2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-106
Bachtiar Hariyadi

This study aims to analyze the principles of fiqhiyyah about fair treatment of both Muslims and non-Muslim communities. This study uses a hermeneutic approach, a study that emphasizes the analysis of a verse text. Hermeneutics is widely used in the study of texts in almost all scientific fields, including: philosophy, art, literature, history, law, and others, including the study of Islamic law. One of the characteristics of Islamic law is its position in the realm of idealism and positivism. Idealism because Islamic law is a law that comes from Allah SWT. and it is said to be positivism because within certain limits Islamic law is always up to date with the times. The results show that the history of the formation and application of sharia is strongly influenced by the conditions in which it was formulated. The implication is that Islamic legal products that actually come from the same text, namely al-Qur'an and al-Sunnah, can produce different legal products when the context of the problem is different. In addition, the different perspectives and approaches used by the ulama in analyzing social reality also have an effect on the legal products produced, so it is not strange if the scholars have different opinions on the same case.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Muhammad Fatih Rusydi Syadzili

This study aims to analyze the principles of fiqhiyyah about fair treatment of both Muslims and non-Muslim communities. This study uses a hermeneutic approach, a study that emphasizes the analysis of a verse text. Hermeneutics is widely used in the study of texts in almost all scientific fields, including: philosophy, art, literature, history, law, and others, including the study of Islamic law. One of the characteristics of Islamic law is its position in the realm of idealism and positivism. Idealism because Islamic law is a law that comes from Allah SWT. and it is said to be positivism because within certain limits Islamic law is always up to date with the times. The results show that the history of the formation and application of sharia is strongly influenced by the conditions in which it was formulated. The implication is that Islamic legal products that actually come from the same text, namely al-Qur'an and al-Sunnah, can produce different legal products when the context of the problem is different. In addition, the different perspectives and approaches used by the ulama in analyzing social reality also have an effect on the legal products produced, so it is not strange if the scholars have different opinions on the same case.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Arip Purkon

Abstract: A Hermeneutic Approach in the Study of Islamic Law. Hermeneutics is an approach that is used to analyze a text. Currently, hermeneutics is widely used in the study of texts in almost all fields of science, among others: philosophy, arts, literature, history, law, and others, including the study of Islamic law. One characteristic of Islamic law is its position in area of idealism and positivism. It is idealist because Islamic law which is sourced from Allah Swt. and stated by positivism within certain limits, Islamic law is always up to date. Hermeneutics is a scientific approach which originated in the West so that it has its own characteristics. Due to those historical roots and different characteristics, if hermeneutics is used in the study of Islamic law, some problems will be encountered.Keywords: hermeneutics, sharia, jurisprudence, ta’wîl, qat‘îAbstrak: Pendekatan Hermeneutika dalam Kajian Hukum Islam. Hermeneutika merupakan salah satu pendekatan yang digunakan untuk menganalisis suatu teks. Saat ini hermeneutika banyak digunakan dalam kajian teks hampir di segala bidang keilmuan, antara lain: filsafat, seni, sastra, sejarah, hukum, dan yang lainnya, tidak terkecuali dalam studi hukum Islam. Salah satu karakteristik hukum Islam adalah posisinya berada di wilayah idealisme dan positivisme. Idealisme karena hukum Islam merupakan hukum yang bersumber dari Allah Swt. dan dikatakan positivisme karena dalam batas-batas tertentu hukum Islam senantiasa mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Hermeneutika merupakan salah satu metode pendekatan keilmuan yang lahir di dunia Barat sehingga mempunyai karakteristik tersendiri. Karena mempunyai akar sejarah dan karakteristik yang berbeda, maka ketika hermeneutika digunakan dalam kajian hukum Islam akan menemui beberapa masalah.Kata Kunci: hermeneutika, syariah, fikih, takwil, qat‘îDOI: 10.15408/ajis.v13i2.930

