scholarly journals HealthCommunicationPattern ofThibbunNabawi Prophetic Medicine Adjust toIndonesianCulture

Alternative medicine has climbed the ladder of popularity in the practice of treating diseases caused byboth medical and non-medical factors. The opportunity for people to access and enjoy alternativemedicine services are increasingly wide open with the emergence of commercial advertisements aboutalternativemedicineinprint,electronic,andsocialmedia. Thedevelopmentofalternativemedicine,along with all the pros and cons dynamics in-service practice, has attracted the interest of the author'steam to explain the results of field research conducted in mid-2019. The research object was alternativemedicine based on the religion known as thibbun nabawi at the Thibun Nabawi Center (TNC), PesantrenBaabussalam,Ciburial,Bandung,WestJava.ThisarticlehealthcommunicationpatternofalternativemedicinepracticesinIndonesia.Theanalysisofthisresearchusedaqualitativemethodwithacasestudy approach. Through this paper, the author hopes to provide an illustration of thibbun nabawi traditionalmedicine. Furthermore, what makes it grow and develop in society and how alternative medicinepracticesappliedhealthcommunicationpatterns.Whetherduetoadifferentapproach,thibbunnabawibecomesanalternativeorevenacomplementtomedicaltreatmentsinIndonesia.Thepointsabove discussedstepbystepinthispaper.Theconclusions,showsthatgrowthanddevelopmentofthibbunnabawi are inseparable from the efforts of senior therapist and her therapeutic team, who havesuccessfullyimplementedvariouscommunicationapproachessuchasemphatytoreligionandmoralvalues,fromtheconceptofhealthcommunicationtothepracticeofIslamiccommunication.KeywordsHealthCommunication;CommunicationPatterns;AlternativeMedicine;ThibbunNabawi;IslamicMedicine.To cite this article: Dida, S.; and Lusiana, E. (2021) Health Communication Pattern of Thibbun Nabawi PropheticMedicineAdjusttoIndonesianCulture.ReviewofInternationalGeographicalEducation(RIGEO),11(5),1-11.doi:10.48047/rigeo.11.05.01Submitted:20-01-2021●Revised:15-02-2021●Accepted:25-03-2021

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Feri Pasu Manaek Galingging ◽  
Ridho Zulyadi ◽  
Wessy Trisna

Implementation of the principle of restorative justice on the crime of persecution is still many pros and cons. For the investigator is not easy to settle the criminal act of persecution with the principle of restorative justice because there must be agreement between the victim's family and the perpetrator. Research method in writing this thesis is Library Research and Field Research. Implementation of the principle of restorative justice in the process of investigation of children as perpetrators of criminal acts of persecution, investigators have opinions that are different from the Law of the Criminal Justice System of Children. Implementation of the principle of restorative justice in the settlement of criminal acts of mistreatment committed by a child is performed after the process of conversion if the diversion fails and without the existence of a third warning letter and the determination of the court. The obstacles faced by the Dairi Regional Police are that there is no meeting point between the perpetrators and the victims and their families, the families of the victims object to the perpetrators and expect the perpetrators to be punished severely, the victims and perpetrators do not want to make peace through diversion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
M Nurdin Zuhdi ◽  
Iwan Setiawan ◽  
M Anwar Nawawi ◽  
Muhammad Zubad ◽  
Iwanudin Iwanudin ◽  

The phenomenon of non-Muslim leaders in Indonesia has given pros and cons in society. Those pros and cons do not only appear among the general public but also appear among students. This study analyzes the views of Muslim students at ‘Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta (UNISA) about the phenomenon of non-Muslim leaders in Indonesia. This research became important considering the last two issues that have emerged in the study of Islam in Indonesia, namely religious intolerance and moderation in few years. The type of this research is mixed qualitative-quantitative field research. The research findings show that there are two kinds of views of UNISA Muslim students about non-Muslim leaders; First, Muslim students who disagree about non-Muslim leaders. They argue that choosing a leader must be based on his/her religion first. This group believed that Islam is the main non-negotiable requirement for someone who wants to run for a leader. Some of them even firmly stated that choosing a non-Muslim leader is categorized as haram. Second, Muslim students agree and do not object to the existence of non-Muslim leaders. The second group believed that religion is not an absolute issue as the requirement for a person who wants to become a leader. This second group argues that track records are more important than religion or ethnicity. The educational background of students also influences their views. Students with religious education backgrounds tend to be more accepting of differences. On the other hand, students who have a general educational background tend not to easily accept differences. Therefore, it can be concluded that the better a person understands religion, the more tolerant of differences he/she will be.

