Vincentas Lamanauskas

In recent years, there has been a lot of discussion about the quality of studies and, in general, about the education development. As we know, the quality of studies depends not only on level of motivation and cleverness of students, how well developed the infrastructure of institutions is and so on. Probably, even more, the quality of studies depends on scientific pedagogical personnel, the one, which directly determines the preparation of a future student. This article deals with problems related to the education development in Lithuania and in the countries abroad. It is stated, that there are some burning problems in the education system of Lithuania. A clear trend over the past two decades - in many countries, the transition from elite to mass education is observed. Weakening the quality of education is a concern in many countries worldwide. This problem is associated not only with the decrease in funding, but also with all other demographic and political implications. It is emphasized that education is one of the most important aspects of human development. It is argued that the stability of our society directly depends on the education system stability. It is impossible to have well-educated society without continuous development of education and science. This approach, in particular, requires appropriate political attention. Key words: education system, education policy, development, trends.

Ирина Ивановна Широкорад ◽  
Олеся Михайловна Фадеева ◽  
Елена Геннадьевна Пафнутова

Система высшего образования развивается не в изоляции. Она находится в непосредственной зависимости от школьной системы и от рынка труда. С одной стороны, образовательные результаты, полученные в университете, зависят от уровня знаний и навыков, которые получили студенты на предыдущем этапе образования, с другой стороны, ожидаемое высокое качество жизни, которое является ключевой мотивацией для поступления в вуз для большинства населения, определяется состоянием и структурой рынка труда. Именно наличие спроса на продуктивную рабочую силу определяет результативность системы высшего образования. The higher education system does not develop in isolation. It is directly dependent on the school system and the labor market. On the one hand, the educational results obtained at the University depend on the level of knowledge and skills that students received at the previous stage of education, on the other hand, the expected high quality of life, which is a key motivation for entering the University for the majority of the population, is determined by the state and structure of the labor market. It is the demand for productive labor that determines the effectiveness of the higher education system.

Zsolt Enyedi ◽  
Fernando Casal Bértoa

The study of political parties and party systems is intimately linked to the development of modern political science. The configuration of party competition varies across time and across polities. In order to capture this variance, one needs to go beyond the analysis of individual parties and to focus on their numbers (i.e. fragmentation), their interactions (i.e. closure), the prevailing ideological patterns (i.e. polarization), and the stability of the balance of power (i.e. volatility) in all spheres of competition, including the electoral, parliamentary, and governmental arenas. Together, these factors constitute the core informal institution of modern politics: a party system. The relevant scholarship relates the stability of party systems to the degree of the institutionalization of individual parties, to various institutional factors such as electoral systems, to sociologically anchored structures such as cleavages, to economic characteristics of the polity (primarily growth), to historical legacies (for example, the type of dictatorship that preceded competitive politics) and to the length of democratic experience and to the characteristics of the time when democracy was established. The predictability of party relations has been found to influence both the stability of governments and the quality of democracy. However, still a lot is to be learned about party systems in Africa or Asia, the pre-WWII era or in regional and/or local contexts. Similarly, more research is needed regarding the role of colonialism or how party system stability affects policy-making. As far as temporal change is concerned, we are witnessing a trend towards the destabilization of party systems, but the different indicators show different dynamics. It is therefore crucial to acknowledge that party systems are complex, multifaceted phenomena.

Ramus ◽  
1977 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-102 ◽  
Eva Stehle Stigers

