scholarly journals E-Assessment and NEP 2020: Transforming Assessment for Students’ Development

Geeta . ◽  
Shri Kant Dwivedi

The technological advancement and e-learning systems has resulted during upraised demand for tactics and means in measuring student's learning. Assessment is undoubtedly an important part of the education process in any education institution. The present study is to points on concepts of e-assessment; e-assessment historical background, tasks which will be accessed through e-assessment; purposes for assessment; recommendations of NEP2020 to shift assessment from summative to formative for students’ development; advantages and issues of e-assessment. it's concluded that e-assessment are more productive if it is reliable, valid and trustworthy so the Assessors need collaborative attempt todevelop genuine, transparent, valid and practicable assessment. E-assessment helps to measure the task of high order assessment. Keywords: E-assessment, NEP 2020, Assessment of Learning, Assessment for Learning, Assessment as Learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-56
Isnawati Nur Afifah Latif ◽  
Nurlaili Dina Hafni

In the 2013 curriculum, the concept of assessment to understand learning through competence refers to three approaches, namely assessment as learning, assessment for learning, assessment of learning. All three approaches must be taken by the teacher in the assessment activities. assessment as learning is carried out during the learning process by expecting results in the form of information to the teacher about students' readiness to understand deeper concepts. Assessment for learning. Assessment of learning is carried out by the teacher to measure the level of achievement of student competencies that can be known from previous learning assessments. In Islamic education subjects, the competencies assessed cover three aspects, namely aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Thus, the valuation technique must be adjusted so that the assessment and the results obtained are appropriate so that all interested parties can optimally utilize the results of the assessment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 76-83
Atipong Pathanasethpong

Assessment is closely connected to learning since assessment allows a learner’s current competencies to be measured. The results of such a measurement can then be used to produce learning. There are three goals for assessment in medical education: assessment of learning, assessment for learning, and assessment as learning. These three goals serve different purposes and therefore differ in how they are carried out. They also require different approaches for the assessors. It is crucial that all three goals be balanced and attained lest the testing culture wax and the learning culture wane, resulting in a situation in which learners place too much emphasis on passing the tests and not enough emphasis on learning and growing. No single method of assessment can sufficiently achieve all three goals. One comprehensive approach to achieve as well as balance all three goals is to utilize programmatic assessment, in which various methods of assessment are employed based on their strengths and how they can cover each other’s limitations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-78
Dadan Rosana ◽  
Eko Widodo ◽  
Wita Setianingsih ◽  
Didik Setyawarno

AbstrakKegiatan pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas penilaian peserta didik sehingga dapat menerapkan otentik asesmen sebagaimana di minta di Kurikulum 2013. Penilaian konvensional cenderung dilakukan untuk mengukur hasil belajar peserta didik. Dalam konteks ini, penilaian diposisikan seolah-olah sebagai kegiatan yang terpisah dari proses pembelajaran. Pemanfaatan penilaian bukan sekadar mengetahui pencapaian hasil belajar, justru yang lebih penting adalah bagaimana penilaian mampu meningkatkan kemampuan peserta didik dalam proses belajar.Penilaian seharusnya dilaksanakan melalui tiga pendekatan, yaitu assessment of learning (penilaian akhir pembelajaran), assessment for learning (penilaian untuk pembelajaran), dan assessment as learning (penilaian sebagai pembelajaran). Dengan kegiatan pelatihan ini diharapkan kompetensi guru dalam bidang penilaian dapat meningkat.Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dalam rancangan workshop dan pendampingan mulai dari penjelasan tentang pemanfaatan Assessment of Learning, Assessment for Learning dan Assessment as Learning Pada Pembelajaran IPA SMP, melakukan validasi dan uji coba asessment di kelas pembelajaran, dan menerapkan asesmen tersebut dalam seluruh penbelajaran IPA di SMP. Evaluasi kegiatan dilaksanakan baik dari aspek proses (workshop dan pendampingan) maupun aspek produk (melakukan tes kemampuan guru menerapkan asesmen di kelas pembelajaran). Pada tahap implementasi di lapangan akan dilaksanakan dengan cara melakukan kemitraan kolaboratif dengan MGMP IPA SMP di Kabupaten Magelang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Kata kunci: Pelatihan guru, Assessment of Learning, Assessment for Learning, Assessment as Learning. Assessment Of Learning, Assessment For Learning And As Learning Assessment Training In Smp Learning Learning In MGMP, Magelang DistrictAbstractThis training activity aims to improve the quality of student assessment so that they can apply authentic assessments as requested in the 2013 Curriculum. Conventional assessments tend to be carried out to measure student learning outcomes. In this context, assessment is positioned as if the activity is separate from the learning process. Utilization of assessment is not just knowing the achievement of learning outcomes, rather what is more important is how assessment can improve the ability of students in the learning process. Assessment should be carried out through three approaches, namely assessment of learning (assessment of learning), assessment for learning (assessment for learning) , and assessment as learning (assessment as learning). With this training activity it is expected that teacher competency in the field of assessment can increase.These service activities are carried out in the design of workshops and mentoring starting from the explanation of the use of Assessment of Learning, Assessment for Learning and Assessment as Learning in Junior High School Science Learning, validating and testing assessments in learning classes, and implementing these assessments in all Natural Sciences learning in SMP . Evaluation of activities carried out both from the aspect of the process (workshops and mentoring) and product aspects (testing the ability of teachers to apply assessments in learning classes). At the implementation stage in the field, it will be carried out by collaborative partnership with MGMP IPA SMP in Magelang Regency, Central Java Province.Key words: Teacher training, Assessment of Learning, Assessment for Learning, Assessment as Learning

