The role of filter media geometry in tap water biofilms

2020 ◽  
Erifyli Tsagkari ◽  
Stephanie Connelly ◽  
Zhaowei Liu ◽  
Andrew McBride ◽  
William Sloan

<p class="MDPI17abstract"><span lang="EN-US">Biofilms are inextricably linked to the hydrodynamics of flow through a filter and yet engineers rarely explicitly engineer this interaction. We developed a system that links computer simulation and 3-D printing to optimize filter media geometry and biofilm function. The main objective is to prototype filter media to passively induce vortices that roll down a surface, imposing oscillating flow in the channel to enhance biofilm formation. Thus, a 2-D model was developed and linked to a 3-D printer. The model was solved to determine the wall shear stress distribution with time. The experiments showed that the thickest, densest and most extended biofilms were formed for the strongest oscillations in the channel due to the presence of a filter medium. This is a speeding-up innovation in the design and implementation of small-scale biofiltration systems for rural communities.</span></p>

2007 ◽  
Vol 135 (7) ◽  
pp. 1151-1158 ◽  
D. Rh. THOMAS ◽  
R. M. M. SMITH ◽  

SUMMARYAn outbreak of Campylobacter jejuni infection occurred in a South Wales Valleys housing estate. Illness in estate residents was associated with tap water consumption [population attributable risk (PAR) 50%, relative risk (RR) 2·53, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1·9–3·37] and residence in the upper estate (PAR 49%, RR 2·44, 95% CI 1·83–3·24). Amongst upper estate residents, rates of diarrhoeal illness increased with rates of water consumption (OR 18, 95% CI 3·5–92·4 for heaviest consumers, χ2 trend P<0·0001). The upper estate received mains water via a covered holding reservoir. A crack in the wall of the holding reservoir was identified. Contamination with surface water from nearby pasture land was the likely cause of this outbreak. Service reservoirs are common in rural communities and need regular maintenance and inspection. The role of water in sporadic cases of campylobacter enteritis may be underestimated.

Albert Nsom Kimbu ◽  
Irma Booyens ◽  
Anke Winchenbach

Traditional rural livelihoods are disappearing due to natural resource decline, climate pressure and, also modernization. This study explores livelihood diversification from primary economic activities into tourism employment in rural communities. We examine the developmental role of tourism in areas where traditional activities, in this case fishing, have declined and tourism is growing. This article presents the findings of two case studies: the coastal communities of Padstow (UK) and Paternoster (South Africa). The approach is qualitative and draws on sustainable livelihoods and social well-being notions to examine how affected people “cope with change” with respect to tourism diversification, and individual and community well-being. While the socioeconomic and sociopolitical contexts in the two research sites differ, the findings show that narratives about belonging and identity feature prominently with respect to fishing livelihoods in both cases. Small-scale fishing, perceived as a way of life for fishers, is under threat in both areas, yet there is limited evidence of concerted efforts to plan and manage the potential diversification processes into tourism. Nonetheless, we observe that tourism does provide some opportunities for fishing-dependent communities and outline some avenues for stronger collaboration, particularly by focusing on culinary tourism.

Victor Moroz ◽  
Anatolie Ignat ◽  
Eugenia Lucasenco

In recent years the Republic of Moldova has implemented a set of reforms in order to increase the efficiency of agricultural production. The main purpose of this paper is to highlight economic advantages and disadvantages of large and small scale farms, and also to focus on the multidimensional role of the small scale farming for rural areas. The methodology used in the article is based on analysis of statistical data, as well as on results of relevant qualitative and quantitative surveys. The main expected results of this paper lay in the proposals of ways in which agriculture can make a contribution to the vibrancy of rural communities from the Republic of Moldova.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 1852
Yu Yang ◽  
Fang Wang

Rural areas worldwide are witnessing an increase in outmigration, which has led to an impact on irrigation infrastructure management. In many cases, governments in transition economies find it difficult to support small-scale irrigation infrastructure programs. This research aims to examine the extent to which the recent “lineage revival” in China to increase the importance of lineage networks can reduce the negative effects of outmigration in rural communities. Analyzing a rural community in Sichuan Province, the findings reveal that while there is no significant effect of outmigration on respondents’ willingness to contribute toward irrigation infrastructure, and while lineage networks can enhance this willingness, such networks also reduce participation if non-lineage members are among the beneficiaries. Finally, the study provides an understanding of how informal lineage networks may facilitate contribution to irrigation infrastructure.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 223
Thohir Yuli Kusmanto

