
So far, PAI teachers in preparing the 2013 curriculum implementation plan do not understand the GPA, learning objectives, determining factual, conceptual, and procedural material, as well as the difficulty in compiling rubrics and assessment instruments. Seeing the problems faced by teachers in preparing and developing learning implementation plans, it is necessary to have special guidance, namely individual supervision in developing learning implementation plans. For this reason, this study aims to improve the pedagogic competence of PAI Harjamukti teachers in Cirebon City in developing learning implementation plans through individual supervision. The research subjects were 20 PAI teachers in the Harjamukti area of ??Cirebon City. So the focus of this research is on the pedagogic competence of PAI teachers in the preparation and development of learning implementation plans. This research procedure consists of 3 cycles, in each cycle consisting of four stages, namely preparation of actions, implementation of actions, observation and monitoring of actions, and reflection. The results of this study are as follows: in the first cycle, PAI teachers have not been able and have not understood in the preparation of lesson plans there are only 5% who understand in the good category. In Cycle II, 40% of PAI teachers were in the good category, and in Cycle III, there was a very significant increase, there were 35% who understood the preparation and development of learning implementation plans in the good category and 60% in the very good category. So it can be concluded that Individual Technical Supervision can improve the competence of PAI teachers in compiling and developing lesson plans. ABSTRAKSelama ini guru PAI dalam menyusun rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran kurikulum 2013 belum faham dalam membuat IPK, tujuan pembelajaran, menentukan materi faktual, konseptual, dan procedural, serta sulitnya dalam menyusun rubrik dan instrument penilaian. Melihat masalah-masalah yang dihadapi guru dalam Menyusun dan mengembangkan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, maka perlu adanya bimbingan khusus yaitu supervisi individual dalam mengembangkan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkat kompetensi pedagogik guru PAI Harjamukti Kota Cirebon dalam mengembangkan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran melalui supervisi individual. Subyek penelitiannya adalah 20 guru PAI yang ada di wilayah Harjamukti Kota Cirebon. Jadi fokus penelitian ini adalah pada kompetensi pedagogik guru PAI dalam penyusunan dan pengembangan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Prosedur penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 siklus, pada setiap siklusnya terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu persiapan tindakan, pelaksanaan tindakan, pengamatan dan pemantauan tindakan, serta refleksi. Adapun hasil penelitian ini sebagai berikut : pada siklus I guru PAI belum mampu dan belum memahami dalam penyusunan RPP hanya ada 5% yang memahami dengan katagori baik. Pada Siklus II semakin meningkat ada 40% guru PAI dengan katagori baik, dan pada Siklus III sangat segnifikan meningkat drastis ada 35% yang memahami dalam dalam penyusunan dan pengembangan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan katagori baik dan 60% dengan katagori sangat baik. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa Supervisi Teknik Individual dapat meningkatkan kopmpetensi guru PAI dalan menyusun dan mengembangkan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
MA Hamid ◽  
M Nurtanto ◽  
M Fawaid

The qualified teacher is teacher who has the standards of educator that has capability of their materials according to the standard of the contents and carry out the learning process according to the standard of the process. Learning Implementation Plan (LIP) is the administration prepared teachers before carrying out the learning process. This research aims to know the quality of the LIP who made by teachers. This research is a descriptive qualitative. The data were collected through questionnaire, document’s noting, and interviews method. The research subjects are vocational teachers in SMK Negeri 1 Cilegon. The results of this research shows that (1) the completeness of the components 63.63; (2) conformity between components 85.7; (3) feasibility of competence 100; (4) feasibility of the indicators and the achievement of basic competencies 100; (5) feasibility of the learning objectives 80; (6) formulate learning objectives 75; (7) choosing and organizing the learning material 80; (8) feasibility of the learning activities 84.6; (9) selection of learning methods 100; (10) selection of media, tools and learning resources 85.71; and (11) the feasibility assessment 85.7, so that the average was 85.5 with good qualifications. The LIP is structured properly can increase the effectiveness of learning in the classroom and improve the quality of teaching and graduates are in accordance with the needs of the ASEAN Economic Community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 293-307
Muhabbabe Muhabbabe ◽  
Effendi M

Objective conditions that occur in schools, where teachers in carrying out teaching tasks without good planning certainly cannot create conducive learning conditions for improving the quality of student learning processes and outcomes. To improve such conditions, it can be done by carrying out teacher development through the implementation of academic supervision in the hope that teachers have the will to continuously improve their competency feasibility. The problems studied are (1) how is the model for fostering junior teachers in order to make a learning implementation plan oriented to active student learning, (2) how is the coaching model for junior teachers in order to implement a learning implementation plan oriented to active student learning, (3) whether the development of junior teachers through the implementation of academic supervision can improve the ability of teachers to make lesson plans oriented to active learning models, and (4) whether the development of junior teachers through the implementation of academic supervision can improve the ability of teachers to implement lesson plans that well made. The results of the data analysis show that: (1) the development of junior teachers carried out through the implementation of academic supervision can improve the ability of teachers to make learning implementation plans oriented to the active learning model, and (2) the development of junior teachers through the implementation of academic supervision. improve the ability of teachers to carry out learning based on a well-made lesson plan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-26
Rohadi Rohadi