Catullus described a full emotional circle in his short life from delight in unconstrained aesthetic sensuality free of socially-defined patterns (cc. 5, 6, 13 for example) to longing for a stable bond in the relationship of man to woman. He pictured such a bond as placed within the traditional Roman frame of marriage and home, but cast in a personal mold; he wanted to preserve his aesthetic and sensual response to a woman while combining it somehow with the stability and intimacy appropriate to friendship (amare and bene velle). Poems 72 and 87, for instance, directly express the ideal in acknowledging its absence from Catullus' relations with Lesbia.Catullus liked to feel that the possibility of complete union was what he offered Lesbia. Perhaps it was his inability to fashion a compelling synthesis of sexual intimacy and friendship with her that led him to write a series of poems exploring attempts, mainly failures, at full reciprocal love. The successful attempts are idyllic or mythic (Septimius and Acme, Peleus and Thetis, neither unambiguously positive). The failures come, in Catullus' portrayal, when union founders on the obstacle of the narcissistic personality, the man or woman unable to forfeit autonomy, desirous of holding others in thrall without being himself held. Catullus' highly developed sensitivity to narcissism must be a reaction to its prominence in the character of a certain kind of sexually attractive individual, the one who is alluring but uncapturable, the kind of woman, like Lesbia, with whom Catullus sought union. Catullus conveys the quality of narcissism in such a character in part through the image of the flower (appropriately, considering the source of the modern name for it).

Vincentas Lamanauskas

In recent years, there has been a lot of discussion about the quality of studies and, in general, about the education quality. As we know, the quality of studies depends not only on level of motivation and cleverness of students, how well developed the infrastructure of institutions is and so on. Probably, even more, the quality of studies depends on scientific pedagogical personnel, the one, which directly determines the preparation of a future student. This article deals with problems related to the scientific production and scientific qualification evaluation. Also the article describes some characteristics of researchers and scientific production in general. Science, in some sense, has strong immunity, but in recent years, it has been rapidly weakened both internally and externally. Of course, we have to believe, that universities will understand that it is firstly on them to save and strengthen both quality of activities and prestige and develop real but not demonstrated science. Europe “has been having a headache” for a long time thinking how to withstand ever - strengthening competition with such regions as North America (especially USA), South-east Asia and so on. Key words: scientific activity evaluation, academic staff, scientific production, universities.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Valeriy Yu. Bykov

In the article the processes of integration and democratization of the systems of education and their value, both for the countries of Europe and for Ukraine, the process of integration of education system of Ukraine into European and world educational space are examined. Description of modern informative society and the role of information and communication technologies in informatization of education directed to the increasing of the quality of education is determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-50
G.N Akbayeva ◽  
N. Ramashov ◽  
A.N. Ramashova ◽  
O.N. Ramashov ◽  

The process of formation of innovation-oriented human resources in line with effective results like the world economic community and to the education system by improving the quality of training, internationalisation and cooperation of educational institutions, its focus on consumers of educational services possible in the creation of consortia of universities and national research universities taking into account positive foreign experience. In this article, the authors note the current state of the education system and, in general, personnel training in Kazakhstan, its insignificant isolation from the real needs of the socio-economic system, insufficient relationship with the scientific field of activity. However, on the basis of the differentiation presented examples of successful implementation of state programs of education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan aimed at improving the competitiveness of education and development of human capital through ensuring access to quality education for sustainable economic development, and also noted that the global changes in economic and political life of the country will lead to the emergence of new socially significant landmarks in the educational system. Based on the use of integration from the point of view of the effectiveness of the existing agreements on the Eurasian Economic Union, a number of problems that need to be solved in ensuring the quality of human capital are identified. According to the authors, this leads, in turn, to the importance of measuring potential risks, as well as to the connection with qualitative and quantitative factors of the development of the education system and the training system.

