scholarly journals Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Penentuan Jumlah Anak Dalam Keluarga Di Kecamatan Bukit Kabupaten Bener Meriah

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 5
Nurlaely HS ◽  
Rahma Yani

ABSTRAK Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang memiliki banyak masalah kependudukan yang hingga saat ini belum bisa diatasi. Pemerintah telah menyusun kebijaksanaan untuk mengendalikan laju pertumbuhan penduduk. Pengendalian merupakan suatu upaya atau kegiatan membatasi pertumbuhan penduduk, dengan mengurangi jumlah kelahiran. Kebijaksanaan kependudukan dikenal dengan program Keluarga Berencana (KB). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor-faktor terhadap penentuan jumlah anak dalam keluarga di Kecamatan Bukit Kabupaten Bener Meriah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2020. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 13.618 orang. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 99 orang. Analisis data multivariat menggunakan uji logistic regression. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa bahwa faktor dukungan keluarga, sosial budaya/kepercayaan, ekonomi, nilai anak dan penggunaan kontrasepsi berhubungan dengan penentuan jumlah anak dalam keluarga dan variabel sosial budaya adalah variabel yang paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap penentuan jumlah anak dalam keluarga dengan nilai Exp(B)  23,009 (CI : 95%, 5,193-101,935). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah faktor sosial budaya pada Pasangan Usia Subur yang tidak mendukung 23,009 kali lebih besar untuk memiliki jumlah anak banyak dalam keluarga dibandingkan dengan sosial budaya yang mendukung. Diharapkan kepada tenaga kesehatan puskesmas kecamatan Bukit dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan khususnya mengenai pelayanan promosi kesehatan atau penyuluhan mengenai keluarga yang sehat dan berkualitas menurut program KB yang dicanangkan pemerintah yang melalui media penyuluhan baik kepada Pasangan Usia Subur maupun kepada petugas kesehatan dengan mengikutsertakan tokoh agama dan tokoh masyarakat di desa-desa yang menjadi wilayah kerja Puskesmas di kecamatan Bukit.   Kata Kunci     : Dukungan Keluarga, Sosial Budaya/Kepercayaan, Ekonomi

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-33
Megawati Sinambela ◽  
Evi Erianty Hasibuan

Antenatal care is a service provided to pregnant women to monitor, support maternal health and detect mothers whether normal or problematic pregnant women. According to the WHO, globally more than 70% of maternal deaths are caused by complications of pregnancy and childbirth such as hemorrhage, hypertension, sepsis, and abortion. Based on data obtained from the profile of the North Sumatra provincial health office in 2017, in the city of Padangsidimpuan in 2017 the coverage of ANC visits reached (76.58%) and had not reached the target in accordance with the 2017 Provincial Health Office strategy plan (95%). This type of research was an observational analytic study with a cross sectional design. The population in this study were independent practice midwives who were in the Padangsidimpuan, the sample in this study amounted to 102 respondents. The technique of collecting data used questionnaires and data analysis used univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis with logistic regression analysis. Based on bivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship between facilities, knowledge and attitudes of independent midwives with compliance with the standards of antenatal care services with a value of p <0.05. The results of the study with multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the factors associated with the compliance of independent midwives in carrying out antenatal care service standards were attitudes with values (p = 0.026).

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-93
Mary-Joe Youssef ◽  
Antoine Aoun ◽  
Aline Issa ◽  
Lana El-Osta ◽  
Nada El-Osta ◽  

Background: The prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is increasing worldwide and the related chronic symptoms can be associated with morbidity and poor quality of life. Objective: The objective of this study was to identify foods and beverages consumed by the Lebanese population, dietary habits, socio-demographic and lifestyle factors, health parameters and perceived stress, implicated in increasing GERD symptoms. Methods: This observational cross-sectional study was carried among Lebanese adults in 2016. A convenient sample of 264 participants was equally divided into a GERD group and a control group. Data on socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle, health status and dietary habits including Lebanese traditional dishes were collected. The perceived stress scale (PSS) was also used to assess the participants’ perception of stress. Logistic regression analyses were conducted with GERD symptoms (presence or absence) being the dependent variable. Results: The GERD symptoms were significantly associated with age (-p-value=0.017), family history of GERD symptoms (-p-value<0.001), smoking (-p-value=0.003) and chronic medical conditions (-p-value<.001). Regarding the dietary factors, participants who ate three meals or less/day, between meals and outside homes were 2.5, 2.9 and 2.4 times at a higher risk of experiencing GERD symptoms than others, respectively. Moreover, the logistic regression model showed that the GERD symptoms were significantly associated with the consumption of coffee (-p-value=0.037), Lebanese sweets (-p-value=0.027), fried foods (-p-value=0.031), ‘Labneh’ with garlic (-p-value<0.001), pomegranate molasses (-p-value=0.011), and tomatoes (-p-value=0.007). Conclusion: Some specific lifestyle factors and components of the Lebanese Mediterranean diet could be associated with GERD symptoms.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 651
Lola Felnanda Amri

