scholarly journals Features of design and development of electronic educational resources in the training of theologians

А.В. Петров

Одним из направлений развития современного высшего образования является его информатизация, открывающая новые возможности для организации образовательного процесса. В связи с этим проблема проектирования, разработки и использования электронных информационно-образовательных ресурсов в профессиональном образовании в целом и в теологическом образовании, в частности, является актуальной. Цель статьи – раскрыть особенности проектирования и разработки электронных информационно-образовательных ресурсов в профессиональной подготовке будущих бакалавров теологии. Автором охарактеризованы особенности теологического образования, выделены этапы проектирования, принципы разработки, предложена структура электронных информационно-образовательных комплексов, используемых при подготовке бакалавров теологии. Статья предназначена для преподавателей вузов, интересующихся проблемами внедрения новых образовательных технологий в профессиональную подготовку в вузе, заинтересованных в разработке и внедрении в образовательный процесс электронных образовательных ресурсов. One of the directions for development of modern higher education is its Informatization, which opens up new opportunities for organizing the educational process. In this respect, the problem of designing, developing and using electronic information and educational resources in professional education, in general, and in theological education, in particular, is relevant. The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of designing and developing electronic information and educational resources in the professional training of future bachelors of theology. The author describes the features of theological education, identifies the stages of design, development principles, and suggests the structure of electronic information and educational complexes, used in the preparation of bachelors of theology. The article is intended for University-teachers who are interested in the problems of introducing new educational technologies in professional training at the University, in the development and implementation of electronic educational resources in the educational process.

Roman Medvediev ◽  
Liudmyla Shevchenko, ◽  
Volodymyr Umanets

The article describes the experience of designing and using in the process of training future educators professional training of electronic educational resource for the study of computer layout foundations. In the course of our research, we have found out the possibility of using electronic educational resources in the educational process of Higher education institutions to train future teachers of vocational education. In particular, we have developed an electronic educational resource «Basics of Computer Layout», in which, according to, the necessary training materials and author's methodological developments for learning the basics of computer layout in the Adobe InDesign CS5 software environment are structured. The Word Press content management system (CMS), which has open source code and is distributed under the GNU GPL license, has become a popular medium for creating the described ESM. The developed ESM contains a set of copyright educational and methodological materials, materials for monitoring the level of educational achievements, together they allow the future teachers of vocational training to form the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the basics of computer layout in the Adobe InDesign CS5 software environment. For the purposeful implementation of conceptual research ideas, the author developed a method for using a complex of electronic educational resources for teaching computer graphics to future bachelors of the specialty 015.10 «Professional education (computer technologies)». The method involves the provision of practical knowledge and skills to future bachelors of vocational education in order to form professional competencies in the Special Informatics discipline (module 3 Fundamentals of computer layout in the Adobe In Design CS5 program).

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 290-295
Tatiana Valerianovna Dobudko ◽  
Natalia Vladimirovna Malova ◽  
Olga Isaakovna Pugach

E-learning technologies in the context of full-time and distance education have long passed the stage of innovation and have become an integral part of modern professional education. However, a number of issues related to the implementation and maintenance of the educational process based on e-learning are still relevant. This paper analyzes the problem of unification of software products, cloud technologies and services that form the electronic information and educational environment (EIEE) of a university. The authors interpret homogeneity and heterogeneity concepts in the context of the EIEE and illustrate the industry specifics of requirements and expectations for homogeneity. It is clearly proved that the heterogeneous EIEE of the university acts as a useful object/model of study when training specialists for work in cultural institutions in the fields of computer science and computer engineering, applied computer science. In these cases the EIEE structure of the university through the provision of experience develops students readiness for subsequent formal and non-formal life-long training. The paper also presents tools for assessing the existing level of heterogeneity of the EIEE and a method of expert evaluation that allows to predict the optimal level of heterogeneity-homogeneity for the EIEE of a particular university.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-55
N. F. Sirina ◽  
N. S. Panova ◽  
A. V. Volynskaya

In order to ensure safe conditions for the education and upbringing of students, guided by the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and Roszheldor from March 17, 2020, the implementation of all educational programs of higher, secondary professional education, additional educational programs (programs for advanced training, professional retraining, etc.) implemented in the university complex, including the completion of intermediate and state final certificates by students, as well as the completion of educational, industrial (including pre-diploma) practices for relevant educational programs are provided using remote technologies — in the Blackboard electronic information and educational environment, which is one of the elements of digitalization of the university complex. To optimize the educational process, the university developed a set of measures to improve and systematize work in an electronic information and educational environment, one of which was the transition from a traditional paper student’s record-book to an electronic one that functionally fully corresponds to a paper analogue. The purpose of introducing an electronic student’s record-book is to improve the quality of the provision of educational services through the integration and automation of individual information on the results of training in electronic form. The results of the development of educational programs by students in the electronic information and educational environment are automatically displayed in the electronic student’s record-book, which is especially relevant in pandemic conditions. The entire university complex is ready to continue the implementation of all educational programs of both of higher, secondary professional education, in full exclusively in remote mode using the electronic information and educational environment of Blackboard University.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 249-257
A.V. Yeltsov ◽  
L.F. Yeltsova ◽  

