D. Shcherbik

The article examines the relationship between traditional culture and the genesis of the state and legal system. The author describes myths about the origin of power, sources of law and order, which were widespread among the inhabitants of ancient Belarus, their influence on the state and legal reality of the East Slavic principalities and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

А.В. Мацук

В статье исследуются события бескоролевья 1733 г. в Речи Посполитой. Согласно «трактату Левенвольде» компромиссным кандидатом на избрание монархом Речи Посполитой был португальский инфант дон Мануэль, которого предложила Австрия. Россия больше склонялась к кандидатуре «пяста». Россия оказалась не подготовленной к началу бескоролевья. Бывшие российские союзники магнаты ВКЛ рассорились с российским послом Фридрихом Казимиром Левенвольде и перешли на сторону Франции. В конце февраля 1733 г. в ВКЛ направили Юрия Ливена, который от имени российской царицы предложил поддержку в получении короны Михаилу Вишневецкому и Павлу Сангушке. Принятое на конвокационном сейме решение об избрании королем «пяста» и католика показало популярность Станислава Лещинского. В результате вслед за Австрией Россия поддержала кандидатом на корону Фридриха Августа. Магнаты ВКЛ до последнего оставались конкурентами о короне. Оппозиция Лещинскому объединилась под лозунгом защиты «вольного выбора» и поэтому в ней остались кандидаты «пясты», которые не могли уступить друг другу, и согласились на компромисс – кандидатуру Фридриха Августа. Для противодействия возможному избранию Лещинского Россия создала в ВКЛ новоградскую конфедерацию. Ее организатором стал новоградский воевода Николай Фаустин Радзивилл. Эта конфедерация становится основой Генеральной Варшавской конфедерации, которая 5 октября 1733 г. избирает королем саксонского курфюрста. The article examines the events of the «kingless» year of 1733 in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. According to the Levenwolde Treaties the compromise candidate for the Commonwealth’s throne was the Portuguese Infante Don Manuel, who’s candidacy was proposed by Austria. Russia, in turn, leaned towards the «pyasta» candidate. The Russian Empire was clearly unprepared for the start of the kingless period. Russia’s former allies – magnates of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – came into conflict with the Russian ambassador Frederick Kazimir Levenwolde and sided with France. In late February of 1733, Empress Anna Ioanovna of Russia sent Yuri Liven to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, who offered official support in the struggle for the crown to Mikhail Vishnevetsky and Pavel Sangushka. The electoral decision made at the Sejm proved the popularity of the «pyast» and Catholic candidates, specifically – Stanislaus Leschinsky. In turn, Russia – following Austria – showed its support for the candidacy of Frederick August. The magnates of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania remained in opposition in the crown issue until the very last. Opposition to Leschinsky was united under the motto of «free choice». For that reason, it was comprised of «pyasta» candidates, who were in a deadlock with one another, and were now ready for the compromise candidacy of Frederick Augustus. In order to counter the possible election of Leschinsky, Russia created the Novograd Confederation in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It was organized by the Novograd Voevoda Faustin Radzivill. This confederation became the core of the General Warsaw Confederation that – on October 5th 1733 – elected the Saxon King to the throne of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

2015 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 121-139
Maria Teresa Lizisowa

The anthropological orientation of the word law in Adam Mickiewicz’s writingsThis article discusses the anthropological orientation of the word law in Adam Mickiewicz’s writings. The author claims that this word is essential for the interpretation of the poet’s historiosophical thought, in the context of legal culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The citizens of Lithuanian territories recognized the 16th century Statutes as a distinctive feature of the state’s cultural identity, because they were still effective in the judicature under the Russian Partition, and in social awareness they remained a semblance of the independence from the foreign rule. The Romantic understanding of law, state and morality resulted in perceiving these values as “the spirit of the world” of which the image of virtue was born. In the dimension of legal discourse, law as an idea takes a real shape in its definition, in poetic tropes, and in scholarly discussions, but most of all in the actions of literary characters. The metaphorical and symbolic meanings of law manifest themselves in the topos of the court of law, judging what is right and what is wrong; good and bad faith; in family, social and political relations. The analysis of the texts has shown that the poet, by depicting the way of perceiving and understanding the organisation of political life in analogy to family life, enclosed his own personal vision of law and order in the structures of language. Антропологическая ориентация слова право в творчестве Адама МицкевичаСтатья посвящена антропологической ориентации слова право в текстах Адама Мицкевича. Автор утверждает, что слово является ключом к интерпрета ции главной историософической мысли поэта в контексте юридической культуры Великого княжества Литовского. Культурообразующим знаком государства для жителей литовских земель были статуты XVI века, которые были обязательны еще на территории аннексированной Россией, а в общественном сознании oни были символом зависимости от чужой власти. Понимание права, государства и моральности в Романтизме отражают ценности, олицетворяющие «дух мира», который рождает представление о добродетели. В юридическом дискурсе право как идея добра принимает реальную форму в определении, в поэтических тропах и в ученых выводах, а прежде всего в действиях литературных героев. Метафорическое и символическое значение права выражается в теме суда, устанавливающего правых и виноватых, выносящего решение о добрых и злых намерениях в семейных, общественных и политических отношениях. Анализ текстов показывает, что поэт, проводя аналогию между политической и семейной жизнью, в структурах языка реализует собственное представление о законности.

