scholarly journals The social structure and physical form of the state-owned farm in north-east China

Li Xiujie ◽  
Fu Hongpeng ◽  
Yang Meng

The social structure and physical form of the state-owned farm in north-east China Xiujie Li, Hongpeng Fu, Meng Yang College of Urban and Environmental Sciences. Peking University. Beijing. China. 100871 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]   Keywords: state-owned farm, policy, social structure, physical form, urban morphology Conference topics and scale: Urban form and social use of space   State-owned farms in north-east China are numerous and large in size. They have played an important role in the reclamation and guarding of the frontier in China.  Their physical form is sensitive to government policy. Following the historical development of a particular farm, an examination is made of how its social structure and physical form have been influenced by the policies of different periods. The development process has experienced three stages since this farm’s founding. There has been a change from ‘farmers farming together on the land which belongs to the whole farm’ to ‘farmers farming together on the land which belongs to the companies of the farm’, and then ‘farmers farming severally on the land’.  The physical form of the farm has been influenced by the policies in different historical periods. Important aspects of these policies include industrial structure, population structure, land ownership, and town and country planning. This study provides a basis for future urban morphological research.   References Conzen, M.R.G. (2011) Alnwick, Northumberland: a study in town-plan analysis (China Architecture & Building Press, China) Bray, D. (2005) Social space and governance in urban China (Stanford University Press, Stanford) 

1970 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Heru Kurniawan

Literasi ekologi sosial Islam adalah interaksi manusia dengan lingkungan alam, teknologi, dan sosial yang didasarkan pada prinsip dasar Islam. Rekonstruksi literasi ekologi sosial Islam yang bisa direkonstruksi adalah prinsip dasar Islam yang menegaskan posisi manusia sebagai “pemimpin” yang diberi “amanah” untuk mengelola “bumi” atau “lingkungan alam dan sumber daya alam” sebaik-baiknya. Rekonstruksi literasi ekologis inilah yang kemudian akan diaktualisasikan pada masyarakat. Proses aktualisasi adalah kegiatan aktual dalam menanamkan kesadaran ekologi sosial Islam pada masyarakat yang mana dilakukan dalam ruang sosial keluarga, masyarakat, dan sekolah yang diorganisasi oleh negara melalui kebijakan dan peraturan per undang-undangan. Dengan proses rekonstruksi dan aktualisasi yang terstruktur ini, maka negara akan aktif membangun kesadaran ekologis sosial Islam dengan aktif dan terstruktur dengan baik guna mewujudkan basis kesadaran, ilmu pengetahuan, dan tata nilai ekologi sosial Islam pada masyarakat. Literacy on Islamic social ecology is the human interaction with the natural environment, technology, and social which is based on the basic principles of Islam. Reconstruction of literacy on Islamic social ecology that can be reconstructed is a basic tenet of Islam that affirms the human position as a "leader" by "mandate" to manage "Earth" or "natural environment and natural resources" as well as possible. Reconstruction of ecological literacy is then to be actualized in society. The process of actualization is actual activity in instilling awareness of the social ecology of Islam in the society which is done in the social space of families, communities, and schools organized by the state through policies and regulations. With the process of reconstruction and actualization, then the state will actively build social-ecological awareness of Islam in order to realize a base of awareness, knowledge, and values of Islamic social ecology in society.

Алена Владимировна Искрина

В статье рассматриваются особенности формирования социальной стратификации Древней Руси на раннем этапе развития, этапы появления различных страт в зависимости от социально-политических событий с X по XII вв. Предметом исследования является процесс образования социальных страт в древнерусском государстве. Цель статьи - рассмотреть социальное устройство Древней Руси, определить и описать стратификацию и взаимодействие страт между собой, историю изучения данного вопроса, политические события, влияющие на данные процессы. Основным вопросом исследования явились исторические события, оказавшие влияние на формирование социальных страт с X по XII вв., появление социальных страт в данный исторический период и формы их взаимодействия. Отвечая на данный вопрос, автор приходит к выводу, что разложение патриархально-общинного строя, формирование феодального вассалитета, принципа майората, княжеской дружины и другие внутриполитические события повлияли на формирование социальных страт государства. В связи с данными историческими событиями удается проследить этапы происхождения социальных слоев населения, их состав, социальные функции в обществе и государстве. The paper examines the features of the social stratification of the Ancient system at an early stage of development, the stages of the emergence of various strata depending on political events from the 10th to the 12th centuries. The subject of this research is the process of the formation of social strata in the ancient European state. The purpose of the publication is to consider the social structure of Ancient Rus, to determine and describe the stratification and interaction of strata with each other, to study this issue, political events that affect these processes. The main research issue was the historical events that influenced the formation of social strata from the 10th to the 12th centuries, the emergence of social strata in a given historical period and the forms of their interaction. Answering this question, the author arrives at the conclusion that the disintegration of the patriarchal-communal system, the formation of a feudal vassalage, the principle of primacy, the princely squad and other internal political events influenced the formation of social strata of the state. In connection with these historical events, it is possible to trace the stages of the origin of social strata of the population, their composition, social functions in society and the state.