<p><em>Perawatan pada lansia di panti tresna werdha X dilakukan berdasarkan rutinitas kerja dan petugas belum mendapat pelatihan mengenai kebutuhan dasar lansia yang harus dipenuhi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, peneliti ingin mengetahui hubungan budaya kerja petugas panti menurut persepsi lansia dengan kejadian pengabaian di PSTW X Sumatera Barat. Desain penelitian deskriptif korelasi, menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dengan total sampling, berjumlah 75. Uji statistik digunakan chi square dan regresi logistik. Hasil yang diperoleh seluruh lansia mengalami pengabaian; ada hubungan antara sikap terhadap apa yang dikerjakan, lingkungan pekerjaan; waktu dengan pengabaian lansia; Tidak ada hubungan antara perilaku ketika mengambil keputusan dengan pengabaian lansia. Sikap terhadap apa yang dikerjakan memiliki pengaruh paling besar terhadap kejadian pengabaian lansia. Disimpulkan bahwa petugas harus lebih memahami tentang peran dan fungsinya sebagai pemberi pelayanan pada lansia. Direkomendasikan agar pejabat yang berwenang dapat menempatkan petugas panti sesuai dengan peran dan fungsi serta kewenangannya, dan merekrut perawat sesuai dengan kebutuhan panti.</em></p><p> </p><p><em>The nursing of elderly in </em><em>Tresna Werda X nursing home is mainly based on the workrout in and that the caregiver have not yet received training on the basic needs of the elderly that they should meet. Therefore, the researcher wanted to know the relations of the work culture of caregiver according to the elderly’s perception with the incidence of neglect in PSTW X West Sumatera. This study used Descriptive correlation design with cross sectional approach. The method of sampling used total sampling, which amounts to 75. The statistical test used chi square and logistic regression. The results of the study show that all of the elderly experienced neglect; there is a relation between attitude towards what is conducted, work environment, time with elderly neglect; no relation between behavior in making decisions with elderly neglect. The attitude towards what is conducted has the most impacton the incidence of elderly neglect. It is concluded that the caregiver should have a better understanding on their roles and functions as the caregivers to the elderly. Moreover, it is recommended that the authorities should put nursing personnel in accordance with the roles, functions and competence, and recruit nurses in accordance with the needs of the nursing home.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 848.1-848
M. Scarati ◽  
S. Parisi ◽  
N. Prencipe ◽  
M. C. Ditto ◽  
E. Ghigo ◽  