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-81
Khariri Khariri

The development in the field of information technology in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 was so rapid. However, there are many negative findings from the use of social media, such as hoaxes, utterances of hatred, slander, etc. This requires a more contextual study of Islamic law (fiqh) and is able to answer what is the demand of the times, especially the phenomenon of social media. In carrying out the formulation of Islamic law, there are two methods of reasoning used, namely normative-deductive and empirical-inductive, so that the resulting laws can be in accordance with the demands of the community. Therefore, the idea of social media fiqh is to make an effort to find the maqāṣid al-syarī’ah (legal purpose) in the use of social media. By using the theory of sadd al-żarī’ah analysis, this study sought formulation of Islamic law in order to be a solution in the times. This theory is used to explore various problems that have occurred in the development of communication on social media. In addition, this study attempts to trace the exclusion (istinbāṭ) of the law in formulating the fiqh of social media with the Uṣūl al-Fiqh approach and the social history of Islamic law. The work of this research is inseparable from the two legal provisions that have been formulated before, namely the MUI fatwa on Social Media and the Law of Information and Electronic Transaction.

Al-Ahkam ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Akhwan Fanani

<p class="IABSSS">Law will always evolve and dialectic with social dynamics. Coulson see that the dynamics of the Islamic law occurs through the efforts of reinterpretation of Islamic sources when there is a gap between theory and practice. With a historical approach, Coulson mapped the development of Islamic law so that he made six dialectic formulation of Islamic law which is an in-depth reading in seeing the historical development of Islamic law. According to Coulson, Islamic law is idealistic and away from social reality. Islamic law is determined by social facts and reduced as a man-made law. Coulson’s propositions departed from empirical studies of the historical development of Islamic law. Coulson formulas can be used to understand further the reality of the development of Islamic law, so Muslims can understand what really happened in the history of Islamic law and scientific perspective. It can be used to perform introspection for Muslims to develop further the Islamic legal thought and in accordance with the existing social development. This paper intends to review critically the ideas of Coulson.</p><p class="IABSSS">***</p><p class="IABSSS">Hukum akan selalu berkembang dan berdialektika dengan dinamika sosialnya. Coulson melihat bahwa dinamika hukum Islam terjadi melalui upaya penafsiran kembali sumber-sumber Islam ketika ada kesenjangan antara teori dengan praktek. Dengan pendekatan historis Coulson memetakan perkembangan hukum Islam sehingga ia membuat enam rumusan dialektika hukum Islam yang merupakan sebuah pembacaan yang mendalam dalam melihat sejarah perkembangan hukum Islam. Menurut Coulson hukum Islam bersifat idealistik dan jauh dari realitas sosial dan apa yang ia inginkan adalah hukum Islam ditentukan oleh fakta-fakta sosial dan direduksi sebagai hukum buatan manusia. Proposisi-proposisi Coulson berangkat dari penelitian empiris mengenai sejarah perkembangan hukum Islam. Rumusan-rumusan Coulson dapat digunakan untuk lebih memahami realitas perkembangan hukum Islam, sehingga umat Islam bisa memahami apa yang sebenarnya terjadi dalam sejarah perkembangan hukum Islam dan perspektif keilmuan. Hal itu bisa dipergunakan untuk melakukan introspeksi bagi umat Islam untuk mengembangkan pemikiran hukum Islam lebih lanjut dan sesuai dengan perkembangan sosial yang ada. Artikel ini bermaksud untuk mereview secara kritis pemikiran Coulson tersebut. </p><p class="IABSSS">***</p><div class="WordSection1"><p class="IAKEY" align="left">Keywords: dialektika, Hukum Islam, <em>conflict</em><em> and tension</em>, <em>ijtihād</em></p></div>

Courtney Lewis

To ignore the obvious proliferation of tourism-based small businesses on the Qualla Boundary is to ignore a principal element of the EBCI’s economy and its rich history of business owner ship. Furthermore, the importance of the tourism industry for Native Nations across the United States has been growing in recent years, as seen, for example, in the institution of the 2016 Native American Tourism and Improving Visitor Experience (NATIVE) Act. It is for this reason that I dedicate an entire chapter to this topic. Here, the differences between the town of Cherokee and the rest of the Qualla Boundary are clearest, as almost all of the tourism that takes place on the Qualla Boundary is concentrated in Cherokee proper. This chapter focuses on the concept of authenticity, what is “authentic” in tourist’s eyes, and how the EBCI have asserted their representation from the times of nostalgia tourism to the cultural and heritage tourism of today, a change that is financially supported by the casino. This tourism discussion includes topics such as the development of the Qualla Co-operative and branding, such as the “authentically Cherokee” brand.