The article defines the role of the electronic information and educational environment (EIEE) of the university in modern education. The advantages of the implementation of didactic principles in modern university training using integrative and competent approaches are considered. It is indicated that the electronic information and educational environment provides access to high-quality educational e-resources that have passed scientific and methodological expertise and creates conditions for solving the problem of searching for reliable educational data. ICT included in the electronic information and educational environment allow conducting all types of tutorials and attestations using remote educational technologies and e-learning. The content of the digital educational product, which is determined by pedagogical goals and didactic principles of higher professional training is discussed. The educational process in the EIEE should be carefully planned and provided with methodically proved educational content and contain a valid complex of methodological and assessment materials. It is underlined that the effectiveness of the EIEE application in the educational process depends on the quality of the electronic educational and methodological complex. The article deals with the didactic principles of training, which realization is facilitated by using electronic information and educational environment. It is noted that the most significant digital technologies for studying at the university are: virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and the technology of electronic identification of the trainee. It is indicated that chat bots are effective to provide feedback and assistance in mastering the content of educational disciplines. Advantages of the visibility principle implementation in digital education with the use of means of virtual and augmented reality, as well as the principle of individualization of training using programs for determination of cognitive abilities level of trainees are described. It is noted that the EIEE allows the use of the educational technology of “flipped classroom or flipped learning”.

Irina S. Klimenko

The introduction of interactive educational technologies into university practice is an urgent task, the solution of which must be considered as a necessary and sufficient condition for improving the quality of training in the pedagogical education system of the Russian Federation. Interest in this problem is due to the often unjustified use of modern software and hardware in the educational process, which results in partial or complete loss of students’ skills in verbal communication, socio-communicative control, and adequate self-esteem. We aim to form a new approach to the development of professional competencies of future teachers, which is based on the principles of consistency, providing high-quality pedagogical education. The methods of analysis of the problems of formation, development and improvement of professional competences of students of pedagogical universities are used; systematization of factual and empirical data on the problem of introducing innovations into pedagogical practice. Generalization of the experience of using interactive educational technologies in the system of training specialists with higher professional education confirms the feasibility and necessity of introducing innovations into university pedagogical practice. Developed recommendations for the formation of tools for improving the professional competencies of future teachers, can be recommended for use in order to expand the framework of managing the educational process at the university.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 232-241
Марина Лапіна

Статтю присвячено проблемам професійного навчання соціальних працівників, зокрема розглянуто психолого-педагогічні аспекти процесу підготовки висококваліфікованих фахівців. Зазначено що в професійній психології та педагогіці набуває поширення компетентнісний підхід до сучасної освіти. Акцентовано увагу на особистісно-орієнтованому та психолого-акмеологічному напрямках професійної освіти та навчання. Особистісні якості фахівця розглядаються як метапрофесійні компетенції, що забезпечують якість праці майбутнього соціального працівника. На основі аналізу специфіки підготовки фахівців соціономічних професій окреслено загальні напрями формування професійних компетенцій соціальних працівників: пріоритет професійно-особистісного розвитку для досягнення високого рівня професіоналізму фахівця; формування психологічної, особистісної та рефлексивної компетентності; практична зорієнтованість процесу навчання. Розглянуто методи та технології активного формування психологічної та особистісної компетентності фахівця в процесі професійного навчання, а саме методика контекстного (знаково-контекстного) навчання та психолого-акмеологічні методи та процедури професійного розвитку. Стверджується, що включення до навчального процесу інноваційних, заснованих на взаємодії педагога та учня, психолого-педагогічних технологій активного навчання має формувати особистісні зони розвитку майбутніх фахівців, удосконалювати способи та засоби професійного становлення, що значно підвищує якість професійного навчання соціальних працівників. The article deals with the problems of vocational training of social workers. They are particularly considered with psychological and pedagogical aspects of training highly qualified specialists. It specifies that competence-based approach to modern education gets spreading in the professional psychology and pedagogy. The article is accented on personality-oriented and psycho-akmeological directions existing in the psychology of professional education and training. Personal qualities of the professional are considered as metaprofessional competences which ensure the future social worker’s quality of work. The general directions of formation professional competence of social workers are identified on the base of the analyses of the specific professional training socionomic professions: priority of vocational and personality development for achievement a high level of professionalism; formation of the psychological, personal and reflective competence; practical orientation of the learning process. The methods and technologies of active formation of psychological and personality’s competence of the specialist during the vocational training are reviewed in the article, specifically the method and technique of signed-contextual learning and psycho-akmeological methods and procedures of professional development. It is alleged that the inclusion in the educational process of preparation innovational, psychological and pedagogical techniques of active learning, based on the interaction between the teacher and the student, should generated personal’s development zones of the future professionals, refine the methods and means of the professional development that significantly improves the quality of social worker’s professional training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-22
Zh. KolumbayevaSh. ◽  