Background:Acromegaly is a rare disease with a remarkable impact on patients, both in terms of life expectancy and quality of life. Osteo-articular complications are one of the most frequently reported bothers. The “acromegaly artropathy” characterizes more than 70% of patients at diagnosis. Artropathy affects both spine and peripheral joints. A recent prospective study documented progression of acromegalic arthropathy identified as a worsening of osteophytes and joint space narrowing in 72–74% of patients despite long-term biochemical control. In addiction the Literature has occasionally reported cases of simultaneous presence of rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, undifferentiated connective tissue diseases) and acromegaly and in all these cases the treatment has been delayed, because of wrong symptoms attribution to acromegaly artropathy.Objectives:The primary goal of the study is to better characterize joint pain in acromegaly patients and to evaluate the prevalence of rheumatic disease in growth hormone (GH) secreting pituitary tumor patients.Methods:We enrolled 20 acromegaly subjects (AS) and 20 control subjects (CS). In each subject immunological pattern (rheumatoid factor – RF; antinuclear antibodies - ANA, ENA; anti-citrullinated protein antibodies - ACPA; erythrocyte sedimentation rate – ESR) has been evaluated; they, also, underwent bilateral joint ultrasound of hands and wrists and nail capillaroscopy. The Chi square test and the Fisher’s exact test were used to evaluate the association between binary variables, while the Spearman’s test to evaluate the correlation of continuous ones. A multiple or logistic regression model was calculated in order to define the association between the capillaroscopic alterations and other detected variables.Results:Articular pain emerged as significantly more frequent in AS (p = 0.0269). No statistically significant differences are detected regarding immunological pattern. ANA and ENA screening resulted positive in 10% in AS and in 5% in CS. No IgA ACPA were detected in AS or CS, while IgG ACPA were positive only in one AS subject. No significant differences were detected between IgM and IgG RFin the two groups (AS 5% and CS 0%). Three fold higher IgG FR in AS compared to CS were detected. ESR levels were significantly higher than CS (p = 0.0405), as well as increased power doppler (PWD) articular uptake (AS 30% vs CS 5% p 0.081). The capillaroscopic evaluation showed a significant difference in almost each parameter that has been evaluated (logistic regression: number of enlargement p 0.004, hemorragies p 0.01 and capillaries p 0.001), showing a moderate-severe microangiopathy in AS. Interestingly, analyzing only the acromegaly cohort, we noticed higher GH levels at the enrollment in patients which developed capillary enlargements (GH: 0.95 ng/ml IQ 0,6-1,6) compared to other ones (GH: 0.55 ng/ml IQ 0.4-0.7; p = 0.08) and a significant lower number of hemorrhages (p = 0.02) in patients treated with GH antagonist pegvisomant.Conclusion:Our results demonstrated that joint damage in acromegaly does not seem to have an autoimmune etiology. Therefore, articular damage is mechanical and increased ESR and PWD alterations seems to confirm the presence of an inflammatory component. In addition, acromegaly is characterized by a microvascular pattern of moderate-severe microangiopathy, without correlation to IGF-I, but GH levels. Although requiring further confirmatory studies, our preliminary results seem to indicate how the capillaroscopic examination could be useful to detect earlier microangiopathy and to identify patients with a greater risk of macroangiopathy development..References:[1]Claessen KMJA et al. Bone and joint disorders in acromegaly. Neuroendocrinology. 2016;103(1):86-95.[2]Örük G et al. Is every joint symptom related to acromegaly? Endocrine. 2013 Apr;43(2):404-11.Disclosure of Interests:None declared

Kelly Cosgrove ◽  
Maricarmen Vizcaino ◽  
Christopher Wharton

Food waste contributes to adverse environmental and economic outcomes, and substantial food waste occurs at the household level in the US. This study explored perceived household food waste changes during the COVID-19 pandemic and related factors. A total of 946 survey responses from primary household food purchasers were analyzed. Demographic, COVID-19-related household change, and household food waste data were collected in October 2020. Wilcoxon signed-rank was used to assess differences in perceived food waste. A hierarchical binomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine whether COVID-19-related lifestyle disruptions and food-related behavior changes increased the likelihood of household food waste. A binomial logistic regression was conducted to explore the contribution of different food groups to the likelihood of increased food waste. Perceived food waste, assessed as the estimated percent of food wasted, decreased significantly during the pandemic (z = −7.47, p < 0.001). Food stockpiling was identified as a predictor of increased overall food waste during the pandemic, and wasting fresh vegetables and frozen foods increased the odds of increased food waste. The results indicate the need to provide education and resources related to food stockpiling and the management of specific food groups during periods of disruption to reduce food waste.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 030006052199049
Xujuan Liu ◽  
Min Zhang ◽  
Riyu Luo ◽  
Keran Mo ◽  
Xingxiang He

Objective Diagnosis of gastric intestinal metaplasia (GIM) relies on gastroscopy and histopathologic biopsy, but their application in screening for GIM is limited. We aimed to identify serological biomarkers of GIM via screening in Guangdong, China. Methods Cross-sectional field and questionnaire data, demographic information, past medical history, and other relevant data were collected. Blood samples were collected for pepsinogen (PG)I, PGII, gastrin-17, and Helicobacter pylori antibody testing, and gastroscopy and histopathologic biopsy were performed. Single factor and logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the correlation between these indicators and GIM, and decision tree models were used to determine the cut-off points between indicators. Results Of 443 participants enrolled, 87 (19.6%) were diagnosed with GIM. Single factor analysis showed that pepsin indicators (PGI, PGII, and PGI/PGII ratio) and the factors Mandarin as native language, urban residency, hyperlipidemia, and age were associated with GIM. Logistic regression analysis showed that PGI and age were associated with GIM. Conclusions Age is an important factor for predicting GIM progression; age >60 years increased its risk. Detection of GIM was higher in individuals with PGI levels >127.20 ng/mL, which could be used as a threshold indicating the need to perform gastroscopy and histopathologic biopsy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 2475
Olivier Peyrony ◽  
Danaé Gamelon ◽  
Romain Brune ◽  
Anthony Chauvin ◽  
Daniel Aiham Ghazali ◽  