David A. McEntire

Disasters and the theory of emergency management are vibrant subjects for scholars. Researchers have focused on a variety of topics, including the definition of disasters, human behavior in extreme events, the nature of emergency management, ways to make the profession more effective, the pros and cons of various paradigms, and new areas of research. In studying these subjects, scholars have employed a variety of methods, including observation, field research, and comparison, among others. Findings from research reveals that humans are responsible for disasters and that vulnerability must be reduced. Studies reveal that antisocial behavior is less likely to occur than more common activities to support victims of disasters. The principles of emergency management have been elaborated, and scholars have argued that the phases of disasters are more complex that initially meets they eye. Research also reveals that bureaucratic approaches to emergency management are based on false assumptions and are too rigid. Scholarship also explores how to make emergency management functions more effective, and a number of articles have been written to explore paradigms to guide research and practice. Theoretical work on disasters and emergency management has examined planning, improvisation, and spontaneous planning. Research has also explored humanitarian logistics, the use of social media, the scholarship of teaching and learning, cultural competency and the culture of preparedness. Going forward, more research is needed on the complexity of disasters and the use or impact of technology in emergency management. A greater understanding of public health emergencies is warranted due to the challenges of Covid-19.

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 404-417
Elisabeth Eglem

The purpose of this paper is to explore the practice of alternative medicine as an experience capable of modifying the very perception of the body and body feeling, based in a two-field research in France (Paris) and Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). In this research, the resort to alternative medicines was considered as urban practice and a possible response to emotional needs, beyond the curative specificities of these medicines. The two countries were chosen for their supposed complementarity concerning the perception of spirituality and therefore, the perception of holistic health concepts. The study relies on an inductive approach and a qualitative methodology: introspective interviews with consumers and professionals, as well as participant observations. After a review of the theoretical aspects on the subject — concepts related to health, alternative medicine, transformative experience —, empirical results are presented. They show that the experience of alternative medicine tends to modify body perception, understood as how individuals define their own body. It also tends to modify body internal feeling, literally how people feel their body. The second conclusion that can be drawn from our study is that, beyond cultural specificities, some similarities appear in the way the practice of alternative medicine impacts on body perception and individual values. In that sense, alternative medicine practices in big urban centers appear to be related to a global consumer culture. However, alternative health behaviors rely on a subjective quest of sense which can be expressed through a variety of practices related to better health, not necessarily involving consumption.

Anthropology ◽  
2013 ◽  
Samuel Martínez ◽  
Catherine Buerger

Once considered a topic that held little interest for cultural anthropologists, human rights became a focus of growing anthropological concern over the 1990s and 2000s. Important publications now number in the hundreds, even when limited (as this article is) only to works by cultural anthropologists (and not forensic anthropologists), which directly reference human rights (and not works that are relevant but make no more than a passing mention of human rights). As Annelise Riles aptly summarizes in her article “Anthropology, Human Rights, and Legal Knowledge: Culture in the Iron Cage” (Riles 2006, p. 53, cited under International Legal Epistemology), anthropologists have turned “from treating human rights doctrines, actors, and institutions as instruments to be used (e.g., as a tool of advocacy on behalf of indigenous peoples) to treating them as subjects of ethnographic research, on par with other ethnographic subjects.” What was a discussion of anthropology and human rights has thus evolved into a research subfield, the anthropology of human rights, offering field research–based examinations of place- and time-specific encounters among the promoters of human rights universalism (a term coined by Mark Goodale in Goodale 2009, cited under General Overviews) and diverse communities of sufferers of human-inflicted harms. Whether current scholarship in anthropology focuses on human rights as practice or as discourse, its common signature is to foreground the local, national, and international political and economic processes in which human rights and larger social justice projects are embedded. Two publications that appeared in 1997 marked a watershed in the development of new modes of anthropological engagement with human rights. One, the contributory volume edited by Richard Wilson, Human Rights, Culture and Context (Wilson 1997, cited under General Overviews), anticipated research and writing relating to both the practice and discourse of human rights. The other, a Journal of Anthropological Research special issue on Human Rights, edited by Carole Nagengast and Terence Turner, articulated a new view of culture’s relationship to human rights, not as an argument against ethical universals but an argument for the embeddedness of ethics within any human group’s encompassing way of life (see Hatch 1997, Messer 1997, and Nagengast 1997, all cited under Pros and Cons of Cultural Relativism; and Turner 1997, cited under Cultural Rights). Even if the year 1997 seems an arbitrary dividing line between the eras of “anthropology and human rights” and the “anthropology of human rights,” there is nonetheless a disciplinary consensus that anthropology’s engagement with human rights has undergone significant changes in its guiding concerns, approaches, orientations, and commitments.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-194
Muhammad Faisol