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 47-65
Alias Azhar ◽  
Muhammad Azam Hussain ◽  
Mohd Zakhiri Md. Nor ◽  
Mohamad Khairi Othman

The objective of fatwa research has a close relationship with the objectives of Shariah (Maqasid al-Sharia). The society is now faced with a new problem, which is caused by the changing patterns of life and the rapid development of science and technology ,, that give rise to a new cyber era. To solve all the problems of the human race in this new millennium, the fatwa institution must conduct an istinbat of hukm through research of fatwa systematically and effectively within the framework of Maqasid al-Sharia. With this basis, Muslim jurists or Sharia researcher are doing fatwa research more efficiently and effectively through. their diligence in understanding the verses of Quran and Sunnah as well as seeking approaches to common methods for the realization of cases more specific. Thus, the most important framework as a catalyst to the effectiveness of fatwa research is the is the understanding of jurists of the texts and the current reality. This study enunciates three (3) methods, namely, content analysis that examines the epistemological framework of fatwa and ijtihad in Islam (the question of resources, the nature of science and the balance sheet valuation) used by a particular scholar / writer Sharia; methods and comparative historiography that examines the history of the construction of Islamic law and sociology research methods to examine the background of the community such as the socio-political structure, economy and institutions (such as the institution of fatwa) that affect the production of rules. The discussion of this article covers the definitions and concepts of Maqasid al-Sharia and fatwa, the authority of Maqasid al-Sharia and fatwa research within the framework of Maqasid al-Sharia. Fatwa research should take into account all scientific fields that are not limited to the field of religion alone, even though in cases involving science and technology. This also includes the intellectuals and the reality of life whether in the socio-economic, cultural, social interaction and so on. This is important because it determines the legal ruling based on the realities and challenges without denying the aspects of Maqasid al-Sharia. Therefore, the best method of fatwa research is to analyze the hukm without neglecting the aspects of the development and changes of the current reality. This effort is important to maintain Maqasid al- sharia in the process of istinbat of hukum based on contemporary fatwa research. ABSTRAK Objektif penyelidikan fatwa sebenarnya wujud perkaitan yang rapat dengan objektif syariah (maqasid al-syariah) itu sendiri. Masyarakat kini berhadapan dengan pelbagai permasalahan baru, kesan daripada perubahan corak kehidupan dan perkembangan sains dan teknologi yang begitu pesat, sekaligus lahir satu era yang dikenali era siber. Untuk mengatasi segala permasalahan hidup umat manusia millenium baharu ini, institusi fatwa perlu melakukan istinbat hukum melalui penyelidikan fatwa dalam kerangka maqasid al-syariah secara sistematik dan berkesan. Di atas asas inilah fuqaha atau penyelidik Syariah melakukan usaha-usaha penyelidikan fatwa dengan efisien dan efektif. Mereka berijtihad dalam memahami nas-nas al-Quran dan sunah serta mencari pendekatan kepada kaedah umum untuk direalisasikan pada kes-kes yang lebih khusus. Oleh yang demikian kerangka terpenting sebagai pemangkin keberkesanan penyelidikan fatwa ialah pemahaman fuqaha terhadap nas-nas dan juga realiti semasa. Kajian menggarapkan tiga kaedah utama iaitu, analisis kandungan yang meneliti kerangka epistemologi fatwa dan ijtihad dalam Islam (persoalan sumber, sifat sesuatu 48 Vol.20 (April) 2017 ilmu dan neraca penilaian) yang digunakan seseorang sarjana/penulis syariah; kaedah pensejarahan dan perbandingan yang meneliti sejarah pembinaan hukum Islam dan kaedah penelitian sosiologi yang meneliti latar belakang masyarakat seperti aspek sosio-politik, struktur, ekonomi dan institusi tertentu (seperti institusi fatwa) yang mempengaruhi penghasilan peraturan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Mukhsin Patriansyah