Background: We aimed to describe red blood cell (RBC) transfusions in the emergency department (ED) with a particular focus on the hemoglobin (Hb) level thresholds that are used in this setting. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 12 EDs including all adult patients that received RBC transfusion in January and February 2018. Descriptive statistics were reported. Logistic regression was performed to assess variables that were independently associated with a pre-transfusion Hb level ≥ 8 g/dL. Results: During the study period, 529 patients received RBC transfusion. The median age was 74 (59–85) years. The patients had a history of cancer or hematological disease in 185 (35.2%) cases. Acute bleeding was observed in the ED for 242 (44.7%) patients, among which 145 (59.9%) were gastrointestinal. Anemia was chronic in 191 (40.2%) cases, mostly due to vitamin or iron deficiency or to malignancy with transfusion support. Pre-transfusion Hb level was 6.9 (6.0–7.8) g/dL. The transfusion motive was not notified in the medical chart in 206 (38.9%) cases. In the multivariable logistic regression, variables that were associated with a higher pre-transfusion Hb level (≥8 g/dL) were a history of coronary artery disease (OR: 2.09; 95% CI: 1.29–3.41), the presence of acute bleeding (OR: 2.44; 95% CI: 1.53–3.94), and older age (OR: 1.02/year; 95% CI: 1.01–1.04). Conclusion: RBC transfusion in the ED was an everyday concern and involved patients with heterogeneous medical situations and severity. Pre-transfusion Hb level was rather restrictive. Almost half of transfusions were provided because of acute bleeding which was associated with a higher Hb threshold.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 636.1-636
Y. Santamaria-Alza ◽  
J. Sanchez-Bautista ◽  
T. Urrego Callejas ◽  
J. Moreno ◽  
F. Jaimes ◽  

Background:The most common complication in patients with SLE is infection, and its clinical presentation is often indistinguishable from SLE flares. Therefore, laboratory ratios have been evaluated to differentiate between those events. Among them, ESR/CRP1, neutrophil/lymphocyte (NLR)2, and platelet/lymphocyte (PLR)3 ratios have been previously assessed with acceptable performance; however, there is no validation of those ratios in our SLE population.Objectives:To examine the predictive capacity of infection of the lymphocyte/C4 (LC4R), lymphocyte/C3 (LC3R), and ferritin/ESR (FER) ratios in SLE patients, and to evaluate the performance of ESR/CRP, NLR, AND PLR ratios in our SLE population.Methods:We conducted a cross-sectional study of SLE patients admitted to the emergency service at Hospital San Vicente Fundación (HSVF). The HSVF ethics committee approved the execution of the project.Patients were categorized into four groups according to the main cause of hospitalization: (1) infection, (2) flare, (3) infection and flare and, (4) neither infection nor flare.We calculated the median values of the ratios and their respective interquartile ranges for each group. Then, we compared those summary measures using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Subsequently, we assessed the predictive capacity of infection of each ratio using ROC curve. Finally, we carried out a logistic regression model.Results:A total of 246 patients were included, among them 90.7% were women. The median age was 28 years (IQR: 20-35 years). Regarding the outcomes, 37.0% of the patients had flares, 30.9% had neither infection nor flare, 16.7% had an infection and, 15.5% had simultaneously infection and flare. When compared the four groups, statistical significance (p<0.05) was observed. Area under the ROC curve (AUC) for infection prediction was as follows: 0.752 (sensitivity 60.5%, specificity 80.5%) for LC4R, 0.740 (sensitivity 73.2%, specificity 68.3%) for FER, 0.731 (sensitivity 77.6%, specificity 80.5%) for LC3R.In the logistic regression modeling, we observed that an increase in the risk of infection was associated with an LC4R below 66.7 (OR: 6.3, CI: 2.7 – 14.3, p <0.0001), a FER greater than 13.6 (OR: 5.9, CI: 2.8 – 12.1, p <0.0001) and an LC3R below 11.2 (OR: 4.9, CI: 2.4 – 9.8, p <0.0001).The ESR/CRP and PLR performed poorly with an AUC of 0.580 and 0.655, respectively. In contrast, the NLR showed better performance (AUC of 0.709, with a sensitivity of 80.2% and specificity of 55.7%).Figure 1.ROC curves of the evaluated ratiosConclusion:These laboratory ratios could be easy to assay and inexpensive biomarkers to differentiate between infection and activity in SLE patients. The LC4R, FER, and LC3R have a significant diagnostic performance for detecting infection among SLE patients. Of the ratios previously evaluated, ESR/CRP, LPR, NLR, only the latest has an adequate performance in our population.References:[1]Littlejohn E, Marder W, Lewis E, et al. The ratio of erythrocyte sedimentation rate to C-reactive protein is useful in distinguishing infection from flare in systemic lupus erythematosus patients presenting with fever. Lupus. 2018;27(7):1123-1129.[2]Broca-Garcia BE, Saavedra MA, Martínez-Bencomo MA, et al. Utility of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio plus C-reactive protein for infection in systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus. 2019;28(2):217-222.[3]Soliman WM, Sherif NM, Ghanima IM, EL-Badawy MA. Neutrophil to lymphocyte and platelet to lymphocyte ratios in systemic lupus erythematosus: Relation with disease activity and lupus nephritis. Reumatol Clin. 2020;16(4):255-261s.Disclosure of Interests:None declared