Teresa Marat-Mendes ◽  
Maria Amélia Cabrita

The purpose of this paper is to provide an opportunity to explore the Habitat debate within ISUF. We quest that within this concept, as placed by Moudon (1997) in her inaugural paper to Urban Morphology, there is an intrinsic call towards an equilibrium between the various dimensions of urban form and a trans-disciplinary approach to the study of urban form, which deserves further investigation.According to Whitehand (2012) specific constrains affected the full concretization of such trans-disciplinary efforts, namely the further specialization of the disciplinary areas. Moreover, as argued by Marat-Mendes (2016), the focus placed by urban morphology on the physical dimensions of urban form has been significantly higher than on the social or human dimensions of the urban form, thus affecting in turn the above-identified equilibrium. In order to contribute to such debate, this paper presents the results of an ongoing investigation (Marat-Mendes, Cabrita, 2015), which seeks to recuperate the concept of Habitat within urban morphology. To do that, it first identifies the concept of Habitat as it was first defined in a number of seminal works to urban morphology (Demangeon, 1926). Secondly, it exposes how did such concept evolved throughout specific historical, disciplinary and methodological contexts (Deyong, 2011). And thirdly, it reveals the impact that such evolution had on the various problematics and scales of approach by those to which the Habitat issue was central for the study of urban from, including some contemporary contributions from various interdisciplinary areas, which seem to be recuperating that concept, although not explicitly. References Demangeon, A. (1926) ‘Un Questionnaire sur L’Habitat Rural, Annales de Géographie 35 (196), 289-292. Deyong, S. (2011) ‘Planetary habitat: the origins of a phantom movement’ The Journal of Architecture 6 (2), 113-128. Moudon, A. V. (1997) ‘The need for a Habitat Agenda within Urban Morphology’ Urban Morphology 1 3-10. Marat-Mendes, T. (2016) ‘Physical, social and cultural dimensions of Urban Morphology: redressing the balance?’ Urban Morphology 20 (2)167-168. Marat-Mendes, T., Cabrita, M. A. (2015) ‘A Morfologia Urbana na Arquitectura em Portugal. Notas sobre uma abordagem tipo-morfológica’, in Oliveira et al. (eds.) O estudo da forma urbana em Portugal (UPorto, Porto) 65-94. Whitehand, J. W. R. (2012) ‘Issues in Urban Morphology’ Urban Morphology 16 (1), 55-65.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (117) ◽  
pp. 161-174
B.J. Parıdınova ◽  

