, both for health reasons and for environmental reasons.  All resource persons also argue that the dominant factor that makes a person use vapor is environmental factors.  Meanwhile, when viewed from the behavior of all informants, they do not use vapor continuously but at certain times, even one of the informants still uses conventional cigarettes to be accompanied by vapor.

Laws ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 11
Laufey Löve ◽  
Rannveig Traustadóttir ◽  
James Rice

The article highlights how the strategic use of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) by disabled people’s organizations (DPOs) in Iceland has produced a shift in the balance of power with regard to how, and by whom, disability legislation and policy in Iceland is developed. The article draws on a study examining the last stages of a consultative process between representatives of DPOs and policymakers in Iceland leading up to the adoption, in May of 2018, of core disability legislation, Laws pertaining to services for disabled people with long-term support needs (No. 38/2018). It examines the process from the perspective of representatives of DPOs through in-depth interviews and document analysis. This article draws on critical theory and the human rights approach in its analysis, with a particular emphasis on the roadmap to the coproduction of policy provided by the CRPD and the UN CRPD Committee through the issuance of guidance to States Parties to the Convention. It draws attention to the DPOs’ ongoing refocusing of their strategies, and their emphasis on harnessing the rights contained in the CRPD to gain recognition of their right to participation in the coproduction of policy and in changing process norms.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 304
Taufiq WIJAYA ◽  
Awan Kostrad DIHARTO ◽  

The study aims to analyze the innovation strategy impact on improvement of man-made tourist visit in Indonesia. Nowadays, man-made tourism is very popular for society as an alternative family tourism for entertainment, education and refreshing. The type of study uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are conducted by in-depth interviews with man-made tourism actors in Indonesia, especially at Jatim Park Batu Malang, East Java Province, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta Province, Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta Province and Ancol, Jakarta Province, Indonesia. The researcher team also conducted data collection through photographs and records in the field. The study result recommends that man-made tourism requires innovative, effective, efficient and not easily imitated innovation strategies to increase the number of tourists so they can compete with other tourism such as natural and cultural tourism. Man-made tourism business actors need to manage well and professionally so the man-made tourism visitors will increase in the long term.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-116
Lenny Krisnawati

Taxes are the biggest contributor to the state budget portion, but unfortunately the level of publicawareness in paying taxes is still very low. The purpose of this study is to investigate the causesof public hesitation in reporting the Annual Tax Return (SPT) and making tax payments, especiallyfor non-employee taxpayers at KPP Pratama Denpasar Timur (Denpasar Timur Tax Office). Thisresearch uses a qualitative approach method with purposive sampling technique. The location ofthis research is at Denpasar Timur Tax Office. The reason for choosing this location is because theDenpasar Timur Tax Office is located in the center of Denpasar city which has a large number oftaxpayers with various business classifications, and for the tax year 2018 to 2020 there has been asignificant decrease in the number of annual tax returns and tax payments from previous years.Data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews and through virtual interviews, observationsand document analysis. The interviewees in this study were non-employee individual taxpayerswho were registered at KPP Pratama Denpasar Timur with the criteria of obeying the payment andreporting of Annual SPT, often late in making payments and reporting of Annual SPT, andtaxpayers with the criteria of never making payments and reporting the Annual SPT. From theresearch results, data shows that public doubts in paying taxes are influenced by the absence ofdirect remuneration received by taxpayers, the covid-19 pandemic that paralyzed most of thecommunity's economy, limited knowledge and understanding of taxation and the limited ability oftaxpayers to utilize online facilities which has been provided by the Directorate General of Taxes

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-161
Tri Hastuti Nur R ◽  
Hajar Nur Setyowati ◽  
Rizanna Rosemary

Gizi buruk (malnutrisi) dan pendek badan anak (stunting) masih merupakan permasalahan kesehatan di Indonesia. ‘Aisyiyah sebagai salah satu organisasi kemasyarakatan melalui program kesehatannya telah mendampingi pemerintah menjalankan program-program guna menurunkan angka malnutrisi dan stunting di Indonesia. Salah satunya adalah melalui program Rumah Gizi di beberapa kabupaten di tanah air. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode wawancara mendalam dan analisa dokumen, studi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis implementasi program Rumah Gizi ‘Aisyiyah di tiga daerah yaitu Kabupaten Cianjur, Sambas, dan Mamuju. Melalui analisis kritis-budaya, yakni modernitas refleksif dalam pendekatan komunikasi kesehatan, hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa keberhasilan penerapan program kampanye dan advokasi Rumah Gizi untuk menurunkan angka malnutrisi dan stunting di wilayah studi melibatkan pendekatan budaya dan agama yang terintegrasi disamping penguatan dan pemberdayaan perempuan. Malnutrition and stunting remain a health problem in Indonesia. ‘Aisyiyah as one of the civil society organizations through its health program has assisted the government to reduce the number of malnutrition and stunting cases in Indonesia. One of them is through the Rumah Gizi program run in several districts in the country. Through a qualitative approach, in-depth interviews, and document analysis, this study aims to explain and analyse the implementation of the Rumah Gizi in three regions, namely Cianjur, Sambas, and Mamuju districts. Using a cultural approach—reflexive modernity in health communication, the findings of this study indicate that the success of Rumah Gizi campaign and advocacy program to reduce malnutrition and stunting requires an integrated cultural and religious approach as well as strengthening and empowering women.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (12) ◽  
pp. 35-52
Noor Insyiraah Abu Bakar ◽  
Amir Hasan Dawi ◽  
Abdul Talib Mohamed Hashim ◽  
Norwaliza Abd Wahab ◽  
Norazilawati Abdullah ◽  