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p><em>This Parameswara monument is a sculpture artwork created to welcome PON 2004 ago. Analysis of this work will use the aesthetic approach, in addition to its monumental form of this work is also closely related to the history of Palembang as the center of the greatest kingdom civilization in the archipelago of the archipelago of Sriwijaya. As one of the great kingdom of Sriwijaya kingdom has a strong influence on the earth archipelago. This is evident until now from the traces he left behind. Likewise with the work of sculpture Parameswara is a work of sculpture symbolic abstraction created by Rita Widagdo. Rita Widagdo is one of the artists living in modren age, this is certainly very influential in the creation of this sculpture artwork. The presence of sculpture art works also provide an interpretation of the development of the times. Parameswara sculpture is not just a beautiful natural manifestation of natural simplification by simply capturing the essence of an object in the amatinya, the object is a creative stimulus so that the resulting work is an abstraction of reality. In the manifestation Rita Widagdo tends to use a concave and convex lines firmly to give the impression of a courage and strength that is the result of interpretation of Parameswara figures. Parameswara statue is a symbol of unifying Malay clumps in the archipelago. The reason, almost all Malays in the archipelago, especially in Malaysia, Singapore, southern Thailand, and Brunei originated from Palembang. They are all descendants of Parameswara and his followers, a commander of Palembang After the fall of Sriwijaya, Iskandar Shah or Parameswara fled north to find a new settlement.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Sriwijaya, Parameswara, Interpretation, Symbolic Abstraction</em></p><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p><em>Tugu Parameswara ini merupakan karya seni patung yang dibuat untuk menyambut  PON 2004 yang lalu. Analisis karya ini  nantinya menggunakan pendekatan estetika, di samping bentuknya yang monumental karya ini juga erat kaitannya dengan sejarah kota Palembang sebagai pusat peradaban kerajaan terbesar di bumi Nusantara yakni kerajaan Sriwijaya. Sebagai salah satu kerajaan besar tentu kerajaan Sriwijaya memiliki pengaruh yang kuat di bumi Nusantara. Hal ini terbukti sampai saat sekarang dari jejak-jejak yang ditinggalkannya. Begitu juga dengan karya seni patung Parameswara merupakan karya seni patung abstraksi simbolik yang diciptakan oleh Rita Widagdo. Rita Widagdo merupakansalah satu seniman yang hidup dizaman modren, hal ini tentu sangat berpengaruh dalam penciptaan karya seni patung ini. Kehadiran karya seni patung ini turut memberikan interpretasi atas perkembangan zaman. Karya patung Parameswara bukan sekedar manifestasi alam yang indah melaikan simplifikasi alam dengan hanya menangkap hakikat dari sebuah objek yang di amatinya, objek tersebut merupakan rangsang cipta sehingga karya yang dihasilkan merupakan abstraksi dari realitas. Dalam perwujudannya Rita Widagdo cendrung menggunakan garis cekung dan cembung dengan tegas sehingga memberikan kesan suatu keberanian dan kekuatan yang merupakan hasil dari interpretasi terhadap tokoh Parameswara. Patung Parameswara merupakan simbol pemersatu rumpun Melayu di Nusantara. Pasalnya, hampir  semua orang Melayu yang ada di Nusantara, khususnya di Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand Selatan, dan Brunei berasal dari Palembang. Mereka semua keturunan dari Parameswara dan pengikutnya, seorang panglima dari Palembang Setelah jatuhnya Sriwijaya, Iskandar Shah atau Parameswara melarikan diri ke utara untuk menemukan sebuah pemukiman baru.</em></p><strong><em>Kata kunci : </em></strong><em>Sriwijaya, Parameswara, Interpretasi, Abstraksi Simbolik</em>

