2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-40
Daniel Abdi ◽  
Yanto Paulus Hermanto

Social concern in the formation of Christian character and faith through non-profit educational institutions that have not been a special concern of Christians. Meanwhile, Christ must be the main part in the character of church leadership and secular leadership in the future. Through formal educational institutions such as Kindergartens and Elementary Schools, the church can contribute in participating in the intellectual life of the nation from an early age with the principle of 'fearing God'. Educational institutions are long-term in the formation of the character of Christ which plays an important role for each generation in the welfare and salvation of generations. The Sustainability Service can be expanded to carry out joint activities. the evidence of the new church is as true church growth. Several strategies developed through the empowerment of formal educational institutions, and under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, are expected to contribute to the planting of new churches.Keywords: Social Care, Formal educational institutions, Fear of God

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-111
Ferderika Pertiwi Ndiy ◽  
S Susanto

Church growth is an important study in church history. The Bible has important principles in church growth, therefore these principles need to be analyzed so that they can contribute to the study of church growth. The Acts of the Apostles is a book that has a history and principles of church growth, therefore the author conducted research on church growth based on Acts 2: 1-47. The author uses a qualitative approach to literature study to find the principles of church growth based on Acts 2: 1-47. The results showed that there were three principles for the growth of the early church. The first principle based on the fourth verse is to depend on the Holy Spirit, the second principle based on verses 14-36, 42 is to preach the Word of God, the third principle based on verses 42-46 is to live in fellowship. For the growth of the church today the church must depend on the power of the Holy Spirit, teaching based on the word of God, and the church lives in fellowship.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 136
Gernaida K. R. Pakpahan ◽  
Frans Pantan ◽  
Epafras Djohan Handojo

Peter Wagner, as an expert on church growth, stated that the Apostolic church is a church that is experiencing rapid growth. This claim is made because many Apostolic churches have been built around the world. The church continued the spirit of the apostles at the time of the early church's birth. However, it is important to conduct an in-depth study regarding the realization in the field; whether a thriving Apostolic church is carrying out God's mission or the personal ambition of a charismatic church leader. This study analyzes how the church which is said to be an Apostolic church runs its organization so that it experiences significant growth. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The researcher tries to explore the phenomena and data obtained through respondents about the transformative apostolic church that was developed in the ministry of the Indonesian Bethel Church of Gatot Subroto. In conclusion, GBI Gatot Subroto is a transformative apostolic church, because of several things, such as a visionary church, senior pastors or mentor pastors as apostolic leaders, divine authority and the work of the Holy Spirit have an impact, the church as a center for leadership training and discipleship across generations implements apostolic ministry followed by other gifts/services, prioritizing mission, and focusing on the Kingdom of God.AbstrakPeter Wagner, sebagai salah satu ahli pertumbuhan gereja, menyatakan bahwa gereja Apostolik adalah gereja yang mengalami pertumbuhan secara pesat. Klaim ini disampaikan karena banyak-nya terbangun gereja-gereja beraliran Apostolik di seluruh dunia. Gereja tersebut melanjutkan semangat para rasul pada masa lahirnya gereja mula-mula. Namun, penting untuk dilakukan kajian mendalam terkait realisasi di lapangan; apakah gereja Apostolik yang berkembang menja-lankan misi Allah atau ambisi pribadi dari pemimpin gereja yang berkharismatik. Penelitian ini menganalisis bagaimana gereja yang dikatakan sebagai gereja Apostolik menjalankan organisa-sinya, sehingga mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Peneliti berusaha mengeksplorasi fenomena dan data-data yang diperoleh melalui responden tentang gereja apostolik transformatif yang dikembangkan dalam pelayanan Gereja Bethel Indonesia Gatot Subroto. Kesimpu-lannya, GBI Gatot Subroto adalah gereja apostolik transformatif, karena beberapa hal, seperti: gereja yang visioner, gembala senior atau gembala pembina sebagai pemimpin kerasulan, otoritas Ilahi dan pekerjaan Roh Kudus berdampak, gereja sebagai pusat pelatihan kepemimpinan dan pemuridan lintas generasi, menerap-kan jawatan rasuli diikuti karunia-karunia/jawatan lainnya, memprioritaskan misi, dan berfokus pada Kerajaan Allah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 229-248
Bolean Silalahi