The problem of developing the spiritual worldview and spirituality was the development of society at all stages. The spiritual worldview and spirituality of the individual, teachers in society changed depending on the level of the social structure of the state and its ideology, religious and secular views, the development of pedagogical science. Therefore, the spiritual worldview and spirituality of the whole society is one of the most important characteristics of the pedagogical preparation of the individual. The research problem is relevant in the framework of the program «Rukhani zhangyru». Therefore, we believe that a set of activities under the program is the core of this topic. Spiritual worldview and spirituality is the most important issue in the context of globalization. The purpose of this article is to generalize and systematize this problem, to determine the role and place of the spiritual worldview and spirituality. To achieve the purpose, this study discusses some of the findings of scientists on the problem of spiritual worldview and spirituality in education. The discussed fundamental principles of development and existing scientific works on the problem of spiritual worldview and spirituality. Many actual issues can be considered in the notion of concept since these categories has not yet been studied in science. In this article special attention is paid to spiritual worldview and spirituality and its basic concepts, which is one of the most important problems in pedagogy and psychology. The article the relevance and importance of theoretical understanding of the data category. Presented some theoretical problems of the formation and preservation of spiritual worldview and spirituality. Рухани дүниетанымның даму мәселесі және руханилық қоғам дамуының барлық салаларында өзекті болып саналады. Қоғамдағы тұлғаның, мұғалімнің рухани дүниетанымы мен руханилығы мемлекеттің әлеуметтік құрылысы мен оның идеологиясы, діни және зайырлы көзқарастары, педагогикалық ғылымның дамуы деңгейіне байланысты өзгеріп отырады. Сондықтан барлық қоғам мүшелерінің рухани дүниетанымы мен руханилығы тұлғаның педагогикалық дайындығының маңызды сипаттамалық белгісі болып табылады. Зерттеу мәселесі «Рухани жаңғыру» бағдарламасы аясында өзекті болып саналады. Сол себепті бағдарлама шеңберіндегі шаралар кешені берілген тақырыптың өзегі деп ойлаймыз. Жаһандану шарттарында «Рухани дүниетаным» және «Руханилық» категориялары маңызды мәселе болып табылады. Осы мақаланың мақсаты болып берілген мәселені жинақтау және жүйелеу, рухани дүниетаным мен руханилықтың рөлін, орнын анықтау болып саналады. Мақсатқа жету үшін берілген жұмыста білім берудегі рухани дүниетаным мен руханилық мәселесіне байланысты кейбір қорытындылары қарастырылады. Рухани дүниетаным мен руханилық мәселесіне байланысты дамытудың негізгі қағидалары мен ғылымда бар жұмыстар талқыланады. Өйткені берілген категориялар ғылымда толықтай зерттелмеген және зерттелуі тиіс көптеген өзекті мәселелері жетерлік. Берілген мақалада рухани дүниетаным және руханилықтың, оның педагогикадағы және психологиядағы негізгі түсініктеріне ерекше назар аударылады. Мақалада берілген категорияларды теориялық түсінудің өзектілігі мен маңыздылығы дәйектеледі. Рухани дүниетаным мен руханилықтың қалыптасуы мен сақтаудағы кейбір теориялық мәселелері ұсынылған.

For a qualitative analysis of the state of modern society and financial relations prevailing in the financial system of our country, it is especially important to study issues related to attracting public finances to the state economy. The long process of developing commodity-money relations has radically changed the content of finance. If earlier in these relations the main and fundamental role was played by the monarchs, the state, as the owners of all property, then in the XX century. The main owners of valuables, including enterprises and firms, are citizens, and the state represented by public authorities acts as an intermediary and a consumer of redistributed wealth. Confirming this thesis, P. Drucker expressed that the main impetus of progress now comes not from the social structure, but from an individual, and the present time requires every person to take effective actions to transform not only society, but above all himself [1 ].

A. Volodin

The present article focuses on the entity of middle classes in non-Western societies. The social formation of this kind is a relatively new phenomenon. As far as the modern Western societies are concerned, the social and political “materialization” of the above-mentioned entity has covered the period of no less than five centuries. The middle class in modern transitional societies began to emerge quite recently, with a few notable exceptions, after gaining sovereignty. That is one of the reasons why political systems in the non-Western world are mostly fragile and susceptible to instability of different kinds and origins. The so called “Arab awakening” gives a vivid example for the “underdevelopment” of indigenous middle classes. Whilst in the advanced industrial societies middle classes were (and are) the building blocks of social structure, economic and political development, elite recruitment, etc., among the non-Western societies (with the salient exception of the North-East Asia) the process of the middle class institutionalization as well as its economic and political self-assertion is still under way, somewhere at the initial stage of development. Comparing various non-Western societies from the middle class inner dynamics as well as self-assertion perspective, the author concludes that in the ultimate analysis, the maturity of this process is dependent on the pro-active and creative role of the State. The latter serves as the main driving force of the middle class consolidation and the instrument of political and economic systems for increasing and advancing development. The cases of India, on one hand, and Indonesia, on the other, demonstrate convincingly that the State remains the leading institution of the society able to accelerate economic growth and development, but also to stimulate the emergence and socio-political assertion of the middle class in contemporary non-Western world.