2020 ◽  
pp. 625-644
Stanislav Lazebnyk

The article narrates about the Ukrainian community in Canada, one of the most organised diasporas in the world, which from the times of its founders to the current generation has preserved its national identity, cultural traditions, and is duly represented in power structures of the country of the red maple leaf. Throughout its 129-year history, the Ukrainian community has consistently defended, to the best of its abilities, the national interests of Ukraine at different times. The author glorifies the cohort of prominent Canadian Ukrainians, who have soared to greater heights in their environment, reached the pinnacle of power on the state level, and hold prestigious posts in the legislative and executive branches at the federal and provincial levels. In Canada, there has developed an extensive scientific and educational base of Ukrainian studies, a Ukrainian-language degree system of education, including pre-school and extracurricular institutions, bilingual schools, and university courses in Ukrainian studies. The language, literature, history, geography, and folklore of Ukraine are taught in ten universities around the country. Canadian Ukrainians have a substantial cultural heritage of their own. The author stresses that support to Ukraine in different realms of life is provided by personal resources of Canadian Ukrainians and in cooperation with the Government, local non-governmental organisations and commercial corporations, the Canada-Ukraine Foundation. There is an atmosphere of sympathy in the Ukrainian environment and throughout Canada to the Ukrainian people combined with the willingness to help them. Following the Russian aggression against our state, Canadian Ukrainians intensified assistance to the land of their ancestors. Sacrifice, patronage, and participation in the volunteer movement have become a way of life for many in the community. All of these noble features are especially evident in the most challenging periods of the history of Ukraine. Keywords: Canada, Ukrainian community, national interests, Canadian Ukrainians

Nathan Spannaus

Abu Nasr Qursawi (1776–1812) was a major figure in the history of the Muslim communities of the Russian Empire. An important religious scholar, he wrote works calling for the reform of the Islamic scholarly tradition that shaped the religious discourse of these communities into the 20th century. Qursawi focused on the construction of Islamic scholarship in the postclassical period (14th–19th centuries), criticizing scholars’ overreliance on taqlid, which had led them to hold incorrect theological views and prevented them from engaging with scripture in legal interpretation (through ijtihad). He argued that all scholarly positions must be verified (tahqiq) to ensure their correctness, and ijtihad was an obligation upon all Muslims to determine their own actions. Though critical, his reformism was grounded within the existing scholarly tradition, and its content was not subject to European influence. Nevertheless, it can be seen as a response to the incorporation of Islamic institutions into the bureaucracy of the Russian imperial state in the late 18th century, which remade the exercise of Islamic law and religious authority in the empire. This book analyzes his reformism in reference to its antecedents and sources and in light of these historical shifts. It also addresses the issue of modernity, arguing that although his reformism is grounded in the postclassical tradition, it is also an early example of Islamic modernism. It is, however, distinct from Jadidism, the 20th-century reform movement, despite frequent claims to contrary, as Jadidism instead grew out of transformations in the Volga-Ural religious environment postdating Qursawi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Mukhsin Patriansah

This Parameswara monument is a sculpture artwork created to welcome PON 2004 ago. Analysis of this work will use the aesthetic approach, in addition to its monumental form of this work is also closely related to the history of Palembang as the center of the greatest kingdom civilization in the archipelago of the archipelago of Sriwijaya. As one of the great kingdom of Sriwijaya kingdom has a strong influence on the earth archipelago. This is evident until now from the traces he left behind. Likewise with the work of sculpture Parameswara is a work of sculpture symbolic abstraction created by Rita Widagdo. Rita Widagdo is one of the artists living in modren age, this is certainly very influential in the creation of this sculpture artwork. The presence of sculpture art works also provide an interpretation of the development of the times. Parameswara sculpture is not just a beautiful natural manifestation of natural simplification by simply capturing the essence of an object in the amatinya, the object is a creative stimulus so that the resulting work is an abstraction of reality. In the manifestation Rita Widagdo tends to use a concave and convex lines firmly to give the impression of a courage and strength that is the result of interpretation of Parameswara figures. Parameswara statue is a symbol of unifying Malay clumps in the archipelago. The reason, almost all Malays in the archipelago, especially in Malaysia, Singapore, southern Thailand, and Brunei originated from Palembang. They are all descendants of Parameswara and his followers, a commander of Palembang After the fall of Sriwijaya, Iskandar Shah or Parameswara fled north to find a new settlement.

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