Abstract: Islamic economic system has been experiencing rapid growth and development in Indonesia since the 1998 reform. Islamic economic discourse has become an intensive study, discussions, seminars, workshops to formulate ideal type of Islamic economics. Islamic economics is practically manifested in the form of banking, non-banking, insurance, and financial institutions. Islamic Economics has gone into rural areas in the systemic struggle among traditional economic system, a market economy and capitalistic system. Economic position of Islam becomes a middle way in terms of foundation, practices, access and capital assets. The seep of Islamic economy in the rural area is done through Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT). The process is viewed as a social movement so that it can touch rural communities. Its movement is performed by Islamic activist organizations of young generation which is affiliated with Islamic organizations or mosque activists. Early initiation was triggered by Center Incubation of Small Scale Business (Pusat Inkubasi Bisnis Usaha Kecil /PINBUK), Economic Organization, and Indonesian Muslim Scientist Association (Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim/ ICMI) 1996. The establishment of BMT in Sragen was first done by Sragen ICMI branch. In this case, social and political conditions determined the process of formation. The primary role of BMT is as a financial institution and deposit. The role of financing has helped micro scale group of entrepreneurs,and  small and medium scale groups of entrepreneurs to develop their business, and access capital. BMT encourages rural people to save their money for investment. As the Islamic financial services cooperation, BMT teaches the spirit of brotherhood and cooperation to develop Islamic economy in the rural areas.   الملخص: أصبح النظام الإقتصادي الإسلامي ينمو نموّا سريعا في إندونيسيا بعد واقعة " إصلاح " 1999م. وأصبح حديث الإقتصاد الإسلامي موضوع دراسات متواصلة، ومناقشات علمية، وندوات، وورشات عمل لصياغة النموذج الأمثل للإقتصاد الإسلامي. ويتجلّى الإقتصاد الإسلامي عمليا في عدّة أشكال : المصرفية، وغير المصرفية، والتأمين والمؤسسات المالية. وقد تسرّب الإقتصاد الإسلامي في القرى في النضال النظامي بين الإقتصاد التقليدي وبين نظام الإقتصاد السوقي الرأسمالي، وأصبح الإقتصاد الإسلامي وسيطا في الأمور : الأساس والتطبيق والتدبير وعملية الحصول على الأصول والرأسمال. ويكون تسرّب الإقتصاد الإسلامي في القرى عن طريق بيت المال والتمويل. وهذه العملية كحركة إجتماعية حتى وصلت إلى المجتمع الريفي. وهذه الحركة قام بها مجموعة من الشبان المتحمّسين (أي الشبان الحركيين للمسجد) من المنظّمات الإسلامية  المنتمية إلى الجمعيّات الإجتماعية الإسلامية . كان الاستهلال الأول PINBUK   وهي المنظمة الإقتصادية لرابطة المثقّفين المسلمين الإندونيسيين (ICMI) سنة 1999م. وتأسيس بيت المال والتمويل في سراغين حرّكتها (ICMI) سراغين. والوضع الإجتماعي السياسي في ذلك الحين دفع عملية التشكيل. وكان دور بيت المال والتمويل الرئيس هو كمؤسسة التمويل والادّخار. ودوره التمويل يساعد العمل التجاري الصغير والمتوسّط لتنمية عمله التجاري وللحصول على الرأسمال. وقد حثّ بيت المال والتمويل المجتمع القروي على الادّخار للتمويل. وكمؤسسة الخدمات المالية الإسلامية، علّم بيت المال والتمويل الناس روح الأسرية والتعاون والتكافل لتنمية الإقتصاد الإسلامي في القرى Abstrak: Sistem ekonomi Islam mengalami pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang pesat di Indonesia pasca reformasi 1998. Wacana ekonomi Islam telah menjadi kajian intensif, diskusi, seminar, lokakarya dan workshop merumuskan tipe ideal ekonomi Islam. Secara praktis ekonomi Islam mewujud dalam bentuk; perbankan, non bank, asuransi, dan lembaga keuangan. Ekonomi Islam telah meresap ke pedesaan diantara pergulatan sistemik, ekonomi tradisional dengan ekonomi pasar – kapitalistik. Posisi ekonomi Islam menjadi jalan tengah dalam hal; landasan, praktik, pengelolaan dan akses serta aset permodalan. Peresapan ekonomi Islam di pedesaan melalui Baitul Mal Wat Tamwil (BMT). Proses tersebut  sebagai suatu gerakan sosial, sehingga mampu menyentuh masyarakat pedesaan. Gerakannya dilakukan oleh generasi muda aktifis organisasi Islam yang berafiliasi dengan ormas Islam atau aktifis masjid. Inisiasi awal oleh Pusat Inkubasi Bisnis Usaha Kecil (PINBUK), organisasi ekonomi Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia (ICMI) tahun 1996. Pembentukan BMT di Kabupaten Sragen pertama kali digerakkan ICMI cabang Sragen. Kondisi sosial politik menentukan proses pembentukan. Peran utama BMT adalah sebagai lembaga pembiayaan dan simpanan. Peran pembiayaan telah menolong kelompok usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah mengembangkan usahanya, dalam mengakses permodalan. BMT mendorong masyarakat pedesaan menabung untuk investasi. Sebagai koperasi jasa keuangan syariah, BMT mengajarkan semangat kekeluargaan dan kerjasama untuk mengembangkan ekonomi yang Islami di pedesaan.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Daniele Michele Nucera ◽  
Sara Lomonaco ◽  
Patrizia Morra ◽  
Marco Francesco Ortoffi ◽  
Daniele Giaccone ◽  