Globalization, informatization, digitalization, led to large-scale changes that have problematized the modern process of upbringing. The modern practice of upbringing in Kazakhstan is aimed at solving the problem of forming an intellectual nation. The key figure in the upbringing process is the teacher. The modernization of public consciousness taking place in Kazakhstan, the renewal of both the content of education and the system of upbringing require understanding not only the content, but also the methodology of the professional training of teachers for the upbringing of children, for the organization of the upbringing system in educational organizations. We believe that the analysis of traditional and clarification of modern methodological foundations of professional training of future teachers of Kazakhstan for upbringing work will give us the opportunity to develop a strategy for training future teachers in the conditions of spiritual renewal of Kazakhstan's society. The article reveals the experience of Abai KazNPU. As a result of the conducted research, we came to the conclusion that the process of training a teacher in Kazakhstan, who has a high degree of ethnic, cultural, and religious diversity, requires strengthening the upbringing and socializing components of the educational process of the university. The strategy of professional training of a modern teacher should be a polyparadigmatic concept with the leading role of ideas of personality-oriented, competence paradigm.

Irina A. Sizova ◽  

The article presents a qualitative analysis of museum educational products. These products have been studied in terms of the possibility of their use in formal, non-formal and informal education. Thus, the role of the museum as an actor of continuing education has been determined. The role of continuing education in the educational process is becoming more obvious for most participants, and informal education plays a huge role in this process. It is urgent now to develop high-quality educational environment. Due to museums and their offline and online educational products, it is possible to get success. The author analyzed educational activities of leading Russian and foreign museums. As a result, the possibilities of museums as an educational institution for formal, non-formal and informal education were determined. Formal education is characterized by the network interaction of educational organizations and museums when the museum educational resources are included in the educational process. The largest number of museum educational products in traditional and innovative forms is made for non-formal or supplementary education. The traditional forms of museum educational resources include excursions, game formats for acquaintance with the exposition/exhibition (quests), museum master classes, interactive classes, as well as offline continuing education programs for a professional audience. The innovative forms include intra-museum programs, for example, performances, thematic classes within the museum’s profile, and Internet resources such as pages of official museum sites, online academies of museums, museum groups on social media, official museum channels on YouTube, webinars, virtual museums. Thus, non-formal educations could be in onsite or online training forms. Informal education can apply the museum’s resources both in traditional forms and in an innovative one. The museum online resources such as online museum games, massive open online courses (MOOC), and podcasts have the highest priority in this area. Museums and universities cooperate to get high-quality competitive educational online resources. In conclusion, it is possible to speak about a new stage in the development of museum educational activity. This stage is characterized by increasing attention to professional education by adding formal and non-formal (supplementary) educational programs, and, simultaneously, increasing the role of informal education due to online technology. It should be emphasized that museum staff could develop museum educational products for formal and non-formal education independently, but it is advisable for museums to intensify cooperation with universities to enter the online education market.

Marianna A. Sukholova

The study of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the stage image of vocal teachers is a topical issue in the context of improving the quality of professional music education in Ukraine, as well as in the world. The purpose of the article is to study the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective formation of the stage image of the future vocal teacher in the process of his professional education. The methodological basis of the study is the theoretical methods of scientific knowledge (analysis and synthesis, classification method, comparative method). Also, in the context of this study, a theoretical analysis of scientific sources was conducted. The article highlights and substantiates the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the stage image of a vocal teacher in the process of professional education: the creation of models of their own future based on the activation of “I-real” and “I-ideal”; providing motivation for performing and creative stage selfrealization of future specialists; application of personality-oriented models and learning technologies aimed at developing the student's individuality and providing conditions for the development of their abilities and creative self-realization in professional activities; diversification of practical forms of organization of the educational process It is emphasized that the basis of the stage image is a combination of personal and professional characteristics and psychological archetypes, which are the basis of image formation, which should correspond to the character of the vocalist the best human qualities and powerful informational-creative potential of the person. It is emphasized that according to the personality-oriented concept of education, priority is given to the development of personality, rather than the learning process, which is an important aspect in the process of forming the stage image of personality. The practical value of the work is that the results of the study can be used to increase the efficiency of the educational process, as well as to improve the professional qualities of vocal teachers

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 270-274
Valentina Igorevna Burenina ◽  
Natalia Gennadievna Kochetova

The article considers issues related to the development of a technical university teachers creative potential and its special aspects. The analysis of the latest researches and publications in this field is presented, and the necessity of a special study of this issue is formulated. A model for the development of the creative potential of a technical university teacher is proposed, which consists of target, content-technological and diagnostic blocks. The paper presents the characteristics of the model of technical university teachers creative potential development designed by the author; each of its components is described. The target block includes educational expectations. The content-technological block consists of the following structural components: external conditions, the content of education, educational technologies and the forms of educational process organization. The component External conditions includes psychological resilience potential and opportunities for self-expression and self-realization. The Content of Education component includes all creative potential elements. The component Educational technologies and the forms of educational process organization consider the patterns of the activity approach in education, using students activity which simulate the professional teachers of a technical university activity: business and intellectual games, project tasks and etc. The diagnostic block monitors and corrects the results of the model implementation. It includes criteria and indicators of the formation of each component of creative potential, a description of the levels of development of technical university teachers creative potential.

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