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 933
Byung Woo Cho ◽  
Du Seong Kim ◽  
Hyuck Min Kwon ◽  
Ick Hwan Yang ◽  
Woo-Suk Lee ◽  

Few studies have reported the relationship between knee pain and hypercholesterolemia in the elderly population with osteoarthritis (OA), independent of other variables. The aim of this study was to reveal the association between knee pain and metabolic diseases including hypercholesterolemia using a large-scale cohort. A cross-sectional study was conducted using data from the Korea National Health and the Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES-V, VI-1; 2010–2013). Among the subjects aged ≥60 years, 7438 subjects (weighted number estimate = 35,524,307) who replied knee pain item and performed the simple radiographs of knee were enrolled. Using multivariable ordinal logistic regression analysis, variables affecting knee pain were identified, and the odds ratio (OR) was calculated. Of the 35,524,307 subjects, 10,630,836 (29.9%) subjects experienced knee pain. Overall, 20,290,421 subjects (56.3%) had radiographic OA, and 8,119,372 (40.0%) of them complained of knee pain. Multivariable ordinal logistic regression analysis showed that among the metabolic diseases, only hypercholesterolemia was positively correlated with knee pain in the OA group (OR 1.24; 95% Confidence Interval 1.02–1.52, p = 0.033). There were no metabolic diseases correlated with knee pain in the non-OA group. This large-scale study revealed that in the elderly, hypercholesterolemia was positively associated with knee pain independent of body mass index and other metabolic diseases in the OA group, but not in the non-OA group. These results will help in understanding the nature of arthritic pain, and may support the need for exploring the longitudinal associations.

Cancers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 1301
Saskia W. M. C. Maass ◽  
Daan Brandenbarg ◽  
Liselotte M. Boerman ◽  
Peter F. M. Verhaak ◽  
Geertruida H. de Bock ◽  

Background: Fatigue is the most common and persistent symptom among women in the first five years after a breast cancer diagnosis. However, long-term prevalence of fatigue, among breast cancer survivors, needs further investigation. Aim: To compare fatigue experienced by long-term breast cancer survivors with that in a reference population and to evaluate the determinants of that fatigue. Design and Setting: A cross-sectional cohort study of 350 breast cancer survivors ≥5 years after diagnosis and a reference population of 350 women matched by age and general practitioner. Method: Fatigue was measured using the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20), and a sum score of >60 (multidimensional fatigue) was the primary outcome. Logistic regression was applied to compare the prevalence of multidimensional fatigue between the survivor and reference populations, adjusted for body mass index (BMI) and for cardiovascular and psychological variables. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs) were estimated. Logistic regression was applied to evaluate the determinants of multidimensional fatigue among the survivors. Results: Breast cancer survivors (median 10 years after diagnosis), more often experienced multidimensional fatigue than the reference population (26.6% versus 15.4%; OR, 2.0 [95%CI, 1.4–2.9]), even after adjusting for confounders. The odds of multidimensional fatigue were also higher among survivors with symptoms of depression (32.2% versus 2.7%; OR, 17.0 [95%CI, 7.1–40.5]) or anxiety (41.9% versus 10.1%; OR, 6.4 [95%CI, 3.6–11.4]). Conclusion: One in four breast cancer survivors experience multidimensional fatigue and fatigue occurs more frequently than in women of the same age and general practitioner. This fatigue appears to be associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety.

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