This study was aimed at collecting data on presence, dissemination and persistence of <em>Pseudomonas</em> in small-scale dairy farms. Six farms (located in Piedmont) were visited three times over 2014: 116 waters (wells and different faucets/pipes) and 117 environmental samples (milking equipments and drains) were collected. Enumeration of <em>Pseudomonadaceae</em> was performed, 3-5 colonies/samples were selected for identification via 16SrDNA/oprI polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and typed by enterobacterial-repetitive- intergenic-consensus (ERIC)-PCR. Pseudomonadaceae were detected in 77% of samples. No statistical differences were found among proportions of positives across farms, sample typologies and seasons. Most isolates were <em>Pseudomonas fluorescens</em> (45%), and ERIC-PCR showed 32 persistent types diffused across farms. All in all, <em>Pseudomonas</em> spp. represents a challenge, considering its presence over time in water as well as in teat cups, indicating a continuous source of contamination. Moreover, persistency of strains may indicate biofilm-formation and/or sanitisers resistance, therefore emphasising the role of primary production for preventing milk contamination by <em>Pseudomonas</em> spp.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-133 ◽  
Ruth Kevers ◽  
Peter Rober ◽  
Lucia De Haene

While collective identifications of diasporic Kurds have attracted considerable scholarly interest, their possible role in familial processes of post-trauma reconstruction has hardly been studied. The aim of this article is therefore to develop an explorative understanding of the deployment and meaning of collective identifications in intimate family contexts by examining the interconnectedness between the transmission of cultural and political belonging and post-trauma meaning-making and coping in Kurdish refugee families. After contextualising diasporic Kurds’ collective identifications through an ethnographic depiction of the Kurdish diasporic community in Belgium, this article reports on findings from a small-scale, exploratory study with five Kurdish refugee families in Belgium. Thematic analysis of family and parent interviews indicates how cultural and political identifications may operate as sources of (1) dealing with cultural bereavement and loss; (2) commemorating trauma; and (3) reversing versus reiterating trauma. Overall, this study’s findings support an explorative understanding of collective identifications as meaningful resources in families’ post-trauma reconstruction.ABSTRACT IN KURMANJIRola nasnameyên komelî di pêvajoyên malbatî yên vesazkirina paş-trawmayê de: Xebateke raveker li ser malbatên kurd ên penaber û civakên wan ên dîasporayêTevî ku nasnameyên komelî yên kurdên dîasporayê ta radeyeke baș bûye mijara lêkolînan, rola wan a muhtemel di pêvajoyên malbatî yên vesazkirina (selihandin) paş-trawmayê qet nehatine vekolîn. Lewma armanca vê gotarê ew e têgihiştineke raveker pêş bixe li ser rol û wateya nasnameyên komelî yên di çarçoveya mehremiya malbatê de, ku vê yekê jî dê bi rêya vekolîna wê têkiliya rijd bike ya di navbera neqlkirina aidiyetên çandî-siyasî û rêyên sazkirina wateyê û serederîkirina li dû trawmayê di nav malbatên kurd ên penaber de. Piştî diyarkirina çarçoveya nasnameya komelî ya Kurdên diasporayê bi rêya teswîreke etnografîk a cemaeta diasporaya Kurd li Belçîkayê, ev gotar encamên ji xebateke biçûk a bi pênc malbatên kurd ên penaber ên li Belçîkayê pêşkêş dike. Tehlîla