Carlos Gonçalves

This chapter aims to discuss concepts and methods to measure the landscape resilience of urban systems and test the indicators framework in the Portuguese regional context. The objective is to measure the performance and the direction of the urban changes in different phenomena, as well as to evaluate the level of urban systems preparation for a desired and undesired change adaptability. The approach to these issues is analyzed in the literature, dividing the aforementioned analysis into the resilience of the economic base, of the social structure, and of the urban form. In brief, the chapter meets three objectives: firstly, defining the framework of principles more commonly associated with urban resilience; secondly, providing a selection of indicators that embodies the different proposals of measurement; and thirdly, applying the indicator matrix to two Portuguese case studies (Caldas da Rainha and Évora urban systems).

Africa ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 84 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-35 ◽  
Susann Baller

ABSTRACTIn Senegal, neighbourhood football teams are more popular than teams in the national football league. The so-called navétanes teams were first created in the 1950s. Since the early 1970s, they have competed in local, regional and national neighbourhood championships. This article considers the history of these clubs and their championships by focusing on the city of Dakar and its fast-growing suburbs, Pikine and Guédiawaye. Research on the navétanes allows an exploration of the social and cultural history of the neighbourhoods from the actor-centred perspective of urban youth. The history of the navétanes reflects the complex interrelations between young people, the city and the state. The performative act of football – on and beyond the pitch, by players, fans and organizers – constitutes the neighbourhood as a social space in a context where the state fails to provide sufficient infrastructure and is often contested. The navétanes clubs and championships demonstrate how young people have experienced and imagined their neighbourhoods in different local-level ways, while at the same time interconnecting them with other social spaces, such as the ‘city’, the ‘nation’ and ‘the world’.

2020 ◽  
pp. 266-297
Alexander Sokolov ◽  
Asya Palagicheva

The article considers the essence and approaches to understanding network political protest. Traditional forms of collective action are changing under the influence of information and communication technologies. The network paradigm focuses on the position of the individual in the social space, the degree of his involvement in the communication space, the ability to control and regulate the intensity of the information flow. Network structures are more flexible and adaptive, more in line with the new reality. Special and main principles of the network structure of political protest are revealed. The article also presents definitions of political mobilization and demobilization. These processes Express the rivalry of the conflicting parties-the state and society, where the support of the broad masses of the population is an important category. Based on the data of the monitoring study, the features of the development of civil protest activism and the use of mobilization technologies were identified. ICTs have a significant impact on their formation and transformation. The state, reacting to forms of real and virtual activity, formulates a counteraction strategy. It is expressed in the use of technologies for the demobilization of citizens, which are also undergoing changes in the era of digitalization

Bogdan Slyuschynskyi ◽  

The article examines the communication links without which society cannot exist, but they are constantly changing, depending on various factors, including the social structure of society, social space, level of socio-economic development, government and governance, democracy and current laws that constantly affect the modernization of society. The history of mankind is 35-40 thousand years old. In each historical period, society was at a certain stage of development, which created the appropriate socio-cultural level, which in one way or another influenced the communication in society, because without communication society can not exist. It should be noted that the socio-cultural level depends on the social structure of society, and is determined by the social space and level of cultural development in this historical time, as well as the political and economic development of the country and its environment by other countries. Society is a set of all means of interaction and forms of association of people, formed historically, having a common territory, common cultural values and social norms, characterized by socio-cultural the identity of its members. Social space was understood as a set of points on an imaginary continuum that has a given number of axes of measurement (coordinates) that describe the structure of society. Points in the social space are called statuses." There are constant information connections (communications) between the statuses. It is these communicative connections that create a certain system through which society develops. Well-known foreign scientists such as T. Hobbes, F. Ratzel, G. Simmel, E. Durkheim, R. Park, P. Sorokin, and others worked on the problem of "social space". This topic remains relevant today, because a certain historical period creates certain conditions for certain social phenomena. This topic remains relevant today, because a certain historical period creates certain conditions for certain social phenomena. Thus, the purpose of this article is to try to understand the communication changes that are taking place in society today and identify the factors that affect them. As you know, in society there are constant processes of socialization, people are constantly trying to learn about the environment: both natural and social. Especially a person tries to know and understand himself, because until you understand yourself, you will not be able to understand others. In Ukraine, it is planned to create a post-traditional socio-cultural space in which modernization takes place under the sign of traditional symbols. But in our society, "community-like" psychology is combined with urbanism and technical progress, traditional, post-traditional and modern coexist with some relative independence of culture. All this creates certain communicative features. Important features of the new socio-cultural reality are beginning to be outlined in Ukraine today.

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