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-38
Agung Prihantoro

In the field of classroom educational assessment or evaluation, there is a research gap in the development of three educational assessment paradigms: assessment of learning, assessment for learning, and assessment as learning. The paper aims to fill the gap by describing the development. The research methodology employed was literature review. The results indicated that two phases of the development are early and advanced ones. In the early phase, some educational stakeholders hoped to orient educational assessment toward learning, not only assessing. The early phase originated the assessment as learning which showed differences among the three paradigms. In the advanced phase, the assessment as learning together with the assessment of learning and the assessment for learning were applied in various classes in schools and higher education in many countries. The application generated scientifically empirical shreds of evidence of strengths and weaknesses and future progress of particularly the assessment as learning.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-102
Ivana Cindrić ◽  
Snježana Pavić

Feedback is a constituent part of three assessment approaches: assessment for/as/of learning. Feedback about students’ learning and performance differs in the three approaches with respect to manner and purpose. Feedback associated with assessment of learning is representative of the traditional way of teaching, its role reduced to mere reporting of a score or grade. However, in the context of assessment for learning and assessment as learning, feedback plays a more significant role. It implies having a clear understanding of how, when and why feedback is given in addition to involving students in giving feedback. This preliminary research on a sample of primary school English language teachers in Croatia focuses on tendencies in giving feedback and some general characteristics of feedback given to students within the assessment for learning approach. Teachers’ estimates of their competence in providing feedback and their needs in this particular area of assessment are revealed. The results will pinpoint areas which require further research for the purpose of more closely adhering to the principles of assessment for learning and assessment as learning in English language teaching.

Olga Novogen ◽  
Birnaz Nina ◽  
Elena Aurel Railean

There are three types of assessment: assessment for learning, assessment of learning, and assessment as learning. Assessment as learning refers to the use of ongoing self-assessment, reflection, and deeper understanding. Within the entrepreneurial program of the initial vocational-technical schools, the role of assessment refers to the facilitation of the students' personality (commitment to self-assessment; tolerance to ambiguity, uncertainty, as well as creativity, self-reliance, adaptability, motivation to excel, leadership) that are expected to line skills for a successful entrepreneurial competence. This chapter analyzes the specific features of the assessment model for entrepreneurial education programs. The core of the model is an instructional dynamic and flexible strategy, based on integration formative and summative assessment. Thus, the course in entrepreneurial competence is divided into three modules. The finality of each module is measured by formative computer-based assessment tests.

Alke Martens

Models are everywhere. Terms like “modeling” and “model” are part of everyday language. Even in research, no overall valid definition of what a model is exists. Different scientific fields work with different models. Usually, the term “model” is used intuitively to describe something which is sort of “abstract”. This is a rather vague concept, but all models have in common that they are abstractions in a broad sense and that they are developed for a certain purpose, for example, for testing and investigating parts of reality, theories or hypotheses, for communication, or for reuse. In e-learning the notion of models is frequently used in a rather naive and uncritical way. The main purpose of developing models seems to be lost in the overwhelming amount of available models. A situation has emerged where the development of a new special purpose model often seems to be much easier than the reuse, validation, or revision of existing ones. In the following section approaches to define the term “model” will be sketched to provide a (historical) background in relation with computer science. Afterwards, an overview over existing models and different approaches to categorize e-learning models will be given. A future trend suggests a new categorization of e-learning models. The chapter closes with a conclusion.

Phillip Olla

E-learning applications are becoming commonplace in most higher education institutions, and some institutions have implemented open source applications such as course management systems and electronic portfolios. These e-learning applications initiatives are the first step to moving away from proprietary software such as Blackboard and WEBCT toward open source. With open source, higher education institutions can easily and freely audit their systems. This chapter presents evaluation criteria that was used by a higher education institution to evaluate an open source e-learning system.

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