Polygamy is a controversy among Muslim scholars. The pros and cons of polygamy in Islam have strengthened since the spread of gender equality issues between men and women. With regard to the problem of polygamy which is still the pros and cons, in Jember which is predominantly Muslim and many Islamic boarding schools have been established in this area. This study aims to determine the views of the asatidz PP. Nurul Islam Jember about polygamy and fiqh review of the views of the asatidz PP. Nurul Islam Jember about polygamy. This research is field research, in which this research focuses more on the results of data collection from informants or respondents who have been determined. Data collection techniques using interview techniques and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. This research states that: 1) polygamy according to the view of Asatidz Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam Jember against polygamy is that polygamy can be practiced with several conditions, such as being financially capable, being able to do justice between wives, children, and their families. The Nurul Islam Islamic Boarding School Asatidz chose not to practice polygamy because of their concerns in the field of livelihoods, their fear of not being able to do justice if they have more than one. Besides all of them have felt quite and happy with one wife, 2) In the fiqh review, the view of Asatidz Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam Jember on Polygamy is in line with the views of the fiqh scholars. This is reflected in their opinion which states that polygamy can be practiced for anyone who meets the qualifications with the limit of four wives.  Poligami merupakan suatu kontroversi dikalangan para cendekiawan Muslim.  Pro dan kontra tentang poligami dalam Islam menguat semenjak santernya isu-isu kesetaraan gender antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Berkenaan dengan masalah poligami yang masih menjadi pro dan kontra, di Jember yang mayoritas berpenduduk muslim serta banyak pondok pesantren yang didirikan di daerah ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pandangan para asatidz PP. Nurul Islam Jember tentang poligami dan Tinjauan fiqh terhadap pandangan para asatidz PP. Nurul Islam Jember tentang poligami. Penelitian ini adalah field research (penelitian lapangan), yang mana penelitian ini lebih menitik beratkan kepada hasil pengumpulan data dari informan atau responden yang telah ditentukan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara dan teknik dokumentasi. teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif.  Penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa : 1) poligami menurut pandangan Asatidz Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam Jember Terhadap Poligami adalah bahwa poligami boleh dipraktekan dengan beberapa syarat, seperti mampu secara finansial, mampu berbuat adil di antara isteri-isteri, anak-anak, serta keluarganya. Para Asatidz Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam memilih untuk tidak melakukan poligami disebabkan kekhawatiran dalam bidang nafkah, kekhawatiran mereka untuk tidak bisa berbuat adil di jika memiliki lebih dari satu. Disamping mereka semua telah merasa cukup dan bahagia dengan satu istri, 2) Dalam tinjauan fiqh, Pandangan Asatidz Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam Jember Terhadap Poligami sejalan dengan pandangan ulama fiqh. Hal ini tercermin dari pendapat mereka yang mengatakan bahwa poligami boleh dipraktekan bagi siapa saja yang memenuhi kualifikasi dengan batasan empat orang istri.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-121
Fauziah Ramdani ◽  
Aswar Aswar