H. Hastedt ◽  
T. Luhmann

With respect to the usual processing chain in UAV photogrammetry the consideration of the camera’s influencing factors on the accessible accuracy level is of high interest. In most applications consumer cameras are used due to their light weight. They usually allow only for automatic zoom or restricted options in manual modes. The stability and long-term validity of the interior orientation parameters are open to question. Additionally, common aerial flights do not provide adequate images for self-calibration. Nonetheless, processing software include self-calibration based on EXIF information as a standard setting. The subsequent impact of the interior orientation parameters on the reconstruction in object space cannot be neglected. With respect to the suggested key issues different investigations on the quality of interior orientation and its impact in object space are addressed. On the one hand the investigations concentrate on the improvement in accuracy by applying pre-calibrated interior orientation parameters. On the other hand, image configurations are investigated that allow for an adequate self-calibration in UAV photogrammetry. The analyses on the interior orientation focus on the estimation quality of the interior orientation parameters by using volumetric test scenarios as well as planar pattern as they are commonly used in computer vision. This is done by using a Olympus Pen E-PM2 camera and a Canon G1X as representative system cameras. For the analysis of image configurations a simulation based approach is applied. The analyses include investigations on varying principal distance and principal point to evaluate the system’s stability.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Haerudin . ◽  
Adi Purwati

Abstrak Mata pelajaran pendidikan agama Islam adalah salah satu bagian penting dari sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan YME serta berakhlakul karimah. Mata pelajaran Aqidah akhlak merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang apabila diterapkan dengan baik dan benar mampu memberikan dampak bukan hanya pengetahuan saja namun berhubungan dengan sikap, keterampilan dan pengetahuan kepada pesert didik. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan dan fungsi dari mata pelajaran Akidah Akhlak, tentu seorang pendidik memerlukan suatu cara atau metode seperti yang pemerintah cetuskan untuk kemajuan pendidikan yaitu kurikulum 2013. Ketika suatu sekolah ataupun seorang pendidik minim pengetahuan mengenai informasi yang berkaitan dengan kemajuan dalam pendidikan, maka, suatu sekolah dan gurupun tidak akan mampu menciptakan generasi-generasi seperti yang pemerintah harapkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memperoleh data tentang perencanaan pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak menurut kurtilas di MTs Nurul Hikmah Barupring Brebes, untuk memperoleh data tentang pelaksanaan pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak menurut kurtilas di MTs Nurul Hikmah Barupring Brebes dan untuk memperoleh data tentang evaluasi pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak menurut kurtilas di MTs Nurul Hikmah Barupring Brebes.Penelitian ini bertitik tolak pada implementasi kurtilas pada mapel Akidah Akhlak. Implementasi kurtilas ini dibutuhkan oleh setiap guru untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidik dan peserta didik yang jauh lebih baik. Adapun metodologi penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik pengumpulan data berdasarkan sumbernya yakni melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi serta data kepustakaan yang berkaitan dengan kurtilas dan mata pelajaran Akidah Akhlak pendekatan yang digunakan yakni, kualitatif deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil data tersebut di atas, bahwa perencanaan pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak menurut kurtilas di MTs Nurul Hikmah Barupring Brebes, Guru dapat menyiapkan silabus dan RPP, pelaksanaan pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak menurut kurtilas di MTs Nurul Hikmah Barupring Brebes menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi, presentasi, tanya jawab. Evaluasi pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak menurut kurtilas di MTs Nurul Hikmah Barupring Brebes yakni, dilakukan dalam tiga hal, yakni pada saat pembelajaran berlangsung, setelah pembelajaran, evaluasi ujian tengah dan kenaikan kelas. Abstract: The subject of Islamic religious education is one of the important parts of the education system in Indonesia, in order to become a human who has faith and devotion to God and has moral character. The subject of Aqidah akhlah is one of the subjects that if applied properly and correctly is able to make an impact not only knowledge but also related to attitudes, skills and knowledge to students. To realize the goals and functions of the Akidah Akhlak subjects, of course an educator needs a method or method such as the one that the government initiated for the advancement of education, namely the 2013 curriculum. When a school or educator lacks knowledge about information relating to progress in education, then, a schools and teachers will not be able to create generations as the government expects. The purpose of this study was to obtain data on learning planning Akidah Akhlak according to kurtilas at MTs Nurul Hikmah Barupring Brebes, to obtain data on the implementation of Akidah Akhlak learning according to kurtilas at MTs Nurul Hikmah Barupring Brebes and to obtain data on learning evaluation Akidah Akhlak according to kurtilas at MTs Nurul Hikmah Barupring Brebes. This study begins with the implementation of kurtilas in map Akidah Akhlak. The implementation of curricula is needed by every teacher to improve the quality of educators and students who are much better. The methodology of this research is carried out with data collection techniques based on the source, namely through interviews, observation and documentation as well as library data relating to curricula and the Akidah Akhlak subjects approach used, namely, descriptive qualitative. Based on the results of the data above, that planning learning Akidah Akhlak according to kurtilas at MTs Nurul Hikmah Barupring Brebes, Teachers can prepare syllabus and RPP, implementation of learning Akidah Akhlak according to kurtilas at MTs Nurul Hikmah Barupring Brebes using lecture, discussion, presentation, question and answer . Evaluation of learning Akidah Akhlak according to kurtilas at MTs Nurul Hikmah Barupring Brebes that is, done in three ways, namely when learning takes place, after learning, evaluationof the middle exam and increase in class. Keywords: Implementation, Curriculum13. AqidahAkhlak, Students.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 127
Budi Handari