С.А. Денисов

Статья посвящена инкорпорированию жителей Погезании, одной из за- падных прусских земель, в орденскую систему ленного землевладения в 1261–1370 гг. Основную часть ленников (173 из 176 персон) составили лица, обязанные нести во- енную службу и платить налог (группа 1) или освобожденные от податей (группа 2). Рост их численности был связан с потребностями Ордена в военной силе и доходах от земельной собственности для борьбы с Великим Литовским княжеством за поли- тическое лидерство в Юго-Восточной Прибалтике. The article deals with the incorporation of inhabitants of Pogezania one of the western Prussian lands, into the Order’s system of fi ef land ownership in 1261–1370. The main part of lieges (173 from 176 persons) consisted of individuals, who were obliged to keep military service and to pay taxes (group 1) or free from any payment (group 2). The growth of their number was caused by needs of Order in military force and incomes from the land estates for the struggle with Grand Duchy of Lithuania for the leadership in South-East of Baltic region.

Terminus ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (Special Issue 1) ◽  
pp. 81-105
Justyna Kiliańczyk-Zięba

Jan Januszowski, best known as Jan Kochanowski’ friend, was the most distinguished printer of the Polish Renaissance. Januszowski, a lawyer educated in Cracow and Padua, was an extremely versatile man: an outstanding printer, as well as a prolific writer and translator. For all his achievements, he was ennobled by Sigismund III Vasa, and—happily—the diploma of nobility of Jan Januszowski, penned on parchment and splendidly illuminated, survived to the present day. The illumination of the document is rich and sumptuous. It shows the coats-of-arms representing the provinces of the Polish Kingdom and Grand Duchy of Lithuania and small portraits: three of them depict Polish kings, the fourth is of Januszowski himself—it is one of the very few known portraits of Polish Renaissance intellectuals and the oldest portrait of a Polish printer. The document’s decoration is not only beautiful, but also meaningful, as its content and composition reflects the nature of the state—the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth—and suggests Januszowski’s important place in its structure and strong links between the printer and the most important dignitaries of the country.

2020 ◽  
pp. 24-26

Introduction. The article analyzes the methodology of the legal system research. The basic approaches to understanding the concept of the legal system as an autonomous, coherent and coherent set of legal phenomena, aiming to comprehend social ideals-values of justice, equality, freedom and humanism and to achieve the end result of its functioning, in particular, the state of law and order. The position of eminent scientists is supported according to which the legal system is considered from the point of view of the functions it performs, and in particular its main function - legal regulation. The legal system is a fundamental category of the theory of law and the state and law in general. Thus, according to some researchers, it includes all legal phenomena, in particular: the system of law and law, justice and legal culture, law and order, etc. In view of this, the legal system has been and is the object of much basic research. The purpose of the paper is to reveal the main approaches to understanding the concept of legal system. Results. An active study of the legal system as a phenomenon began in the 80s of the last century. Since then, several approaches to understanding the legal system have emerged in domestic jurisprudence. Proponents of the first approach include in the concept of the legal system is not an exhaustive list of elements. This position is based on understanding the legal system as a complex of all legal phenomena of a particular society. Representatives of the second approach provide a comprehensive list of elements of the legal system. However, for the most part, such scientists do not specify the criteria for selecting such elements. Today's understanding of the legal system must be free from unnecessary elements that are alien to the legal system. In this case, it is a so-called "legal" or "legal" add-on. It was this alien element that artificially burdened the construction of the legal system as a phenomenon in the Soviet period. However, this element is still included in the legal system in modern scientific literature. Conclusion. The legal system is an autonomous, coherent, coherent set of legal phenomena, the purpose of which is to comprehend the social ideals-values of justice, equality, freedom and humanism and to achieve the end result of its functioning, and in particular the state of law and order.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 148-166
Gabrielė Jasiūnienė

Heraldry and its research have deep traditions in Europe, making it a certain focus of attention among researchers. The interest in this field in Lithuania is a more recent phenomenon. The late beginning of heraldry research was partly influenced by Lithuania’s loss of independence. At present, researchers’ attention is focused mainly on the periods of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, also looking at Lithuanian heraldry from the 20th–21st centuries, and conducting thorough research of the coats of arms of the state, cities, and towns. Research of the heraldry of the nobility is also being conducted, such as the heraldry of the political elite in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – the Goštautas, Pacas, Radvila, Sapiega families, etc. The heraldry of representatives of the lower gentry, especially among the Samogitian families, has received less attention. Many unanswered questions and undeveloped themes remain in the field of the Samogitian nobility’s heraldry, overlooked in research for a long time. This article analyzes how genealogical links were reflected in Samogitian nobility heraldry sources in the second half of the 16th–18th centuries. Having analyzed the heraldic sources of the Samogitian nobility, it was found that these reflected not only information about a specific individual, but also their broader origins, family and marital lines. The coats of arms of the Samogitian nobility in time became a unique means of representation. The coats of arms of the Samogitian nobility were depicted in seals, literature, portraits, architecture, and elsewhere.