Cultural identity of women with veil in the concept of the development of relationship with social ernironment perpetually becomes pros-and-cons phenomenon due to its accordance with the comprehension of religious symbols that is the wering of veil. The objectives were to recognize and describe the empirical reality of habluminannas concept that is the process of social interaction of women with veil. To comprehensively and deeply achieve these objectives, the methodology employed was descriptive qualitative research with in-depth interviews and observations (field research) as data collection techniques. The results show that the concept of habluminannas, that is social interaction of women with veil, is based on the essence of each need in daily social life. The process of interacting with other individuals both within the family and people in general depends on the interests and needs of each. Social interaction within the family is divided into two those are interaction that shows flexibility in communication and behavior patterns, and interaction that is closed and bounded. In the community, the process of social interaction that is associative process shows the flexibility of women with veil in the patterns of cooperation among citizens and relatives, mutual respect, and respect for the values ​​of decency and politeness. On the other hand, the attitude of acceptance by community in general towards women wearing veil is still not prevalent due to the negative stigma against the use of veils.

2020 ◽  
Vol 38 (01) ◽  
pp. 113-131
Nurkholis Sofwan

Abstrak Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemahaman dan praktik fidyah salat bagi orang yang telah meninggal sebagai tradisi masyarakat Nahdiyyin di Indramayu. Doktrin adanya fidyah salat memang menimbulkan kontroversi yang cukup sengit di tengah masyarakat, ada yang pro dan kontra. Meski demikian, sebagian masyarakat meyakini bahwa fidyah salat merupakan ajaran Islam Ahlussunnah Waljama’ah, sebagaimana ditulis dalam kitab-kitab al-Syafi’iyyah seperti Niha>yah al-Zai>n, Tarsyi>ḥ al-Mustafi>di>n, dan Iʻa>nah al-Ṭa>libi>n. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemahaman masyarakat terhadap fidyah salat bagi orang meninggal dan pelaksanaan tradisi fidyah salat bagi orang meninggal yang dilakukan masyarakat Nahdliyyin di Indramayu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisa kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu kepustakaan (library research) dan lapangan (field research). Studi kepustakaan dilakukan dengan menelaah kitab-kitab al-Syafi’iyyah sebagai sumber rujukan masyarakat Nahdliyyin tentang fidyah salat, dan studi lapangan dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi terhadap masyarakat Indramayu. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa tradisi fidyah yang dilakukan masyarakat Indramayu dipahami sebagai suatu ih}t}iya>t} (kehati-hatian) terhadap salat yang pernah ditinggalkan oleh kerabat yang meninggal. Tradisi fidyah ini dilakukan dengan cara membolak-balikkan beras/uang dari wali kepada fakir miskin, dan sebaliknya sebanyak belasan hingga puluhan kali. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menutupi utang salat seseorang yang diasumsikan pernah meninggalkan salat selama seumur hidupnya. Abstract This paper aims to describe the understanding and practice of fidyah prayer for people who have died as a tradition of Nahdliyyin’s community in Indramayu. The doctrine of their fidyah prayer has caused a fierce controversy in the community, there are pros and cons. However, some people believe that fidyah prayer is the teaching of Islam Ahl al-Sunnah Waljama'ah, as written in the books of al-Syafi'iyyah like Nihayah al-Zain, Tarsyīḥ al-Mustafīdīn,and I'ānah al-Talibīn. The questions pursued in this study are; 1) How does the Nahdliyyin community in Indramayu against Fidyah prayers for the deceased?; 2) How do the practices of Fidyah prayers tradition being  performed by the Nahdliyyin community in Indramayu?. This study employs a descriptive qualitative metodh. The technique of data collection is done in two ways: library research and field research. Literature study is conducted by examining the books of al-Syafi'iyyah as a reference source of Nahdliyyin community about fidyah prayer, while the field studies are conducted through observation, interview and documentation to the community in Indramayu. This study concluded that fidyah prayer tradition in Indramayu community is understood as iḥṭiyāṭ (prudence) to the prayers which might abandoned by relatives who died. Fidyah tradition is done by rotating back and forth the rice / money from the family to the poor, and vice versa as many as a dozen to tens of times. This is done to cover the assumed debt of praying belong to someone who might abandoned it during his/her lifetime.

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