<p>College is an educational unit is obliged to keep higher education, and higher education is a sub-system of the National Education System. Together with other sub-systems, colleges are required to seek the realization of the vision and mission of the National Education System as well as to optimize the implementation of the national strategy of national education development. One mission that must be realized is to seek expansion and equal access to quality education for all Indonesian people. Thus the realization of high-quality education is obligatory. College as an entity consisting of various sub-systems, among which is the library. That’s why the success of universities to improve and maintain its quality, among others, are also determined by how much the contributions made by the sub-system, including libraries.The amount of contributions to improve the quality of colleges is directly proportional to the quality of the library. The realization of library management quality is affected by the condition of the elements of the existing library, such as infrastructure, funding, library collections, quality of service and human resources.</p><p>Perguruan Tinggi merupakan satuan pendidikan yang berkewajiban untuk menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi, dan pendidikan tinggi adalah merupakan sub sistem dari Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Bersama dengan sub-sub sistem lainnya, Perguruan Tinggi wajib untuk mengupayakan terwujudnya visi dan misi Sistem Pendidikan Nasional serta mengoptimalkan implementasi strategi pembangunan pendidikan nasional. Salah satu misi yang harus diwujudkan adalah mengupayakan perluasan dan pemerataan kesempatan memperoleh pendidikan yang berkualitas bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Dengan demikian, terwujudnya Perguruan Tinggi yang berkualitas adalah wajib hukumnya. Perguruan Tinggi merupakan suatu entitas yang terdiri dari berbagai sub sistem, di antaranya adalah perpustakaan. Karena itulah keberhasilan Perguruan Tinggi untuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan kualitasnya, antara lain juga ditentukan oleh seberapa besar kontribusi yang diberikan oleh sub-sub sistemnya, termasuk perpustakaan. Besaran kontribusi terhadap upaya peningkatan kualitas Perguruan Tinggi berbanding lurus dengan kualitas penyelenggaraan perpustakaan. Terwujudnya penyelenggaraan perpustakaan yang berkualitas dipengaruhi oleh kondisi unsur-unsur perpustakaan yang ada, seperti sarana dan prasarana, pendanaan, koleksi bahan pustaka, kualitas pelayanan dan sumberdaya manusia.</p>

1966 ◽  
Vol 88 (2) ◽  
pp. 419-428 ◽  
S. Weissenberger

This paper presents a new technique for constructing Lyapunov functions for estimating the domain of asymptotic stability of nonlinear control systems. A machine program assigns figures of merit (based on the quality of the stability-boundary estimates) to the members of a set of Lyapunov functions and then searches for the one which maximizes this measure. The method is applied to relay-control systems, which are not tractable by other systematic techniques such as the method of Zubov. The paper is divided into two parts. The first part contains a discussion of the motions of relay-control systems and the technique of investigating their stability domains with Lyapunov functions. The second part contains a discussion of existing methods of generating Lyapunov functions and a description of the new method, along with a number of second and third-order examples.

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