Adolescents learn about negative values and behaviors through their interactions with people in their environment, to the extent that they engage in unlawful behavior that is referred to as delinquency based on a sociological perspective. Therefore, these incorrect values and behaviors need to be corrected through the resocialization process at the rehabilitation institution. The aim of this article to explore whether changes in values and behaviors occur among juveniles, as a result of the resocialization process, undertaken by rehabilitation institutions. In order to explore this issue, a qualitative approach which is a case study was utilized. The respondents for this study comprise twenty-seven staff members of the correctional institution and twenty-three juveniles. They were selected through purposive sampling. For the purpose of data collection, in-depth interviews were conducted with respondents, and observations with document analysis were also carried out. The study’s findings showed that there was a change in the value and behaviors of the juvenile as a result of the implementation of the reward and punishment and religious program. Overall, it is undeniable that the process of juvenile resocialization in the context of this study was successful, given the changes in juvenile values and behaviors.

2012 ◽  
Vol 42 (9) ◽  
pp. 1678-1686 ◽  
Stephanie Rotarangi

Numerous scholars agree that to integrate stakeholder demands into forest management is the central challenge facing forestry science. A necessary step is to translate public views and expectations into forest management techniques. This study uses document analysis and in-depth interviews to understand the values and expectations of New Zealand’s indigenous people (Māori) who have exotic species forests planted on their ancestral land. The two case studies involve long-term forest lease arrangements where Māori families are the collective owners of the land but the forest is managed by third parties. The results suggest that the landowners’ overall view of forestry is more critically influenced by political frameworks than by forest management techniques. The structures of governance and tenure and the legislation affecting the land are viewed as complicated and constraining. However, after decades of experience, Māori have successfully incorporated plantation forests into their sense of people and place. Despite difficulties and disappointments, the land use of forestry and forest regimes are, overall, viewed favourably by the landowners, consistent with environmental considerations and their culture and values.

Heather Churchill ◽  
Jeremy M. Ridenour

Abstract. Assessing change during long-term psychotherapy can be a challenging and uncertain task. Psychological assessments can be a valuable tool and can offer a perspective from outside the therapy dyad, independent of the powerful and distorting influences of transference and countertransference. Subtle structural changes that may not yet have manifested behaviorally can also be assessed. However, it can be difficult to find a balance between a rigorous, systematic approach to data, while also allowing for the richness of the patient’s internal world to emerge. In this article, the authors discuss a primarily qualitative approach to the data and demonstrate the ways in which this kind of approach can deepen the understanding of the more subtle or complex changes a particular patient is undergoing while in treatment, as well as provide more detail about the nature of an individual’s internal world. The authors also outline several developmental frameworks that focus on the ways a patient constructs their reality and can guide the interpretation of qualitative data. The authors then analyze testing data from a patient in long-term psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy in order to demonstrate an approach to data analysis and to show an example of how change can unfold over long-term treatments.

1970 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Nanang Susanto

Penelitian ini menguji teori Marx yang mengatakan bahwa dalam proses kapitalisasi, petani lahan kecil akan tergusur oleh petani lahan besar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode Participatory Action Research (PAR). Menggunakan teknik observasi partisipasi di lapangan, studi ini melakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap petani. Analisis data yang digunakan bersifat induktif. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan, bahwa teori Marx tidak terjadi di malar Aman. Adapun penyebab menurunnya pertanian disebabkan menurunnya unsur hara tanah, mahalnya biaya produksi, alih fungsi lahan dan perubahan cuaca. Sedangkan strategi petani lahan kecil untuk mempertahankan kehidupan yaitu melakukan pola tanam tumpang sari, melakukan pekerjaan tambahan, dan mengatur keuangan.This study examines Marx's theory which says that in the process of capitalization, small land farmers will be displaced by large land farmers. This study uses a qualitative approach with the method of Participatory Action Research (PAR). Using the techniques of participatory observation in the field, the study conducted in-depth interviews on farmers. Analysis of the data used is inductive. This study led to the conclusion that Marx's theory does not happen in Aman malar. The cause of the decline of agriculture due to declining soil nutrients, the high cost of production, land use and climate change. While the strategies of small land farmers to sustain life is to do the planting patterns of intercropping, do extra work, and manage finances.

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