The Contribution of Intercessory Prayer in the Growth of the Early Church according to the Book of the Acts provide a great role and influence for the growth and development of the Church. The Church as a Spiritual Organization craves healthy growth and development, both in quality and quantity. One of the most effective and efficient ways is to intercede, in addition to other methods of course. Nowadays, Intercessory prayer is receiving less serious attention in some churches. The growth and development of the Gospels according to what is written in the Book of Acts shows an event that resulted in major and prominent changes to be examined. There is a significant growth in the preaching of the Gospel both in terms of quality and quantity, many prayers delivered to God are fulfilled and accomplished. In the development of Mission and Gospel in this world it cannot be denied that there are certain individuals, even certain groups do not agree that the creation of a Church growth and development is caused by one of the supporting factors, namely Intercessory Prayer. Luke the writer of the Book of Acts reveals the extraordinary events experienced by Jesus's disciples. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit became the basis of everything that happened and the disciples obeyed the commandments. Behind these events there is a very important thing to remember, that they gather and pray, and even intercede for the fulfillment of God's promises for them and the world. Disciples are baptized, equipped, and even empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. There is no denying that this miraculous event in the Book of Acts has had a great impact until now. Because through this event many people became believers in Jesus Christ and accepted the Gospel in their lives. So that the Church is growing rapidly and extraordinary. Everything that happened during the Early Church was the key to the growth and development of the Church today. May Churches today increasingly realize that behind the Intercessory Prayer there is a real power that will be fulfilled by God for His people. Especially at this time of the Pandemic Covid-19, Intercessory Prayer is very urgent and important because the Churches needed the power of the Holy Spirit poured out for the Churches in this world.

1998 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 289-300
Eunsik Cho

The Great Revival of 1907 in Korea and the church growth of the 1970s have common aspects. In the early 1900s, the Korean people had experienced national misfortune and Japanese political interference. In the 1970s, the dictatorship of the military government was strongly oppressing people. Political and social unrest encouraged people to turn to God for answers. Another common thread was the church leaders' neutral attitude toward the political authority. Those two events have “dehistorical” and “denational” aspects. Missionaries of the 1900s and pastors of the 1970s changed the direction of mission or ministry from national concerns to spiritual dimensions, and from being against injustice to obeying authority. As a result, the Korean church grew in numbers, but the Korean church minimized its social concerns and forgot its prophetic role in society. One of the important lessons is that although people had a certain intention or plan, the Holy Spirit worked in different ways through those events.

2017 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
Peter White ◽  
Benjamin O. Acheampong

Planning and management is an important aspect of every successful organisation. In a similar way as the church participates in the missio Dei, it is essential that we consider planning and management as part of the missional tools for the management of the various resources God has given the church. Doing this, church leadership must join in with the Father (God) and the Holy Spirit to know what he wants to accomplish in their context as they plan and manage God�s resources for missional purposes. In the light of this understanding, the article discusses the role of �planning and management in the missional agenda of the 21st century church� by using one of the fastest growing Neo-Pentecostal churches in Ghana, the Lighthouse Chapel International, as a case study. The central argument in this paper is that although leadership has a major role to play in missional planning, it is however a holistic and all-inclusive agenda. Missional planning includes the involvement of the Holy Spirit, congregational leadership, the entire congregation and the various resources the church is being endowed with by God.Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: The study is an interdisciplinary study between Missiology, Planning, and Management. The result from the study will enhance the Ecclesiastical Community to appreciate the importance of management and planning as they participate in the missio Dei.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 ◽  
pp. 32-53
Josef Lössl

The second half of the second century saw the development of a more hierarchical institutionalized church and of a theology of the Holy Spirit (Pneuma) reflecting this development. A driver of this development was a higher educational level among church leaders and Christians participating in theological discourse. In fact, ‘higher education’ (paideia) became a guiding value of Christian living, including for the study and interpretation of Scripture and for theology and church leadership. Yet the same period also saw a new wave of ‘inspired’, ‘pneumatic prophecy’, later known as ‘Montanism’, which was perceived as a threat in an increasingly institutionalized church and attacked and suppressed. This article sees a paradox here, and asks how Pneuma could be promoted as a source of Christian leadership under the banner of paideia, when the Spirit (Pneuma) at work in the ‘New Prophecy’ was perceived as such a threat. One area of investigation which may provide answers to this question is the controversial role women played both as educated participants in theological discourse and leading figures in the Montanist movement.