babetî ya hevpeyvînên ligel malbatan û dayik û bavan nîşan dide ka çawa nasnameyên çandî û siyasî dikarin bibin çavkanî ji bo (1) serederîkirina bi mehrûmiyeta çandî û windahiyên xwe; (2) bibîranîna trawmayê; û (3) kêmrengkirin an, beramber vê yekê, dubarekirina trawmayê. Bi giştî, encamên vê xebatê wê têgihiştineke raveker tesdîq dikin ku nasnameyên kolektîf çavkaniyên kêrhatî ne di vesazkirina paş-trawmayê ya malbatan de. ABSTRACT IN SORANIDewrî nasname bekomellekan le prose binemalleyîyekanî sazkirdinewey paş-trawmayîda: lêkollîneweyekî şirovekarî binemalle penabere kurdekan û civatî ewan le diyasporaLe katêkda nasname bekomellekanî kurdekanî diyaspora le layen şarezakanewe giringîyekî berçawî pê drawe û serincî ewanî bo lay xoyî rakêşawe, bellam sebaret be egerî dewrî prose binemalleyîyekanî sazkirdinewey paş-tirawma be degmen lêkollîneweyek encam drawe. Ke wate, amancî em wutare perepêdan be têgeyîştinêkî şirovekarane lemerr bekarhênan û manay nasname bekomellekan le bestênekanî têkellawîy binemalleyîdaye, ke le rêgey peywendîy nêwan rewtî gwastineweyî grêdraweyî kultûrî û siyasî, sazbûnî mana û herweha rahatin legell kêşekanî qonaẍî paş tirawma le binemalle kurde penaberekanda taqî krawetewe. Dway awirrdanewe le civakî diyasporay kurd le Belcîka, nasname bekomellekanî kurdekanî diyaspora le bestênî xoyda xwêndinewey bo krawe û bem gêreye lem wutareda lêkollîneweyekî şirovekarane bo qebareyekî biçûk le pênc binemalley kurdî penaber le Belcîka dekrê û encamekanî billaw dekrêtewe. Şîkarîyekî babetiyaney wutuwêj legell binemalle û dayk û bawkekan nîşanî dedat ke çon dekrê nasname kultûrî û siyasîyekan wek serçaweyek bo em sê mijare derbikewn: (1) gîrodebûn be ledestçûn û bizirbûnî kultûr; (2) webîrhênanewey tirawma; û (3) pêçewanebûnî tirawma leberamber dûbarebûneweyda. Beşêweyekî giştî, encamekanî em lêkollîneweye piştgîrî le têgeyîştinêkî şirovekarane le nasname bekomellekan dekat ke wekû serçaweyekî giring bo sazkirdinewey binemallekan le dway qonaẍî paş-tirawma seyr dekrêt.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 4-9
Pavel A. BUTYRIN ◽  

The historical context in which the State Plan for Electrification of Russia (GOELRO) was developed, establishment of the GOELRO Commission, the GOELRO Plan content, the specific features of its implementation, and the role of the plan in the soviet period of Russia’s history are considered. Attention is paid to the electrification plants of other countries and territories of all inhabited continents, and to the participation of states in the electrification of countries and regions with small-scale and agricultural production in the 1920 s. The specific features pertinent to the electrification of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic are pointed out, namely, low starting conditions (in 1923, the energy consumption per capita in Russia was 100 times lower than that in Norway), its being state-owned in nature and revolutionary in its purpose: to get done with the main upheavals in the country and to shift the national economy for fore efficient production. The role of V.I. Lenin and G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, who were the initiators of the electrification of Russia, is analyzed in detail. A conclusion is drawn about the need to study both the GOELRO Plan itself and the specific features and circumstances of its implementation within the framework of training modern specialists in electrical engineering.

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