This School Action Research (PTS) aims to improve the ability of teachers to develop innovative lesson plans through academic supervision (individual scientific and technical supervision models) during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research was conducted in four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection, and was carried out in two cycles. The research subjects were 4 science teachers and 4 social studies teachers in my school, namely SMAN 1 Puloampel, Serang district, Banten province. The components of the innovative RPP assessment consist of formulating indicators, formulating learning steps (KBM), allocating time, determining learning resources, formulating teaching methods, and formulating assessments while the innovations that are expected in making the RPP are RPPs that can produce, combine, have added value, something new and answers problems and is integrated with Strengthening Character Education (PPK), oriented to HOTS or improving students' higher thinking skills and having 21st-century skills. In the first cycle, the researcher observed an increase in teacher competence in making innovative lesson plans. The results of observations of individual RPP assessments in the first cycle showed an average value of 68.4%. In the second cycle, the teacher's average value increased in making lesson plans, which was 77.6%. While the classical lesson plan completeness assessment from cycle I and cycle II showed a good average value of 73%. This proves that academic supervision can improve the ability of teachers in preparing innovative RPP (Learning Implementation Plans).

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Ana Rohmatulloh ◽  
Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo ◽  
Haryo Aji Pambudi

This research aims at describing the 2013 Curriculum implementation for science learning on the planning, classroom implementation, and assessment stages, as well as the obstacles faced by teachers and their efforts to overcome them. This qualitative research was by involving Grade 4 teachers, students, and the principal of a primary school in Yogyakarta as the research subjects. The research object was the activities carried out in the curriculum implementation. The data collection instruments include observation sheets, interview guidelines, questionnaires, and analysis guidelines. The data were analyzed through data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The data validity was tested using triangulation techniques. The research found that the planning stage include studying the syllabus and teacher’s books then outlining the steps of the activities with the scientific approach; the teachers had integrated the science learning with other subjects under a theme; and the scientific approach was employed through observing, questioning, experimenting, associating/reasoning, and communicating. However, the overall implementation of the 2013 Curriculum had not been optimal yet. The teachers had used authentic assessment to assess the students' attitudes, knowledge, and skills, but they rarely used assessment instruments and rubrics. The obstacles faced by teachers were in the planning, classroom implementation, and assessment stages.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 781
Mangarahon Rambe

This research is motivated by a lack of understanding of teachers in preparing lesson plans in a complete and systematic manner, besides that the ability of teachers is not sufficient in developing the components of lesson plans according to the needs and abilities of students. The purpose of this study is to improve teacher competencies in preparing learning implementation plans through academic supervision. This research is a classroom action research. School action research is carried out in four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection, and carried out at least in two cycles. The research subjects were mathematics teachers totaling 6 people who were in the shade school of the researchers. The research instruments used were RPP documents and assessment observation sheets. The results of the study showed that the teacher's competence in preparing lesson plans in the first cycle was 40.90% which was included in the less category, in the second cycle it increased to 92.42% which was included in the good category. The conclusion based on the research data is that the teacher's competence in preparing lesson plans has increased after academic supervision.

2020 ◽  
pp. 151-159
Enni Betti

The purpose of the School Action Research (PTS) is to determine the competencies of teachers at SDN 002 Kuntu in developing syllabi and lesson plans and making efforts to improve them. This was done based on the results of observations made by researchers and found some fundamental problems experienced by the teachers. The problems found, namely (1) teachers are less able to tighten the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) properly; (2) the teacher does not refer to the Syllabus and Implementation Plan in the learning process in the classroom; (3) teachers tend to assume that the old methods and strategies they have implemented have completed many students; (4) the teacher is still fixated to use the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) that has been designed by the previous teachers. The method implemented is continuous bombardment. Based on the School action research that has been carried out it can be concluded several things, First, Continuous academic supervision is scientifically proven to increase teacher competence in preparing syllabi and lesson plans, namely from 31% to 83% after academic supervision. In addition, the number of good quality lesson plans also increased from 31% to 89%. Second, the steps that lead to an increase in teacher competence in preparing the syllabus and lesson plans include the following steps: (1) announcement of the supervision plan for teachers; (2) conducting individual supervision (3) the principal supervises the class.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 110
Mochamad Sayudi

ABSTRAKTujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membantu meningkatkan kompetensi paedagogik guru-guru di SMP Negeri 1 Sooko dalam menyusun rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) yang sesuai dengan standar kompetensi masing-masing. Hal tersebut dikarenakan keberhasilan dalam proses belajar mengajar tidak lepas dari perencanaan pembelajaran yang disusun oleh guru sebelum melaksanakan pembelajaran. Salah satu langkah yang bisa digunakan adalah supervisi akademik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa supervisi akademik dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam menyusun rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP). Berdasarkan penilaian, penyusunan RPP dari rata-rata 68,4 pada prasiklus meningkat menjadi 71,3 pada siklus I. Berdasarkan tingkat ketuntasannya, terjadi peningkatan dari 40,9% pada prasiklus menjadi 61,3% pada siklus I. Hal tersebut belum memenuhi kriteria keberhasilan sehingga dilakukan penelitian siklus II. Kemudian, didapatkan nilai rata-rata kompetensi guru dalam menyusun rencana pelaksaan pembelajaran 74,00 dan berdasarkan ketuntasan mencapai 84%.Kata kunci: supervisi akademik, RPPABSTRACTThe main objective of this research is to improve the pedagogical competence of teachers in SMP Negeri 1 Sooko, in preparing Learning Implementation Plan that is in accordance with their respective competency standards, because success in the teaching and learning process cannot be separated from the learning planning which is prepared by teacher before carrying out learning. One step that can be used is academic supervision. The results of this study indicate that academic supervision can improve teacher competency in developing learning implementation plans (RPP). Based on the assessment of the preparation of lesson plans from an average of 68.4 in the pre-cycle increased to 71.3 in the first cycle. Based on the completeness level of 40.9% in the pre-cycle increased to 61.3% in the first cycle. It does not meet the success criteria, so Cycle II research was carried out and the average teacher competency score in preparing the learning implementation plan was 74.00 and based on completeness reached 84%.Keywords: academic supervision, learning implementation plan

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Melkianus Suluh ◽  
Yuliana Sesi Bitu

This study aims to: (1) determine the level of understanding of STKIP Weetebula students on RPP components, and (2) the ability of STKIP Weetebula students in preparing lesson plans. This research was conducted in Sumba Barat Daya District, East Nusa Tenggara. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The research subjects were taken by purposive random sampling technique, as many as 40 people from 130 students spread over 4 study programs. Data collection uses an open questionnaire instrument and RPP format equipped with SK and KD according to the sub-field of research. The conclusion of the results of this study is first, students' understanding of the Learning Implementation Plan or RPP component is basically good, but in practice, students need to be trained to implement RPP. In addition, students 'understanding of the learning model needs to be improved, this is in line with the results of the students' work in preparing the student lesson plans, not paying enough attention to the model steps. Second, the ability to prepare lesson plans. Students in preparing lesson plans are generally good. The weakness of the student lies in the ability to describe KD in the form of indicators not yet answering the minimum KD standards, learning objectives have not shown goals that can be measured and achieved, to differentiate indicators from objectives, students only add student subjects, and use the same operational verbs for all purposes learning no mention of the forms of apperception activities carried out. At the core activities, the learning steps are not in accordance with the stages of the learning model, and in the final activity there is no explanation of the direct or indirect benefits of the material being taugh.Keywords: Student understanding, Learning Implementation Plan

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-66
Ratna Juwita

The research subjects were teachers of SD Negeri 15 Jalan Kereta Api. Research procedure with two cycles. Each cycle consists of two workshops, each of which includes planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques with observation, documentation. The data analysis carried out in this study were reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results revealed that there was an increase in teachers in making learning devices in each cycle. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the workshops can improve the ability of teachers to compile syllabus and lesson plans as well as increase the number of teachers in preparing these tools. What is expected is achieved.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Ridwan Ridwan

<span lang="EN-US">The success of teaching and learning activities can be known from the results of teacher performance in preparing character-based lesson plans and implementing them in the teaching and learning process in class. This school action research aims to see whether there is an increase in the ability of teachers in developing character-based lesson plans and their implementation in teaching and learning process. This research uses 2 cycles. The research procedure has four stages of activities</span><span lang="IN"> are</span><span lang="EN-US">, planning, action, observation and evaluation</span><span lang="IN">,</span><span lang="EN-US"> and reflecting. The study was conducted at SDN 07 Situjuah Gadang. The subject of the research is the class teacher and subject teacher, which totals 7 </span><span lang="IN">teachers.</span><span lang="EN-US"> Data processing using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques.</span><span lang="EN-US">Based on the results of data analysis that has been stated, that the data obtained from observing the ability of teachers to prepare character-based lesson plans in cycle I and cycle II there is an increase in the ability of teachers in preparing character-based lesson plans.</span>

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