2013 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-78
Рима Циценене

Цель статьи — проанализировать эволюцию представления о рукописной книге и ее рецепции обществом ВКЛ. Для этого требуется установить, каким образом в обществе проявлялась рецепция книги и как это отраженo в источниках того времени. Материалом исследования послужили рукописные кодексы, архивные документы и объекты искусства. Установлено, что книга удовлетворяла служебные, общественные и личные потребности членов общества того времени. С увеличением числа экземпляров и собраний, с повышением разнообразия взаимоотношений человека с книгой в обществе ВКЛ изменялось и само представление о книге. Если на раннем этапе кодекс воспринимался как статичный, сакральный, целостный объект, мало подверженный человеческому влиянию, то уже с XV в. можно говорить о книге как о мобильном, меняющемся объекте, крайне зависимом от связанного с ним человека. Книги мигрировали в географическом и жизненном пространстве.В начале XVI в. изменилось восприятие целостности книги. Понятие о кодексе как о единице, физически объединяющей отдельные произведения (книги), сменило понятие кодекса как единого целого (нового произведения), имеющего общие внутренние и внешние признаки.Ключевые слова: рукописная книга, средневековые кодексы, книжная культура, книга и средневековое общество, Великое княжество Литовское....Rima CicėnienėThe reception of the manuscript book in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 14th– mid-16th centuries The article aims to analyze changes in society’s view of the manuscript book and its reception. The author investigates the ways in which society manifested its reception of the book and how it is reflected in the sources of that time. Manuscript books, archival sources, and objects of art were used as the sources for the research. It has been established that the book satisfied official, social, and personal needs of society and individuals of the time. As books and collections became increasingly numerous and the relationship with books diversified, the idea of the book in the GDL’s society also underwent a significant change. While during the early stage of the period under study a book was understood as a static and uniform sacral object little influenced by an individual, since the 15th century it was considered to be a mobile, mutable object strongly affected by the persons directly connected with the book. Codices migrated both in the geographical and living space. In the early 16th century, the concept of a book as a unit item also underwent a significant change. The concept of a codex as an object that physically joins separate works (books, liber) was replaced by the idea of a codex as an integral unit (a new work) which possesses both internal and external unifying elements of a book.

Literatūra ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 93-110
Skirmantas Knieža

This paper analyses the reception of Latin language and culture in the research of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It focuses on the works of various disciplines – social and cultural history, literary research, art criticism, etc. – and seeks to identify the recurring themes, symbols and topics that comprise homogenous narratives and interpretations. They consolidate the findings of different fields of study and thus allow to analyse the Latinitas of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as an integral part of the political community’s identity.The symbols of Latin language and culture can be identified as a basis for a Shift from oral to written culture. It conveys the ideas of order and organisation, as it transforms customary law into a codified one, a natural religion into that based on Scripture, etc. It alters the society as well, mainly because writing and written culture marks a shift in identity and behaviour. Also, by focusing on social and educational aspects, the Shift marks an institutional change, which permeates the developments of the state and society as a whole.The multipolar cultural field of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is described by four cultural models – Polish, Lithuanian, Ruthenian, and Latin. The metaphor of Interaction shows how Latin culture and language is seen as one of the four ideological alternatives that legitimize the state, dynasty and sovereignty.Thirdly, the metaphor of Tension depicts Latinitas as part of the dichotomy between Eastern and Western civilizations by expressing the symbolical content of the latter. This narrative also emphasizes the internal confessional disputes inside the Western Church, and by exploiting the specific understanding of the Renaissance humanism, it becomes a means to understand sociocultural conflicts of the Early Modern state.The interpretation of Latinitas as a communication channel is nested under the metaphor of Medium. Works in this category usually portray Latin language as an expression of a social, economic, political, etc. status quo, which differs in each European state. Latin culture thus helps to articulate national interests and identity, and enables the cultural exchange among the Western countries as well.Finally, by emphasizing the poor literacy of the society and only limited possibilities to learn Latin and acknowledge its cultural code, researchers portray Latinitas as a Secret. The speakers and writers of Latin form a hermetic group, possessing the knowledge of a cultural matrix inaccessible to others. The dignity of Latin language also strengthens the status of vernacular languages, and thus accumulates the process of identity formation.These five narratives exemplify how Latinitas is embedded within the economic, political, and cultural activities of the society. It also depicts the different ways by which it becomes an integrating principle of the identity of the intellectual and political classes in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It provides an account of Roman descent, sustains the claim for political sovereignty, and indicates the civilizing process. By adopting those five different narratives, researchers may further analyse Latinitas not only as a separate cultural layer, but as a part of social identity as well.

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