2016 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
Brian A. DeVries

This article examines the use of spiritual gifts for church growth, particularly in relation to the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit. The article begins with a definition of spiritual gifts and by highlighting their purpose for growing the church. This is followed by two practical considerations: How should Christian believers use spiritual gifts for church growth, and how should church leaders motivate gift use for this purpose? Since the Holy Spirit works though believers to build up the body of Christ, advocates of biblical church growth should seek to employ his means to motivate spiritual giftedness in the church.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Andreas Maurenis

In the Scriptures it says 'Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, but fools insult wisdom and discipline' (Proverbs 1: 7). People who live a good spiritual life will always be blessed with God's spirit of wisdom. Wisdom, which is one of the gifts of the Spirit, which is narrated in the Old and New Testaments, was always believed by Christians from the beginning even experienced by the Apostles at Pentecost as described in Acts. Indeed there is no human who deserves to claim himself as a wise person. But humans deserve the wisdom to produce good fruits in their social life especially in this context, their meaning and fruit for a Christian for himself and for the environment. Through the descriptive method of the text, the author tries to explore further, how the meaning and fruit for a Christian when his life is always shaded by the gift of the Holy Spirit. === Dalam Kitab Suci dikatakan 'Takut akan Tuhan adalah awal kebijaksanaan, tetapi orang bodoh menghina hikmat dan didikan' (Amsal 1:7). Orang yang menjalankan hidup rohani yang baik akan selalu dikaruniai roh kebijaksanaan oleh Tuhan. Kebijaksanaan yang adalah salah satu karunia Roh, yang dinarasikan dalam Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru, senantiasa diimani oleh orang Kristen sejak awal bahkan dialami oleh Para Rasul pada saat Pentakosta sebagaimana dilukiskan dalam Kisah Para Rasul. Memang tidak ada manusia yang layak mengklaim diri sebagai orang bijaksana. Tetapi manusia layak mendambakan kebijaksanaan untuk menghasilkan buah-buah yang baik dalam kehidupan sosialnya terutama dalam konteks ini, makna dan buahnya bagi seorang Kristiani bagi dirinya dan bagi lingkungan. Melalui metode deskriptif teks, penulis mencoba menelusuri lebih jauh, bagaimana makna dan buah bagi seorang Kristiani ketika hidupnya selalu dinaungi oleh karunia Roh Kudus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-20
Paulus Kunto Baskoro

Discipleship is the most important part of church growth. The early church, after the descent of the Holy Spirit, experienced tremendous breakthroughs. It cannot be denied that the concept of Pentecostal theology is not overemphasized. That is why this writing about a discipleship makes an effective contribution to thinking about and starting a movement for the concept of Pentecostal theology. The movement in the gifts of the Holy Spirit is indeed very extraordinary and brings great movement in the concept of Pentecostal theology. However, if it is not based on discipleship, then the church will only focus on the sparkling gifts of gifts, but cannot be firmly rooted. This research uses descriptive method, which is studying Discipleship in the Concept of Pentecostal Theology for Church Growth from the point of view of the truth of God's Word. The purpose of this discussion is to provide a new perspective on the discipleship that is the basis of church growth. In discipleship there will be a strong foundation laying on the truth of God's Word, the growth of spiritual maturity, spiritual gifts that function more optimally, the multiplication of new leaders and the church becomes strong from generation to generation. All are fully committed to the power of the Holy Spirit who will help and equip.Pemuridan menjadi bagian yang paling penting dalam sebuah pertumbuhan gereja.. Gereja mula-mula setelah peristiwa turunnya Roh Kudus, mengalami terobosan yang luar biasa. Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa dalam konsep teologi Pantekosta tidak terlalu ditekankan. Itu sebabnya penulisan ini tentang sebuah pemuridan memberikan kontribusi yang efektif untuk memikirkan dan memulai sebuah gerakan bagi dalam konsep teologi Pantekosta. Kegerakan dalam karunia-karunia Roh Kudus memang sangat luar biasa dan membawa kegerakan yang hebat dalam konsep teologi Pantekosta.. Namun kalau tidak didasari dengan sebuah pemuridan, maka gereja hanya fokus kepada gemerlap kehebohan karunia saja, namun tidak bisa berakar dengan kuat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskritif, yaitu mempelajari tentang Pemuridan dalam Konsep Teologi Pantekosta bagi Pertumbuhan Gereja dari sudut pandang kebenaran Firman Tuhan. Tujuan pembahasan ini adalah memberikan pandangan yang baru tentang sebuah pemuridan yang menjadi dasar pertumbuhan gereja. Dalam pemuridan akan terjadi peletakan dasar yang kuat tentang kebenaran Firman Tuhan, pertumbuhan kedewasaan rohani, karunia-karunia rohani yang berfungsi lebih optimal, multiplikasi pemimpin baru dan gereja menjadi kokoh dari generasi ke generasi. Semua diserahkan sepenuhnya dalam kekuatan Roh Kudus yang akan menolong dan memperlengkapi.

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